E. Clark "Bill" Wayson
Hannen Lake


I have many happy memories associated with this place. I used to spend part of my summers here, when I was a young child. I seem to remember flying by myself, but I'll have to ask my parents if I really did that every time. I remember being at Hannen Lake by myself, but also at times with my brother and/or some of my cousins.

I remember my cousin John taking my brother and me out in a row boat. He rowed all the way to the north end of the lake, where the reeds and cattails grew so thick we had to stop. I think we were looking for the "source' of the lake.

I remember catching a two-pound catfish, just standing on the dock with a bamboo poll and using only a hook with a worm. I have vivid memories of cleaning fish (those little ones--called sun fish?) all the time. Nowadays, I wouldn't know what to do after I cut the head off. But back then, I could scale, decapitate, and gut a fish with the best of 'em! Fried fish for dinner--always tasted better when you caught it yourself.

I remember "helping" Dan (his last name--and I'm sure I'm butchering the spelling--was Bahonica). This usually consisted of me riding on the tractor while he loaded the trash and took it to the dump. The dump sure was stinky, but it was fun to ride a tractor on the roads--it seemed like we were flying down the highway!

At the bottom of the picture, you can see the Wagner farm. I remember Dana, and her parents Jack and Wanda. I think she also had two brothers, but I don't remember them.


I put this image together with images from the Microsoft Terraserver, which has an amazing amount of data - satellite photos and topographical maps from around the world. Finally, something useful from the evil nerds in Redmond!

If the link doesn't work, you can search for Hannen Lake with this coordinated. Go to the TerraServer and click on "Advanced Find" and then click on "Geographic"--this will bring up a geographic technical search screen. You can search by Longitude and Latitude with decimal coordinates, or with Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds. Use the values below and you will zoom right in to Hannen Lake.

Decimal Coordinates
Longitude   Latitude
-92.11307   41.86522
Degrees, Minutes, & Seconds
Longitude   Latitude
92W 06' 47"   41N 51' 55"

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E. C. "Bill" Wayson


Page last updated 3 June 2003
Text © 2000-2003 Kent Wayson