Song by Dora D. Culver |
The Old Homestead...Air |
Dedicated to my Great Grandmother, Mrs. Joe Anna Brody
August 24, 1916
(being typed like it was written, mistakes and all)
This old farm upon the hill,
That we love and always will,
It is the house that our Grand-dad built for all,
And no matter where we roam
We will love this dear old home
And its memory we'll cherish and tho' we are far away
We'll wander back someday
To meet our loved ones.
We're glad to come back,
We're glad to come back,
We're glad to come back once a year
To share joys and tears
With our loved ones whoe's so dear
Here's Great Grandmother,
Sister and Brother
Aunts and Uncles, Cousins too.
And if there's one of you, who cannot come to-this reunion
Then send a letter,
It will be better,
And show you think of us in love
And when our life is done
May we meet and every one
"In Realms above."
And as we meet here today
Let's put care and sorrow away
And meet each other, with a friendly smile an love;
For we may never meet here
Without there's a vacant chair
For many forms are bent and heads are covered with gray hair
But we may meet with God,
In our home above.
-Dora Delle Culver
View the song on the Brody family website.
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