A few photos of Grandma Jo



With great-grandson Bryce T. Miller, December 2000


With son Dudley and daughter Judy


With daughters Jo Diane, Janet Dee, and Judy Darlene


With granddaughter Heather at her wedding - June 20, 1992


With grandson Kent Wayson and sister Marilyn Selzer at grandson Joe Miller's wedding - September 27, 1998


With the Miller clan!


"Queen for a Day" - Jo's 80th birthday - August 12, 1997


Three Generations of Coombs women - Jo with daughter Janet and granddaughters Tracy Coombs and Heather Wayson


In front of Trump Tower, NYC


Wedding Certificate of John Dudley Coombs and Josephine Jean Brown
And, finally, a special treat. One of these is going for over 100 on ebay. Yikes!
Andy, Andy, Please get up!
It's time to call our friends!
Okay, Ann, I'm awake!
Let's shout it once again!

Now, if I only had a sound file to add to the picture....
Now I do!!!!!
Sound problems?

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copyright 2000-2001

  Page last updated 28 November 2001