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At the Embarcadero - San Diego, California - 22 July 2001
The family!
I'm not even gonna try naming everyone, but here goes for the few I know--the front row, anyway. Apologies to Mary Ann right away!
  Front row: Deleah (Lila's daughter), Sarah (Sue's daughter), Christopher (Sue's son), Jennifer (Sue's daughter) holding her own daughter, Mary Ann's daughter, Mike (Mary Ann's son), Eileen, Dean, Rose (John's daughter), Lauren (John's daughter), Amanda (John's daughter), Anna (Teresa's daughter), Maria (Teresa's daughter), and Autumn (Teresa's daughter).
  Second row: Starting behind Eileen (and a little to the left, in the blue dress): Mary Ann, Lila, Sue, Teresa, John, Frieda Larson (John's wife).
  Sorry, that's all I can remember for now. If you email me corrections and additions, I'll add more names.


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Page last updated 28 July 2001