Gameday button by NeghVar.
Messed up by me.

Here are some pictures from the second EN Chicago Gameday held June 22, 2002 at Games Plus in Mount Prospect, Illinois.

Deadlands marshall Mark Plemmons watches Ryan roll the bones...

More Deadlands fun!

d20 Dwarf runs a Dragonstar game.

Pirate Cat runs a Marvel SAGA Superheroes game.

Slot 1 Star Wars game.

Cthulhu investigators prepare for a horrible fate.

Pirate Cat runs a Feng Shui game.

William Ronald runs his DnD 3e Sedition game.

Slot 2 Star Wars game.

Roland Delacroix checks out a Deep One's brain.

Brain with nose and eyes.

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© 2002
  Page last updated 16 November 2003

  Graphics from Boogie Jack's Web Depot - check it out!