Feat / Ability |
Note |
Darkvision |
60 ft. |
Powerful Build |
count as one size larger, if advantageous |
Mountain Movement |
Jumps don't require 20 ft. running start; no -5 penalty on accelerated Climbing |
Acclimiated |
No issues at high altitude |
Improved Evasion |
Reflex save for none; otherwise half damage |
Still Mind |
+2 vs. Enchantment spells and effects |
Ki Strike |
Unarmed attacks are considered Lawful and Magic |
Slow fall |
Fall considered as 60 ft. shorter, if within arm's reach of a wall |
Purity of Body |
Immune to all diseases, except supernatural & magical |
Wholeness of Body |
Heal own wounds, up to 24 hp/day |
Diamond Body |
Immune to all poisons |
Abundant Step |
Dimension door, once per day, CL 6 (one-half monk level, rounded down) |
Improved Trip |
+4 bonus on Trip attemps, no AoO |
Diamond Soul (Ex) |
Spell resistance equal to current monk level + 10. |
Combat Reflexes |
Additional AoO = Dex bonus; can make AoO when flat-footed |
Improved Unarmed Strike |
Always considered arms + can make AoOs + can choose lethal or nonlethal damage |
Improved Grapple |
+4 bonus on Grapple checks, no AoO |
Versatile Unarmed Strike (PH2) |
Can choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage for unarmed strikes. |
Earth Sense (RS) |
Sense creatures within 20 feet that are touching the ground. |
Earth Adept (RS) |
+1 damage when self + foe are both touching the ground. |
Earth Master (RS) |
+1 attack when self + foe are both touching the ground. |
Steady Mountaineer (RS) |
Always take 10 on Climb and Jump checks |
Auspicious Markings (RS) |
+2 on Cha checks vs. Goliaths; Re-roll stabalization checks |
Markings of the Blessed (RS) |
Choose higher of two saving throw rolls (3x/day) |
Markings of the Hunter (RS) |
Choose higher of two initiative rolls |
Markings of the Warrior (RS) |
Choose higher of two attack rolls (3x/day) |
Heavy Lithoderms (RS) |
Natural armor increases by 1 |
Improved Natural Attack (MM) |
Natural attack increases by one step, as if your size category increased. |
Combat Focus (PHBII, p.87) |
After a successful attack, gain +2 to Will saves for 10 rounds. |
Hands as Weapons (BoXM, p. 40) |
Add enhancement bonus or weapon ability to unarmed attacks added Parrying (MIC, p. 40) added Warning (MIC, p. 46) |
Running Circles (BoXM, p. 53) |
No AoO if you start your turn in opponent's threatened area |
Possible future feats: |
Fleet of Foot (BoXM, p. 37; Add 10 to ground speed) |
Run (BoXM, p. 53; Run x5, don't lose Dex bonus to AC when running) |
Speed Burst (BoXM, p. 55; 1 day/2 lvls, take an extra move action; only once per round) |
Stunning Blow, BoXM, p. 56; 1 day/2 lvls, take an extra move action; only once per round) |
Languages: Common, Gol-Kaa |