Character Name
Monk Goliath (monstrous humanoid)
Class Race
14 M 29 Male
Level Size Age Gender
Kent Wayson  
Lawful Good Heironeous
Alignment Deity
7' 2" 257 gray none
Height Weight Eyes Hair
Rakers Mountains Greyhawk
Home Campaign Setting
Experience Points
Against the Giants Tod Gagliano
Campaign DM
Ability Score Mod Temp
STR 24 +7    
DEX 12 +1      
CON 16 +3    
INT 12 +1    
WIS 14 +2      
CHA 8 -1    
Health   60   SR 23
Diamond Soul
Grace   81  
  Total   Dex   Warning   Temp
INIT +6 = +1 + +5 +  

Saving Throws
Total   Base   Abil   Cloak   Parrying   Temp
FORTITUDE +16 = +9 + +3 + +3 + +1 +  
REFLEX +14 = +9 + +1 + +3 + +1 +  
WILL +15 = +9 + +2 + +3 + +1 +  
  +2 vs. Enchantment spells & effects
Attack Bonuses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th   Abil
MELEE +10 +5 - -   +7
RANGED +10 +5 - -   +1
  Total   Base   Armor   Dex   Natl   Defl   Monk   Parrying   Notes
ARMOR CLASS 27 = 10 + +5 + +1 + +3 + +2 + +5 + +1    put feats here HERO POINTS
 - Touch   19 = 10 + n/a + +1 + n/a + +2 + +5 + +1   2 per session
 - Flat-Footed   26 = 10 + +5 + n/a + +2 + +3 + +5 + +1  

Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Type Size Special Properties
Unarmed Strike +17/+12/0/0 4d8+7+1d6 20/x2   -- Bludgeoning Medium +1d6 acid damage
Can change damage type due to Versitile Unarmed Strike feat
+1 to attack & damage with self & foe are both touching the ground.
Mighty Wallop: damage becomes 6d8 base damage
Flurry of Blows +17/+17/+17/+12 4d8+7+1d6 19-20/x2   -- Bludgeoning Medium
  Total   BAB   Str mod   Size   Feat   Gloves   Notes
GRAPPLE 33 = 10 + +7 + +4* + +4 + +8    Improved Grapple
TRIP 15 = -- + +7 + +4* + +4        Improved Trip
*Goliath racial feature Powerful Build counts size as Large for these purposes.
Skill Name Ability Tot
Ranks Note
Balance DEX +3 +1 0 +2 synergy from Tumble
Climb STR +24 +7 17  
Jump STR +38 +7 17 +12 from Speed; +2 synergy from Tumble
Perception WIS +19 +2 17  
Sense Motive WIS +4 +2 0 +2 racial mod
Sneak DEX +18 +1 17  
Tumble DEX +20 +1 17 +2 synergy from Jump
Feats / Disciplines
Feat / Ability Note
Darkvision 60 ft.
Powerful Build count as one size larger, if advantageous
Mountain Movement Jumps don't require 20 ft. running start; no -5 penalty on accelerated Climbing
Acclimiated No issues at high altitude
Improved Evasion Reflex save for none; otherwise half damage
Still Mind +2 vs. Enchantment spells and effects
Ki Strike Unarmed attacks are considered Lawful and Magic
Slow fall Fall considered as 60 ft. shorter, if within arm's reach of a wall
Purity of Body Immune to all diseases, except supernatural & magical
Wholeness of Body Heal own wounds, up to 24 hp/day
Diamond Body Immune to all poisons
Abundant Step Dimension door, once per day, CL 6 (one-half monk level, rounded down)
Improved Trip +4 bonus on Trip attemps, no AoO
Diamond Soul (Ex) Spell resistance equal to current monk level + 10.
Combat Reflexes Additional AoO = Dex bonus; can make AoO when flat-footed
Improved Unarmed Strike Always considered arms + can make AoOs + can choose lethal or nonlethal damage
Improved Grapple +4 bonus on Grapple checks, no AoO
Versatile Unarmed Strike (PH2) Can choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage for unarmed strikes.
Earth Sense (RS) Sense creatures within 20 feet that are touching the ground.
Earth Adept (RS) +1 damage when self + foe are both touching the ground.
Earth Master (RS) +1 attack when self + foe are both touching the ground.
Steady Mountaineer (RS) Always take 10 on Climb and Jump checks
Auspicious Markings (RS) +2 on Cha checks vs. Goliaths; Re-roll stabalization checks
Markings of the Blessed (RS) Choose higher of two saving throw rolls (3x/day)
Markings of the Hunter (RS) Choose higher of two initiative rolls
Markings of the Warrior (RS) Choose higher of two attack rolls (3x/day)
Heavy Lithoderms (RS) Natural armor increases by 1
Improved Natural Attack (MM) Natural attack increases by one step, as if your size category increased.
Combat Focus (PHBII, p.87) After a successful attack, gain +2 to Will saves for 10 rounds.
Hands as Weapons (BoXM, p. 40) Add enhancement bonus or weapon ability to unarmed attacks
added Parrying (MIC, p. 40)
added Warning (MIC, p. 46)
Running Circles (BoXM, p. 53) No AoO if you start your turn in opponent's threatened area

Possible future feats: Fleet of Foot (BoXM, p. 37; Add 10 to ground speed)
  Run (BoXM, p. 53; Run x5, don't lose Dex bonus to AC when running)
  Speed Burst (BoXM, p. 55; 1 day/2 lvls, take an extra move action; only once per round)
  Stunning Blow, BoXM, p. 56; 1 day/2 lvls, take an extra move action; only once per round)
Languages: Common, Gol-Kaa
Gear    Unusual Items
Item Qty Wt
689 gp, 90 sp (6447 + 26,262 gp; - 14,000; - 18,000) -- h
1450 gp -- h
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 1 0.0
Anklet of Translocation 1 0.0
Backpack 1 2.0
Bag of Holding, type IV (1500#, 250 ft3) 1 60.0
Bedroll 1 5.0
Bracers of Armor +5 1 1.0
Caduceus Bracers, Greater (as MIC, but can also use on others) 1 0.0
Cloak of Resistance +3 1 1.0
Cube of Cold (60' radius, -30F 1 1.0
Gloves of Force Shaping 1 0.0
Gloves of the Titan's Grip (MIC, p. 107) (14,000 gp) 2 0.0
Heward's Handy Haversack 1 5.0
Lantern of Selective Perception 1 1.0
Monk's Belt 1 1.0
Potion of Lion's Form 1 0.0
Potion of Resist Energy: Cold 4 0.0
Potion of Resist Touch 1 0.0
Ring of Adamantine touch 1 0.0
Ring of Protection +2 1 0.0
Sunrod 20 20.0h
Winged Boots 1 1.0
Total Weight (includes weapons & armor)   79.0
hin Haversack or Bag of Holding; weight not included in total

1 - 233 234 - 466 467 - 700
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
700 1400 3500
Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag
    Gloves of Force Shaping
  • see and identify the nature of force effects, even ones that are normally invisible
  • Three times per day:
  1. 5-foot square force wall (as a wall of force spell), or a 10-foot square if a full-round-action is used
  2. create a hole in an existing force effect (even a wall of force or forcecage). The hole created can be as large as a 5-foot cube as a standard action, or a 10-foot cube as a full-round action.
  3. If this is larger than the force effect in question, the effect is suppressed entirely. In any case, the force wall, hole or suppression lasts for 3 rounds. The wearer must have at least one hand free to use the gloves, no command word is required.
    Lantern of Selective Perception
  • This lantern operates as a normal hooded lantern except only the person who lit the lantern and any of her allies within 60 feet can see its illumination or feel its heat. For all others, the lantern appears unlit. If the person who lit the lantern is ever more than 60 feet away from it, the lantern goes out immediately.

    Caduceus Bracers, Greater (from MIC, p. 84)
  • Convert innate healing power into other forms of restorative magic
  • The Greater Bracers allow you to apply the restorative magic to others.
  1. Sacrifice 5 points of healing (from Wholeness of Body) to remove 1 point of ability damage or remove the dazed, fatigued, or sickened condition from one creature.
  2. You can spend extra points for cumulative effects. E.g., 15 points to remove both the fatigued condition and 2 points of abilitiy damage.
  3. You can also combine normal healing with the bracers' effect. E.g., spend 25 points to produce the effects in the previous example and heal 10 points of damage as well.
    Parrying weapon enhancement on hands (from MIC, p. 40)
  • +1 Insight bonus to Armor Class
  • +1 Insight bonus to Saving Throws