RPG Characters
  Barendd Nobeard

Sex   Age
Male   40
Height   Weight
4' 3"   150
Hair   Eyes
Black   Dark green
Race/Species   Health/Hits   AC
Dwarf   70   22
Class/Profession   Rank/Level
Barbarian/Fighter   2/5
Home Region

Ability Current ScoreModifier

War Pony with saddle    

Weapon Total
Damage Total
Critical Range Weight Type Size Special Properties
Reaper's Foe (silvered scythe +1) +12/+7 2d4 +7 x4   12 Piercing & Slashing Large Enchanted, silvered, scythe
GreatAxe +10/+5 d12 +4 x3   20 Slashing Large  
Short Bow +8/+3 d6   x3 60 ft. 2 Piercing Medium 20 arrows
Daggers (2) +10/+5 d4 +3 19-20/x2   2 (1 each) Piercing Tiny  
Mightly Composite Longbow +8/+3 d8 +1 x3 110 ft. 3 Piercing Large up to +1 to damage based on Strength bonus

Quantity Item Type Note
1278.9 gp gold pieces coin  
1 Backpack    
1 Bedroll    
1 Everburning Torch    
1 Flint & Steel    
20 Oil (flask)    
3 Potion - Cure Light Wounds Magic Treasure  
1 Potion - Feather Fall    
1 Potion - Reduce    
1 Quiver    
1 Rations    
1 Rope gear 50' hemp
1 Sack gear  
1 Saddle gear on pony
1 Waterskin gear  
1 Wand of Burning Hands Magic Treasure 4 charges, 1d6 damage
1 War Pony    
1 Winter blanket gear  
1 Winter outfit gear  

Feat Note
Power Attack  
Mounted Combat  
Mounted Archery  
Weapon Focus: Scythe  
Weapon Specialization: Scythe  


Skill Score Note
Climb 8 5 ranks + 3 (STR mod)
Intuit Direction 7 6 ranks + 1 (WIS mod)
Jump 9 6 ranks + 3 (STR mod)
Listen 2 1 ranks + 1 (WIS mod)
Ride 7 6 ranks + 1 (DEX mod)
Wildnerness Lore 7 6 ranks + 1 (WIS mod)
Language - Common    
Language - Dwarven    

History/Notes (WARNING: Here there be spoilers!)


Barendd is a character I play in the Living Greyhawk campaign. I just got back from his debut (30 June 2001). He survived "Deep in the Vesve, No One Can Hear You Scream," despite a lot of bad die-rolling. He fared much better in "The Burning Way" and was the only character to kill something, much to the disapointment of our half-orc barbarian! Barendd managed three hits in a row (plus a WILL saving throw) to whack two nasty wizards. He is now second level. Woo-hoo! Let's just hope he doesn't die tomorrow in "Grave Disturbance."

Well, Barendd surivived "Grave Disturbance"....barely (1 July 2001). Just something about that combination level drain/death attack that's hard for a second level character to handle. That's life in Highfolk, I guess. ;-) Luckily, the dice came through on the final FORT save, and all is well. He also sold his pony to buy a war pony. I guess all the evil halflings and gnomes will tremble at the thought of being trampled by a pony-riding dwarven barbarian/fighter.

"Festival Knight" was a lot of fun (17 July 2001), even if Barendd almost got infected with lycanthropy. He kicked ass in the climatic battle (thanks to that Barbarian rage), but was hit by a shapeshifter. Fortunately, he survived the final FORT save and is not infected.

After successfully completing "Brendigund's Bride," the Living Greyhawk Feature at GenCon 2001 (4 August 2001), Barendd is now 3rd level. Just gotta pick a class (Fighter or Barbarian?), a feat, etc. An added benefit at GenCon, was the creation of a mini for Barendd - a dwarf with no beard. Reaper Mini artist Sandra Garrity altered one of her figures to make the beardless dwarf mini. I posted a story about it on the Eric Noah boards, if you want the details. Check my minis page about Barendd for the whole story. I am now inspired to create my own version of Barendd--mounted on his war pony, weilding his masterwork silvered scythe, "Reaper's Foe." [Note: Of course, it's been almost a year since I wrote this paragraph. I have bought and started to hack apart two minis....got a long way to go!]

Currently, Barendd is a Barbarian/Fighter (levels 2 and 5, respectively) dwarf. He has no beard, making him an outcast in dwarven society.

Barendd Nobeard has played the following Living Greyhawk Highfolk modules, with the characters noted:

  • Deep in the Vesve, No One Can Hear You Scream (Barendd died, but the DM had forgotten to let someone have their attack. A quick rewrite of history and no one was left alive to attack Barendd so he didn't die after all.)
    • Nameroc ("Jack"), elven bard - played by Gary B.
    • Banquo, 1/2 orc cleric - played by Peter
    • Fraek, human cleric of Pelor - played by Jason
    • Gregory the well-intentioned, human monk/cleric - played by Pre
    • Creewrack, 1/2 orc barbarian - played by Brad
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian - played by me
    • DM - Greg Plambeck
  • The Burning Way (Barendd kicked ass at the end--see notes above)
    • Nameroc ("Jack"), elven bard - played by Gary B.
    • Banquo, 1/2 orc cleric - played by Peter
    • Gregory the well-intentioned, human monk/cleric - played by Pre
    • Creewrack, 1/2 orc barbarian - played by Brad Ruby
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian - played by me
    • DM - Randy Bishop
  • Grave Disturbance (Barendd was level-drained, but made the last FORT save to avoid permanent loss.)
    • Christopher Blayde, human paladin - played by Chris
    • Banquo, 1/2 orc cleric - played by Peter
    • Fraek, human cleric of Pelor - played by Jason
    • Lilly the Wit, human thief - played by Robert
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Jason Vrabel
  • Festival Knight (Barendd was almost infected with lycanthropy by a wererat, but made the last FORT save to avoid permanent loss.)
    • Nameroc ("Jack"), elven bard - played by Gary B.
    • Aramil, elven cleric - played by Gary Affeldt
    • Corrin, human bard - played by John
    • Darren, 1/2-elf cleric - played by Justin
    • Anita McLaren, halfling ranger - played by CJ
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Chris Tulach
  • Brendigund's Bride (Living Greyhawk Feature at GenCon 2001)
    • Eldon Underhill, halfing rogue - played by Dan Glovier
    • Fernanda, elven rogue - played by Eva Ladermann
    • Saroth, elven cleric - played by Scott Randall
    • Blaze, human monk - played by Brad Burkman
    • Glorn Stonecutter, dwarven fighter - played by Tom Welling
    • Saru Whisperleaf, monk - played by William Leitzke
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Eleanor H. Sampson
  • Of Elven Make
    • Sir Ristal, human paladin - played by Steve Frank
    • Brother Duggan, (hairless!) dwarf monk - played by Mike Johnston
    • ? - played by Steve Schauer
    • ? - played by Tony Merlock
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Scott Randall
  • Highway, Low Way (Dan's Con of the Vale II, October 2001)
    • Lloyd M, human Ranger - played by Peter Meredian
    • Prospero Shadowstone, gnome Sorcerer / Wizard - played by Joe Arenas
    • Welby Bumpus, halfling cleric - played by Ron Lundeen
    • Osric Moorland, human cleric - played by Tim Bailey
    • Valdanar, elf Rogue - played by Scott Randall
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Sam Hilgendorf
  • A Grave Occurrence (Dan's Con of the Vale II, October 2001)
    • Sir Logrio, male elf Rogue 1 / Fighter 3- played by Scott Bucnan
    • Frikk, 1/2 orc Barbarian 5 / Fighter 1 - played by Scott Furlong
    • Suria, female elf Fighter 2 / Rogue 3 - played by Kim Furlong
    • Little Miss Underfoot, female gnome Cleric / Wizard - played by John Hanna
    • Creewrack, 1/2 orc Barbarian 2 / Fighter 3 - played by Brad Ruby
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Sam Eckels
  • A Gnome's Affair (Dan's Con of the Vale II, October 2001)
    • C'Liek, Barbarian / Rogue 1 - played by Carl Buehler
    • Tim, Emperor of Zod, gnome Sorcerer 6 - played by Erik McCombs
    • Ranma Saotome - played by Scott Withington
    • Steerpike the Highwayman - played by Joe Cirillo
    • Bailey, Cleric 3 - played by Heather von Buren
    • Worm Drudgewood, human Rogue / Sorcerer - played by Phil Tobin
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Darren Spurrier
  • Out on the Hunt (Dan's Con of the Vale II, October 2001)
    • Baxter Redreeve, human Fighter - played by James "Lynn" Register
    • Pymm, gnome Ranger 1 - played by Joe Linehan
    • Sir Logrio, male elf Rogue 1 / Fighter 3- played by Scott Bucnan
    • Little Miss Underfoot, female gnome Cleric / Wizard - played by John Hanna
    • Worm Drudgewood, human Rogue / Sorcerer - played by Phil Tobin
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Matt Larson
  • The Battle in the Vesve (6-hour Highfolk interactive, Dan's Con of the Vale II, October 2001)
    • Well, I didn't even get everyone's name that I played with, but there are a few pictures here.
  • Winter Tears (Dan's Con of the Vale II, October 2001)
    • Granite, dwarven Fighter / Evoker - played by Adam Kaczor
    • Valdanar, elf Rogue 2 - played by Scott Randall
    • Tyrain Morkain, Fighter 3 / Ranger 1 / Wizard 1 - played by Bryce Kaczor
    • Lavessa, female Wizard 3 - played by Jaime Klemp
    • Trayals Freeman, Druid / Cleric - played by Rus
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Dave Krolnik
  • Future's Bright (Dan's Con of the Vale II, October 2001)
    • Ashburrow "Owlish" Fibbernickle, male gnome Ranger - played by Keith Weepie
    • Aribella Llynn, female human Cleric - played by Darlene Oser
    • Eleandor the Bold, human male Cleric - played by Brian Benoit
    • Rhyla Silverbrook, female Wizard - played by Sandy Palmer
    • Nabiki, female human Cleric 1 / Wizard 1 - played by Greg A. Dreher
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Peter Eckels
  • Forest of Mysteries (Stuffed COWS, November 2001)
    • Valdanar, elf Fighter / Rogue - played by Scott Randall
    • Durgen, dwarf - played by Ben Harris
    • V. K. Younge, male Grey elf Wizard 2 - played by Thomas Farley
    • The Eye, human male Cleric - played by Rydia Q. Vielehr
    • Tristan, male halfling Druid - played by Cory Brosnan
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Michelle Palmer
  • Abbey of Intrigue (Stuffed COWS, November 2001)
    • Lodar Umgoth, male dwarf Fighter 2 / Barbarian 2 - played by Troy Ashley
    • Evaine, female Cleric 2 / Bard 2 - played by Danielle Ostach
    • Coll Rhys, human male Cleric 1 - played by William Ronald
    • V. K. Younge, male Grey elf Wizard 2 - played by Thomas Farley
    • Cedric Quezada, male dwarf Fighter 2 / Barbarian 2 - played by Kerry Mullen
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - John Kovnala
  • Brendigund's Blood (gameday held at Virtual Magic, February 2002)
    • Crondell, dwarf - played by Scott Randall
    • Donk, 1/2 orc Cleric 2 - played by Chris Bossert
    • Nissa, human female Wizard 1 - played by Julie Bossert
    • Otley, female dwarf Cleric 1 - played by Julie (Bossert?)
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Gary Affeldt
  • Shadows Part (RubyCon IV, February 2002)
    • Welby Bumpus, halfling Cleric 5 - played by Ron Lundeen
    • Valdanar, elf Rogue 2 / Fighter 1 - played by Scott Randall
    • Gallen Ezerath, Fighter 1 / Ranger 1 / Rogue 1 / Druid 1 - played by Eagan Kemp
    • Linux, male elf Wizard / Rogue - played by Kenneth
    • Alton Cora, halfling Rogue 4 / Fighter 1 - played by David Barclay
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Sam Eckls
  • Eyes in the Dark(RubyCon IV, February 2002)
    • Welby Bumpus, halfling Cleric 5 - played by Ron Lundeen
    • Valdanar, elf Rogue 2 / Fighter 1 - played by Scott Randall
    • Gollen Ezerenth, Fighter 1 / Ranger 1 / Rogue 1 / Druid 1 - played by Eagan Kemp
    • Robert Kilboar, male Fighter 3/ Ranger 1 - played by Lawrence Carey
    • Tarlassna Moonbow, female elf Fighter / Ranger / Wizard - played by Danielle Ostach
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Jeff Woosley
  • Eye of the Storm (6-hour Highfolk interactive, RubyCon IV, February 2002)
    • Well, I didn't even get everyone's name that I played with, but Barendd played in six mini-mods, missions, and skirmishes with some old acquaintances (including Christopher Blayde, Creewrack Blackbottom, Tarlassna Moonbow) and many new companions. Going solo, he also competed in the Caber Toss (embarassingly, he couldn't even pick up the darn thing), the Archery contest (while not a finalist, he did hit the target every time), and the Bardic trivia contest--where he had the third highest score! Not bad for a dwarf who first wandered into Highfolk just eight months ago.
  • Swamp Things (Death in the Woods, March 2002) - Though a troll rendered Barendd, he didn't die. In fact, he held on to crit....a pig--for 60 points!
    • Grenash Ooglatt Margnel, gnome Fighter 5 / Illusionist 1 - played by Jeffrey S. Belau
    • Solitaire, human Fighter 3 / Ranger 1 - played by Gregg Mylin
    • Lan Galanodel of Clan Seldorian, elven Cleric 4 - played by Scott Mylin
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Guadalupe Mittelstaedt
  • What's a Half-Orc to Do? (Death in the Woods, March 2002) - Barendd crit'ed a goblin.
    • Grob Toughfall, dwarf Barbarian 1 - played by Paul Dohearty
    • Aplelis Oakencrest, elf Ranger 1 - played by Ryan Karr
    • Saejero Sanae, human Fighter 1 - played by Rob Foxx
    • Alngar Galanodel, elf Rogue 1 - played by Frederick Voeltner
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven barbarian/fighter - played by me
    • DM - Tim McCray
  • Knocking on the Keep (ReCon3, May 2002)
    • Sun Lao, human Monk 2 - played by Brad Weier
    • Tsarah Filmore, human Rogue 3 / Fighter 2 / Wizard 1 - played by Michael Babler
    • Jarend, elf Cleric 4, cohort of Tsarch - also played by Michael Babler
    • Alairn Lewayn, elf Fighter 4 / Wizard 2 - played by Jesse Michalica
    • Rambone, halfling Barbarian 2 / Ranger 1 - played by Fred Strauss
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 3 - played by me
    • DM - Gretchen Schneider
  • Granite Keep (ReCon3, May 2002)
    • Dorn, elf Ranger 1 / Fighter 1 - played by Matt Larson
    • Tsarah Filmore, human Rogue 3 / Fighter 2 / Wizard 1 - played by Michael Babler
    • Jarend, elf Cleric 4, cohort of Tsarch - also played by Michael Babler
    • Rambone, halfling Barbarian 2 / Ranger 1 - played by Fred Strauss
    • Gnoble, gnome Paladin 4? - played by Scott Withington
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 3 - played by me
    • DM - Josh Brown
  • A Friend in Need (ReCon3, May 2002) - Barendd rolled a critical threat; unfortunately, you can't crit undead!
    • Dorn, elf Ranger 1 / Fighter 1 - played by Matt Larson
    • Tsarah Filmore, human Rogue 3 / Fighter 2 / Wizard 1 - played by Michael Babler
    • Jarend, elf Cleric 4, cohort of Tsarch - also played by Michael Babler
    • Ferandia, elf? Rogue 4 - played by Eva Landeman
    • Kail Marin, gnome Rogue 1 - played by David McAdam
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 3 - played by me
    • DM - Josh Brown
  • Enemy Within (ReCon3, May 2002) - Barendd leveled up. Woo-hoo! He is now a Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4. Finally, Weapon Specializaion with that scythe!
    • Dorn, elf Ranger 1 / Fighter 1 - played by Matt Larson
    • Scard, half-orc Monk 3 - played by Susan Ballinger
    • Malane Spellweaver, elf Wizard - played by Dale Trueblood
    • Laurel Windsong, elf? Bard 2 / Rogue 2 - played by Ken Ferguson
    • Gwendolyn Swansong, human Cleric 3 - played by Cora Trueblood
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 3 - played by me
    • DM - Dave Bauder
  • Path Less Travelled (Tequila Adventures, June 2002)
    • Mnemsyne, elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1 - played by Morgan
    • Danellaran, elf Rogue / Wizard - played by Steve Pachter
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 - played by me
    • DM - Greg Marks
  • What Lies Beneath (June 2002)
    • Grob Toughfall, dwarf Barbarian - played by Paul Dohearty
    • Devnarr, wood elf druid - played by Ryan Karr
    • Maiavel Talwilwaran, elf Cleric 5, - played by Sarah Lohnson
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 - played by me
    • DM - Erik Van Buren
  • Birthday Bash (Milwaukee Summer Revel 6, June 2002)
    • Fraek, human Cleric 8 - played by Jason Mayott
    • Feranya, elf Sorcerer 6, cohort of Fraek, also played by Jason Mayott
    • Lyrial Sharston, elf ? - played by Alex Kiedrowicz
    • Barb, elf Barbarian 4 / Sorcerer 4 - played by Jesse Kindwall
    • Crusader Tane, human Fighter 1 - played by Ari
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 - played by me
    • DM - Dave Krolnik
    • There were some great lines from the round of play:
      • "Dire Lion on a stick!"
      • "He can Charisma us to death."
      • As a villain uses some potions: "He's using up our money!"
  • Amidst the Mist (Milwaukee Summer Revel 6, June 2002)
    • Rhyla Silverbook, half-elf Sorcerer 6 - played by Sandy Palmer
    • Garrett, halfling Monk 6 - played by Davis Hirst
    • Wryndanthian, elf Wizard 3 - played by Mike Leith
    • Danellaran Ceara, elf Rogue 3 / Wizard 1 - played by Steve Pachter
    • Kurth, half-orc Druid 4 - played by Joel Skeens
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 - played by me
    • DM - A. J. Schmidt
    • There were some great lines from the round of play, including:
      • "The travelling cemetery." (our horses carrying 5 dead barbarians back to their village)
  • Beneath the Veil (Milwaukee Summer Revel 6, June 2002)
    • Wryndanthian, elf Wizard 4 - played by Mike Leith
    • Danellaran Ceara, elf Rogue 3 / Wizard 1 - played by Steve Pachter
    • Kurth, half-orc Druid 4 - played by Joel Skeens
    • Saroth, elf Cleric 3 - played by Scott Randall
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 - played by me
    • DM - Tim McCray
    • There were some great battle moments in this round:
      • Barendd crit'ed a commoner, and later a large spider.
      • Danellaran missed, even with a True Strike spell!
      • Unfortunately, Wryndanthian died. But he did have enough gold to be raised, after Barendd spent his influence point with the Church of the Skank. Uh, I mean Ehlonna.
  • Kinsmen (Milwaukee Summer Revel 6, June 2002)
    • Wryndanthian, elf Wizard 3 - played by Mike Leith
    • Danellaran Ceara, elf Rogue 3 / Wizard 1 - played by Steve Pachter
    • Shaye, halfling Barbarian 3 / Fighter 1 - played by Staci Corcoran
    • Saroth, elf Cleric 3 - played by Scott Randall
    • Haraqui, elven Bard 1 - played by ?
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 - played by me
    • DM - Todd Ammerman
    • There was a rather funny conclusion to the big battle at the end. Saroth, the cleric, left, and Barendd followed him. That left the four other characters (including a first level Bard and a halfling Barbarian/Fighter who stays far back and uses a crossbow ) to take on a big nasty. They fled two rounds later to follow their wiser companions.
  • Hunt to Live (Milwaukee Summer Revel 6 "alternate" Interactive, June 2002)
    • Good times were had by all! The "main" interactive was a wedding in the elven capital of Flameflower. Many races could not attend, so they instead travelled to a small town to party. As the characters drank their ale, a horde of goblins descended upon the small town, intent on total destruction. This interactive started with a large battle. Over 60 baddies, and 21 Player Characters on a single battlemat. Glorious! Only one character died, and she was raised. Then, the groups split into three groups--a low level table (1-3), a medium level table (4-6), and a high level table (most were 7+). Barendd was in the mid-level group, which ended up fighting a manticore. The foul beast was tough--one character died and had to be raised later--but the group was ultimately victorious and all contributed much to felling the unnatural creature.
  • Grave Consequences (Milwaukee Summer Revel 6, June 2002)
    • Wryndanthian, elf Wizard 3 - played by Mike Leith
    • Danellaran Ceara, elf Rogue 3 / Wizard 1 - played by Steve Pachter
    • Laria Summerfest, elf Ranger 1 / CLeric 2 / Figher 2 - played by Jonathan Capella
    • Allaric, human Monk - played by Andy Zambzycki
    • Phillipe D'Armond, human Rogue 2 / Fighter 1 / Cleric 2 - played by Calvin Kelly
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 - played by me
    • DM - Chris Dodd
    • There were some great lines from the round of play:
      • "Throwing the zoo at the party."
      • "I see good people...."
      • "The goal is not to survive...."
      • "The flurry that blows." (poor Monk!)
    • And Barendd gained another level after this adventure.
  • Sinkhole (June 2002)
    • Grob Toughfall, dwarf Barbarian - played by Paul Dohearty
    • Devnarr, wood elf druid - played by Ryan Karr
    • Maiavel Talwilwaran, elf Cleric 5, - played by Sarah Lohnson
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 5 - played by me
    • DM - Erik Van Buren
  • Power of Choice (July 13, 2002)
    • Grob Toughfall, dwarf Barbarian - played by Paul Dohearty
    • Devnarr, wood elf druid - played by Ryan Karr
    • Elondra, human Rogue 2, - played by Sarah Lohnson
    • ? , monk 4 - played by Cal
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 5 - played by me
    • DM - Scott Randall
    • This 2 round module started off with a bang, before the first sentence of boxed text was read. It seems that the characters Grob and Devnarr both knew the elven ranger Aplelis Oakencrest. Aplelis is dead, and Devnarr seems to blame Grob for that. They still have adventured together, but while travelling on the road this issue came to a head. As they "discussed" the issue, Grob insulted Aplelis. So Devnarr--and his animal companions--attacked Grob. Grob did not defend himself from Devnarr's attack, but the monk ? did try to intervene. Eventually, Grob fell to the combined attacks of Devnarr and his beasts, but Barendd dispatched a potion of Cure Light Wounds to bring Grob back to consciousness. The rest of the journey was rather tense, but the group did manage to accomplish all the tasks and overcome all the obstacles.
  • Fires of Vengeance (July 13, 2002)
    • Worm Drudgewood, human Rog 2 / Sor 3 - played by Phil Tobin
    • ? , half-orc Cleric of Wee Jas, - played by Cal
    • Barendd Nobeard, dwarven Barbarian 2 / Fighter 5 - played by me
    • DM - Scott Randall
    • This module ended up being even more fun than Power of Choice had been with its inter-party conflict. SPOILER ALERT: You can read what we did here, but there are minor spoilers for the module.
        Steve's Game  
      Forte Galetto Defarmerll Filoli
      Vatzlav Dobroushkan Tybalt Hilltopple Barendd Nobeard
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      © 2001-2002 Kent Wayson

    This page was last updated on 16 July 2002