Character Name
Pixie/Warmage Pixie
Class Race
5/2 S Timeless Male
Level Size Age Gender
Kent Wayson  
Chaotic Neutral ? unknown
Alignment Deity
2' 11' 17 Hazel Green
Height Weight Eyes Hair
Experience Points
the Seelie Court
Ability Score Mod Temp
STR 10 +0    
DEX 22 +6    
CON 18 +4    
INT 14 +2 16 +3  
WIS 15 +2    
CHA 22 +6    
HP  29 Wounds  
  DR  10/cold iron
  Resist  Electricity 10
  Pix1   WMg1   Wmg2    
break down 6 + 5 + 6 +  
SPEED  20 / fly 60 (good)

Saving Throws
Total   Base   Abil   Misc   Temp
FORTITUDE +4 = +0 + +4 +   +  
REFLEX +8 = +2 + +6 +   +  
WILL +7 = +5 + +2 +   +  
Attack Bonuses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th   Abil Size Invis
MELEE +1 - - -   +0 +1 +2
RANGED +1 - - -   +6 +1 +2
  Total   Base   Armor   Natural   Dex   Size   Ring
ARMOR CLASS 26 = 10 + +7 + +1 + +5 * + +1 + +2
 - Touch   18 = 10 + n/a + n/a + +5 * + +1 + +2
 - Flat-Footed   21 = 10 + +7 + +1 + n/a + +1 + +2  
  Dodge:    +1 dodge bonus against attacks from one opponent
  *Maximum DEX bonus of +5 due to Mithril Breastplate
  Total   Dex   Temp
INIT +6 = +6 +  
 MAX (= Con):   18
Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Type Size Special Properties
+2 Long bow of crafting +12/0/0/0 1d6+2 20/x3   1.5 Piercing Small +5 to craft checks involving bows + arrows
with Sleep arrows +13/0/0/0 Sleep spell            DC 18 Fort save (sleep)
with Memory Loss arrows +12/0/0/0 Memory Loss            DC 18 Will save (memory loss)
+2 Long bow, Bane: Lawful Outsiders +12/0/0/0 1d6+2 20/x3   1.5 Piercing Small +2d6 damage to Lawful Outsiders
+2 Adamantine Dagger +6/0/0/0 1d3+2 19-20/x2 10 ft. 0.5 Piercing Small  
with Fists of Stone spell active +9/0/0/0 1d3+5            
Silver Dagger +4/0/0/0 1d3-1 19-20/x2 10 ft. 0.5 Piercing Small  
Type Armor Bonus Max Dex Bonus Check Penalty Arcane
Spell Fail
Speed Weight Special Properties
Mithral Breastplate +2 Light +7 +5 -1 15% 20' 15  
Ring of Protection +2   +2            
Skill Name Ability Tot
Ranks Note
Concentration CON +10 +4 6  
Craft: Bows & Arrows INT +6 +3 3  
Escape Artist DEX +10 +6 4  
Hide DEX +14 +6 4 +4 size bonus
 - when Invisible   +34     +20 bonus
 - when Invisible and not moving   +54     +40 bonus
Knowledge: Arcana INT +5 +3 2  
Listen WIS +8 +2 4 +2 racial bonus
Move Silently DEX +10 +6 4  
Search INT +6 +2 2 +2 racial bonus
Spellcraft INT +7 +3 2 +2 from studying book
Spot WIS +7 +2 3 +2 racial bonus
Feats / Special Abilitites
Feat / Ability Note
Spellfire Wielder from Magic of Faerun, p. 23
Dodge racial bonus feat
Endurance You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued, and you gain a +4 bonus on the following rolls:
  • Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage
  • Constitution checks made to continue running
  • Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march
  • Constitution checks made to hold your breath
  • Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst
  • Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, and
  • Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation.
Once per day, caster level 8th (save DC is CHA based): Lesser confusion (DC 17)
Dancing lights
Detect chaos
Detect good
Detect evil
Detect law
Detect thoughts (DC 18)
Dispel magic
Entangle (DC 17)
Confusion (by touch)
Permanent image (DC 22; visual and auditory elements only)
Polymorph (self only)
Otto's Irresitable Dance (DC 24)
Low-light vision Racial ability
Damage reduction 10/cold iron Racial special quality
Greater Invisibility (can suppress at will) Racial special quality
Spell Resistance = 15 + class levels Racial special quality
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Abyssal, Celestial
Gear Encumbrance
Item Qty Wt
840 gp (750 + 90 starting gold) -- --
Ioun Stone, scarlet and blue (+2 to INT) 1 0.0
Cloak of Electricity Resistance 10 1 0.0
Hand of the Mage (Mage Hand at will) 1 0.0
Ring of Unescapable Scrying and Lawful Goodness 1 0.0
Vial of Maximized Holy Water (does 8 points damage, not 1d8) 3 0.0
Thunderstone 1 0.0
Tanglefoot Bag 1 4.0 a
Magic Manacles 1 5.0 a
Potion - Eagle's Spleandor 1 0.0
Potion - Cat's Grace 1 0.0
Potion - Cure Light Wounds 6 0.0
Potion - Cure Moderate Wounds 10 0.0
Wand - Melf's Acid Arrow (12 charges) 1 0.0
Wand - Lightning Bolt (4 charges) 1 0.0
Arrows 20 1.5
Arrows 74 5.5 a
Backpack 1 0.5
Pixie arrows, sleep 4 0.3
Pixie arrows, memory 20 1.5
Rations 28 7.0 a

Total Weight (includes weapons & armor)   22.8
aBitenllerk has asked the ogre to carry these items, so they are not included in his weight total   21.5
1 - 25 26 - 50 51 - 75
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
75 150 375
Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag

future Prestige Class: Spellfire Channeler

Absorbing spell energy   A spellfire wielder can ready an action to absorb spells targetet at him. He gains one level of spellfire energy for every spell level absorbed and can store a number of spell levels equal to his Constitution score. If an incoming spell has more levels than he can currently store, he absorbs spell levels up to his limit, and the remaining spell levels are divided by the original number of spell levels to determine the fraction of the effect that gets through (as spell turning, except the caster is not a risk of being harmed). If his Constitution decreases so that his number of stored levels is greater, the excess levels discharge at a random creature in range as destructive spellfire.
Using spellfire   As a standard action, expend stored energy levels as a melee or ranged touch attack (max. range 400 ft.) dealing 1d6 points of spellfire damage per level (Reflex, half, DC 20). Spellfire damage is half fire and half raw magical power.
    Can heal targets by touch, restoring 2 hit points per level used. This is not considered positive energy, so it does not damage undead.
    Unlike most supernatural abilities, spellfire is affected by spells and magic items that affect spell-like abilities, such as a rod of absorption or rod of negation (if pointed at the manifestation rather than the wielder). It can be thwarted or counterspelled by dispel magic, and theoretically a spellfire wielder could counterspell another's spellfire. However, spellfire is a supernatural ability and does not provoke an attack of opportunity when used, nor is it subject to spell resistance.
