Brother Stonecleaver
Character Name
Monk (Ascetic) Dwarf
Class Race
10 M 89 Male
Level Size Age Gender
Kent Wayson  
Lawful Good Berronar Truesilver
Alignment Deity
4' 11' 178 Gray Brown
Height Weight Eyes Hair
Experience Points
Clan Warbeard
wandering Faerun, searching...
Ability Score Mod Temp
STR 18 +4    
DEX 14 +2    
CON 18 +4    
INT 13 +1    
WIS 14 +2    
CHA 16 +3    
HP  95 DR  5/magic
SPEED  50 / slow fall 50 ft.
  Total   Dex   Misc   Temp
INIT +2 = +2 +   +  

Saving Throws
Total   Base   Abil   Vow   Temp
FORTITUDE +12 = +7 + +4 + +1 +  
REFLEX +10 = +7 + +2 + +1 +  
WILL +10 = +7 + +2 + +1 +  
Dwarf  +2 vs. spells;  +2 vs. poison.
Still Mind  +2 vs. enchantment.
Attack Bonuses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th   Abil Exalted Flaw
MELEE +7 +2 - -   +4 +2 --
RANGED +7 +2 - -   +2 +2 -2
FLAW  Shaky: -2 to all ranged attacks
Dwarf +1 to attack orcs + goblinoids.
  V o w   o f   P o v e r t  y  
  Total   Base   Monk   Natural   Exalted   Deflection   DEX   WIS   Temp
ARMOR CLASS 25 = 10 + 2 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 2 +     Fighting Defensively +3 Dodge bonus to AC
 - Touch   17 = 10 + 2 + n/a + n/a + 1 + 2 + 2 +     Full Defense +6 Dodge bonus to AC
 - Flat-Footed   23 = 10 + 2 + 1 + 7 + 1 + n/a + 2 +  
 Dwarf:   +4 Dodge bonus against Giant types.
 Mobility feat:   +4 against Attacks of Opportunity when moving through threatened squares.
Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Type Size Special Properties
Unarmed +13/+8/0/0 1d10+6 20/x2   n/a Bludgeoning Medium  
Flurry of Blows +13/+13/+8/0 1d10+6 20/x2   n/a Bludgeoning Medium  
  +1   +1 on attacks against Orcs and Goblinoids.
  Unarmed attacks +1 or +1d4 +1 damage to evil creatures or +1d4 to evil outsiders + evil undead (Sanctify Ki Strike feat).
  Unarmed attacks considered magic (Mnk4), lawful (Mnk10), and good (Sanctify Ki Strike feat) for bypassing damage reduction.
Quarterstaff +13/+8/0/0 1d6+6 20/x2   4.0 Bludgeoning Medium  
Holy Radiance light n/a 1d4           Undead within 10 ft. take damage each round
Skill Name Ability Tot
Ranks Note
Balance DEX +4 +2 -- +2 synergy from Tumble
Bluff - when dealing with Good creatures CHA +5 +3 -- +2 Circumstance bonus from Nimbus of Light feat
Climb STR +17 +4 13  
Diplomacy DEX +5 +3 -- +2 Perfection bonus from Sacred Vow feat
  when dealing with Good creatures   +7     +2 Circumstance bonus from Nimbus of Light feat
Escape Artist DEX +15 +2 13  
Jump STR +19 +4 13 +2 synergy from Tumble
Swim STR +16 +4 12  
Tumble STR +17 +2 13 +2 synergy from Jump
Use rope DEX +3 +2 1  
  when binding someone   +5     +2 synergy from Escape Artist
Feats / Special Abilitites
Feat / Ability When Taken Note
Darkvision 60' Racial  
Stonecunning Racial +2 bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn't stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
Weapon Familiarity Racial Treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial, not exotic, weapons.
Stability Racial A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
+2 vs. poison Racial +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison
+2 vs. spells Racial +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells
+1 against orcs & goblinoids. Racial +1 on attack rolls against orcs & goblinoids.
+4 to AC against giants. Racial +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type.
Appraise stone/metal Racial +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.
Craft stone/metal Racial 2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal.
Sacred Vow Lvl 1  
Vow of Poverty Flaw bonus  
Dodge Lvl 3  
Mobility Lvl 6  
Spring Attack Lvl 9  
Stunning Fist Monk 1st DC 17 Fort save or stunned for 1 round; usable 1 per level/day
Combat Reflexes Monk 2nd Extra Attack of Opportunity (= to Dex mod) per round; can make AoO when flat-footed
Improved Disarm Monk 6th  
Nimbus of Light Exalted 2nd +2 Diplomacy with good creatures; Glow with light (5', 10' shadowy illumination)
Holy Radiance Exalted 4th Radiate bright light (10' radius, 20' shadowy illumination); undead take 1d4 damage per round
Stigmata Exalted 6th Take 2 Con (temp); heal allies (1 hp/level/per 2 Con lost); plus new Save vs. disease
Touch of Golden Ice Exalted 8th Touch ravages evil opponents with Golden Ice: DC14, initial 1d6 Dex, secondary 2d6 Dex
Sanctify Ki Strike Exalted 10th Unarmed attacks treated as Good for damage reduction; +1 to evil or +1d4 to evil outsiders/undead
Flurry of Blows Monk 1st  
Improved Unarmed Strike Monk 1st  
Evasion Monk 2nd Successful Reflex save = no damage
Still Mind Monk 3rd +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment
Ki Strike (magic) Monk 4th Unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for damage reduction
Purity of Body Monk 5th Immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases
Wholeness of Body Monk 7th Heal own wounds (2xlevel/day)
Improved Evasion Monk 9th Reflex save for no damage; half if fail save
Slow Fall 50 ft. Monk 10th Within arm's reach of a wall, ignore this much height for falling damage
Ki Strike (lawful) Monk 10th Monk's unarmed attacks considered Lawful
Endure Elements VoP 3rd Can withstand conditions from -50 to 140°F
Exalted Strike +1 (magic) VoP 4th  
Sustenance VoP 5th Doesn't need to eat or drink
+1 Deflection bonus to Armor Class VoP 6th  
+1 Resistance bonus to all Saves VoP 7th  
Mind Shielding VoP 8th Immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, & any attempt to discern alignment
Natural Armor +1 VoP 8th  
Exalted AC bonus +7 VoP 9th Not vs. touch attacks or incorporeal attacks; does apply to Brilliant energy weapons
Exalted Strike +2 (good) VoP 10th +2 to all attack and damage rolls; considered Good for bypassing DR
DR 5/magic VoP 10th  
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Celestial
Gear Encumbrance
Item Qty Wt
Sack with one day's rations 1 3.0

Total Weight (includes weapons & armor)   7.0
1 - 100 101 - 200 201 - 300
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
300 600 1500
Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag

My character created for the Floyd's game. I met Floyd (FCWesel) at an EN World Chicage Gameday. You should go to the next one; you never know who you'll meet!