Feat / Ability | Note |
*Augment Summoning | Summoned creatures get +4 Str and +4 Con |
*Natural Spell | Can cast spells while in wild shape form |
*Spell Focus: Conjuration | +1 to saving throw DC for Conjuration spells |
*Spellcasting Prodigy | Add 2 to primary spellcasting ability (Wis) for DCs and Spells per day |
Animal Companion | |
Augment Summoning | Summoned creatures get +4 Str and +4 Con |
Nature Sense | +2 on Knowledge: Natura and Survival |
Resist Nature's Lure | +4 on saves v. fey spell-like abilities |
Trackless Step | Leave no trail |
Wild Empathy | Diplomacy on animals: d20 + level + CHA mod (currently d20+9) |
Wild Shape 6x/day, large | HD limit = level; one extra wild shape per day from Druid's Vestments; 2 extra from Extra Wild Shape feat |
Woodland Stride | no speed reduction in undergrowth |
Language: Common, Druidic | |