Defarmerll is a member of the local militia. His unit was sent up north to help take care of some humanoid raiders...
He started out travelling with a company of three elves (himself; the rogue Folderol; and Sithrandel, a magic user), a dwarf (the barbarian Dunnan), and a human (Arcrane the ranger).
While travelling north, their ship was sunk by pirates, but their unit all made it safely ashore. Continuing the journey by foot, they assisted the mage Blandhack of Greyhawk against an ogre. The mage returned the favor by teleporting them to their final destination, the northern town of Traft.
In Traft, they met up with a human guide, the druid Telek Nor. Later, another elf named Dalakarin (a magic user) found and joined their expedition. They have been assisted by some other elves (Haldeer, Loril, Parthus) who are under order not to attack under any circumstances.
The group is trying to clear out a crude fortress stocked with typical evil humanoids--orcs and gnolls are mostly what they've encountered so far.
Hearing that a supply caravan was headed toward the fortress, the group ambushed the caravan well before it arrived, sending the orcs into a magical sleep and then quickly dispatching the minotaur leading the supply train.
The militia unit has also helped the Wolf Nomads (located to the north), after an envoy named Rhustev asked for assistance. The nomads were able to free their horses, while our heroes defeated a group of orcs and gnolls sent out to fight.
It appears that they have cleared out almost half of the stockade's forces.
Note to self: In the future, avoid charging rhinoceros.
After recuperating from the rhinoceros episode, the group cautiously approached the fortress and began investigating. Inside the lone wooden building, they discovered a stairway leading down into the dark....
The stairway led to some underground rooms, including a large contingent of gnolls led by a half-orc spellcaster of some sort. Finally managing to dispatch the gnolls, the only foe remaining was the fearsome magic-weilding 1/2 orc. Though many protective magicks aided the foul humanoid in the battle, he was no match for the combined efforts of the party. With the end nearing, the insane villain exploded a magical necklace, loosing a fireball right at his own feet!
The battle was over, and the 1/2 orc's suicide move had tragic consequences for the party--the dwarf Dunnan was killed in the blast. But it seems that fortune was smiling on our heroes that day, because among the treasure looted from that fateful room were several scrolls--and one of those scrolls contained a powerful spell to raise the dead. With Dunnan restored to life, and a few days off to recover, the group continued their exploration of the underground caverns.
They stumbled upon a foul room, used for evil rituals. A fellow druid, of the same order as Telek Nor, was nailed upon an evil altar. Taking his body down to be buried, the group watched in horror as it came to life and tried to attack them. Quick turning by Defarmerll helped the party dispatch the undead abomination.
Shortly after leaving this room, some powerful magic transported the party to another tunnel. They don't know where they are or what they'll find, but they have begun to explore the new cave system. It seems to be a natural set of caves with recent work done to expand the domain.
Aside from battling some spiders (both large and HUGE), the adventurers also encounted some strange, spider-like spell-casting beings. Though the beasts' magic have helped them considerably in combat, the group has still managed to overcome all of the demi-spiders encountered so far. They also defeated a strange beast of black ooze, which they burned to death before it could even attack them.
The militia unit has now come upon an obviously constructed hallway. Twenty feet wide, they can only hope that this passage will not only lead to some answers, but also to a way home....if home can even be found again....
The hallway led into the dungeon level of what the party later learned was a temple. Trudging through the muck, they eventually came to battle several orcs, led by two ogres. Victorius once again, the partry pressed on.
In a bizarre room, constructed as a 5x5 grid of 10'x10'x10' cells, the party faced more of the strange spider creatures. Each cell had a wooden ceiling, but most of them were open. The fight was made more challenging as the party battled the strange arachnids on the narrow grid made up of the "ceilings" of the cells' walls. Defeating the spider-mages, the party quickly fled from the loathsome room, as most of the cells contained corpses in varying states of decay.
Leaving this foul chamber, the group eventually entered a prison, where (reaonably) healthly human and elven prisoners cheered them on as they fought a spell caster, fighter, and more orcs. Early in the fight, Defarmerll's magic successfully froze the rival spell caster, giving Arcrane time to finish off the evil mage while the rest of the party battled the female fighter and her orcish minions. Vanquishing all the foes once again, the party made a startling discovery.
The prisoners seems confused that the party did not know where they were, but quickly informed them of their location: in the dungeon of a temple dedicated to the evil Iuz--on the other side of the continent! Needless to say, the party was briefly saddened by the revelation, but encouraged by the magical loot the garnered from the fight.
The prisoners had among them an elven cleric of Corellon Larethian, who has agreed to perform any spells that may benefit the party. He will remain with the prisoners in their former jail, since there is no way out of the temple but up through the nasty building. Since the party has cleared all monsters out of the sewer level, the ex-prisoners should be relatively safe until the heroes have cleared out the temple itself.
Trudging on, the party encounted one more ferocious battle. Fortunately, the party detected and removed a trap that would have warned the enemy, so the opponent had no time to prepare an adequate defense. In this melee, the party defeated a group of orcs led by a human cleric. Some of the evil cleric's magic was successful, but the party made quick work of the orcs and soon dispatched this disgrace to humanity.
Ascending to the ground level of the temple, our intrepid heroes discovered more strange beasts. They battled a flesh golem, an eerie construct with a most revolting appearence. Aside from the usual orcs and undead, many burnt to cinders through power supplied by Defarmerll's god, the group also faced two large lizards whose gaze could turn one to stone--a pair of dreaded basilisks! Luckily, none in the party joined the lifelike statuary decorating the basilisks' lair.
The evil being running the temple was vanquished in the climatic battle. A strange being, its mere gaze could cause death. Though twice it looked at Sithrandel, the mage was able to resist the evil thing's power. The party made quick work of its minions, though Defarmerll's attempts to turn the undead assistants were not successful. Eventually, they prevailed against the foul creature, their happiness doubled since none of their group perished in the process.
The group found much treasure after slaying the foul bodak, for that was the name of the beast they fought. After taking a portion of its treasure, the group gave the rest of the funds to the newly freed prisoners, and all returned safely to Highport.
Now, the group just has to find their way home. Well, after a few detours, anyway....
While in Highport, the druid Telek Nor decided he must return home immediately to report on their activities. Sithrandel decided to accompany him. Also, the rogue Folderol disappeared--luckily, not with the party's loot! The loss of three party members was not so great a blow, as the group made the acquaintance of Charysta, a half-elf bard and Zeva, a human barbarian. Eager to get out of Highport, the two women asked to accompany the adventurers. Glad to beef up the party strength after the departure of Sithrandel, Folderol, and Telek Nor (he of the amazing sling), the party gladly agreed to the request. Their combat skills greatly augmented by the barbarian's prowess and the bards magical abilities, as well as some magical items crafted by Dalakarin, the group decided to venture to a location marked on a map discovered on the body of the bodak they slew in the foul temple.
While journeying into the hills which the map indicated, the party came across a group of clerics battling two wyverns. The group quickly joined the fray and dispatched the beasts, helped greatly by Dalakarin's fireball spell. The clerics gratefully healed the party and the two groups shared information. The clerics were off to Highport, hoping to book passage home on a ship.
The party, however, was sidetracked in their quest. Stopped by a red dragon, the great wyrm demanded that the party retrieve an artifact for him. Seeing no choice but to agree to the dragon's terms, the group reluctantly set out for a cave to obtain the crystal lamp which the dragon sought.
In the caves, the party found many odd creatures.
There was a clay golem they could not dispatch. Fortunately, some gnomes mining nearby were able to slay to powerful creature, in exchange for some gems the party had. The miners made short work of the golem, and the party was able to venture forth.
The group also battled some trolls, fierce creatures whose regenerative ability is stopped only by fire or acid. The final blow to the trolls was struck by the bard, Charysta, who Defarmerll now refers to as "the Troll-Killing Bard" to honor her battle prowess.
The final creature encountered was an ochre jelly. Every attack by the group just divided the odd creature, creating more monsters to attack the party. Following a hasty retreat, the group must now rest and devise a plan to get rid of the monsters--for they are thwarting attempts by the party to retrieve what appears to be a magical treasure. However, it's not a crystal lamp, so there must be more rooms to explore....
Resting up, the party used appropriate magic to defeat the strange jellies. Retrieving the treasure, they continued on through the caves. Coming to a large underground lake, the met up with another human named Arilarin de'Kador, also sent into the caves by the dragon. He, along with his canine companion, has joined the party in their quest, since his two companions have perished.
Our heroes managed to cross the lake, though they were not attacked by the large turtle which capsized the boat Arilarin had been using. This was how his previous companions had died. The party found some gems on a small island, but were attacked by aquatic ghouls in the process. They survived the encounter and ventured forth.
Several creatures attacked the adventures in the caves. Apart from an attack by bats, the creatures seemed to be of stronger stock. A pair of stone giants posed a threat, hurling boulders, but were eventually overcome. An ogre magi and his accomplice tried to trick the heroes into entering their "Garden of Earthly Delights" but our heroes were too wise to fall for such a fake enterprise.
The group also survived a battle with two cockatrices, but a strange beast called a Gorgimera turned Dunnan to stone. Fortunately, the dwarf was made flesh again. Sadly, the re-transformation killed the dwarven barbarian. But, happily, Defarmerll used his last "Raise Dead" scroll and the dwarf is back with the group.
After raising the dwarf, the group found a passage heading deep into the underground. The followed it for a long time--it was a least a few miles long--before it emptied into a large cavern.
In the center of this large cavern, the floor was smooth in a roughly rectangular shape. At each corner of the rectangle stood a stone obelisk, with one of the obelisks partially broken--its uppermost portion lying in ruins on the ground. In the rectangle, was a circle approximately 10 feet across, with another circle inside it. It resembled a ring set into the floor, with runes engraved on the "ring," but nothing inside the inner ring. The party was able to move the ring, and with a translation spell noted a serious warning not to defile the tomb. Never ones to let an ancient curse stop them, the group realized the layout of runes on the ring resembled a compass. Lining up the "north" marker with the direction of north, the ring opened to reveal a deep shaft into the earth.
Arilarin, with his boots of levitation, and Defarmerll, with the aid of an Air Walk spell, descended the shaft. A few minutes later, the ranger Arcrane would follow them with the aid of a Fly spell provided by Dalakaran. The shaft continued for 150 feet, ending about 30 feet above a fetid lake of black water. As they appropached the lake, Aril and Defarmerll were attacked by a lightning bolt. They eventually discovered and attacked a water naga who resided in the foul pool. But even the assistance of a Triton summoned by Defarmerll and a water elemental summoned by the Triton proved inadequate in fighting the fearsome foe. The naga successfully dispelled Arcrane's Fly spell, but the ranger managed to swim in the water.
Retreating back up the shaft, the group decided to retrieve the boat, port it down the passage, and use a Feather Fall spell to put it in the black lake. There was no sign of the water naga who had terrorized them the day before. Using other magics to descend safely, the party rowed across the lake and found a pair of doors. Entering the room, they were struck by another lightning bolt from the water naga! The barbarian Zeva made quick work of the water foe, and the party continued into the room.
The tomb, for that is the type of room in which they found themselves, was large. But what impressed the party more, was the eight mummies that attacked them. Frozen by fear, Defarmerll was no help. ((who else was frozen--was it Zeva?)) Nevertheless, the group dispatched the abominations but found nothing useful in the tomb.
In the next tomb, they found a sarcophagus. It contained bones. While everyone else seemed reluctant to touch the bones, Defarmerll began tossing them out of the coffin. Fortunately they did not reanimate and attack the party. Defarmerll also discovered a secret compartment in the stone coffin and opened it. Some poison gas spewed forth, but none were hurt. In scooping out the coins, however, a contact poison affected Defarmerll but he eventually escaped unscathed. Dalakaran was unhurt, his gloves providing enough protection for his hands.
An exhaustive search of both tombs revealed no further exits or treasure--apart from the large helms in each of the alcoves from which the mummies had appeared. Each party member took a helm, with Arilarin taking the additional helm for his dog.
While ascending the shaft, the barbarian Zeva found a secret door. Opening it, however, proved dangerous as it activated some sort of anti-magic shield! Somehow, the group managed to all gain entrance to the small passage beyond the secret door. A short corridor, just 30 feet long, led to another door.
This door opened, and the party was confronted with another naga. This one gave a clear warning to the group, advising them to depart or die. Taking that as a cue for action, Arilarin rushed forward and began attacking the naga. There was some grease on the floor which caused a few problems, but the party soon killed the guardian.
Traversing a twisting corridor, the party encountered a few small traps, but nothing significant. Finally, however, they reached some sort of impenetrable barrier. They could see beyond, but not move through it. One resourceful member remembered the helms taken from the mummies' tomb. Wearing the ancient headgear allowed one to pass through the barrier. Everyone quickly donned a helm and make the passage, including Arilarin's dog.
As the group crossed the invisible barrier, they heard a strange scraping sound. A large stone now fills the hallway which they took into the guardian naga's lair. The secret door which opens onto the shaft is now blocked--the only way out, it appears, is onward through the dungeon.
The party continued on. The next chamber appeared to be the resting place of some important personage. Certainly a well-guarded tomb such as this must have been constructed for someone of note. Regardless, the thing sitting up in the sarcophegus was no longer deserving of honor or respect! The party quickly vanquished the mohrg, even though Defarmerll's turning ability proved powerless against the abomination.
Strangely, there did not seem to be any treasure in this chamber, but Defarmerll quickly found a secret door. This door led to a small room, filled with treasure. Among the items found, much to Defarmerll's delight, were magical clerical vestments of Corellon Larethian. Other members of the group also received some very powerful magic items, and all were satisfied. The bard got a Bell of Opening, which should open any locked doors for the party. A magical whetstone was found, which will give a keen edge to one weapon to which it becomes attuned. The barbarian Dunnan got a magical battle axe, named "The Skinner."
Then, the fun began.
Among the treasure, the group found two poweful artifacts. First, the crystal lamp desired by the dragon. Second, a strange deck of cards. This magical "Deck of Many Things" was too tempting for the party to pass up; several members drew cards from the fickle deck.
The mage Dalakaran chose to draw one card. He drew the Balance card, which meant he had to change his philosophical viewpoint (alignment) immediately.
The bard Charysta chose to draw two cards. Her first draw produced the same card as Dalakaran, and the performer was forced to change her outlook. Her second card was much trickier--she drew the Comet. This meant that if she single-handedly defeated the next hostile monster (or monsters) we encountered, she would increase her powers (go up one level). Only time would tell if this boon was granted.
The cleric Defarmerll drew next, also choosing two draws. His first produced, once again, the balance card and he was forced to change his worldview. His next draw was especially lucky--the Moon. Since the moon is a symbol of his deity, perhaps Corellon was smiling on his cleric. At any rate, Defarmerll was granted three wishes, but had only a limited time to decide what to wish for.
The ranger Arcrane drew next, also choosing to draw twice. His first draw was very unlucky; he draw the Talons. This card dealt him a serious blow, for it stripped him of all magic items he possessed. His second draw was the Jester, which he traded for two more draws. The first additional draw was Euryale, a powerful card which permanently reduced the ranger's resistance to petrification magic. The last card, however, was equally powerful but in a good way. Arcrane drew the Star, and gained an increase in Strength.
The barbarians both refused to touch the magic deck, and that left only our newest companion Aril. The fighter chose to draw two cards, but his first draw met with disaster. He drew the Donjon, meaning he was suddenly imprisioned. The party did not know where, or who was holding him.
The two disastrous draws, for Arcrane and Aril, let Defarmerl with a dilemma. Use his wishes for personal gain, or to undo the tragedies that had befallen his comrades. Fortunately, his new philosophical outlook provided him with a solution. First, he wished for a flaming longbow, to give himself a magical ranged attack. Second, he wished for the nullification of Aril's draw, which returned the figher with all of his gear intact. Finally, Defarmerall made a bargain with Arcrane. If the ranger would give the cleric his Ring of Regeneration, Defarmell would wish back all his equipment. The ranger reluctantly agreed, sad to give up such a powerful magic item, but glad to have all of his other magic items back. So, even though Defarmerll did not get to wish for what he truly wanted, an increased wisdom to guide him in the future, he still made out rather well on the deal. And now, at least in his mind, Aril owes him a favor (or two). Defarmerll is quite happy with his new outlook, but we'll see if his deity is so appreciative of the change in the cleric's outlook.
Leaving the dungeon, the party soon enouncted the great red wyrm. The evil beast was glad to have its artifact, and kept his promise to tell the group what had happened to their other companions--Folderol, Sithrandal, and Telek Nor. Captured by agents of Iuz, they are being taken to the capital of that foul empire! Scrapping any plans to expore further the Dracensgrab Hills, the party decided to journey to Highport and seek passage on a ship, hopefully overtaking the captors who were travelling by foot. The dragon's information, which included all planned stops for the evil caravan, should make intercepting the caravan easier. Should.
Working their way through the mountains, the group found the site of a slaughter. Apparently, a small caravan was attacked and destroyed by wolves, though the missing saddle bags and packs indicated that--at the very least--someone (or something) else had stumbled on the scene and raided the corpses, if not actually instigated the wolf attack.
Shortly following that, the group encounted a wolf pack, eleven strong. It was up to Charysta to slay the pack, if she wished to gain the boon from the magical deck. The other members loaded her up with protective spells and magical items, to help her in the endeavor. She was turned invisible, and with the others nearby to assist if things did not go well, she began her attack.
Dalakaran's wands proved most useful. Several lightning bolts decimated the pack, and the wand of magic missiles provided the bard with a more focused attack to finish off the wolves who survived the multiple lightning bolts. The party felt great as the last wolf fell--she had done it! As an added bonus, Charysta had already increased her powers after the last dungeon, so this increase gave her even more power in a very short time frame. The famous "Troll-killing bard" is now also the "Slayer of Wolf Packs"--at least when Defarmerll talks about her.
Shortly after that encounter, the party encounted a lone woodsman, who hunts and traps in the mountains. They warned him of the (apparent) attack by wolves on the caravan, and parted company.
Eventually, the group came to a fortress built into the mountainside, blocking the pass. The only way to continue was through the structure. Dalakaran's hawk familiar reported that some large two-legs were moving around in the courtyard on the other side of the wall. Beyond that, another wall blocked the pass.
With the aid of an Air Walk spell (courtesy Defarmerll) and an Invisibility spell (courtesy Dalakaran), the ranger Arcrane scouted around the structure. A one-story story wall ended in a three-story tower. The wall was bare--no one (or thing) on top of it. But the tower containted several nasty beasts on the second floor, and an alarm bell on the third floor. The ranger tied an empty waterskin around the bell's clapper, to nullify its use as an alarm. With Dalakaran on the wall, watching into the courtyard, the rest of the group entered the fortress through the door in the wall.
Nothing was visible inside the wall--just a door into the tower. Though some fearsome creatures were in the ground floor of the tower, and more descended from the stairs, the party dispatched the troll, ogre, bugbears, and gnolls with very little injury to themselves. Now, perhaps a journey into the courtyard and see what "large two-legs" are there. Or maybe, take the stairs down.
While Aril, Defarmerll, Dunnan, and Arcrane searched the tower, the others remained on the ground floor, watching for potential enemies. Though the tower was empty, the basement did yield a door. But before Aril could open it, a shout from Charysta drew the rest of the party back upstairs. Approaching the wall were several monsters--at least 8 ogres, 4 trolls, 2 giants, 2 giant trolls, and a fearsome two-headed giant troll.
From the battlement, Dalakaran quickly sent a fireball toward the advancing monstrosities, while the others got into position. As the fighters held their position by the door, the bard and cleric raced to the second floor battlement, to sling spells safely from above.
Dalakaran got another spell of fairly quickly, as Defarmerll conjured a magical weapon to assist in the melee. The giants each threw a rock and hit the barbarians, but the strong warriors withstood the assault easily. To Charysta and Defarmerll's horror, however, the giant trolls started climbing over the battlement to engage them in melee!
Eventually, the fighters were forced to run into the courtyard and battle the monsters, as Dalakaran kept weaving arcane forces to blast the opponents. The bard and the cleric knew they had to dispatch the giant trolls climbing over the wall quickly, or die at the vicious claws of the evil beasts.
While the fighters on the ground, with the aid of Dalakaran's spells slowly but surely knocked down their foes, they did not remain uninjured. Just one hit from these massive beasts would have felled lesser warriors, and the party was not sure how long they could withstand the onslaught of the large monstrosities.
On the battlement, things were going even worse. A few hits from the troll, and Charysta was nearly down. Defarmerll's magic weapon was not hitting often, and his flaming longbow proved just as useful. Even worse, one of his arrows missed the troll and nearly hit Charytsta. The battle raged. Injured, the bard was forced to retreat, but not before Dalakaran stepped up to the trolls and sent a lightning bolt crashing through two beasts. Finally finding his aim, Defarmerll managed to get some hits in as well. The combined assaults of all three magic using party members were finally enough to fell one of the giant trolls. That left only one to attack the cleric. Eventually, it too was vanquished.
With some fortuitous luck--a troll missing on all three attacks on the severly weakened Dunnan--the fighters on the ground bested their opponents. Defarmerll raced down to heal the barbarians, who remained standing only due to their supernatural rage. The cleric expended much energy healing everyone as best he could, before the group decided to rest for the night.
Entering the basement door, the group found a long passage, seemingly haunted by a strange voice. While some where enchanted by the voice, the rest followed to see what was luring their friends into the darkness. Finally approaching an undead denzien, Defarmerll quickly turned the foul beast. The group continued on, finding a dead gnoll. The barbarian Zeva noticed an old bag in the corner, and opened it. Inside, she found a magical sword, which she quickly gave to Aril. The fighter was delighted to finally own a magical weapon. But before he could begin to use his magic whetstone with the new weapon, the undead beast returned. This time, Aril fled in fear. The barbarian Zeva tackled him, but the fighter wormed his way free and continued to flee. The bard Charysta tackled him, but this time the fighter could not get free. Defarmerll quickly cast a "Remove Fear" spell and the fighter helped the group dispatch the undead horror.
Coming to another door, the group opened it, only to face a group of gnolls. Gnolls?! They quickly dispatched the canine soldiers. The party ventured upstairs, into a tower and battlement structure that resembled the first one they had encountered.
Exiting the structure and continuing through the mountain pass, the group encountered a strange being made up of lightning energy. Thought not sure they could damage such a being, their combined forces eventually killed the lightning elemental. But what lies ahead? Why, some sort of fortress--floating on a cloud.
Ascending to the cloud with magical aid from Dalakarin and Defarmerll, Charysta, Zeva, and Aril accompanied the spell casters into the floating castle. The ranger Arcrane and the dwarf Dunnan stayed behind to watch the animals.
Once again, they found monstrous humanoids to battle, though not so many as on the ground. Things appeared to be going well; the group even found a magic harp which could talk and told them of the castle. It seemed that a cloud giant, formerly a good being, had suddenly turned bad and was allowing the evil humanoids to use his castle.
As the group continued to journey through the castle, the soon encountered a tough battle, for the giant himself appeared, hurling boulders from a distant balcony. The barbarian Zeva fell in the combat, for Defarmerll's curative powers seemed weakened for some reason. Healing her in the midst of the fight was not enough to prevent her eventual death in the fearsome battle.
The mage Dalakarin proved most helpful in the battle, as he used a magic scroll to capture the giant in a gem! As the spell activated, the group watched--fascinated--as some dark being seemed to fly out of the giant. After resting for the night, the group decided to free the giant.
Once released from the gem, the giant Lachlan thanked the group for saving him from the demon, and gladly accepted their offer of assistance in freeing the rest of the castle from the evil creatures within. With the giant on their side, the group found cleaning out the castle an easy task. While his pets were found, one of his children was killed while the giant was possessed. His rage at this act just made him all the more fearsome, especially when at last they confronted the demon. Needless to say, the foul being is no more. In gratitude for their help, the giant offered to help them three times in the future, giving the group a magical gem to summon him if needed.
Using Corellon's magic, Defarmerll preserves Zeva's body until a cleric with enough power can be found to raise her--or until he himself has gained that power.
Once the group rested, they descended from the castle in the clouds. The joyful mood of the party at vanquishing the evil in the castle was muted by the knowledge that they are bringing along the body of Zeva the barbarian. The final disposition of her body remained to be determined; the spell that Defarmerll prepared will hopefully guide the group in their actions.
Reaching the ground, the group of four quickly tells those who remained behind--Dunnan the dwarf and Arcrane the human--what has happened in the castle. The chronology is a bit mixed, however, as first they mention Zeva's death. Only then do they fill in the rest of the details--the foul humanoids, the talking harp, the giant, and the demon.
Defarmerll brings up the subject of Zeva. "My friends, the barbarian Zeva died in our effects to cleanse the cloud castle. While I do not have the power necessary to raise her from the dead, we have the funds to purchase such enchantment. In the meantime, I can use the power Corellon grants me to preserve her until we can get her raised."
"However, perhaps she does not want to be raised. She did die in battle, the most glorious death for most barbarian societies." Defarmerll can't help but glance sideways at Dunnan for the dwarven barbarian's reaction. "I plan, using Corellon's magic which he grants to further his goals, to ask Zeva if indeed she wished to be raised."
"Does anyone have any objections to communing with Zeva in order to ask such a question?"
Seeing no objections from the group, Defarmerll begins to prepare the spell. He asks the stronger members to help lay the body down gently in the grass, and the cleric spends several minutes preparing the site with the addition of small plants and other woodland items. The more observant members of the party note that Defarmerll has placed several small sticks on Zeva's torso, which are placed together to form a crude crescent moon symbol.
Kneeling at the head of the body, Defarmerll begins praying out loud to Corellon Larethian. Though the language appears to be elven, even those who speak the elven tongue can make out only a few phrases here or there. Defarmerll uses his holy symbol frequently, waving it dramatically and at times placing it over the twig facsimile has constructed on Zeva's torso. At times, his holy symbol is left on Zeva's forehead, as he gestures in the strange manner that all recognize as spell casting.
After almost ten minutes have passed, the prayer works to a fever pitch as Defarmerll places his holy symbol over Zeva's lips. Suddenly, all goes quiet and the cleric slumps over, his body on the ground and his lips close to Zeva's ear.
One of Defarmerll's hands reaches over slowly and moves the holy symbol from Zeva's mouth. The cleric speaks barely above a whisper, but all can hear him clearly. Clearly, magic is afoot!
"Zeva, of the barbarian tribes, you have died a warrior's death but your friends want to know: do you want to come back to the land of the living?"
Aril slowly shakes his head, but remains silent. A warrior's death is sacred to Heironeous, but Zeva did not follow the Invincible One.
Cautiously Dunnan moves over to the corpse of Zeva, he kneels by her side and gives corpse a slight nudge. As the lifeless body remains still, visions of demons, giants and a talking harps swirl through his head as he tries to imagine the battle he missed.
Dunnan removes a necklace made from a large owl bear claw and places it around Zeva neck. He turns to the party and with a grumbling snort says, "Zeva is dead like a stone, she died in battle let her rest now".
The dwarf begins to shuffle about gathering small branches and tree limbs.
The spell clearly has taken root in the body on the ground as dead lips slowly part. A bubbly gurgle reverberates within her throat as dead lungs painstakingly expand with air to utter the reply in a raspy, graveled whisper.
"Warriors live to fight." The last of the stolen breath rattling harshly as it is forced from her chest and she is motionless once more.
Defarmerll's face show a hint of annoyance. "Warriors live to fight," he repeats, whispering. "What in the nine hells does that mean?!" he spits* out angrily at the corpse, in a much louder voice.
*And that's not literally spitting. He's just spitting out angry words, not defiling the corpse with saliva.
Another tedious expansion of lungs, her body readying for an answer. However there is a brief pause as though confused by the question.
"Nine hells, heaven, to fight." She expels in a faint whisper.
As Charysta gazes sadly upon Zeva's corpse she states, "there are many more battles for Zeva to fight. We shall bring her back." Charysta stomps her foot in sound determination then turns to gather her things for their journey into town.
Dalakarin looks up from the spell book he was studying and sarcastically suggest "you should ask her if she wishes to resume the fight." With that he goes back to studying his spell book and mutters something to himself.…
Defarmerll looks at Charysta. "I believe she wants to come back, but we must not perform this task lightly. We must be certain." Turning to the barbarian's corpse, the cleric asks one final question. "Zeva, do you wish to resume the fight?"
Charysta turns to face Defarmerll, "I realize this must be done properly, however I have known Zeva a bit longer and I feel she would like to return. I do not believe she has seen enough battle to rest peacefully yet. Please, Defarmerll, let us bring her back so she may resume the fight as Dalakarin put it."
Aril speaks up, "It is not solely Defarmerll's decision, since we must seek outside aid to have her raised. She worshipped Kord, correct? We must seek out a High Priest of Kord, who would be able to tell us whether she should be brought back, or left to rest."
"I know there is a major temple to Kord in the city of Chendl, in Furyondy, and that the Duchy of Ulek also has a strong devotion to Kord. Both are quite a distance away, however, and you have friends in need."
"Time is not a problem; Corellon's preservation magic sees to that," Defarmerll says matter-of-factly. "And if I can get a straight answer from her now, we don't need to seek out a cleric of Kord for advice. And there are many temples who will raise anyone--for the right price. Now, hush. She's about to speak again...." The priest leans close in, awaiting Zeva's response to his last question.
The spell forces her chest to rise once again, pulling in air to give her answer the question of whether she wanted to rejoin the fight. "All I need is my ax," is all that falls from her lips.
"We shall see you in a few days time," Defarmerll whispers to the corpse.
Grinning, the cleric stand up. "Well, that settles it. We need to raise her as soon as possible." Putting his hand to his forehead, Defarmerll quickly sits down. "That was amazing... but a bit exhausting. I don't think I really want to go through that again."
Looking at the others, he asks the group, "So, let's just clarify something, in case we need to know in the future. If you die, do you want to be raised? Speak now, or you'll forever rest in peace. At least as far as I'm concerned."
"When Heironeous calls me, I shall be fighting on his side", Aril says, "and will have no desire to return to the mortal realm, unless it be at his beckoning."
So much to do. Find a willing cleric to raise Zeva, find the missing companions (in the heart of the foul lands held by Iuz, no less!), report back to militia headquarters--who still have not been informed of their exploits since assaulting the fortress in the Sepia Uplands.
The friendship of the cloud giant Lachlan proved a great boon, for he dropped them off in the city of Greyhawk. Not only that, but he provided a letter of introduction to Sental Nurev, the Captain General of Greyhawks' City Watch. On Lachlan's recommendation, the group decided to stay at "The Golden Phoenix" while in the fabled city of Greyhawk.
In the morning, eager to raise Zeva and find their missing companions, the group was horrified to find Aril missing--and just the severed head of his dog lying on the pillow of his bed! No one at the inn had any information on the gruesome scene. Sadly realizing that they were now searching for three people, probably all abducted by servants of Iuz, the group set their minds to the tasks ahead.
The first task was to raise the barbarian Zeva. Fortunately, the Free City of Greyhawk is full of temples, and the party easily found a temple willing to perform the ritual--for a fee, of course. At the same place of worship, they also paid to have some atonement spells cast on Defarmerll and Dalakarin, so they could more easily change back to their original philosophical alignments (which had been changed by the magical "Deck of Many Things").
Dalakarin attempted some sophisticated scyring magic, using some hair from Aril's dog, to determine the location of the noble fighter. Sadly, all he could tell was that the man was dead, his body lying in some underground location. No further information could be gleaned.
Though weakened a bit by the ordeal, Zeva returned in fine form. Next the group went to meet with Sental. He informed them that outside the city, a nobleman from another region was consorting with a high priestess of Iuz. Going to scout the location, the party refrained from attacking right away and decided to return the next night with a carefully selected spell arsenal. The building was a stone house. All the windows, as well as the chimney, were bricked up. Two doors--on opposite sides of the house--were each guarded by a large sentry.
The plan was simple: kill first; ask questions later. Defarmerll prepared a Stone Shape spell, to allow the group to enter the dwelling through one of the walls, bypassing the doors entirely. This proved a wise move, as Charysta detected multiple magics on the door. Approaching the house in the evening, the group dispatched one sentry without drawing any attention to themselves. But as Zeva checked on the other sentry, he noticed her and advanced. He, too, was dispatched quite quickly.
Defarmerll then used his Stone Shape spell to create an opening in the wall. The group stepped into a small room with three doors. The doors were locked, so Dalakarin used a Knock spell to open all three doors simultaneously. One door led to an empty room, but the othe doors each opened into a room with someone in it. The group battled on strange construct and a human spell-caster. Both were vanquished with relative ease.
Once the group moved further into the house, another creature rushed at them from another room. It, too, died a quick death. The party was feeling confident, but such hubris perhaps was not warranted.
Reaching the final room in the dwelling, the group faced two very strong spellcasters. A man and a woman, weilding powerful magics, soon had the upper hand against the heroes. A Confusion spell made the actions of Defarmerll, Charysta, and Arcane unpredictable at best. Sometimes they attacked one another, and sometimes they did nothing. Some sort of invisible barrier prevented the barbarians from engaging in melee, which really hurt the group's effectiveness.
Defarmerll was lucky enough to gather his wits for a few seconds and shoot an arrow at the woman. However, as he moved into position, both Arcrane and Charysta attacked him. The ranger's hit was especially hard, causing severe damage to the cleric.
Dunnan was frozen in position by more magics, and could not even attempt any alternate strategies. Zeva, frustrated by the barrier, started throwing her ranged weapons at the pair. These weapons made it through the barrier, but the barbarian quickly ran out of ranged weapons to throw.
Then, disaster struck. Yes, it actually got worse. Dalakarin tried to change the woman into a slug, but the spell backfired and he himself was turned into a slug!
Zeva, in desparation, threw her ax, and then the dead body of the residents' slain lackey at the woman. The corpse knocked her over, and she had to waste several seconds extricating herself from the body.
Suddenly, reason overtook Arcrane. He remembered Lachlan's gem and found it with a quick frisk of Charysta. The ranger called the giant to their aid, and not a moment too soon.
In the meantime, Defarmerll wandered away, still under the compulsion of the Confusion spell. Dunnan was still held, and Zeva too was forced into a kneeling position by some foul magic of the pair.
Surprised at the quick use of his favor, Lachlan nevertheless wasted no time in smiting the evil pair. In just a few rounds, he dispatched both of the evil humans, and departed almost as quickly as he had appeared.
Zeva, having seen the mage Dalakarin morph and seemingly disappear before her eyes, related what she had seen to the others. After everyone was healed, the group departed, but not before Zeva decapitated the woman and put her head on a stake outside the house.
Outside the dwelling, Dalakarin's hawk excitedly approached the group, desparately attempting to communicate with someone. The next day, Defarmerll prepared a Speak with Animals spell to facilitate communication with the intelligent familiar of the polymorphed mage. Finally realizing that Dalakaran was now a slug, the group travlled to a temple of Corellon Larethian to have the mage transformed back into his regular form.
Happy that they were all alive and had defeated the minions of Iuz, a quick Speak with Dead spell cast on the woman's corpse did not shed much light on the whereabouts or fate of their missing companions.
Still, the group gained much magic from their slain foes, and will make good use of these goods in their quest to find out exactly what happened to all three missing friends....
And the gods were smiling on them, for when they returned to speak with Sental, they found their old companion Telek Knor waiting to speak with them. The druid, aged but wiser, had been given the location of an artifact that would assist in locating their companions. With the druid's help, they ventured to a ruined fortress. They found one portion of what appeared to be a key. Much searching did not reveal the other parts of the key, until they exited the ruins and attempt access through another opening. Much exploring eventually located what appears to be all the parts of a magical key, each art in a separate section of the ruins. The four parts of the key have magically fused together. Now, they just have to enter the final room to find the artifact....
The key opened the door with no problem, but not a single room remained to explore. Instead, Defarmerll and his companions found several floors of massive tower. Some obstacles were easily overcome, but others were more troublesome. On one level of the tower, a garden with amazingingly life-like statuary held a most fearsome foe--a medusa! Two members of the party were turned to stone before the horrid wretch was dispatched. Charysta used a potion of "Stone to Flesh" to revert Zeva back to her non-stone form. But the mage Dalakarin did not have such an easy time of it, although he, too, was eventually restored to his rightful form.
On the final level of the tower, the object of the party's journey was found--the Soul Gem! Though the artifact was recovered without loss of life, its strange powers did turn the barbarian Zeva completely white--white skin, white hair, white eyes, white pupils.... Nevertheless, the group was excited to achieve the Soul Gem without any permanent fatalities.
Meeting later with some powerful muckety-mucks of the region, the group was asked (ordered?) to undertake a most dangerous mission--the rescue of an important personage from the dungeons of Iuz! To this day, no one is sure why they agreed to the task, but agree they did. The group was sent off with some powerful magic to aid them in the quest, for the mission would have to be completed without replenishing spells or relying on powerful teleportation magic. The best their patrons could offer was to teleport the group to a site about 30 miles from a concealed entrance to the dungeon where their target is held prisoner.
Travelling through the lands ravished by the old one (spit!), the group soon ran into trouble. However, a small armed unit was no match for the powerful heroes. Continuing on, the party soon came to the small "dock town" where the secret entrance was located. There, too, trouble soon reared its ugly head. The group was acosted by the local authorities, despite Dalakarin's polymorphed orc form and Defarmerll's garb of a cleric of Iuz. Battle soon ensued, the group emerged victorious, and then they quickly fled to the sewer opening. Of course, matters then got even more complicated as a stranger approached the group....
As the group huddles on the bank of the river, debating how to proceed with the mission, you are distracted by the cautious approach of a human female, dirty and disheveled, but obviously beautiful. She wears chainmail and seems to have both a short sword and dagger hanging from her belt. As she approaches, her hands are held up, away from her weapons.
'Travelers, I greet you in peace, I am called Kenshazee. I apologize for intruding but I have been watching the sewer opening for some time now and couldn't help but overhear your plans for entry. I beseech you, allow me to accompany you. A dear friend of mine went in to hide from the militia forces you just slew and I would be indeed faithless if I were not to venture forth and try to find him now that the danger has passed. I am handy with the blade, will you not let me accompany you?'
The orc [Dalakarin] turns to regard the young woman who has just come upon the group. "I think you had best be on your way before the enemy returns. You must simply head to the southwest a few days and you will come upon the Vesve Forest and some degree of saftey. I have no intentions of bringing you into the unknown with the rest of us."
Ignoring the brusk, orc, Defarmerll turns to the woman and stares at her intensely. "Where do you hail from, fair maiden?" the cleric asks. His eyes narrowing noticably, he adds, :And just what were you and your friend doing in these lands?"
Arcrane pulls Defarmerll aside and whispers into his ear. "Can you detect evil, or sometype of detect motive on this one? There's something about her I don't trust."
"I am sorry, my friend," Defarmerll whispers back, "but I do not have such magics prepared today. But perhaps magic is not needed." Defarmerll studies the stranger for a moment, his face blank. Finally, he whispers to Arcrane, "I am sorry, but I can not tell if she is friend or foe."
Charysta raises an eyebrow at the woman in question. "Perhaps you should be on your way. If we find the man you are looking for, we shall aid him if possible."
The tall white woman snorted faintly, a wry smirk on her lips at Charysta's comment about lighting the way in the sewers with her and her new frighteningly white self. The smirk skittered away however as the stranger approached. Her great axe resting over one shoulder, she watched and listened to the other as they spoke to the woman. As Charysta fell silent, she stepped forward, through the others and came to a halt before the woman, perhaps coincidentally putting herself between the bard and this dirty ragged looking woman. "Why were you and your 'friend' here and how did you draw the militia's attentions? Why did he enter and you did not? And why are you now eager to crawl through the sewers with a group of strangers who by all that has been said would rather see you go than accompany us?" She spoke all this to the woman, great axe resting comfortably against her shoulder, colorless eyes watching her closely. "If you can not answer these questions to our satisfaction, you shall not come with us.......or perhaps even leave the spot where you stand." Playing the part of the intimidating barbarian... which she was... she almost smiled.
The lithe female looks to all who have questioned her, trying, it would seem, to answer everyone's questions.
"I come from the City of Greyhawk, as to what my companion and I are doing in such an inhospitable place...well to be honest, we are thieves I'm not ashamed to admit. We were here to plunder the servants of Iuz and were trying to find a why into the City itself when my friend was detected trying to slit the purse of the local leader. He fled into the sewers to avoid pursuit. I am not with him now because we were not together when he was implicated."
Here she looks down and sniffles a little. "I haven't gone in after him yet because I am afraid of what may await me inside, but I am going in, with or without you, I owe him no less!"