Character Name
Cleric Halfling
Class Race
5 S 41 Male
Level Size Age Gender
Kent Wayson   841048  
Player RPGA #
Lawful Good Yondalla
Alignment Deity
3' 1' 30 Blue Blonde
Height Weight Eyes Hair
Experience Points
Good Protection
Verbobonc none
Region Meta-org(s)
Ability Score Mod Temp
STR 10 0    
DEX 18 +4    
CON 10 0    
INT 10 0    
WIS 17 +3    
CHA 8 -1    
HP  28
  Total   Dex   Misc   Temp
INIT +8 = +4 + +4 +  
Saving Throws Total   Base   Abil   Misc   Temp
FORTITUDE +5 = +4 + 0 + +1 +  
REFLEX +6 = +1 + +4 + +1 +  
WILL +8 = +4 + +3 + +1 +  
Attack Bonuses Total   1st 2nd 3rd 4th   Abil Misc
MELEE +4   +3 - - -   0 +1
RANGED +8   +3 - - -   +4 +1
THROWN / SLING +9   +3 - - -   +4 +2
  Total   Base   Armor   Ring   Dex   Size   Temp
ARMOR CLASS 19 = 10 + +4 +   + +4 + +1 +  
 - Touch   15 = 10 + -- +   + +4 + +1 +  
 - Flat-Footed   15 = 10 + +4 +   + -- + +1 +  
Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Type Size Special Properties
Light Mace +4/0/0/0 1d4 20/x2   2.0 Bludgeoning Small  
Heavy Crossbow +8/0/0/0 1d8 19-20/x2 120' 4.0 Piercing Small  
Type Armor Bonus Max Dex Bonus Check Penalty Arcane
Spell Fail
Speed Weight Special Properties
Chain Shirt Light +4 +4 -2 20% 20' 12.5  
Gear Encumbrance
Item Qty Wt
800 gp (approx.) 1 0.0
Backpack 1 2.0
Bolts 20 2.0
Pearl of Power 1 4 0.0
Rope (50 ft., silk) 1 5.0
Scroll - Aid (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Align Weapon (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Bull's Strength (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Conviction (caster level 1) 1 0.0
Scroll - Cure Light Wounds (caster level 1) 1 0.0
Scroll - Cure Moderate Wounds (caster level 3) 2 0.0
Scroll - Detect Aberration (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Divine Protection (caster level 3) 2 0.0
Scroll - Invoke the Cerulean Sign (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Knight's Move (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Lesser Restoration (caster level 3) 2 0.0
Scroll - Magic Weapon (caster level 1) 2 0.0
Scroll - Protection from Evil (caster level 1) 2 0.0
Scroll - Obscuring Mist (caster level 1) 1 0.0
Scroll - Remove Blindness/Deafness (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Remove Paralysis (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Remove Fear (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Scroll - Resist Energy (caster level 3) 1 0.0
Wand - cure light wounds (18 charges) 1 0.0
Wand - cure light wounds (50 charges) 1 0.0
Waterskin 1 4.0
Total Weight (includes weapons & armor) 31.5
1 - 33 34 - 66 67 - 100
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
100 200 500
Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag
Skill Name Ability Tot
Ranks Note
Climb STR +2 0 0 +2 racial bonus
Concentration CON +8 0 8  
Heal WIS +8 +3 5  
Hide DEX +8 +4 0 +4 racial bonus
Jump STR +2 0 0 +2 racial bonus
Knowledge: Religion INT +5 0 5  
Listen WIS +5 +3 0 +2 racial bonus
Move Silently DEX +6 +4 0 +2 racial bonus
Feats / Special Abilitites
Feat / Ability Note
*Improved Initiative +4 to initiative rolls
*Scribe Scroll  
Turn Undead class ability
Good Casting +1 Good domain ability
Protective Ward Protection domain ability
future Feats: Yondalla's Sense (@6th lvl--add Wis modifier to Initiative)
Quicken Spell (@9th lvl)
Skill Focus: Concentration (@12th lvl)
Quick Reconnoiter (@15th lvl)
Languages: Common, Halfling
Turn Undead
Turn Check:   d20 -1 (Charisma mod) +2 (Knowledge:Religion synergy) = d20+1
Turning Check Result   Most Powerful Undead Affected (Max. HD) =
0 or lower   Cleric's level - 4 0
1-3   Cleric's level - 3 1
4-6   Cleric's level - 2 2
7-9   Cleric's level - 1 3
10-12   Cleric's level 4
13-15   Cleric's level + 1 5
16-18   Cleric's level + 2 6
19-21   Cleric's level + 3 7
22 or higher   Cleric's level + 4 8
Turning Damage:   2d6 + cleric level + Charisma modifier
Spells per day & Default Spell list
Lvl:   0 1 2 3 4 5 6   PROTECTION domain: 1/day--next saving throw gains Resistance bonus = caster level
#/day   5 4+1 3+1 2+1 - - -
    -- Pro. from Evild Aidd Pro. from Energyd - - -   GOOD domain:
All Good spells cast at +1 Caster Level
Don't forget this when casting Aid or Protection from Evil or other Good spells!!
    Create Water Bless Silence Prayer - - -
    Detect Magic Magic Stone Soundburst Searing Light - - -
    Detect Magic Remove Fear Spiritual Weapon - - - -
    Light Shield of Faith - - - - -
    Resistance - - - - - -
    dDomain spell; can not be swapped out for a Cure spell.

note on Spiritual Weapon: Filoli's attack with the weapon (Yondalla's longsword) is +6, 1d8+1, 19-20/x2

non-PHB Spells

Lvl Spell School Comp CT Range Target Duration Save SR DC
1 Conviction Abjuration V,S,M 1 standard action Touch Creature Touched 10 min./level Will negates (harmless) Yes (harmless) 14
    +2 morale bonus to all Saving Throws (+1 for every six levels; max=+5 at level 18)

 2nd level 
Lvl Spell School Comp CT Range Target Duration Save SR DC
2 Detect Aberration Divination V,S 1 s.a. 60 ft. Quarter circle emanating from the PC to the extreme end of the range Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D) No None 15
    1st round: Presence or absence of aberrant life
2nd round: Number of different aberrant auras and the strength of the strongest aura. If you detect overwhelming aberrant power with this spell, and the Hit Dice or level of the aura's source is at least twice your character level, you are stunned for one round and the spell ends.
3rd round: The strength and location of each aura.
2 Divine Protection Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] V,S,DF 1 standard action Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Allies in a 20-ft.-radius burst 1 min./level Will negates (harmless) Yes (harmless) 15
    Allies gain a +1 morale bonus to AC and all Saving Throws
2 Protection from Negative Energy Abjuration V,S 1 standard action Touch Creature touched 10 min./level Will negates (harmless) Yes (harmless) 15
    Subtracts 10 from hit point damage done by any negative energy affect./TD>
2 Stablize Conjuration (Healing) V,S,DF 1 swift action 50-ft. radius burst centered on you. Creature touched Instantaneous Will half (harmless); see text Yes (harmless) 15
    Heals 1 point of damage to all in range; ally or not. Deals 1 point of damage to undead, which are allowed a Will save to negate the effect.

 3rd level 
Lvl Spell School Comp CT Range Target Duration Save SR DC
3 Awaken Sin Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Good, Mind-Affecting] V,S,DF 1 standard action Touch One evil creature with Intelligence +3 Instantaneous Will negates Yes 16
    1d6 nonlethal damage per caster level (max 10d6) and stunned for 1 round; if this knocks subject unconscious, add 1d6 Wisdom damage
3 Axiomatic Storm Conjuration (Creation) [Lawful, Water] V,S,M,DF 1 standard action Cylinder (20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high)   1 round/level (D) None No 16
    -4 Listen, Spot, Search; -4 on ranged attackes into, out of, or through the storm; automatically extinguishes unprotected flames; 50% change to extinguish protected flame.
2d6 damage to chaotic creatures (chaotic outsiders take double); one chaotic outsider victim, chosen randomly each round, takes 5d6 from a gout of acid.
3 Conviction, Mass Abjuration V,S,M 1 standard action Medium Allies in a 20-ft. radius burst 1 min./level Will negates (harmless) Yes (harmless) 16
    As Conviction, but multiple allies at a distance.
3 Grace Transmutation [Good] V 1 swift action Personal You 1 rd./level     16
    Silvery glow illuminates 60-ft. radius; -20 circumstance penalty to Hide checks; +2 sacred bonus to Dexterity, base land speen increases by 10 ft.
Touch attacks and melee weapons are treated as good-aligned for overcoming DR.
3 Invoke the Cerulean Sign Evocation S 1 s.a. 30 ft. spread Multiply abberations (combined hit die = or less than twice caster level) Instantaneous Fort. negates; No 16
Aberration H.D.Effect
Up to caster level +10None
Up to caster level +5Sickened: -2 attacks, saves, skill checks, ability checks for 1 round
Up to caster level Nauseated: cannot attack, cast spells, concentrate on spell; can only take a single move action for 1 round
Up to caster level -5Dazed: can take no actions, but no penalty to AC for 1 round
Up to caster level -10Stunned: drops everything held, can't take actions, -2 to AC, loses Dex bonus (if any) for one round.
Once a creature recovers from an effect, it moves up one level on the table. Thus, a creature that is stunned by this spell is dazed the round after that, nauseated the round after that, sickened the round after that, and then recovers fully the next round.
3 Knight's Move Transmutation (Teleportation) V,S,DF 1 swift action 5 ft./2 levels; see text You Instantaneous     16
    Instantly move up to 5 feet per two caster levels, but you must end your movement in a square that leaves you flanking an enemy.

 4th level 
Lvl Spell School Comp CT Range Target Duration Save SR DC
4 Panacea Conjuration (Healing) V,S 1 standard action Touch Creature touched Instantaneous Will half (harmless); see text Yes (harmless) 17
    Ends condition: blinded, confused, dazed, dazzles, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, and stunned.
Negates sleep effects, feeblemind, and ends any additional effects of poison (as the Neutralize Poison spell).
Also cures 1d8 points of damge + 1/caster level.
Used against undead, deals damage (half if saves), but no other effects.

 5th level 
Lvl Spell School Comp CT Range Target Duration Save SR DC
5 Sanctuary, Mass Abjuration V,S,DR 1 standard action Close One creature/level, no two more than 30 ft. apart 1 rd./level Will negates No 18
    Any opponent attempting to strike or otherwise directly attack the warded creatures, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is unaffected by that casting of the spell. If the save fails, the opponent can't follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and it can't directly attack the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Those not attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected. This spell does not prevent the warded creature from being attacked or affected by area or effect spells. The subject cannot attack without breaking the spell but may use nonattack spells or otherwise act.
My second character for Living Greyhawk. Created to play The Fright at Tristor since my first character was too high (4th level) for that module. Never played that module, but Filoli did debut in January 2002 playing the Verbobonc regional module Noble Ambitions.
Eventually, Filoli heard tales of "tall folk" oppressing the shorter races up in Highfolk. He journeyed there to seek out the leader of the short-folk resistance movement and help right these wrongs.
After a few more adventures (the Highfolk intro mods Shindig and Scavenger Hunt) which included a disappointing meeting with the self-proclaimed leader of the oppressed halflings, the 3.5 conversion was upon us. At which point Filoli became a cleric. Much more useful at low levels.