Feat / Ability |
Note |
Weapon Finesse |
Use DEX instead of STR for attack rolls with appropriate size weapons |
Alertness |
+2 to Listen and Spot checks |
Blindsense 60 ft. |
Can "see" invisible opponents |
Darkvision 60 ft. |
Immunity to sleep and paralysis |
Low-light vision |
Improved evasion |
No damage on a successful Reflex save; 1/2 damage when failed |
Share spells |
Share spell with Master (when within 5 feet) |
Empathic link |
Mental link with Master |
Deliver touch spells |
Can act as "toucher" for Master's spells |
Speak with master |
Speak in a language others can not understand without the aid of magic |
Speak with animals of its kind |
Can speak with other dragons |
Telepathy 60 ft. |
Can use telepathy in Common or Sylvan |