Source |
Level |
Feat |
Note |
1 |
*Dodge |
+1 Dodge bonus to AC for a declared individual |
3 |
*Mobility |
+4 Dodge bonus to AC against Attacks of Opportunity |
6 |
*Spring Attack |
No Attacks of Opportunity from target; must move both before & after attack |
PHB2 |
9 |
*Two Weapon Pounce |
When charging, give up the +2 to attack and gain an attack with your second weapon. |
PHB2 |
12 |
*Two Weapon Rend |
When you hit with both TWF weapons, do an extra 1d6 + 1 1/2 time your strength modifier. |
15 |
Improved Two Weapon Fighting |
When two weapon fighting, gain an extra attack (with a -5 penalty) with the off-hand weapon. |
Rgr1 |
Track |
Rgr1 |
Wild Empathy |
Useless animal-targeted Charisma checks |
Rgr2 |
Two-Weapon Fighting |
Ranger Combat Style |
Rgr3 |
Endurance |
+4 to certain CON & Swim checks; +4 to Fortitude saves (suffocation damage, and nonlethal enviro. damage (cold, heat)); can sleep in medium or heavy armor without being fatigued. |
future feats?: |
Power Attack, Combat Reflexes? |
Ring of Mystic Healing 3 charges/day |
1 charge: +2d6 healing 2 charges: +3d6 healing 3 charges: +4d6 healing |
Special Ability |
Note |
Rage |
1/day; +4 CON + STR, +2 Will Saves, -2 AC, lasts 3+CON Mod rounds |
Fast Movement (barbarian) |
+10 to speed when wearing no armor or light armor or medium armor |
Uncanny Dodge |
can't be flat-footed |
Favored Enemy: Elf |
+2 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival and weapon damage. |
Trackless Step |
As the Druid class ability |
Fast Movement (wildrunner) |
As the Barbarian ability; stacks with Barbarian Fast Movement. |
Scent |
30' (60' upwind; 15' downwind); move action for direction; pinpoint when within 5'. |
Primal Scream |
+2 STR, +6 DEX; Bite Attack (at -5 to hit) does 1d6. Duration is CON mod + 3 (so Rage first). |
- enemies shaken |
Enemies w/in 30' with same hit dice or less; DC 13 Will save or shaken for 4 rounds. |
- pounce |
In the round you scream, you can make a full-round attack after your charge. |
Endure Elements |
Can cast (on self only) at will. |
War Domain |
Martial Weapon Prof., Weapon Focus: Longbow |
Celerity Domain |
Base land speed is +10 |
Hide in Plain Sight |
(as the Ranger class feature) |
Travel Power |
Jaunter level + DEX mod times per day; also can use scrolls and spell completion items of the same spell |
Get +1 unnamed (!) AC Bonus as long as at least one use remains for the day. |
- benign transposition |
2 creatures (up to large) w/in 100 feet of you; instantaneous; does not provoke AoO. |
- baleful transposition |
2 creatures (up to large) w/in 100 feet of you; instantaneous; does not provoke AoO; DC 12. |
- teleport |
As the spell |
Fast Movement (Jaunter) |
As the Barbarian ability; stacks with Barbarian Fast Movement. |
Dimension Door (Jaunter) |
As the spell, except: Jaunter level x 30 feet day; 10' increments any number of times per day until full amt (90 ft.) used. |