Feat / Ability |
Note |
*Improved Initiative |
+4 to Initiative Rolls |
*Lightning Reflexes |
+2 to Reflex Saving Throws |
*Weapon Finesse |
Use DEX instead of STR to melee weapons smaller than self |
*Rapid Reload: Light Crossbow |
Reload a light crossbow as a free action |
Trap Sense +3 |
+3 to Reflex Saves and AC versus traps |
Dodge v. giants (+4 AC) |
Evasion |
No damage when Reflex save made |
Uncanny Dodge |
Dex bonus to AC (can't be flat-footed) |
Improved Uncanny Dodge |
Can't be flanked |
Sneak Attack +5d6 |
Additional damage when opponent is flat-footed or flanked |
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Giant, Draconic |