RPG Characters
  Peter Curtain

A convicted forger finally out of jail, Peter is barely adjusting to the real world. It doesn't help that he saw--and worse, heard--certain things while in prison, and is now assisting The Society of the White Rose. Perhaps assisting the Society in performing good and helping others will also help Peter become a better person. Or, maybe, he'll just go mad first.

Sex   Age
Male   21
Height   Weight
6'2"   180
Hair   Eyes
Blonde   Blue
Health/Hits   AC
12   14
Class/Profession   Rank/Level
Criminal   2

Saving Throw - Fortitude+10 Base, +1 CON mod
Saving Throw - Reflex+73 Base, +4 DEX mod
Saving Throw - Will00 Base
Attack - melee+1 +1 BAB
Attack - ranged +5 +1 BAB +4 DEX Mod

Weapon Total
Damage STR Bonus
to damage
Critical Range Weight Type Size Special Properties
Brass Knuckles +1 1d3+2   x2   1 pound Bludgeoning Tiny No attack of opportunity for using (Improved Unarmed Strike)
Sap +1 1d6 (subdual)   x2   3 pounds Bludgeoning Small No attack of opportunity for using (Improved Unarmed Strike)
Sword Cane +1 1d4   18-20/x2   4 pounds Piercing and Slashing   The cane looks a bit battered
Navy pistol +5 2d6-1   18-20/x2 10 feet 2 pounds Piercing Small Holds 6 rounds; Max Rate of Fire: 6

Quantity Item TypeNote
96Rounds (Navy pistol)Weapon
4silver Rounds (Navy pistol)Weapon
1Grappling HookGeneral
1Calling CardsGeneral
1Thieve's ToolsGeneral
1Travelling DeskGeneral
110 PencilsGeneral
1Watch, chainGeneral
1Watch, fobGeneral
1Police WhistleGeneral
1Rubber BootsClothes
1Suit (business)Clothes
1Suit (dress)Clothes
1Jewelled GobletTreasure from Great White
1PhotographSouvenir from Great WhitePhotograph of Arthur J. Wainsworth III, Jay Reeves, and Peter with a 30' dead shark.

Language: English
Disable Device65 ranks + 1 (INT mod)
Forgery65 ranks + 1 (INT mod)
Gather Information35 ranks - 2 (CHA mod)
Hide95 ranks + 4 (DEX mod)
Move Silent95 ranks + 4 (DEX mod)
Open Lock95 ranks + 4 (DEX mod)
Pick Pocket95 ranks + 4 (DEX mod)
Read Lips65 ranks + 1 (INT mod)
Search65 ranks + 1 (INT mod)
Spot55 ranks

Improved Initiative+4 to Initiative rolls
Improved Unarmed StrikeNo AoO when attacking with hands
Sneak Attack+1d6 damage; as Rogue in PHB


Peter Curtain's first assignment from the Society involved travelling to rural Illinois. Meeting at the train station, he found himself travelling with Ryan Thorpe, an archeologist-adventurer from England, Jay Reeves, an English dandy, a mystic priest named Robert Gauss, and Laughing Moon, an Indian shaman. They ventured to a small town, to investigate strange happenings which worried a society member residing in the town. Though they themselves survived, and saved many people from a horrible fate, the were unable to save the person they were sent to help. By the end of the adventure, the stress and bizarre occurrences had permanently warped Peter's mind. He is now paranoid--literally.

Peter's second adventure found him unexpectedly drawn into an investigation in South Africa. Coincidentally, he ran into Jay Reeves again, who also took part in the case.

Called to Milwaukee by the Society, Peter found himself working with complete strangers on a very strange case. Only partially successful, the group nevertheless survived the odd goings-on in the Pabst mansion.

Peter Curtain has played the following Living Death modules, with the characters noted:

  • Insomnia (RubyCon IV, February 2002)
    • Jay Reeves, an English dandy (1st level) - played by Matt Larson
    • Robert Gauss, a mystic priest (2nd level) - played by Dale Gaus
    • Ryan Thorpe, an English adventurer-archeologist (6th level) - played by Chris Dodd
    • Laughing Moon, an Indian shaman (6th level) - played by Sandy Palmer
    • Peter Curtain, Texas criminal (1st level) - played by me
    • DM - Ben Harris
  • Great White (Milwaukee Summer Revel 6, June 2002)
    • Jay Reeves, an English dandy (2nd level) - played by Matt Larson
    • Arthur J. Wainsworth III, an American dandy (8th level) - played by David Hirst
    • Peter Curtain, Texas criminal (1st level) - played by me
    • DM - Ed Gibson (also author of the module)
  • Strange Brew (July 2002)
    • Madame Lao, a Chinese dandy (1st level) - played by Ryan Karr
    • Margaret Delafey, an Creole spiritualist (1st level) - played by Sarah Johnson
    • Tristan Hawk, an Americn cowboy (1st level) - played by Scott Randall
    • Peter Curtain, Texas criminal (2nd level) - played by me
    • DM - Paul Dohearty
  • Urgent Affair (October 2002)
    • Madame Lao, a Chinese dandy (1st level) - played by Ryan Karr
    • Margaret Delafey, an Creole spiritualist (1st level) - played by Sarah Johnson
    • Peter Curtain, Texas criminal (2nd level) - played by me
    • DM - Paul Dohearty


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      © 2001-2003 Kent Wayson

    This page was last updated on 6 January 2003