Reif N. Stahl
Character Name
Wizard (Transmuter) Human
Class Race
7 M 27 Male
Level Size Age Gender
Kent Wayson   841048  
Player RPGA #
Neutral Good Olidamarra
Alignment Deity
    Green Light Brown
Height Weight Eyes Hair
Veluna 25,312 none (yet)
Region Exp. Points Meta-Orgs
Enchantment Illusion
Prohibited Schools of Magic
Ability Score Mod Temp
STR 12 +1    
DEX 14 +2    
CON 14 +2    
INT 17 +3 19 +4  
WIS 10 0    
CHA 8 -1    
HP  36
  Total   Dex   Misc   Temp
INIT +6 = +2 + +4 +  
DANGERSENSE Re-roll Initiative; once per day
Saving Throws Total   Wiz6   Abil   Familiar   Temp
FORTITUDE +4 = +2 + +2 +   +  
REFLEX +6 = +2 + +2 + +2 +  
WILL +5 = +5 + 0 +   +  
Attack Bonuses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th   Abil Misc
MELEE +3 - - -   +1  
RANGED +3 - - -   +2  

ARMOR CLASS Total   Base   Armor   Ring   Dex   Misc   Temp
Normal 12 = 10 + 0 + 0 + +2 + 0 +  
Touch 12 = 10 + -- + 0 + +2 + 0 +  
Flat-footed 10 = 10 + 0 + 0 + -- + 0 +  
Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Type Size Special Properties
Banrhialorg (m.w. quarterstaff) +5/0/0/0 1d6+1/1d6+1 20/x2   4.0 Bludgeoning Medium  Also acts a Lesser Rod of Extend
Dagger +4/0/0/0 1d4+1 19-20/x2 10' 2.0 Piercing Medium  
Light Crossbow +5/0/0/0 1d8 19-20/x2 80' 4.0 Piercing Medium  
Type Armor Bonus Max Dex Bonus Check Penalty Arcane
Spell Fail
Speed Weight Special Properties
Gear Encumbrance
Item Qty Wt
4000 gp (approx.) 1 0.0
Acid 5 5.0
Alchemist's Fire 5 5.0
Artificer's Monocle 1 0.0
Backpack 1 2.0
Bolts 20 2.0
Everburning Torch 1 1.0
Flint & Steel 1 --
Grappling Hook 1 4.0
Headband of Intellect +2 1 0.0
Holy Water 4 4.0
Maroe's Spellbook 1 0.0
Pearl of Power, 1st 4 0.0
Potion of Invisibility 3 0.0
Rod of Extend, Lesser  2 5.0
Rope (50 ft., silk) 1 5.0
Scroll--Burning Hands 1  
Scroll--Mage Armor 1  
Spellbook 1 2.0
Sunrod 3 3.0
Hand of the Mage (It allows the wearer to utilize the spell Mage Hand at will) 1 2.0
Wand--Grease (50 charges) 1 0.0
Wand--Magic Missile (50 charges) 1 0.0
Zanzer's Spellbook 1 0.0
Total Weight (includes weapons & armor) 50
Have someone else carry the rope and grappling hook: 41
1 - 43 44 - 86 87 - 130
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
130 260 650
Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag
Skill Name Ability Tot
Ranks Note
Concentration CON +12 +2 10  
Knowledge: Arcana INT +14 +4 10  
Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering INT +5 +4 1  
Knowledge: Dungeoneering INT +5 +4 1  
Knowledge: Geography INT +5 +4 1  
Knowledge: History INT +12 +4 8  
Knowledge: Local (Core) INT +5 +4 1 Core mods
Knowledge: Local (Iuz's border states) INT +5 +4 1 Bandit Kingdoms, Furyondy, Highfolk, Perrenland, Shield Lands
Knowledge: Local (Tuflik, Fals, and Velverdyva Trade Route) INT +5 +4 1 City of Dyvers, Ekbir, Ket, Tusmit, Veluna, Verbobonc, Zeif
Knowledge: Local (Sheldomar Valley) INT +5 +4 1 Bissel, Geoff, Gran March, Keoland, Principality of Ulek, Yeomanry
Knowledge: Local (Nyrond and her environs) INT +5 +4 1 Nyrond, County of Urnst, Duchy of Urnst, Pale, Ratik
Knowledge: Local (Splintered Suns) INT +5 +4 1 Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa), Ahlissa (Naerie), Bone March, Dullstrand, Onnwal, Sea Barons, Sunndi
Knowledge: Nature INT +5 +4 1  
Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty INT +5 +4 1  
Knowledge: Religion INT +5 +4 1  
Knowledge: The Planes INT +14 +4 10  
Spellcraft INT +16 +4 10  +2 skill synergy from Knowledge:Arcana
Feats / Special Abilitites
Lvl Feat / Ability Note
H Improved Initiative +4 to Initiative checks
1 Danger Sense Re-roll Initiative once a day; take the roll, even if it's worse
3 Craft Wonderous Item Make shit!
6 Energy Substitution: Acid Prepare a spell as type:Acid instead of its normal energy type.
Wiz1 Summon Familiar Weasel
Wiz1 Scribe Scroll Scribe those useful but not required daily spells!
Wiz5 Silent Spell Shhhhhhh. Be vewy vewy quiet--we're hunting rabbits!
FUTURE FEATS: Sculpt Spell (9th)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Giant, Sylvan
Familiar abilities: +4 natural armor, INT 9, Alertness, Improved Evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master, speak with animals of its own kind

Lvl  DC   Total   per Day   Specialist   Bonus   Deafult Spells Prepared 
0 13 5 4 1 -- Acid Splash, Detect Magic (x3), Read Magic
1 14 6 4 1 1 Grease, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Swift Expeditious Retreatb
2 15 5 3 1 1 False Life, Glitterdust, Scorching Ray, Scorching Acidic Ray (Scorching Ray with Energy Substitution: Acid), Spider Climbb
3 16 4 2 1 1 Acidball (Fireball with Energy Substitution: Acid), Fireball, Fly, Hasteb
4 17 3 1 1 1 Dimension Door, Evard's Black Tentacles, Trollshapeb
5 18 -- -- --
Spellbook -  0  1  2  3  4 - spell list
My fourth character for Living Greyhawk. Created to play Highfolk intro mods; he may just begin studying the arcane arts, just for fun....
After a few odd adventures in Highfolk town (Trouble Brewing and Which Way Did They Go?), Reif travelled to the fabled City of Greyhawk. There, he met many interesting people and had much fun helping other adventurers fight a bizarre cult (Mad God's Key). This adventure also signalled his first encounter with Wee Jas. A short time later, Reif once again found himself entwined in the Mad God's web (Key to the Grave), but luckily survived. Sadly, one of his fellow adventurers perished at the hand of Lord Kolta, the vampire they fought. This death caused pangs of guilt in Reif, for he had refused to steal some essential supplies which would have aided greatly in he fight against the vampire. Perhaps next time he will check his own morality at the door--for the greater good, of course.
At any rate, recieving a blessing from Wee Jas prompted Reif to begin studying the arcane arts. Though still a devoted follower of Olidamarra, Reif has found that some magical aptitude increases his fun during his roguish activities--not to mention his effectiveness and survivability.
The arcane arts proved so fascinating that Reif decided to forgo his roguish ways and devote himself completely to the study of magic. So intense is his study, that he has completely forgotten some of his old skills and now remembers only the knowledge that he studies incessantly.