Reif N. Stahl Spellbook - 0 1 2 3 4
Character Name
Wizard 7
Class Level
Human Kent Wayson
Race Player
banned schools: Enchantment Illusion
Lvl DC Total per Day Specialist Bonus
0 13 5 4 1 --
1 14 6 4 1 1
2 15 5 3 1 1
3 16 4 2 1 1
4 17 3 1 1 1
5 18 -- -- 1 --
6 19 -- -- 1 --
Lv Spell / School Comp CT Range Target Duration Save SR DC Source
2 Blindness/Deafness
V s.a. Medium One Living Creature Permanent (D)l Fortitude negates Yes 16 PHB
2 Command Undead
V,S,M s.a. Close One Undead Creature One day/lvl Will negates; see text Yes 16 PHB
  This spell allows you some degree of control over an undead creature. Assuming the subject is intelligent, it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way (treat its attitude as friendly). It will not attack you while the spell lasts. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An intelligent commanded undead never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing.
A nonintelligent undead creature gets no saving throw against this spell. When you control a mindless being, you can communicate only basic commands, such as "come here," "go there," "fight," "stand still," and so on. Nonintelligent undead won't resist suicidal or obviously harmful orders. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the commanded undead (regardless of its Intelligence) breaks the spell.
Your commands are not telepathic. The undead creature must be able to hear you.
Material Component: A shred of raw meat and a splinter of bone.
2 False Life
V, S, M s.a. Personal You 1 hour/level     16 PHB
  You harness the power of unlife to grant yourself a limited ability to avoid death. While this spell is in effect, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1d10 +1 per caster level (maximum +10). Material Component: A small amount of alcohol or distilled spirits, which you use to trace certain sigils on your body during casting. These sigils cannot be seen once the alcohol or spirits evaporate.
2 Fox's Cunning
V, S, M s.a. Touch Creature touched 1 min./level Will negatesh Yes 16 PHB
  The transmuted creature becomes smarter. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, adding the usual benefits to Intelligence-based skill checks and other uses of the Intelligence modifier. Wizards (and other spellcasters who rely on Intelligence) affected by this spell do not gain any additional bonus spells for the increased Intelligence, but the save DCs for spells they cast while under this spell's effect do increase. This spell doesn't grant extra skill points.
2 Glitterdust
Conjuration (Creation)
V, S, M s.a. Medium 10-ft.-radius spread 1 round/level Will negates (blinding only) No 16 PHB
  A cloud of golden particles covers everyone and everything in the area, causing creatures to become blinded and visibly outlining invisible things for the duration of the spell. All within the area are covered by the dust, which cannot be removed and continues to sparkle until it fades.
Any creature covered by the dust takes a -40 penalty on Hide checks.
2 Melf's Acid Arrow
Conjuration (Creation) [Acid]
V,S,M,F s.a. Long One arrow of acid 1 round + 1 round per three levels None No 16 PHB
  A magical arrow of acid springs from your hand and speeds to its target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. The arrow deals 2d4 points of acid damage with no splash damage. For every three caster levels (to a maximum of 18th), the acid, unless somehow neutralized, lasts for another round, dealing another 2d4 points of damage in that round.
2 Scorching Ray
Evocation [Fire]
V, S s.a. Close One or more rays Instantaneous None Yes 16 PHB
  You blast your enemies with fiery rays. You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of fire damage. The rays may be fired at the same or different targets, but all bolts must be aimed at targets within 30 feet of each other and fired simultaneously.
2 Spider Climb
V, S, M s.a. Touch Creature touched 10 min./level Will negatesh Yesh 16 PHB
  The subject can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a spider does. The affected creature must have its hands free to climb in this manner. The subject gains a climb speed of 20 feet; furthermore, it need not make Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). A spider climbing creature retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.
2 Ray of Weakness
V, S s.a. Close Ray 1 min./level None Yes 16 SC
  You must success on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target. The target of the ray feels weaker and takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls. Its speed is reduced by 10 feet.
2 Scare
[Fear, Mind-Affecting]
V, S, M s.a. Medium One living creature per three levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart 1 rd./level or 1 rd; see text for cause fear Will partial Yes 16 PHB
  This spell functions like cause fear, except that it causes all targeted creatures of less than 6 HD to become frightened.
Material Component: A bit of bone from an undead skeleton, zombie, ghoul, ghast, or mummy.
2 See Invisibility
V, S, M s.a. Personal You 10 min./level (D)     16 PHB
  You can see any objects or beings that are invisible within your range of vision, as well as any that are ethereal, as if they were normally visible. Such creatures are visible to you as translucent shapes, allowing you easily to discern the difference between visible, invisible, and ethereal creatures.
The spell does not reveal the method used to obtain invisibility. It does not reveal illusions or enable you to see through opaque objects. It does not reveal creatures who are simply hiding, concealed, or otherwise hard to see.
See invisibility can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Material Component: A pinch of talc and a small sprinkling of powdered silver.
2 Spectral Hand
V, S s.a. Medium One spectral hand 1 min./level (D) None No 16 PHB
  A ghostly, glowing hand shaped from your life force materializes and moves as you desire, allowing you to deliver low-level, touch range spells at a distance. On casting the spell, you lose 1d4 hit points that return when the spell ends (even if it is dispelled), but not if the hand is destroyed. (The hit points can be healed as normal.) For as long as the spell lasts, any touch range spell of 4th level or lower that you cast can be delivered by the spectral hand. The spell gives you a +2 bonus on your melee touch attack roll, and attacking with the hand counts normally as an attack. The hand always strikes from your direction. The hand cannot flank targets like a creature can. After it delivers a spell, or if the hand goes beyond the spell range, goes out of your sight, the hand returns to you and hovers.
The hand is incorporeal and thus cannot be harmed by normal weapons. It has improved evasion (half damage on a failed Reflex save and no damage on a successful save), your save bonuses, and an AC of at least 22. Your Intelligence modifier applies to the hand's AC as if it were the hand's Dexterity modifier. The hand has 1 to 4 hit points, the same number that you lost in creating it.
2 Web
Conjuration (Creation)
V, S, M s.a. Medium Webs in a 20-ft. radius spread 10 min./level (D) Reflex negates; see text No 16 PHB
  Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands. These strands trap those caught in them. The strands are similar to spider webs but far larger and tougher. These masses must be anchored to two or more solid and diametrically opposed points or else the web collapses upon itself and disappears. Creatures caught within a web become entangled among the gluey fibers. Attacking a creature in a web won't cause you to become entangled.
Anyone in the effect's area when the spell is cast must make a Reflex save. If this save succeeds, the creature is entangled, but not prevented from moving, though moving is more difficult than normal for being entangled (see below). If the save fails, the creature is entangled and can't move from its space, but can break loose by spending 1 round and making a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 25 Escape Artist check. Once loose (either by making the initial Reflex save or a later Strength check or Escape Artist check), a creature remains entangled, but may move through the web very slowly. Each round devoted to moving allows the creature to make a new Strength check or Escape Artist check. The creature moves 5 feet for each full 5 points by which the check result exceeds 10.
If you have at least 5 feet of web between you and an opponent, it provides cover. If you have at least 20 feet of web between you, it provides total cover.
The strands of a web spell are flammable. A magic flaming sword can slash them away as easily as a hand brushes away cobwebs. Any fire can set the webs alight and burn away 5 square feet in 1 round. All creatures within flaming webs take 2d4 points of fire damage from the flames.
  Close 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels   s.a. 1 standard action
  Medium 100 ft. + 10 ft./level   h harmless
  Long 400 ft. + 40 ft./level   o object
        swift 1 swift action