Name: | Sonia Henning | | Age: | 19 years old |
Hair: | Red | | Eyes: | Green |
Height: | 5'7" | | Weight: | 130 |
Profession: | Artist |
Progression: | Defensive | | good saves: | FORT & WILL |
FORT Save: +2 (+2 base, 0 Con)
REF Save: -1 (0 base, -1 Dex)
WILL Save: +3 (2 base, 1 Wis)
S: | 8 | -2 |
D: | 8 | -2 |
C: | 10 | -1 |
I: | 14 | +2 |
W: | 12 | +1 |
Ch: | 16 | +3 |
HP: | 6 |
AC: | 9 |
B.A.B. (melee): | -1 |
B.A.B. (ranged): | -1 |
FORT Save: +2 (+2 base, 0 Con) |
REF Save: -1 (0 base, -1 Dex) |
WILL Save: +3 (+2 base, 1 Wis) |
Feats: |
Persuasive |
Trustworty |
Max Sanity: | 60 |
Sanity: | 60 |
Cthulhu Mythos: | 0 |
Skills: |
Bluff: | +9 | (4 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Persuasive feat) |
Craft (Pottery): | +4 | (2 ranks, +2 Int) |
Craft (Sculpture): | +3 | (1 rank, +2 Int) |
Diplomacy: | +9 | (4 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Diplomacy feat) |
Gather Information: | +9 | (4 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Diplomacy feat) |
Innuendo: | +4 | (4 ranks, +1 Wis) |
Intimidate: | +8 | (3 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Persuasive feat) |
Knowledge (Art History): | +4 | (2 ranks, +2 Int) |
Listen: | +5 | (4 ranks, +1 Wis) |
Research: | +6 | (4 ranks, +2 Int) |
Sense Motive: | +5 | (4 ranks, +1 Wis) |
Spot: | +5 | (4 ranks, +1 Wis) |
An attractive and intelligent student, Sonia has always been interested in art. She just recently shifted her focus from pottery to sculpture, but that's a relatively minor shift in focus in the Art Department and she will continue to work with the same professors. Sonia truly loves her art, even though she realizes that she has far to go--and grow--as an artist. A bit of a pragmatist, she considered switching majors to Computer Science, but she loves her art too much to do that. She will probably go for a minor in CompSci, though. Dating Matthew for so long, Sonia has grown accustomed to his anger and mood swings. She has become quite adept at "reading" people (especially Matthew) and manipulating them with her communication skills. Sonia also has a knack for saying exactly what people want to hear, whether she believes it or not.
Sonia has clay (for pottery; it's kept in her locker at the department's art studio), as well as sculpting tools (chisels, picks, hammer, rubber mallet, etc.), some hard blocks of sculpting materials (marble, granite) and a few smocks. For more expensive tools, she just uses the college Sonia has an inexpensive computer in her room, and hopes to save up enough money to buy a better model soon. She gets help keeping "old faithful" running with some help from some Computer Science majors, but she is careful not to let Matthew know she associates with "those losers" as he calls them.