RPG Characters
  Tybalt Hilltopple

Tybalt, commonly called "Peck," is a halfling follower of Brandobaris.

Sex   Age
Male   24
Height   Weight
2'10"   32
Hair   Eyes
Blonde   Blue
Race/Species   Health/Hits   AC
Halfling   11   17
Class/Profession   Rank/Level
Rogue   2

Saving Throw - Fortitude+10 Base, +1 racial bonus
Saving Throw - Reflex+83 Base, +4 DEX mod, +1 racial bonus
Saving Throw - Will+30 Base, +2 WIS mod, +1 racial bonus
Attack - melee+1 +1 BAB
Attack - ranged +5 (+6)+1 BAB +4 DEX Mod (+1 crossbow)

Quantity Item TypeNote
1Leather ArmorArmor
1Grappling HookGeneral
1Thieve's ToolsGeneral
100'Silk RopeGeneral
1Short SwordWeapon
1Light CrossbowWeapon

Language: Halfling
Language: Common
Language: Goblin
Appraise85 ranks + 3 (INT mod)
Balance95 ranks + 4 (DEX mod)
Climb20 ranks + 2 (racial mod)
Disable Device95 ranks + 4 (DEX mod)
Hide135 ranks + 4 (DEX mod) +4 (racial mod)
Jump20 ranks + 2 (racial mod)
Listen95 ranks + 2 (WIS mod) + 2 (racial mod)
Move Silently115 ranks + 2 (WIS mod) + 2 (racial mod)
Open Lock95 ranks + 4 (DEX mod)
Read Lips52 ranks + 3 (INT mod)
Search85 ranks + 3 (INT mod)
Spot75 ranks + 2 (WIS mod)
Tumble95 ranks + 4 (DEX mod)
Use Magic Device33 ranks

EvasionReflex saves = no damage instead of half damage
Improved Initiative+4 to Initiative rolls


Tybalt Hilltopple is a halfling, wandering far from home for the first time. At the start of his journey, he ran across an elven mage named Sithrandel, while roaming the countryside. After an uneventful night, the pair parted company. Fascinated by magic, Tybalt eventually decided to track down the mage and learn the arcane arts. Since then he has travelled to Highfolk, searching for the elven mage. Tybalt has not found Sithrandel yet, but has made several interesting new friends. Krug, the half-orc fighter; Kathrese, a female human monk; Jaedyn, a female human cleric; and Corwin, a human male monk. Corwin and Krug, for some unknown reason, have taken to calling the halfling "Peck" so he has adopted that as his official nickname.

This odd group was sent to check on a farmer from the outlying areas, who had not been seen in some time. Attacked by goblins during the journey, the small band of adventurers quickly dispatched the five obnoxious humanoids.

Arriving at the farmhouse, the group stumbled on a most unusual scene. A group of goblins surrounded the farm, intent upon attacking another group of goblins already inside!

At Tybalt's suggestion, the party decided to trick the goblins into attacking. They fired crossbow bolts into the farm, while Corwin shouted out in goblin, "Attack!" The goblins outside immediately began firing, as did those inside. The party watched with satisfaction as the goblin factions battled each other. The goblin group outside eventually vanquished those inside. As they moved into the farmhouse, the adventurers attacked. The party proved quite adept, dispatching the beasts with a minimum of injury to themselves.

Fortunately, the human owners of the farmhouse were unhurt by the ordeal. The farmer struck a deal with the group, selling them the farm for the gold retrieved from the goblins. On top of the 85 gold, the party threw in the 80 or so silver pieces, to help the family start a new life elsewhere.

Now, what to do with this farm....

The group has tided up the place. Well, at least they've disposed of the goblin bodies, washed away the blood, repaired the broken doors and windows, and re-painted where necessary.

They were just getting settled in the farm, when something very strange happened one morning. As they were preparing to leave the farm and report for militia duty, they opened the door to find a dieing elf. The elf, his throat slit from ear to ear, whispered one strange word and died. Five spots of blood around the dead elf suddenly spring to life as skeletons, attacking the group! Fortunately, they were quickly vanquished, as well as the odd, obviously evil cleric who appeared.

The group gave the elf a decent burial, and then reported the strange event to the Militia headquarters in Highfolk. Their superiors immediately decided that the group should investigate further.

Joining in the fun were two new militia members: a human paladin and a human sorcerer name Quinton Boorpus. Peck was so excited to have the extra fire-power along, he has forgotten the paladin's name and must ask him soon to avoid embarassing himself socially.

Following a very obvious trail, the group eventually made its way to a strange dungeon. They have only partially explored the catacombs, but have so far overcome many fierce monsters. Tybalt was quite successful with his magical crossbow. This, for some unknown reason, seemed to anger Krug. Silly half-orc. Krug got so angry, he snapped one of Tybalt's crossbow bolts. Fortunately, the group had to retreat back to the farm to heal their wounds and Tybalt was able to replenish the bolt from his supply. They returned to the underground complex, but still have much to explore....

After returning from the twisting and winding labyrinth to retrieve Jayden to help in the struggle against the undead, the party returned to one of the stair cases leading lower into the labyrinth. After traveling down a long winding stair case the group came into an open room with a scarred man in long dark robes. As the man turned to face the group Jayden gave an audible gasp as see recognized the symbol of Iuz hanging from his neck. "Greetings adventurers," the foul cleric intoned in a low hallow voice, "my master greatly desirers your deaths so that you my serve the forces of Iuz in undeath. Now you shall die." With a wave of his hand a large number of skeletons and zombies appeared before the group.

Krug immediately waded into the ranks of the zombies and skeletons trying to reach the foul cleric before his magic could bring doom to the entire group. He was quickly followed by the paladin. Jayden tried to call upon the power of Hieronious to smite the undead but instead felt a great evil oppression that blocked her god's power. As the party was locked in combat with the undead the cleric began his first spell that would have brought death, too, if not for the timely throw of shuriken from both monks that broke his concentration and ruined his spell. This allowed Krug enough time to break through the ranks of the undead and reach the evil cleric. Just as he was about to deliver the death blow against the cleric with his mighty great sword, a crossbow bolt slammed into the cleric's eye instantly killing him. Krug turned around to see Tybalt holding his now empty crossbow. The halfling could only shrug as Krug turned his angry glare on him. The rest of the undead fell easily after their leader had fallen.

After the battle the group came upon the door to the inner sanctum and the man behind all the madness. With a mighty roar Krug smashed open the door and uncovered a most unexpected sight. They came upon the high priest of Iuz but not in the condition they expected. There was a dark cloaked figure standing behind him with his sword punched through the cleric's foul heart. The cloaked figure turned to the group and said, "You have arrived to late to save your ally. Soon will come the time when all your kind will be either dead or our slaves." With that the cloaked figure yanked his sword from the dead cleric and with a wave of his hand jumped trough a glowing portal before the party could reach him. After seeing him disappear through the portal the party decided to return to Highfolk and report their findings to the town militia.


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  © 2001-2003 Kent Wayson

This page was last updated on 6 January 2003