Vatzlav is currently associated with a group calling themselve "The Order of the Worm"... Even by this group's standards for interesting histories, his is most unusual.
He was born in the village of Dobroushka. Also known as "the lost village," this small community was cut off from the rest of Bohavia for 500 years. A group of adventurers stumbled upon the village and freed it from a curse--a curse which did not exist, but was manufactured by priests of Smurt to keep the town under their grip.
Dobroushka lies in the shadow of the tower of Boscobelous, the dreaded undead mage. The priests of Smurt convinced the villages that every eldest child must be sacrificed to keep undead from attacking the small town.
For 500 years, the priests' scheme worked. Only the high priest and his closest assistants ever knew the truth. There was no undead curse, despite the "Better dead than undead" cry that was often heard in the village. Instead, the high priest kept the "sacrificed" children locked in a dungeon room, and when they were old enough, sold them into slavery.
Vatzlav had grown up as an only child, his parents' first and last child. Or so he thought. As he grew older, and knew of the town's dirty little secret, he realized he must have had an older sibling who was sacrificed. He never brought the subject up with his parents.
When a hearty band of adventurues (the original Bohavia party) uncovered the priests' secret, Vatzlav realized that his older sister was not dead, at least as far as they knew. She had been sold into slavery.
Valiant warriors of the WSM helped garner some information from the slavers, and tracked down some of the Dobroushkan children. Though they could not find Vatzlav's sister, he did get a lead on her whereabouts. Thought he doesn't discuss it often, and never makes a big deal out of it, he primary goal is to find his sister. And, if possible, wreak vengence on those who abused her as a slave.
Travelling to the Moot--the biggest druidic party of the year--Vatzlav did not find much to help him in his search. But the current group's destination of Budyeyovitz remains a hopeful sight in Vatzlav's eyes, since it is a large elven city--and his sister was bought by a Bohavian elf...
Before the party could get to Budyeyovitz, they stopped for the night in Vodnany. That proved to be an (almost) fatal mistake. Something happened there, something not very nice. In the middle of the night, some sort of possession overtook the villagers, all of whom were elves. They--almost all of them, anyway--became mindless automotons, attacking everything in sight. The party managed to survive until daylight, at which time things returned to normal.
As the group approached the elven capital of Budyeyovitz, the party split into four groups. Locke stayed behind, (i.e., outside the city) with Missy. Howard, Farrina, Kist, and Dal entered as a group. Yiri entered the city by himself. And, finally, Vatzlav entered the city with E'ji and Rihan, an elf-maiden rescued from Pisek who had attacked them during the events at Vodnany. Fortunately, they were able to subdue her without permanent harm and she returned to normal once the night was over.
In Budyeyovitz, Rihan has acted as a guide for Vatzlav. She has shown him the Janhuss tree and found a suitable inn to use as a base. The owner of the inn, Mother Xan, has been most helpful, assisting in the selling of some items and helping them make contact with someone who deals in information. What information this source has about Vatzlav's sister is anyone's guess....