SPOILER WARNING! Spoilers for the Highfolk Year 2 module Fires of Vengeance are including in the story below.
OK, so we're playing Fires of Vengeance. In this module, several people have been attacked by fire, and two of them have been burned to death. Our troupe trudges off to the site of the first murder. It is a nice manor house, where a minor noble was burned to death in his study. We knock on the door (the back door--long story), and eventually walk back to the front door and talk to the victim's shrew of a wife. No matter what we say, she will not let us examine the study where the murder took place. So we leave, and Barendd calls her a bitch as we walk away.
Later in the module, we are looking for the owner of a sleazy tavern. He's not at the tavern, so we talk to the barkeep. She's rather surly and unpleasant, but not without good reason. It seems that the owner has not paid her in a long time. Eventually, we have gotten all the information out of her that we can. So, Barendd proposes something to the woman. He explains that there is a minor noblewoman in Highfolk who is looking for a servant girl. The barkeep protests that she doesn't want that kind of job, but Barendd continues his explanation. It's only one woman, and it would be a relatively easy job. Furthermore, the group will write a letter of introduction for the girl, and Barendd will give her 20 g.p. to get started on her new life. Eventually the barkeep agrees, and so the group begins writing the letter. The half-orc cleric of Wee Jas adds to the letter (without the girl knowing it) that the bearer of this letter is carrying the love child of the dead woman's husband, and that we (the writers of the letter) know she (the wife) would want to raise her husband's child.
So Barendd hands over the 20 g.p. and the group sends the wretched barkeep on her way to a new life in Highfolk.
I must admit that I was laughing so hard by this point, that I could barely talk. Cal's "love child" angle really was a stroke of genius. I get myself under control and we finish the adventure. After we're all done, we ask the DM what happened to the barkeep with her letter of introduction. He nonchalantly adds that the wife "out-bitched" her good; it was no contest.