Ivan Androvich Smik

Name: Ivan Androvich Smik, Male, Age: 23, Zealot

STR 14 CON 7 SIZ 15 INT 18 POW 16
DEX 8 APP 7 EDU 14 SAN 80 HP 11
Magic 16   Idea 90%   Luck 80%   Know 70%  
Armor -- Move 8
Damage Bonus: +1D4

Chemistry 71%, Conceal 65%, Hide 40%, Law 75%, Library Use 25%, Persuade 35%, Psychology 5%, Sneak 60%, Throw 75%, Physics 51%, English 21%, Own Language--Russian 70%, Handgun 70%

Income: $1,500, Cash on Hand: $750, Securities: $750, Property: $6,000, Assets: $7,500

Personal Data

A zealot anarchist of the Russian mold, Ivan tried to blow up the "Hollywoodland" sign in southern California. Due to the rush job, he was only able to blow up the "land" portion of the sign. Someday, he will return to finish his great work.