James Pearson

James Pearson

Name: James Pearson, Male, Age: 25, Pilot

STR 7 CON 8 SIZ 13 INT 11 POW 9
DEX 16 APP 13 EDU 10 SAN 37 HP 11
Magic 9   Idea 55%   Luck 45%   Know 50%  
Armor -- Move 8
Damage Bonus: none

French 26%, Innsmouth Lore 6%, Astronomy 21%, Drive Auto 70%, Electrical Repair 25%, Hide 25%, Mechanical Repair 41%, Navigate 40%, Operate Heavy Machine 1%, Own Language 50%, Photography 20%, Physics 1%, Cthulhu Mythos 1%, Occult 7%, Pilot Aircraft 76%, Sneak 30%, Spot Hidden 40%, Handgun 51%, Psychology 5%, Listen 41%, Club 30%, Fist/Punch 57%

.32 Automatic 51%, damage 1D8, Range: 15 yds, Malfunction: 99, Attacks: 3, Shots: 8, HP: 8, Hands: 1, $20.00
20-gauge Shotgun (2B) 30%, damage 2D6/1D6/1D3, Range: 10/20/50 yds, Malfunction: 00, Attacks: 1 or 2, Shots: 2, HP: 12, Hands: 1, $35.00

Moonshine (crate of 12 bottles)
Folding Pocket Camera, $16.15
Norton Motorcycle, $95.00
Ford Model T, $385.00
.32 Special ammo (box of 100), $5.26

Total Equipment Cost: $556.41

Income: $10,000, Cash on Hand: $5,000, Securities: $5,000, Property: $40,000, Assets: $50,000

Personal Data
Birthplace: Nutley, NJ
Residence: Nutley, NJ
Nationality: British-French-American
Family and Friends: Jimmy is the son of Sir William Boyd Pearson, famed member of British Expeditionary Force and Mario Ortoli, of the famous french Ortoli Winery family.
Madame Serena (ghost specialist)

James William Pearson, was born April 02, 1885 in Nutely, New Jersey. He trained in aerial warfare at the French school and served in both the French and American armed forces during The Great War.

Upon returning from the war, he discovered his fiancee was pregnant and married to another man. Pearson moved to New York, began drinking heavily, and took on the role of private eye to make a few extra dollars. He specializes in cases where the husband suspects infidelity.

His kind acquaintance and occasional employer Dan Walker has asked Jimmy to work on another case. He has told Jimmy that this is not a typical "domestic surveillance" case as he usually assigns, and that he will have some helpers working along with Jimmy on the case. He did not provide any other details, except the time and place of the meeting where Jimmy will meet his companions and get the assignment.

Tomes Read
Corbitt's Dagger (1 SAN): Sanity Loss: 1/1d4; Type: Unique Entity; Description: magic ornamental dagger; STR: n/a; CON: 1; SIZ: 0; INT: 9; POW: 0; DEX: 0; APP: 0; EDU: 0; SAN: 0; Move: 0; Damage Bonus: 0; Armor: 0; Sanity Lost: 1

Entities Encountered
Walter Corbitt (4 SAN): Sanity Loss: 1/1d8; Type: Undead Fiend; Description: Undead fiend; Age: 120; STR: 18; CON: 22; SIZ: 11; INT: 16; POW: 18; DEX: 7; APP: 1; EDU: 16; SAN: 0; Move: 8; Damage Bonus: +1d4; Armor: 0; Skills: Claw=50; Conceal=30; Cthulhu Mythos=31; Lie=72; Listen=60; Mislead=64; Sneak=80; Spells: Dominate, Flesh Ward, Summon/Bind Dimensional Shambler; Possessions: Corbitt's Dagger; Sanity Lost: 4