STR 9 | CON 8 | SIZ 10 | INT 14 | POW 11 |
DEX 9 | APP 11 | EDU 14 | SAN 54 | HP 9 |
Magic 11 | Idea 70% | Luck 55% | Know 70% | |
Armor -- | Move 8 |
English 70%, Accounting 40%, Bargain 45%, Credit Rating 60%, Cthulhu Mythos 4%, Law 25%, Navigate 30%, Persuade 50%, Psychology 48%, Dodge 28%, Handgun 50%, Machine Gun 65%, Rifle 75%, Submachine Gun 70%
.30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle 75%, damage 2D6+4, Range: 110 yds, Malfunction: 00, Attacks: 1/2, Shots: 5, HP: 12, Hands: 1, $75.00
.38 Revolver 50%, damage 1D10, Range: 15 yds, Malfunction: 00, Attacks: 2, Shots: 6, HP: 10, Hands: 1, $25.00
.30-06 Gov't ammo (box of 100), $7.63
.38 Short Round (box of 100), $2.07
Total Equipment Cost: $109.70
Income: $3,500, Cash on Hand: $1,750, Securities: $1,750, Property: $14,000, Assets: $17,500
Personal Data
Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA
Residence: New York City
Nationality: American
Date of Birth: June 29, 1891
Married: Alexandria Marie Baldwin
Occupation: Stocks & Bonds Salesman
Baldwin, at the age of 17, enlisted into the U.S. Army in 1908. He serves in the Great War from 1917 until it's conclusion 1918. He resigns from the Army in 1919 attaining the rank of Lieutenant Major.
He returns to his native home of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a time working as a clerk in his father's hardware store. In 1920 He moves to New York City under employment as a Stocks & Bonds salesman. Joseph is married, however; does not live with his wife, and has no children.
A lawyer friend of his, Dan Walker, has asked Joseph to help him with a small investigation. He doesn't necessarily need your particular skills on this assignment, but if successful he feels that since you are a veteran, his client may be inclined to buy stocks and bonds through you. He is just doing you a small favor, hoping to help you increase your sales.
Dan did not provide any details, except the time and place of the meeting where Joseph will meet his companions and get the assignment.
Tomes Read
Corbitt’s Diary (2 SAN): Language: English; Date: 1800s; Author: Walter Corbitt; Weeks: 0; Sanity Loss: 1d4; Cthulhu Mythos: +4; Spells: Call Forthe Foul Beast; Sanity Lost: 2
Corbitt's Dagger (1 SAN): Sanity Loss: 1/1d4; Type: Unique Entity; Description: magic ornamental dagger; STR: n/a; CON: 1; SIZ: 0; INT: 9; POW: 0; DEX: 0; APP: 0; EDU: 0; SAN: 0; Move: 0; Damage Bonus: 0; Armor: 0; Sanity Lost: 1
Entities Encountered
Walter Corbitt (2 SAN): Sanity Loss: 1/1d8; Type: Undead Fiend; Description: Undead fiend; Age: 120; STR: 18; CON: 22; SIZ: 11; INT: 16; POW: 18; DEX: 7; APP: 1; EDU: 16; SAN: 0; Move: 8; Damage Bonus: +1d4; Armor: 0; Skills: Claw=50; Conceal=30; Cthulhu Mythos=31; Lie=72; Listen=60; Mislead=64; Sneak=80; Spells: Dominate, Flesh Ward, Call Forthe Foul Beast; Possessions: Corbitt's Dagger; Sanity Lost: 2