STR 10 | CON 10 | SIZ 5 | INT 15 | POW 10 |
DEX 6 | APP 12 | EDU 12 | SAN 50 | HP 8 |
Magic 10 | Idea 75% | Luck 50% | Know 60% | |
Armor -- | Move 8 |
Archaeology 51%, Bargain 10%, Credit Rating 20%, History 45%, Latin 51%, Library Use 65%, Rifle 35%, Knife 35%, Handgun 40%, Geology 31%, Natural History 50%, Navigate 50%, Persuade 65%, Psychology 20%
Income: $2,500, Cash on Hand: $250, Securities: $1,250, Property: $10,000, Assets: $11,500
Personal Data
Colleges, Degrees: Oxford University
Residence: London, England, UK
Nationality: British
Height: 4'10" Weight: 80
Description: Very petite.
Family and Friends: Father is professor Matthew Thornton; friend of Egyptian doctor Omar al-Akbar who died while in the United States. She has been told the unpublished facts of his death by Wesely Jordan.
Her petite frame, short stature, and average looks belie a sharp mind. Intellectually, she is her father's equal. It is only his college education and years of experience that give him the advantage. For now.