Robert Brooks

Robert Brooks

Name: Robert Brooks, Male, Age: 45, Police Detective

STR 9 CON 12 SIZ 14 INT 13 POW 14
DEX 11 APP 5 EDU 13 SAN 65 HP 13
Magic 14   Idea 65%   Luck 70%   Know 65%  
Armor -- Move 8
Damage Bonus: none

Bargain 5%, Conceal 40%, Disguise 31%, Dodge 42%, Fast Talk 49%, First Aid 36%, Handgun 40%, Law 45%, Listen 45%, Occult 20%, Persuade 75%, Psychology 45%, Sneak 30%, Spot Hidden 75%

.38 Automatic 40%, damage 1D10, Range: 15 yds, Malfunction: 99, Attacks: 2, Shots: 6, HP: 8, Hands: 1, $30.00

Packard 626, $2,400.00

Total Equipment Cost: $2,430.00

Income: $20,000, Cash on Hand: $10,000, Securities: $10,000, Property: $80,000, Assets: $100,000

Personal Data
Nationality: American
Family and Friends: Chauffeured by his loyal employee, George.

Robert, Born to William and Victoria Brooks in 1873, was the eldest child in this modest yet wealthy family of British decent. His sister, Sarah, of whom Robert was twelve years her senior, took his brotherly duties most seriously. Sarah idolized her brother and the two were quite close. Robert's father William was a successful medical doctor, who had served as a surgeon in the Union Army. Victoria, though a loving mother and indeed wife had loose restraint when it came to the company of gentlemen. More over, her husband had suspicions of that very flaw.

Robert was an industrious student. He lusted after knowledge of all types and was, needless to say, extremely intelligent. As a child he preferred to read than go and play with other children. He was by most accounts socially introverted, and had few friends. At the age of 19 young Brooks' thirst for knowledge did not waiver. In 1892 he attended Yale University, graduating with both law and business degrees in 1900.

With the aid of his educational background in both business and law the twenty-seven year old Brooks took on the endeavor of opening a legal firm. He enlisted the aid of two friends with whom he attended Yale, Theodore Adams and Thomas Czarnecki. Their business started slow, but soon gained momentum in large part due to William Brooks' influence.

It came to his attention in 1908 that the government had created a new department call the Bureau of Investigations. This intrigued Robert and though his legal firm was a successful venture, his constant inclination for challenge and adventure took him in a new direction with employment as one of the Bureau's agents.

Brooks showed an uncanny talent for deduction. In the year 1914 he received the notice of Mr. William Allen, the acting chief. After their meeting, Brooks' prestige within the department rose quickly. His ambition even went so far as to become chief of the bureau. In 1917 The United States Government declared war. The Bureau once again gained further responsibilities, including investigating and preventing acts of sabotage and espionage. Brooks' leapt at the chance to help serve his country via the Bureau, being as he was too on in years to fight in Europe. He was selected by his good friend William Allen to lead both departments. His administration of these departments was nothing short of brilliant. With the ending of the war in 1918, Robert remained the head of these departments until they were slowly forgotten and eventually dissolved by 1920. Given his prominence within the department, Robert thought his chance had finally come in 1919 when he was reviewed to become the new chief, but was passed over by a man whom he was not particularly fond of, William Flynn. The feeling was mutual. Brooks felt betrayed. He believed that it was due to the fact he had no wife, which had at times, been a subject of some controversy. Robert, since then, became ever further disillusioned with the bureau.

Robert knows that a lawyer, Dan Walker, has tasked a small group of men to do some investigatory work for him. Robert doesn't know any details, except the time and place of the meeting where the group will get the assignment.

Will he crash the meeting? Tail the group when they leave? Beat up the lawyer after the group departs?

Entities Encountered
Walter Corbitt (1 SAN): Sanity Loss: 1/1d8; Type: Undead Fiend; Description: Undead fiend; Age: 120; STR: 18; CON: 22; SIZ: 11; INT: 16; POW: 18; DEX: 7; APP: 1; EDU: 16; SAN: 0; Move: 8; Damage Bonus: +1d4; Armor: 0; Skills: Claw=50; Conceal=30; Cthulhu Mythos=31; Lie=72; Listen=60; Mislead=64; Sneak=80; Spells: Dominate, Flesh Ward, Summon/Bind Dimensional Shambler; Possessions: Corbitt's Dagger; Sanity Lost: 1