Samuel Hopkins

Samuel Hopkins

Name: Samuel Hopkins, Male, Age: 29, Journalist

STR 8 CON 12 SIZ 14 INT 15 POW 12
DEX 14 APP 6 EDU 12 SAN 60 HP 13
Magic 12   Idea 75%   Luck 60%   Know 60%  
Armor -- Move 8
Damage Bonus: none

Bargain 25%, Listen 30%, Sneak 17%, Hide 18%, Dodge 48%, Drive Auto 40%, English 60%, Fast Talk 65%, German 21%, Handgun 30%, History 50%, Law 15%, Library Use 65%, Medicine 35%, Persuade 45%, Photography 40%, Psychology 35%, Spot Hidden 45%

.32 or 7.65mm Automatic 30%, damage 1D8, Range: 15 yds, Malfunction: 99, Attacks: 3, Shots: 8, HP: 8, Hands: 1, $20.00

Box Camera, $2.29
Developer Kit, $4.95
Film, 24 exposures, $0.38
Remington Typewriter, $40.00
Writing Tablet, $0.20
St. Michael Medal
Zippo Lighter
Key (Gargoyle Tower)

Total Equipment Cost: $67.82

Income: $3,500, Cash on Hand: $955, Securities: $1,500, Property: $14,500, Assets: $16,955
Personal Property: Ford Model A
Real Estate: Small house

Personal Data
Birthplace: Dunkirk, NY
Residence: New York City, NY
Nationality: American
Description: Hardedged face; grim mostly, slightly charming when smiling.
Family and Friends: Robert (father) owns cigar factory; brother Adam works there; mother Anne and sister Selby.

Work history:
1909--Collier's Weekly
1911--series in Collier's fighting misleading health product advertising
1917-1919--Great War correspondent
1919+--New York Sun