Wesely Jordan

Wesely Jordan

Name: Wesely Jordan, Male, Age: 31, Journalist

STR 7 CON 10 SIZ 13 INT 18 POW 11
DEX 10 APP 14 EDU 16 SAN 42 HP 12
Magic 11   Idea 90%   Luck 55%   Know 80%  
Armor -- Move 8
Damage Bonus: none

English 80%, Art 13%, First Aid 33%, Fast Talk 80%, History 50%, Library Use 72%, Club 28%, Grapple 30%, Occult 22%, Persuade 70%, Photography 71%, Innsmouth Lore 8%, Psychology 55%, Conceal 45%, Credit Rating 60%, Listen 57%, Cthulhu Mythos 28%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 77%

20-gauge Shotgun (2B) 30%, damage 2D6/1D6/1D3, Range: 10/20/50 yds, Malfunction: 00, Attacks: 1 or 2, Shots: 2, HP: 12, Hands: 1, $35.00

Suitcase (15 lbs.), $9.95
Cigarettes (per pack), $0.10
Box Camera, $2.29
Developer Kit, $4.95
Film, 24 exposures (x4), $1.52
Generic Equipment
Religious gee-gaw
Breviary (small religious book)

Total Equipment Cost: $53.81

Income: $5,500, Cash on Hand: $2,742, Securities: $2,750, Property: $22,000, Assets: $27,492

Personal Data
Colleges, Degrees: Suffolk U, Boston, MA (no degree)
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Residence: Boston, MA
Nationality: American
Description: Catholic
Wounds and Injuries: Punched, dropped, crossed, shot, stabbed

Wesley overheard a legal acquaintance, Dan Walker, talking to someone about investigating a house. Wesley knows him from some stories in the past where he has interviewed him. He seems like a nice enough person, but Wesley is not sure if he's really friendly or just putting on an act (as many lawyers do).

Emboldened by the thought of a juicy story*, Wesley sort of bullied you way into an assignment. Dan did not provide any details, except the time and place of the meeting where Wesley will meet his companions and get the assignment.

*Oppression of the working class? Property swindle? A land speculation scam? Shoddy/unsafe housing?

Tomes Read
Corbitt’s Diary (3 SAN): Language: English; Date: 1800s; Author: Walter Corbitt; Weeks: 0; Sanity Loss: 1d4; Cthulhu Mythos: +4; Spells: Call Forthe Foul Beast; Sanity Lost: 3
Corbitt's Dagger (1 SAN): Sanity Loss: 1/1d4; Type: Unique Entity; Description: magic ornamental dagger; STR: n/a; CON: 1; SIZ: 0; INT: 9; POW: 0; DEX: 0; APP: 0; EDU: 0; SAN: 0; Move: 0; Damage Bonus: 0; Armor: 0; Sanity Lost: 1

Entities Encountered
Walter Corbitt (1 SAN): Sanity Loss: 1/1d8; Type: Undead Fiend; Description: Undead fiend; Age: 120; STR: 18; CON: 22; SIZ: 11; INT: 16; POW: 18; DEX: 7; APP: 1; EDU: 16; SAN: 0; Move: 8; Damage Bonus: +1d4; Armor: 0; Skills: Claw=50; Conceal=30; Cthulhu Mythos=31; Lie=72; Listen=60; Mislead=64; Sneak=80; Spells: Dominate, Flesh Ward, Summon/Bind Dimensional Shambler; Possessions: Corbitt's Dagger; Sanity Lost: 1