Willhelm Ostmueller

Willhelm Ostmueller

d. 1920


Name: Willhelm Ostmueller, Male, Age: 45, Professor

STR 13 CON 7 SIZ 15 INT 14 POW 9
DEX 8 APP 9 EDU 19 SAN 44 HP 11
Magic 9   Idea 70%   Luck 45%   Know 95%  
Armor -- Move 8
Damage Bonus: +1D4

Anthropology 31%, German 95%, Archaeology 61%, Bargain 45%, Credit Rating 65%, English 51%, Russian 41%, Cthulhu Mythos 4%, Library Use 65%, Persuade 45%, Psychology 45%, Chemistry 11%, Drive Auto 40%, First Aid 40%, Geology 11%, History 50%, Handgun 40%, Medicine 15%, Occult 15%, Physics 11%, Psychoanalysis 11%

Income: $2,500, Cash on Hand: $1,250, Securities: $1,250, Property: $10,000, Assets: $12,500

Personal Data
Colleges, Degrees: Ph.D, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Birthplace: Stuttgart, Germany
Residence: New York City, NY
Nationality: German

Willhelm Ostmueller is a slight man with graying hair and spectacles. He had been a professor of archeology in Stuttgart, but after a short stint in the German as a logistics officer, he immigrated to America. There, he took up residence in Brooklyn and is now back to teaching his beloved archeology to students at the City College of New York.

The lawyer who helped Willhelm with his immigration papers, Dan Walker, has asked the professor for a small favor. He has a minor investigatory task at hand, and has assembled a few hard-working guys to perform the work.

But he needs someone he can trust. You see, a nosy reported has sort of weaseled his way onto the team, and Dan doesn't trust him. He wants someone he can trust to oversee the investigation and make sure they group acts in a professional and courteous manner when dealing with other people. Once the journalist got involved, Dan wanted someone with some credibility to tag along in case he needs to refute whatever the journalist writes in his newspaper. Willhelm's specialization in Anthropology can be his cover-perhaps you are writing an article on some urban archaeology topic....

Dan did not provide any details, except the time and place of the meeting where everyone will meet their companions and get the assignment.

Tomes Read
Corbitt’s Diary (1 SAN): Language: English; Date: 1800s; Author: Walter Corbitt; Weeks: 0; Sanity Loss: 1d4; Cthulhu Mythos: +4; Spells: Call Forthe Foul Beast; Sanity Lost: 1