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Cast of Characters Each player had their own plot hook and did not share them with the others. But, they're all dead or insane now, so here are brief synopses on the current characters. Below are brief synopses of the former investigators. Theodore McCoy,, age 25, is a self-described psychic who yearns to learn occult knowledge. After two deaths, he was brought back to life by reporter Wesely Jordan (despite the journalist's misgivings about tampering with such magic). Having battled the mythos forces the longest, he is the defacto leader of the group. We'll see how long that lasts. Martin Clegg,, age 34, is an rare book dealer. Upon reading about the strange goings-on in the Devil's Canyon area, Martin tracked down the only known survivor, Theodore McCoy. Sensing a useful contact who will lead him to more esoteric tomes, Martin tagged along on Theo's next assignment in rural Maine.... Jacob Clemenstein,, age 22, is a big game hunter who came to Hollywood to wrangle animals for the films. He answered an advertistement placed by Theodore McCoy, and agreed to accompany the mystic on his next adventure. Boris Androvich Smik,, age 27, also answered an advertistement placed by Theodore McCoy, and agreed to accompany the mystic on his next adventure. He brought along his brother, Ivan. Ivan Androvich Smik,, age 23, agreed to work for Theodore McCoy. His brother, Boris, persuaded him to accept an assignment working for the mystic, but not before Ivan attempted to blow up the 'Hollywoodland" sign. Due to the rush job, however, his demolition only destroyed the "land" portion of the now-famous sign. The Asylum James William Pearson, age 35, lives in Nutley New Jersey. Trained in aerial warfare at the French school, served in both the French and American armed forces during The Great War. Upon returning from the war, he discovered his fiancée pregnant and married to another man. Pearson moved to New York, began drinking heavily, and took on the role of private eye to make a few extra dollars. He specializes in cases where the husband suspects infidelity. Seeing a shoggoth in the basement of the Look to the Future! meeting house in New York City drove him insane. The Deep South Billy Bob Cotner, age 36, is a vagrant currently squatting on a farm outside Arkham, Massachusetts. Witnessing an odd scene nearby, Billy Bob made off with $10,000 and forced the group who had planted the money to take him along. After surviving many obscene horrors, Billly Bob decided that he had enough unusual items to run a freak home back home. The Graveyard Willhelm Ostmueller, age 46, was a slight man with graying hair and spectacles. He had been a professor of archeology in Stuttgart, but after a short stint in the German Army as a logistics officer, he immigrated to America, where he took up a residence in Brooklyn and is was back to teaching his beloved archeology to students at the City College of New York. Until William Corbitt got hungry. R.I.P. Joseph Baldwin, age 29. After 11 years in the Army, he returns to his native home of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a time working as a clerk in his father's hardware store. In 1920 He moves to New York City under employment as a Stocks & Bonds salesman. Joseph is married, however; does not live with his wife, and has no children. And, now, they have no father. R.I.P. Robert Brooks, age 47, attended Yale University, graduating with both law and business degrees in 1900. He enlisted the aid of several friends, with whom he attended Yale, in opening a legal firm. It came to his attention in 1908; the government had created a new department of investigations call the Bureau of Investigations. This intrigued Robert and though his legal firm was a successful venture, his constant inclination for challenge and I dare say adventure took him in a new direction with employment as one of the Bureau’s agents. In 1914 he received the notice of Mr. William Allen, the acting chief. After their meeting, Brooks’ prestige within the department rose quickly. His ambition even went so far as to become chief of the bureau. Robert thought his chance had finally come in 1919 when he was reviewed to become the new chief, but was passed over by a man whom he was not particularly fond of, William Flynn. The feeling was mutual. Brooks felt betrayed. He believed that it was due to the fact he had no wife, which had at times, been a subject of some controversy. Robert, since then became ever further disillusioned with the bureau. Fortunately, his death at the hands of bootleggers turned him into a (posthumous) hero. R.I.P. Omar Al-Akbar, age 36, was an Egyptian-born, British-educated physician currently practicing medicine at St. Lucius hospital in Brooklyn, New York, USA. He recently treated several individuals who kept requiring medical attention for the oddest assortment of everyday injuries. Everyday, that is, until the strange claw marks three of them suffered and the lingering disease that accompanied those deep scratches. Asked by the group to translate a Latin book, the doctor agreed to accompany them on a short journey, since they did not want the book out of their sight. R.I.P. Rachel Thornton, age 26, was an extremely petite woman who strove to become the world's most famous tomb raider. Instead, she is now shoggoth-food. R.I.P. Aidan Gallagher, age 29, was a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy: Pickpocket, Safe Cracker, Wheelman, Intimidate. He did all kinds of odd jobs, none of them on the up-and-up. Lastly, he was a chauffeur/body guard for a boxing promoter, who nicknamed him 'The Red Death' (he was a redhead). Now his nickname is "The Dead Red." R.I.P. Wesely Jordan, age 35, was a reporter for Hearst papers based in Boston. His stories sometimes involved the Occult. As did his death. R.I.P. Samuel Hopkins, age 29, was a reporter for the New York Sun. First drawn into the fight against eldritch horrors by Wesely Jordan, the young man eventually purchased Hoesynth House outside Arkham, which became a base of operations for the group. Jimmy Pearson hired Miss Marmelstein as a secretary, and the Pearson International Detective Agency was born. While Samuel is no more, the group still uses his house, and Miss Marmelstein, as "command central" in case they are separated. R.I.P. Tom Johnson, age 28, was a coal miner who left the miserable life in the coal towns of Pennsylvania to seek work elsewhere. His aunt, Miss Marmelstein, put him in contact with her employers, who hired the strapping youth as permanent "muscle" for their 'missions.' Unfortunately for Tom, strapping youth is no match for two Spectral Hunters. R.I.P.
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