Fight the Real Enemy! | |
Tunnel Vision |
Every once in a while Sam's breath becomes ragged and sharp, as if he is fighting in some sort of internal battle. Just when he seems to regain consciousness, his eyes close shut again and he resumes his feverish state of existence. Rhune holds her breath as the guards set up their posts. Letting it slowly in a deep sigh as the one passes their tracks up. But with the others there she doesn't know what they are going to do. Then remembering the young woman's words about the Asif, she very slowly reaches to her belt and unhooks her waterskin. She passes it to the woman and motions to Asif with her hand. She keeps a weary eye out for the guards. Flattening himself, Urak watches the soldiers take up position with a sinking heart. While he was pleased that the rider had missed the haphazardly covered trail, he could not help but wonder if these sentinals would prove so fortuitously blind. Looking around desperately, he wonders whether nightfall will come soon enough. The sheltering darkness would blind the watcher's eyes, and help conceal the injured party, if they could only remain unobserved for that long. His attentions are distracted from their current plight by a slight, unconcious shift of the injured man lying next to him. Berating himself for thinking only of his own needs, Urak sternly instructs himself to be more thoughtful. Removing his back of herbs and unguents, he tends to the fallen stranger as best he can, wishing only that his lore was advanced enough to prove of some use. Urak's lore is sufficient to bring Asif back to some degree of consciousness, though he is clearly in no shape to walk about or fight. Most of his colorful robes have burned off, leaving him largely naked except for underclothes, and quite unprotected. The rest of you also note that one of the twin scabbards on his back, both finely crafted, has been damaged badly, blackened and burned, and the scimitar contained in it hangs loosely. Realizing that he had been holding his breath, Matteo lets it out deeply as the oblivious rider heads directly past their poorly disguised trail. Looking around for any better locations, Matteo sighs and slumps to the ground. "We're safe, for now. If they start looking for tracks though, we're in trouble! I see a few larger clumps of trees, but I don't think we're in any shape for a sprint. We might as well rest here and send out some prayers." Looking about him at the rag-tag group, Matteo continued. "Better or worse, it looks as if we'll be in each others company a while. Might as well do a round of introductions whilst We look after ourselves. I'm Matteo de Fortuna. Former squire turned adventurer turned prey. Well met, all. May we live long enough to learn why our paths have crossed so." Rhune looks over at the two. She smiles at Urak for a moment. And then looks around at the others. "I don't know if I have met you all." she whispers in a voice that is barely audible, "but I am Rhune Morthaine" She then falls silent and turns her attention back to the guards. Turning to the big foreigner, Matteo tapped himself on the chest saying "Matteo". He then pointed to the foreigner and the burned man with a questioning look. "Speak Italian? Latin? Spanish?" Kenishiro, seeing that Asif was taken care of for the moment, sat down on the ground and closed his eyes, just for a little while, not very long, just to gain some energy before.... before.... It was Matteo who stopped him from falling asleep. Kenishiro's eyes opened quickly and he looked at Matteo. A few seconds later his brain registered what Matteo had said. "Matteo-san. Dozo Yoroshiku." Kenishiro nodded slightly, too tired too stand and bow. He patted himself slightly on the chest. "Kenishiro... speak Latin little. Wordbook lost..." Kenishiro looked absolutely crestfallen as he said it. But he took a deep breath and shook his head. Marika smiles in sympathy, remembering the large book the outlander had been carrying. "Hello, Kenishiro," she says, returning his nod. She points to herself. "I am Marika. And we will teach you more Latin...if we get out of here alive." Kenishiro smiled slightly. "Domo" he said while looking around at the guards. He might be able to take one, even in his weakened state. But he would quickly be overwhelmed, no one was in a state to fight. He shrugged and smiles sadly at Marika. "Latin, will wait, neh?" "Pleased to meet you as well, Matteo," Marika says, leaning to her left and reaching out to shake hands with the squire. "Marika Dolmeris, onetime acolyte to the temple of Minerva in Sardinia. Today there is no temple, but as I still draw breath, I do what I can to serve the goddess." She grins sardonically,, and continues, "For example, sometimes I like to run around getting shot at with crossbows. Serves a key cerimonial purpose, I assure you." Matteo grins at Marika. Her attempt at humor was just what Matteo needed to keep his mind from concentrating on the hopelessness of their situation. "Well met, Marika.", he said with a gleam in his eye. "Odd that it could be diferences of religion causing these troubles, is it not? For don't we two worship different gods, yet...", Matteo gestured to the crossbow bolt he'd recently removed from his own leg, "Even so we share similar ceremonial practices!" Asif hearing the the wave of introductions, raises himself from the administrations of those healing him and speaks with pride.. "I am Faris Asif al Mansour, son of the third wife of Farouk the master weaponcrafter, Royal Swordmaster of the Pasha of ....." Asifs voice fades to a whisper.., . his head drops, the last of his words choked by the silence of an unspoken inner pain. Marika's widen in astonishment; she had not expected to see Asif conscious and coherent so soon. She gives Urak a look of frank admiration. She had guessed that his healing skills surpassed her own, but even so... "It is a pleasure and an honour to meet you, sir," she tells Asif. "My name is Marika Dolmeris. Here, please drink this. You'll need fluids to regain your strength." She hands him the waterskin which Rhune had loaned her. As your group looks about in frustration, apparently unable to escape or even much move, you note that the remnants of the crowd from the forum are still trickling into the city via the same gate that the red-robed soldiers came from. You wonder that you didn't see them travelling down the road before in their trance like state, but attribute it to weary eyes and the immediate danger presented by the guards. The four on sentry duty remain mounted, with sabres held firmly by their hilts. They do not appear to have any other weapons of note, and are lightly armored beneath their red surcoats. However, any attack on one would certainly alert the others. Meanwhile, the one that went ahead yells out excitedly, "Tracks! Coming your way! Be alert! They could be anywhere!" The mounted guards grip their sabres with white knuckles, obviously anticipating something more than you all feel your band can provide. Marika tenses up instantly, the color draining from her face. She watches the guard's progress toward their hiding place with evident dread and growing hopelessness. "This is a disaster bigger than any of us," she whispers. "Those who were 'converted' today will know many others who oppose the Church. Someone must escape to give warning of what we have witnessed." She turns to Rhune, who crouches motionless, eyes riveted on the guard, her sword drawn but hidden under her cloak. "Rhune, you are small and fast, and accustomed to the woods. I know you are brave, and it would pain you to abandon an ally...but for the sake of every free-thinking man and woman in Florence, will you agree to elude those horsemen even if the rest of us are taken, to serve as our witness and our voice?" Seeing that such an attempt at escape would most likely fail, Rhune thinks, obviously considering it as a back-up plan in case all else fails. His mind dropping back to their surroundings, Matteo's smile disappeared quicker than it had arrived. As one of the guards began yelling about the groups tracks, Matteo began reciting a prayer. "Have faith, the gods shall provide." Matteo looked to his newfound friend Urak. "Have the Spirits anything to say, my friend?" Even as he finished his half-joking comment and just as you begin to feel your fate take hold, a grunting voice comes from behind a clump of rocks and grass. Emerging from behind it is a smallish,grey-skinned fellow, crawling his way out of the deeper brush. He grunts "You want live, coins or pretty rocks. Give or die, me care not." He stands imperiously with his hands on his hips for a moment, waiting for your response. Rhune looks around at the sound, startled for a moment.She had almost brought her sword out of hiding. Seeing the fellow and she sighs, help at last she thinks to herself. At his words though she sighs again.But stark truth of the matter makes her take out her small pouch and takes out all but 5 gold pieces. Theses she pockets, then she tosses the litte pouch with the rest of the money in it to the man. The little fellow, upon being presented with Rhune's nice sack of coins, looks happily at them and dumps the pouch into a much larger and heavier looking leather pouch on the rear of his belt. He smiles at Rhune and says "You and mate" pointing toward Matteo, "enough to go. You live." The grim expression on Marika's face gives way to a look of mixed hope and skepticism. Without hesitation, she reaches into her satchel and draws out a small leather pouch tied with a drawstring, which she hands over to the grey-skinned little man. Seeing the generous amount in the pouch (I am assuming you gave him your whole stash, which, though unspecified on your character sheet, would be a respectable amount), he smiles "Enough for you, mate, and servant," At that he clearly indicates Asif and Kenishiro. With a look to Urak, unsure whether or not he was responsible, Matteo grinned again. He began to reach for what coins he had left, but Rhune beat him to it. "Quickly, little one. We have not time to dally. More pretty coins shall you have when we are safe.", Matteo said as he bent to retrieve the still unconscious Sam. Kenishiro turns around, then realizes he is still holding on to Asif and just cranes his neck to see. He does not understand the little critter, but when Rhune gives him money, comprehension slowly comes into view. He did not have any money of any kind, though. Neither does he has anything valuable. So Kenishiro resigns himself to fate and awaits the other's reaction. Meanwhile, the guard from the forum clearing is walking quickly down the path, back toward you and his fellow red-robes. He is leading his horse with his off hand and staring at the path. He will be upon you within less than ten minutes. The dark little fellow looks at Urak and Sam, "No. Not stupid. All coins and pretty rocks, or they see you." He smiles at the group of you as the guard comes down the path toward you. You have only a few minutes to spare, nearly all of which you assume will be necessary for you to gather yourselves up and use whatever means the little fellow has prepared. There is no time to negotiate, unless you wish to negotiate with the red fellows on the horses. Sighing, Rhune hands him the 5gp she had taken out. "That is all that I have." she says in a tired and weary voice. She looks at the others and shrugs her shoulders. Easy come, easy go. The little fellow smiles and bows, but says nothing, taking the few remaining coins of Rhune. Peeling his lips back from his tusks, Urak spares the short extortionist a baleful glare before quickly digging into his pouch and pulling forth a handful of meager coins. Chieftan had not had much of the humans' coin to give Urak, and the young apprentice could not help but feel that this stranger was taking unfair advantage of the situation. If you come across strangers in need, you should assist them, not try and profit from them. Try as he might, he could not understand this strange fascination with pieces of metal that outsiders seemed to possess. "Here," the young Urk says, extending his hand, "I...," he cuts of, and shakes his head. This was neither the time, nor the place, to lecture this strange creature on the folly of greed. "Here," he finishes, his tone resigned, "were you among the Urk-ste-khalid-kor, you could expect better, but, here. I fear I do not have much." Gathering up the injured Asif, Urak once more heaves himself to his feet. This constant movement could not be good for the wounded man, but it was almost certainly better than whatever fate lay with the oncoming church guards. "Please, we have injured people here," he says, his tone urgent as he glances over his shoulder at the oncoming men. The little fellow looks at Urak's meager offering, "Not good. You stay." Sam's eyes open as a dazed look falls over his face. "Wah... er where am I?" He glances at the small gray skinned fellow with curiosity and then his eyes wander to the pouches being handed to the fellow. His eyes then wander to Rhune. With a smile... he lays his head back down... eyes still open however. "What would you guys do with out me eh?" Sam states with a gasping, exhausted tone... trying desperately to bring to life some type of humor at the same time. "Hello, Sam," says Marika, smiling warmly. It looked as if all the injured would pull through; at least that was once bright spot in the midst of this disaster. "You're right, of course," she continues in a hushed voice. "Without you there to hold off the fearsome gorgon, and her horde of triple-headed, Hades-spawned hounds, none of us would have survived. Or perhaps in all the excitement you've forgotten about that." She jerks her head toward the red-robed guard slowly approaching the stand of trees, then toward the grey-skinned little man. "But if you would live to hear the tale, I'd suggest turning over your money to this good creature. As Silus would say, worldly poverty is the key to a happy afterlife. Or in this case, to a postponed one." As Sam struggles to orient himself, Marika looks hurriedly around the forest floor. "Urak, could you please hand me that branch?" She indicates a fairly stout, forked fallen limb not far from where the Urk is standing. As Urak hands Marika the branch, Rhune stands up and offers to help her stand. She then turns to the little fellow, "Please, let us go now." she says to him. She will help the injuired woman walk hoping that others can bring Sam and Asif with them. As Urak hands the Marika the branch, and preparing to stand and die together or flee together, the grey-skinned humanoid looks at Sam, who has turned his back on the group, but due to the intensity of the situation, there is no time for secrecy. Sam is delighted to open a bag that you are certain he was not carrying earlier, though you cannot see the contents. The little demi-human jumps forth with surprising agility and snatches the bag. "Now you all live. This way." He then dives behind a rock, leaving the party to ponder their situation. Seeing that there is absolutely no time remaining, the choice is made to follow the little fellow into the darkness. Immediately, you note that there are rungs along the shaft, which appears to go straight down. As you crowd in, those with infravision cannot see the bottom. The small man's voice rises up, "Close door, idiot!" It is very difficult to navigate the corridor, with Kenishiro shouldering Asif and Matteo doing same with Sam. Kenishiro is pale but stoic, realizing that he is the only man for the job, but little stronger than an average man at this point do to the terrible burn injuries he still suffers from. On more than once occassion, he must stop and regrip the handles for fear of falling or dropping his burden, who continues to mumble in Arabic, apparently apologetic for being such a burden. Sam, on the other hand, appears to enjoy the trip immensely, even though Matteo's injured leg still hurts with each step down, increased by Sam's cheerful babbling as you descend into the dark. Marika, meanwhile, is forced to climb down with only one leg, using mostly arm strength, with which she is not generously gifted. Rhune, meanwhile, tries to assist her, but is unable to do more than offer her condolences. Urak, as the last one in, sees a handle on a boulder at the top of the tunnel as well, and pulls it shut. As he does, he hears a voice yelling out in Italian, "They've gone underground! Tell the Bishop!" A second later you hear some straining and thumping on the boulder, followed by some harsh laughter from far down the tunnel. The rest of you, other than Sam, whose mood is only slightly lessened by having to give up his bag of money, are in no mood to laugh, knowing that at some point the Bishop's guards will figure out how to access this tunnel. You follow with determination and after what seems like an eternity, you reach the bottom of the tunnel. It appears to go in two different directions. Sadly, it appears to be carved about four feet high, leaving Kenishiro to crawl on his belly, Urak to do little more than that, and all but Sam and Rhune to crawl on hands and knees. Even Rhune must duck down uncomfortably. Asif and Sam are unceremoniously dragged along, as there is no other choice in the matter. The little greyskin continues to chuckle at the group's predicament. None of you have the slightest idea in which direction you are going, nor how deep you are, nor even how far you have travelled. After another eternity, the man comes to a slight opening, perhaps six feet high and fifteen feet diameter. He chuckles again, "You humans need light. Not us. No have here. This rest spot, comfortable." Looking about, the few of you that have infravision note that some of the dirt here appears to have been mounded into very small bunks, perhaps four of them, though only Sam among you could fit on one. Other than that, nothing. "Wait here. Must talk to chief." Then there is nothing. Not the slightest sound of him leaving, but he certainly is gone. Those with infravision see him quickly head down what looks like an even smaller tunnel than the one you came in from, the only other means of entry, disappearing in seconds. Only Rhune or Sam, were he able to move on his own, could get down it. Perhaps Marika or Krige, if he shed his armor, but none of you others. As the Bishop's guards surely cannot be far behind, this makes you extremely nervous, sitting in the dark. It is also extremely tight and crowded. You are here for yet another long delay, and several of you are sure you hear footsteps or the cries of guardsmen coming from your access tunnel. Suddenly the little man appears again, "Me talk chief. He say you owe us. We save you. You do for us, we show out. Shaman make broken better, then you go. One day rest in luxury first, make strong. Then chief tell you. You do, or give to red men, will we." He hesitates for a moment, "Unless pretty rocks you got. If got, then rest and go in trade." As none of you has any "pretty rocks", you must decline the generous offer, but all of you see the need to rest and regain some of your strength. You all wait for him to take you to "luxury" but are soon informed that this must be it when the fellow vanishes once again. He returns some hours later with what looks like a basket, strangely woven. He puts it down on the floor of the "room" and departs again, saying only, "Eat, good strong food." Any of you bold enough to check it out find some roots, not entirely disgusting, along with some strange looking mold and some grubs, a couple of which appear to still be moving about. All is uncooked, of course. The time in the cave passes very slowly, or quickly, you cannot tell for sure, but it is boring to say the least. It occurs to Sam at some point that he has a torch and a tinder box. Between the two of them, with infravision, they are able to get the torch lit. However, it will only last about half an hour. Using it to communicate with each other in the dim light, you make plans as to what to do. Most of you are distinctly uncomfortable knowing that the Bishop and his guards are so close overhead, as you assume they are, but you appear to have little choice in the matter. As the dim light of the torch bursts in the room, Asifs shoulders are bathed in a reddish glow eminating from the twin sciminatars on his back. The light most obvious from the blade, just hanging by a thread in the runied left scabbard. Asif continues to groan quietly to himself, words completely inintelligble to you all. After quite some time, as some of you have decided to get rest in an attempt to prepare for whatever the morning has to offer, you hear some trudging coming along the passage, obviously not your lightfooted grey friend. As you prepare to defend yourself and realize that in these cramped conditions, you will be wiped out one by one, you see the forms of three men, walking along hesitantly, though one carries a lantern with him, so it does not appear to be light keeping them cautious. As they come closer, you are amazed to see that it is none other than Silus, Ullar, and Krige. Silus is being half-supported and half-dragged along the small corridor by Ullar, and though they are dirty and dishevelled, they appear to be none the worse for being captured. Ullar, with a tremendous surprised look at his face, stutters: "Wha..wha...what are you doing here?" Quickly realizing that it must be for the same reason as he, Krige and Silus are here, a faint smile appears on his face. Silus smiles as he sees that it is the others from the forum in the tunnel: "Thank the Lord, for He has saved us all," he says weakly. Rhune, knowing that drawing her sword in such cramped conditions is stupid, simply waits. When she sees the others she brightens considerable, "Silus, Ullar, Krige. What . . . it is good to see you alive. . . .I .. . I thought that you. . . . " she drops her voice and shrugs leaving the statement unspoken. She is just glad that they are alright. She makes room for them and offers them what remains of the "food". As the lights slowly approach, Marika waits in tense silence, her lips moving in unspoken prayers. When she recognizes the newcomers, she gives an involuntary cry of delight and relief; this surpasses anything she had prayed for. She sobers immediately, though, remembering that they had been at the Bishop's mercy. He would probably revel in the irony of charming his captives, then sending them to hunt down their former comrades... But seeing the trio's faces up close and hearing their voices, the worst of her fears are dispelled. They seem entirely themselves, nothing at all like the placid automatons that most of the forum's inhabitants had become. "By the gods, it is it good to see you again," she tells them, and means it. "Can we offer you a grub? And the mold is especially delicious tonight. I'm afraid we finished all the roots." Ullar returns the surprised look. When he sees the basket with roots and stuff, he opens his backpack and says: "I've got some dry rations for those who are injured. Should give you at least the amount of vitamines you need. Who is interested?" "You thought that we dead? Ha! It was great adventure there. I will tell you later about it, in more calmly place." - answered Krige. Then he looks at the basket. "Pah! How can we eat this?" exclaims Krige. "I have a good elven meal!" Then he opens his backpack and gets a provisions out of it. "Here you are. Here is enough food for everybody!" Ullar and Krige's counteroffers of real food are another unexpected turn of good fortune. Marika chews Krige's elven rations thoughtfully. The deceptively light flavor and texture are entirely unfamiliar to her...but if the rumors are true, then this food is a part of her own heritage. The fare is surprisingly filling, and seems to restore some of her lost strength. Again, she decides, she could do considerably worse for ancestors... Rhune smiles and takes the proffered food. She welcomes the food and eats her fill. she feels much better now though she is still sore on most of her body. "Thank you Krige." she says in elven as she takes a sip of water. "You are welcome" answered Krige in elven. After eating Krige asked Rhune "When will be my turn to guard? Can I rest now?" Rhune nods and Krige gratefully finds himself someplace to rest until his turn comes up. |
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Benjamin Lomax |
This page was last updated on 20 January 2001 |