Entertainment for the goblins

Some hours go by after the attack. Most of those on the ground floor hover around the shattered northern door to the kitchen, trying vainly to refortify it, but it is still a major vulnerability. Suddenly, Asif, who is on the tower and facing the east window hears a woman shrieking in the eastern forest. The screams become louder, and all those not inside the lower floors of the tower can hear them. Asif sees a flash of yellow and what appear to be several small men dragging a taller figure wearing the yellow through the woods. He and those on the tower hear the voice change tone again, begging for help and screaming, "No, no, no."

Asif is surprised to see Petr's wife looking past him from an adjacent window. She breaks out in tears, "My friend Katarina, from Cherkass, to the north. She has a yellow dress just like that." Her husband comforts her, but it is apparent she is taking the screaming very hard. He pulls her away from the window. Taras peers out at the forest, "It's a trick. It has to be a trick." It seems as if he is trying to convince himself more than any of you or his mother.

Rhune, whose eyes had been dropping closed from tiredness, suddenly jerks awake as she hears the screams. "Aridiane's wings!" she exclaims in elven. She looks about trying to see what is happening. She sees the flash of yellow and the small men. Having not heard Taras, Rhune tries to loose two arrows at the men, hoping that she does not hit the woman. And hoping that if she does hit the goblins it will give the woman a chance to get away.

The arrows are in vain, as the goblins are far enough into the woods that only glimpses of them can be caught, certainly not enough to target them. Those involved in whatever activity they are doing with the yellow dressed victim are well under the cover of the forest and out of archery range. In fact, they are totally out of sight. The only way you are aware they are still there is by the continued pitiful screams.

Jacobus can hear the screaming, he looks around at the others "We all know it's a trap but we can't just stand by and let them do this. I refuse to have her death on my conscience!!"

His face shows his anger as he paces the floor agitated. Another scream. "I can't stand this!!!!" He doesn't wait for anyone's reply but starts to make his way to the barricaded door, intent on opening it and saving the woman.

"Wait just a second, I'll give you a hand!" says Ullar, while getting his Two-handed instead of the battle-axe.

His huge new sword is put in it's scabbard, tight to his back and Jacobus and Ullar try to get through the door where the Goblins tried to hack through.

Jacobus looks at Ullar, pausing for a moment "You do realise this is a trap ?? We're probably going to regret this...permanently.

"I just want you to know I'm no warrior my friend."

Matteo begins to calmly shove furniture out of the way until there is enough room for him to make his way out. Turning to the others before he heads out, "You might want to warn those upstairs that we are heading out. Gods willing we will return, and I'd rather not make it all the way back to be shot by my own companions!"

That said, Matteo slips out the door and, weapons ready, scans the surroundings before heading towards the woods.

"I'll tell them," says Marika. "I wouldn't be much help out there -- I haven't got enough magic left to swat a fly."

She spreads her hands sheepishly, then turns and runs to the second floor. "Looks like it'll be Ullar, Matteo, Xania and Sam going to help," she tells the archers there. "Try not to mistake 'em for goblins."

Taras looks out the window somewhat nervously, "Have no fear. Only one of you is goblin-sized, and he doesn't look much like one." Petr adds, "I only hope that they make it back for us not to shoot at them. I suspect the goblins know they are coming."

Sam says nothing, but heads towards the door with a determined look to his usually cheery facial expressions. Sam follows behind the two large men, dodging from shadow to shadow with his bow ready -- an arrow notched.

Xania sighs, "Wait a minute. If you guys can get me close enough, I can stun the goblins carrying her, most likely. Just shut your eyes when I say the word, 'red'. OK?" She follows the others out of the door, hoping she isn't about to get another scar...

As everybody starts to leave Krige yells: "Stop!!! Fools!!!!! They will kill us outside!!!! I don't want to die for a filthy human! I will stay here, and I can cover your backs if you wish." Then he moves toward the window to see them all moving toward the forest.

Xania growls under her breath, "Racist."

Marika stops in the door to the Tower and gives Krige a look with daggers in it. "My mother was a human, blakas," she says coldly.

She turns and enters the tower. "The goblins have a woman in the woods," she tells Kuzma. "Darya says her name is Katarina. If my friends can bring her back here, I'm afraid she'll need your help badly."

Kuzma replies, "I will do what I can, though I fear that my healing magic was largely tapped out in the efforts to heal you all in the first place. I know a thing or two non-magically, though, and I suspect if your friends save her from the goblins, her wounds will not be only physical ones." She tut-tuts and begins sorting through her bottles and flasks.

Marika continues up to the top floor, and joins Rhune at the battlements. "Hi, Rhune. The rescue party's four people -- Sam, Ullar, Xania, and Matteo. I'll help you keep watch up here. This could be very bad -- especially if it's a ploy to split us up before the next attack."

Marika moves to the side of the tower not covered by Rhune, and peers into the darkness, fingering the sling stones in her pocket. She doesn't know how to use a sling, but still, rocks are rocks, and she's sure goblins don't like having them thrown on them from a great height.

Rhune looks around as Marika joins her, "Good. I wasn't sure if anyone was going to try to go out there or not. I have already tried to shoot at them. Not sure if I hit anyone. I will be very glad of the company," she says with a smile.

The small rescue group makes it's way out into the eastern forest. Sam separates somewhat from the four humans (well, three and a half, anyway) and makes his way quietly into the forest, quietly and staying behind whatever cover is available in the trees.

Jacobus does the same, but is impeded by his heavier armor, which does not seem to be particularly conducive to quick and silent movement. However, Jacobus seems a rather stealthy sort, as his footsteps make nary a sound.

As Sam is no longer in the tower with Rhune she attempts to cover anyone that goes outside to investigate. She tries to keep track of those who do as best she can. She continues to watch the woods prepared to begin firing arrows at the goblins when the others return. She prays that they hurry soon and return and that all is well.

As the main group hits the edge of the forest, Sam and Jacobus have already penetrated it and begun to sneak about. At almost the same time, they find something. Sam comes across easily a dozen red-garbed goblins crouched in the brush. They seem rather surprised to see him. Just a few yards away, Jacobus looks between two trees and sees a goblin standing in a small clearing shrieking in a pale imitation of common. The goblin is obviously female, and now that he sees the manner of it, does not sound terribly much like a human female, but it was enough to get you all out here, so she did a good enough job. Nowhere in sight is the wearer of the yellow dress.

Still unaware of the trap being sprung, Matteo continues to sneak forward, eyes restlessly scanning the trees around him. Keeping his weapons close in to his body, to avoid entangling them in any tree limbs, Matteo concentrates on remaining quiet and keeping the large form of Ullar in view. The little halfling had flitted off in his usual manner, quickly disappearing from sight, and Jacobus had shown surprising skill in disappearing from view as well. It was now just Ullar, Xania and Matteo together, and Matteo was constantly listening for any sounds that might give away the positions of the other two, or any others in the woods around.

As Ullar suspects nothing, he continues to walk into the woods, angry as he is. "Harrashing and kidnapping females, jeez.. what cowards. I'll go teach them a lesson, a hard lesson it's going to be."

The sweat is dripping of Ullars forehead, his hands folded to fists. Then his eyes fall upon his buckler, strapped on his left wrist. A smile appears once again on his face.

"Ha! They are going to meet their destiny by my Buckler: Goblin Basher (TM)"

Xania stays close to Ullar, her spell components in hand.

Jacobus curses as he realises just how easily they had been duped. "By the hand of Fate !!" he turns and briefly looking at Sam, wordlessly confirming what he had just saw.

He turns and begins to run at full speed back towards the tower "AMBUSH!!!!" he screams at the top of his lungs hoping his friends heed the warning and make their way back to the tower. Jacobus, tries to dodge through the trees hoping to give the pursuers a harder target to hit.

Sam lets an arrow fly directly at the female goblin's head, and then turns to speed after Xania and Jacobus, cursing in some unfamiliar language.

The female has just opened her mouth to utter another scream when Sam's arrow fills it with pain instead. The arrow protrudes from the back side of her head and she falls to the ground as Sam turns and runs.

Xania turns and begins to run back for the tower. She still has her components ready.

The running group sees that the goblins have not quite completed their trap, but seven of them have managed to get behind you, and now they bar your way. Another two dozen at least arise from the woods on either side and pursue you, but they are unable to attack because of the woods. If the group in front of you delays you long enough, though, the odds will be terribly nasty against you.

Xania springs to action, tossing colored sand into the air before you. Shimmering lights follow in an arc and four goblins drop to the floor immediately. Ullar sweeps the legs out from under another, leaving just two. Matteo attempts to attack the other two, but he is unable to target the fast-moving creatures. Sam still has his bow out and fires on one of them at point blank range. The arrow thuds solidly into the creature's eye socket and he drops like a rock, leaving one for Jacobus. However, Jacobus is unable to take the creature out as it ducks under his lunge. Luckily for the group, though, the creature sees that it's life is perilously short and ducks back behind the trees. The group runs for the cover of the settlement.

Atop the tower, Marika whirls around at the sound of Jacobus' shout, racing to Rhune's side to peer into the eastern forest. She still can't see anything in the trees, and she forces herself to return to the western parapet, knowing that the goblins may have planned a two-pronged attack. "Can you see anything?" she asks Rhune over her shoulder, worry evident in her voice.

Rhune, hearing the shout from the woods and then Marika's question peers into the darkness. She had long ago switched to infravision. Notching an arrow she brings it to rest against the side of the parapet waiting for something to happen, "I am not sure Marika. The trees are very thick on this side," she whispers to the young woman. She waits, tensely, alert to anything that moves.

Suddenly the group appears, running hard from the forest with their weapons out. They are halfway across the clearing when twenty plus goblins emerge from the forest and begin loading and hurling slingstones at the five dashing party members. Jacobus gets nailed in the back of the head and swoons, but manages to stagger on. One of the goblins trips and falls into another one, fouling both their throws and providing a bit of amusement if the situation were not so dire. Ullar also has a stone glance off his head, but he is strong enough that it does not stagger him. Xania's luck with missiles continues, though, as one stone hits her square in the back and another glances off her head. She staggers and Ullar grabs her to help her along, but she manages to keep to her feet, staggering dizzily along as Ullar's strong arm steadies her.

Xania almost fell when the second stone hit her, but with Ullar's aid, made it back to the relative safety of the tower. She looks up at him with pain-filled eyes. "My thanks again, Ullar," she spoke softly. "I need to learn to run faster ... or something."

Asif, his eyes intent on the direction in which his friends had disapeared into the woods, breaths a sigh of relief as he sees them alive once again running ahead of the pursuing green skin creatures the Italians fondly call Goblins. He draws back his bow with girm determination upon his face to nail as many of the foul creatures as he can, to ensure his friends safe passage home.

To Rhune, Asif shouts.

"Here they come Efendi! Aten be praised! May the spirit of the leopard give them the speed to outrun those foul infidels."

Rhune begins firing away from the tower and Asif and Krige join her from the eastern windows, but only Krige finds any joy, and his target only takes a glancing blow. The fleeing group manages to get past Rhune's tower, but before they can get around it another sally of missiles comes their way. Ullar feels another stone crash heavily into his right shoulder, which staggers him as well, but he is able to continue on as well. Matteo gets hit in the back of the neck and falls to the ground immediately on the other side of the tower, thankfully out of range of the goblin slingers. He gets up to his knees and begins crawling toward the open door to the kitchen. Sam gets hit in the back of the left leg, which stings but is not mortal at all.

The rest of the group assist Matteo in reaching the shattered door and safety, but they are in a world of hurt. Every one of them bears injury. Xania, Ullar, and Matteo bear very nasty injuries and are barely capable of moving around or defending themselves. As the group gets together, Petr comes downstairs. "If those wolfskins were to have attacked, we would surely have been done for. Thanks to...." He stops midsentence, then continues, "the lord that the groups do not appear to be coordinating things very well. However, you all are in bad shape. If they attack us again, we will be in trouble for certain."

Marika watches breathlessly from the parapet as the ragged would-be rescue party crosses the space from the woods to the tower, a hail of sling stones crashing all around them (and in a few cases, off of their skulls.) By the grace of the Goddess, they all reach safety.

The group is assisted upstairs into Kuzma's tower room. She appears quite skilled, cleaning and bandaging the wounds of all the group that entered the forest. She then calls to Irina, who attends Matteo happily, raising healing magic onto them. Her optimism seems to have given her great magical strength, as Matteo's injuries heal up remarkably well. From barely walking, he now is in good fighting shape. Urak, who has managed to keep his healing magic saved, now applies it. And it is well worth the wait. He casts a spell on Ullar and the effect is remarkable. Combined with the treatments that Kuzma gave him, his injuries completely disappear and now he is totally unharmed. He informs you all that he has one spell left if you all need it. Kuzma and Irina have no spells left to help.

Marika hurries down to Kuzma's room, where she helps in whatever way she can to treat her friends' many injuries. She is obviously impressed by Kuzma's knowledge, and watches her methods carefully, sniffing at her herbal concoctions and hoping there is time later to learn more from this old master.

The group returns to it's defensive positions, wearily, hoping for dawn to come soon. However, it is far away. About an hour after midnight, the aggressive red-clad goblins come to the edge of the forest and begin to hurl slingstones once again at the windows and the tower. Asif manages to feather one, as it falls in the dark. However, in return, he gets bonked by a stone in the chest. He and Rhune launch another volley of arrows, but can't tell whether or not they hit any of the fast-moving fellows. They seem to be concentrating their counterattacks on the more attractive target of Asif, but his quickness combined with the protection of the window keeps him safe for the moment.

Asif grins like a wild dervish as he jumps into and out of eyesight within the window as he attempts to rain down arrows on the goblins.

Another volley of arrows from Rhune and Asif prove deadly, though, as they pick up on three small bodies hitting the ground. The rest retreat once again.

Asif ducks down to the side of the window and turns to face his companions.

"The Gods smile upon us this day. Fate has been most kind to us. Despite all, we still live."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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