The Horse Dealer

Rhune immediately draws her sword and glares at the woman and the men. She is tired, cold, a little hungry and just plain weary. She is also angry that one of her own kind would be so foolish to purchase anything from goblins. (She is forgetting her most recent act of kindness to a goblin.) She is very ready to fight for Taras' horses if necessary.

The larger of the two bodyguards at the woman's side mutters to his partner through clenched teeth, staring at Ullar all the while, "What have we gotten mixed up in?!"

"Finally, some action!" the shorter and stockier of the two whispers back, a strange light in his eyes.

"Taras.. NO!" is it Ullar shouting first. However, he sees the reaction of the elven women and her sidekicks, so he draws his sword as well.

"LADY!" he calls out loud. "Keep your man from fighting, and I'll try to keep my friend calm as well," he says, while running over to Taras.

"Damnit, Taras!" snaps Marika, trying to manuever her horse between the angry youth and the elven merchant. "You're not helping matters."

Fyodorll looks at her men near the corrall, then at the pair guarding her door. "You would be best served to keep your tempers even. My men are more than prepared to defend me. It would not be the first time a group of hired thugs had attempted to steal from me."

Marika remains near Taras, ready to intervene if he turns violent, while Ullar pursues the argument with the uncooperative merchant.

"So you claim you have written documents where it states that you are the owner of those horses?" Ullar asks, with quite some suspicioun in his voice.

The woman smiles and nods, "I have a document of sale, yes."

"I'll be happy to see them, lady, for I don't think those Goblins have written it. I bet you just made up a contract and made them sign with a X at the bottom. Well, may Mercurius guide me, but that is not what this God had in mind when he made sure that the Merchants were being looked out for. IF those Goblins couldn't read, than your agreement is worth NOTHING. And I bet you know that, don't you? So it is in your interest as well to find them and prove to us that you really bought those horses from those Goblins. I bet they had the previous ownership-papers?"

"They had no such ownership papers, but I would venture to say that neither does your man there. As you point out, goblins are usually illiterate. However, their chief could read his own tongue, and the transaction was conducted in that tongue, so it's perfectly legal, my scholarly friend." At this, the men near the corral laugh with tight lips. "Give me a moment and I shall bring them forth, though I owe you no such convenience. However, to prove my self, I will accomodate you." She then ducks back into the wagon. She is gone nearly a minute, then returns with a document in her hands. She holds it out toward Ullar, but when he attempts to take it, she draws it back. "I would not have you destroy the document...accidentally...while you were reading it. You may peruse it from where you sit." In any case, Ullar cannot read the writing any more than he could turn the sky purple. The woman laughs, "In your extensive legal training, my brawny friend, you never learned to read goblin? A shame. Surely one of your harlots can do so, as it is a common elven ability." She looks about at the elven ladies, "No? Then you should be on your way. You haven't a leg to stand on here."

Xania rides close to Rhune and murmurs, "Maybe you had best go find that little goblin again, she might shed some light upon this women and the situation."

"I think I can find her. She may not be that far from here. I will go and see about finding her." Rhune agrees, "Besides if I stay here any longer I may end up running my sword through her. She makes me angry," she replies. "Anyway I will be back in about 15 minutes either way." She quickly wheels her horse around and heads back the way they came looking around for the goblinet.

Xania rides back up to the woman. "I assure you I can read quite well. I'd so love to read your bill of sale." The sarcasm drips from her voice.

The woman holds the letter out in front of Xania, but the scribble makes no more sense to her than it did to Ullar. While she peruses it, Fyodorll looks at her, "You cannot read the language any more than your idiot bodyguard can! What manner of elves are you, that you are so ill-educated? Perhaps too much time spent comforting the humans you travel with? Staring up at the ceiling from a dirty mattress at the local inn does not provide one much time to study, I would think." Her tone of mock sympathy is grating.

Jacobus listens to the banter between the horse dealer and the group. Jacobus turns to whoever is nearest to him and whispers to them "I've been a merchant, of sorts, all my life. If that was me with the horses there is no way I'd give them back either. We have no proof they are rightfully Taras'."

Jacobus moves to the front of the group and smiles at the woman "I would like to see the bill of sale if I may, there is no need for these negotiations to turn hostile. I am sure you can see why our friend is so annoyed, if our positions were reversed you would feel equally annoyed."

The woman impatiently thrusts it forward toward Jacobus, but does not release it.

Jacobus checks it for any loop holes in the sale and he also makes a note of the amount paid. He tries to appraise the value of the horses and also asks her how much she is asking for the horses.

As Jacobus cannot read the language of the document any more than anyone else can. Appraisal of the horses is another matter. While Jacobus has not done a lot of horse-trading, he knows basic values. He would estimate that the horses (in top physical condition, which they presently are not) might fetch as much as a hundred and fifty gold royals apiece. When Jacobus inquires, Fyodorll responds, apparently calming herself at the prospect of a business deal, "I paid the goblins fifty gold pieces for each of the horses. A handsome sum, and it has left me strapped of resources. I am well aware that I could sell these fine animals for twice the price I paid for them, but I am willing to part with them for the price I paid, as I can recognize that some injustice has been done to this man. I am being more than reasonable here." She opens her arms, seemingly sincere.

Jacobus looks at her "You are a business woman such as I, what would it take to prove to you that the horses were the property of this man's family? If it can be found then the law would claim that they were sold under false pretences and you would be obliged to return his goods to him."

The woman's more pleasant tone fades, "I perhaps am not making myself clear. It is not my obligation to return any goods to a heathen. Catolik law states that any goods rightfully repossessed from a pagan are the property of the businessman who operates under the authority of the church that took possession of such property. As this man is a pagan, and his stealing horses from their rightful place in the wilderness and breaking their spirits to be ridden by filthy humans is entirely unlawful in any regard. Thus the only legal documentation that would make any difference would be a legal bill of sale from a rightful Church authority, which you do not have." She looks at Jacobus intently, "And any documents forged by you for the purpose of convincing me would be readily apparent. I am aware of all that you know and every bit of mischief you have planned, and I warn you that by assessing your thoughts, I realize now that you cannot take the horses by force. Facing a squad of dirty, tired goblins, is not equivalent to taking on a lady of power and six trained men-at-arms. You know yourself that you would not walk away from such a conflict. Obey your impulses, and save your own lives. Return when you have enough money to purchase the horses."

Asif stands tall listening to the waves of arguement washing over him. Confused at first by the rapid exchanges of words, greater and greater meaning comes to him. The foul tone of the merchant causes his blood to boil over. That a common horse trader would speak so was bad enough but that the foul individual was a women was more than a son of Aten could take. In a voice of pure malice he chalenges the hag with these words.

"VENOMOUS Viper, wag no more thy foul tongue in my presence or shall the wrath of my riding crop fall upon thy shoulders. Speak such ill again of the women in my company, and your very tongue shall be ripped from thy venomous lips, as Aten is my judge. Harlots be not those who work heka, or follow in ways of the gods. You without husband, who wear pants of man is more worthy of such description!!"

OOC - (take no offence folks, Asif is from a male domiated culture)

As if to emphaisis his words, Asif waves his riding crop under her nose as his hawk like eyes scan each and every one of her guards as if daring them to jump to her defence.

Asif is unable to approach close enough to wave anything under her nose, so he waves the crop about vainly in her direction. The guards look very ready to engage the party. All the men in camp appear to be fresh and wear their weapons casually. However, none of them act without their leader's consent. Fyodorll, meanwhile, merely laughs at Asif's ravings, "I can see through you, foreign man. You speak your harsh words, but inside there is only a scared little boy who wants to be home among his fine furnishings, fed by servants and lavishing after the princess who can never be his! Do not challenge me, boy! I promise that you will never return home to the object of your affections if you do!"

As Fyodorll berates Asif, Jacobus takes the opportunity to flirt with Xania.

Xania looks at her own pants and tries not to laugh at Asif. A slight smile quirks her lips as she listens to his boorish blather.

Jacobus doesn't turn from his position as he hears Asif's insults "Hmm, the art of negotiation seems to vary in different cultures," he says more to himself than anyone around him. "As insults go it was direct but with a certain flair."

He moves back to the group noting Xania's amusement, he grins at her "Perhaps you should remove them ?"

"I'd hate to bring the negotiations to a grinding halt," Xania returns, smiling, "no more than I think they will anyway, at least," she adds.

He grins at her, "Such noble sentiments, thinking of the good of the group before yourself. However, It would be remiss of me to not say it, for the sake of Asif you understand," he winks at her and smiles.

"I think these negotiations have been concluded." he adds

"I can see you are the soul of courtesy," Xania quips. "I too, but I would like to read that bill of sale for myself, before we kill them."

He chuckles at her remark "You are too kind. Never have I seen men's pants look so good on a woman. Let us hope that it doesn't come to killing them."

Xania smiles again, "Ah Jacobus, and I thought you were so astute too. These are not men's pants. Men's pants would be too narrow in the hip, for me. I had to have them specially made."

"And you know we'll end up killing them. We seem to be very good at fighting anyway. Or well, most of the rest of you. I find I am exceptionally good at getting wounded." She grins.

"Forgive my ignorance," he say smiling at her, "it is a curse of man to be more interested in the woman within the clothes. I think you may find men more interested in your hips themselves than the clothing that you surround them in."

"Well, we don't want the package wrapped unattractively, now do we?" purrs Xania.

Jacobus shrugs "I dislike fighting myself, I much more enjoy getting even in other more devious ways." he grins at her comment "I thought you made an extremely attractive pin cushion."

Xania almost laughs out loud, but restrains herself just in time, "Well, I guess that is what's truly important."

Pausing for moment, Ullar ignores the argument and the flirtation. He looks up to the lady, taking a deep breath while glacing viciously at her.

"You can't buy something from anyone who is not the owner of that specific something. If you do, and you know about it, you are guilty of a crime. Don't take us for complete idiots. If we can't settle this matter in a normal way we both could end up at the losing side!" he exclaims.

The woman laughs openly at Ullar's bold proclamation, but allows him to continue.

"And this is not a threat.." the warrior adds.. "Just a warning... for all of us!" he says, while glancing to the rest of his companions. Slowly he bends over to Marika, and says whispering: "We are surely outnumbered, but if you could use your sleep thingy when things go wrong, we might get out of here unharmed..."

"I haven't got a sleep thingy," Marika whispers back. "Didn't expect to be fighting today, so I studied the armor thingy instead."

Ullar just nods, ensuring that Marika sees his response.

Fyodorll, while the group spoke or considered, looked intently at each of you. As she did so, she seemed to grow more and more amused.

Marika turns to address the elven merchant. "This stonewalling is hardly in your best interest, Miss Fyodorll," she says cooly. "After years spent building a reputation, you'd let it become known that you deal in stolen horses?"

The men in the corral seem to find that remark quite hilarious, sharing in their mistress' amusement.

Map of the Horse Dealer's compound



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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