Fight the Real Enemy!
  Introductions, pt. III
Still seeing the confused look on Urak's face, "I do not know the practice of your people, but here you have to buy the things that you need. And as Stephan said it will not be cheap. I don't know that much about trading either, but Matteo may be able to help you acquire the things that you need." Rhune says in an easy tone of voice. She rises from the bed having put away the little amount of money left. "Well I am ready to go. How about the rest of you?" she asks.

Ullar nods. "I'll be happy to accompany you, little one. Let's see if I can find a sword about your size", a huge smile appearing on the Gladiators face.

For the fist time since these people have gotten together they hear Rhune laugh. A, silvery, bell like sound, "I will be happy to stand as a measuring post for you Ullar. You can use me to gauge the the sword." her eyes fairly dance with merriment as she envisions the big man holding up a great sword next to her to see if it is the right size."

Somehow, it seems, that Ullar has removed the thoughts about Kenishiro and what happened on the shore. Perhaps this ability has something to do with his past in the Arena, who knows......

Matteo slipped his feet back into his well worn boots, doing his best to ignore the squishy sound they made. He tested the draw of his longsword, and was pleased to note that the scabbard had not warped from the dunking. Then, with his weapons and few belt pouches, Matteo strolled to the door and joined Rhune.

Rhune goes off then to make the puchases.

Marika nods as well. "A walk down to the market square sounds like a fine idea," she says, shaking her head vigorously to clear it. After weighing the potential merits and dangers of so many possible courses of action, an hour or two of simple decisions like which dried rations to buy suddenly seems very appealing.

The group nods, as noone seems to object vociferously to the job and getting re-equipped. With the credit letter Jacobus holds, the group heads out together to raid the shops. As they leave, Jacobus starts up a bit of conversation.

"Since the incident in the mines, I don't believe I've met you all formally ? I'll start, my name, as you know, is Jacobus and my previous employment was as a merchant, travelling the routes across Italy, before that I used to be a procurer of items, not necessarily with the owners permission."

Urak offers Jacobus a friendly nod, somewhat puzzled by the man's odd turn of phrase. Perhaps the Italians had unusual business practices that had not yet caught on in the bleak Russian slopes.

"I am Urak, apprentice shaman of the Urk-ste-khalid-kor," latching on to the part of Jacobus words he did understand, he continues with, "I am sure that as a trader of neccesities you brought great honor to your family and your clan."

Jacobus chuckles to himself "Urak my friend, I'm afraid my business practices did little to further the honor of my family, come to think of it my family was sadly lacking in any honor at all." He grinned at him "I'll explain it to you sometime."

Asif overhears this conversation as is most confused by it. What measure of men where these men of Italy to speak in such a way of ones own family. Did they have no sense of duty? Where family ties so unimportant? . Was not the safekeeping of the honour of ones family the number one duty of a son. The culture of Italy contiuned to be a complete mystery to him.

Rhune smiles, "Hi, Jacobus, I am Rhune. And," she looks around at the others in the room, "We share a similar talent."

Marika nods to Jacobus, respecting his candor if not his professions. "I'm Marika Dolmeris," she answers, extending a hand. "An acolyte of the Temple of Minerva in Sardinia, Sicily...back when there WAS a Temple. Now a minor thorn in the side of the Church, like the rest of us."

Jacobus nods his understanding, "well met Marika." "Whereas now I'm a minor irritation tugging at the pursestrings of the state." Jacobus grinned, "I like the sound of that, I'll be sure to remember that one."

Ullar, next in line to speak, peers at Marika and then starts: "I'm Ullar Capachio. I've been trained in one of the Arenas here in Italy, but I rather don't tell you which one, as I've escaped it's cruelty and I think that Mister Muphus didn't like to see his investment ran away."

"As Marika, I've worked in a temple at the outskirts of Italy, but not as an acolyte. I was serving as a guard, and received some education, like reading and writing in common Italian. However, as you all know, also this little temple for Mercurius, the God of Trade, was converted and I was out of a job. The Arena thing was next and when I managed to escape it, I ended up in Florence and joined the meeting."

Later Asif approaches Urak and introduces himself.

"Efendi by the light of Aten it is a honour to make your acquaintance. Your speak with words of a holy man. Faith unknown to me but great prophet Amonhotep say respect all who blessed with tongue of the gods. I am Asif al Mansour, Faris of the Leaping Panther, youngest of six sons, and only son of the second wife of Mansour al Farouk Swordmaster of the Pasha of Aswan. Words of wisdom do you speak, you understand honour, importance of family. Too far from home we be. Lost both. We be friends Yes?"

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  Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 May 2002