Fight the Real Enemy! | |
Planning the Defense |
Once she is calmed down, Petr continues, "Our situation is most dire, as you have seen. We have been attacked by no less than three clans of goblins. One, the wolfriders, you saw beyond the bridge. They are all throughout the western woods. The Red goblins lay in the eastern woods. You engaged some of them out in the yard. There were some other snaky goblins that came up from the south and killed two of the clan. If they would have stayed, we would all be dead now, but it appears their greed got the better of them. They stampeded off the herd of white horses that we just recently captured and tamed. As it is, though, we still face two tribes, and without your assistance, we will not survive this night. Some of you have offered your services for free, or as part of the bargain you made with my brother. I would of course be most grateful to you for your efforts, but if any of you need financial compensation to fight, I will offer that. The survival of my family is the most important thing." He draws a breath and continues, "In the last several weeks, this has been happening to the settlements out here. Destroyed completely, many killed, and some just disappear. We have feared the worst for those who disappeared, as there are rumors the goblins are.....well, let's just say they are not keeping them prisoner." He swallows hard. "However, with the support of you all, there is a good chance we can keep them out until the dawn, when the cowards will skulk back to their lairs. They have burned down the barn and the gatehouse, along with part of the palisade, but this building and the stable are still intact. No one other than those here are available for defense, and I fear that most of the clan have no skill at arms." He points toward the small clan, "Myself and my elder son both are capable fighters and archers. My wife is a decent archer, and Stellios wields a sling." "We built this place with defense in mind, so it is strong, and there are plenty of windows to fire arrows from. In emergency, the tower is made of stone with arrowslits and battlements on top. Stellios has been keeping watch from there." Looking upward at the elderly fellow who peers back at you, you all sigh a bit, "There is an emergency store of supplies on the ground floor of the tower and an armory on the second floor. Taras will show you to the armory. You may take whatever you need from there, of course. We have plenty of arrows and slingstones if you require them, along with spears for hunting or throwing." Taras takes Ullar and some others to the armory. He heads up the stairs to the gallery and goes through the only door in it, eastern, into the strongly built tower. Inside you see just as Petr said. There is a huge pile of stones and more than a hundred arrows, perhaps ten dozen. 16 spears sit against the wall along with a broken heavy crossbow. Ullar smiles as he sees a suit of plate armour mounted in the corner, but sighs when he realizes that it is only about four feet in stature and broader than even his generous dimensions. It is sadly the only armor in the place. There are weapons to be had, though, 2 short bows and 2 long along with a battle axe, longsword, a rather rusty old mace, and two small shields. There are also three slings hanging near the pile of stones. Taras explains that this formidable armory is for just such an event. He seems rather proud of it. Returning to the hall, Ullar looks at Marika. "Dear Lady, could you help me out again with one of your spells? It saved me on the galley and it might save me again" Seeing that Marika has not yet responded to his question, Ullar repeats it. "Milady, could you honor me again with one of your spells or have your Gods not granted you those powers today?" the warrior says, with a bit of a frown on his face. "I'm sorry, Ullar. I was distracted." Marika looks up at the warrior with an apologetic smile. "But I'm afraid I haven't got an armor spell prepared tonight. If we get a bit of peace tomorrow, I'll set to work restoring everyone's protective spells. I wish I could help you sooner." Marika glances toward the mage poring over her spellbook in the corner. "You might check with Xania. I was little more than an apprentice when the Temple fell apart and I had to suspend my studies. She may be more accomplished with magic, able to handle several spells at once." "That might be a good idea. Care to accompany me?" Ullar walks over to Xania and explains to her the situation. "While we had to flee for the Bishops men, we had to swim and I had to strip my ringmail. Now I don't have any armor and since I'm more or less specialized in melee I rather could use some armor. Perhaps you can help me out with your magicks?" Xania looking around to see what she can do looks up at the mention of her name. She frowns slightly. "I am little more than an apprentice myself. You have seen the one spell I have mastered." she says. Then, smiling softly at Ullar, "Though if I had such a spell I would certainly use it to aid you." As it is no surprise to anyone now, the large warrior starts to blush, unsure how to interpret the beautiful lady's words (although she has a scar (OOC: evil grin)) Ullar's blush does more to reassure Xania of her looks than any words would ever do. Her smile grows and she says, "Perhaps if the Lady Marika and I study together, I may then cast a spell on you." Her eyes linger appreciatively on the warrior's muscular frame. If Ullar's face has ever had any resemblance with a light-tower, it sure has now. If anyone could buy tomatoes in the color of his face, they would sell for quite some price. Quickly he faces away from Xania, embarrassed by his shyness. Just to ensure that he does not have to speak to her, nor to Marika, the warrior rushes over to Petr talking about the defense of his house. Xania's laugh follows him. It is low and husky. She then turns back to Marika. "Seems you were right. My thanks." Growing more serious, she adds, "I'm not sure what use I'll be. My spell has a very short range, so will really only be effective if they actually break through into the keep itself. Sorry." She looks at Marika apologetically. "I heard great things about that spell, Xania," grins Marika. "We'll have to compare notes sometime. Brother Augustine was a fine tutor, but the Elders would never have let him teach us any of the really fun spells with flashing lights and all." Xania nods. "That would be good. I would welcome the chance to learn of additional magics." She walks over to join the group clustered around Petr, discussing the defense of the stockade. "This place seems sturdy," she opines. "I imagine we could hold it quite well against goblins hacking at the doors with axes...and those wolfriders must be a terror on open ground, but their beasts will be of no use in trying to break in here. The big danger would be more fires. How did they start the other fire -- flaming arrows, firebrands? And is there by chance a well in the building, so we could wet down the walls?" Petr seems surprised to hear battle tactics from a woman, but also seems relieved to not have to plan the defense by himself. "They snuck up and poured oil on the walls and lit the building with torches. I don't think they could do that to this building if we kept a close watch. In any event, the tower is made of stone and we could flee there if they set a fire. As for a well, no, I am afraid our source of water is outside." He gestures to the west toward the rivlet running around the west and south of the settlement. "And I imagine that any going out there to retrieve water would be in a great deal of danger." He thinks for a moment, "There are too many doors and open areas, though. How do we cover them all?" He seems a bit panicked Looking from the northern window, Krige sees that the fire from the buildings to the north and northwest is burning out. You all hear drums and chants from both sides of the settlement rising above the noise of the cracking timbers. "Well ! I think the time has come for another hard fight! We should occupy our positions quickly or it will be too late." says Krige calmly. He wipes sweat with his hand and sighs -"I hope we all will see another day..." And then he makes short prayer to Lord of The Wood. Rhune quickly gets to her spot on the second floor and places her quiver of arrows next to her. She notches one in her bow and stands ready. Petr looks about at you, obviously hoping for directions or plans of some sort. Sam grabs 20 arrows from the pile and stuffs them in his pack. Heading towards Rhune, " Shall we head towards the second floor then? I do believe that those drums are not reinforcements for our aid." Sam shifts his weight and tries to make the best of the situation, seeing as how he was caught with her blue tube. She looks at him up and down for a moment her eyes narrowed, "Well as long as you keep your hands to yourself and stop bumping into me." she replies as she begins to walk with him back toward the second floor. Looking up toward Asif and Krige, "Petr is right we need to spread out to cover more ground." Sam gives a little yelp of excitement and then begins to hop towards the stairs. You all hear an eerie tune escape from his lips. "Oh far from home did I roam to find what could not be. And far from home, did I find, a group that needed me. So 'Off' I yelled while dodging spells, and goblins oh so crude, A spark of hope did we find, a single small blue tube. As battles called, friends did fall, and soon there was a doubt. During this doubt Sam did shout -- Heyho, lets go.. its Sir Sam you know! Its time to snuff the evil out!" With that Sam continues to hop and skip towards the stairs. Sam, Asif, Krige, and Rhune are now in the second floor gallery, which has windows on every wall. Petr, Taras, and Darya join them there and walk down the passageway to the west. Petr speaks, "We shall guard the windows from our quarters." He looks down toward the group in the hall, "Mother, take the rest of the clan to the tower basement for safety, along with whoever from this group is unable to participate." Petr then turns toward Marika, "Perhaps you could organize the defense of the tower and the ground floor?" He clearly assumes that she is the group's leader. "There are arrowslits on the tower's second and third floors, and battlements on the top. I fear we may need someone more sharp eyed than Stellios to keep watch from the tower. That is our most advantageous position, but also the most exposed." Marika looks momentarily taken aback at being mistaken for anything resembling a general, but she recovers with a low chuckle. "My knowledge of battle has holes you could drive a caravan through, Petr -- but let me lay out some quick ideas to see how everyone likes them." She looks up nervously at a particularly loud flurry of drumbeats, and when she speaks again, her voice is brisk and efficient, clearly worried that there's little time to plan. "Top floor of the tower: Good place for Stellios and anyone else who uses a sling; nothing like a good dose of gravity to make a stone get noticed. We should also put Krige and Rhune there as lookouts and archers. From what I hear, the night vision of elves is unequaled." Petr interjects, "If it were possible, I would prefer that only one of the elves would stay on the top of the tower, the female preferably, as if reinforcements were needed on the ground floor, the hunter would be too far away to assist with his sword." "Well. It's good idea! I think I should go to the second floor now," says Krige. Then he goes to the second level and takes position near the free window. "The healers, Kuzma and Irina -- why don't you stay in the armoury, on the second floor. That way you can relay messages from the lookouts up top to the folks in the gallery, and we can bring the wounded to you more quickly than if you were in the basement." Petr nods, "A good idea. Kuzma's quarters are on the third floor in any case, along with her medicines and such, so using the armory and her quarters to nurse the injured and transport messages would be a good idea." He turns toward his mother and daughter, "Mother, could you take Matvey and Masha to the basement, then stay in the armory." The old woman clucks at her son, but obeys him. He then turns toward his daughter, "Irina, you will go to Mother's room and prepare the medicines for any that take wounds. Also relay any messages from those above to your grandmother." He then turns again to Kuzma, "You will relay any messages to those in the gallery, who will relay them to us in the western wing." "The three of you said you'll take the west bedroom?" -- her glance encompasses Petr, Taras, and Darya. "That sounds great; remember, you'll be the only ones who can see the base of the kitchen's west wall, or stop them from lighting fires there." Petr sighs, "If there is no large-scale attack, I think we can hold the west and the kitchen, at least for the time being." "Everyone else who can fire a bow should be distributed around the gallery." She counts rapidly on her fingers, coming up with five or six people for that role. "Which leaves Ullar, Xania, and me." Matteo interjects, "I am afraid I have no skill with a bow, though I do know how to use a dart. Fairly limited range on that, though." He sighs, not sure where to place himself. Jacobus also adds his two cents, "I am no archer either. I could throw a dagger if needed, but not far." He sighs along with Matteo. "We'll stay on the ground floor, making sure the barricades hold. If they don't...Xania and I know a little magic. Between our spells and Ullar's sword, we could probably hold off any goblins who break through the doors, long enough for some of the people upstairs to come down and help fight. But then we'd be short of archers, and if they want to set fires..." She locks eyes briefly with Petr. "If a lot of them make it inside, we might have to give them this building, and fall back to the tower. So let's hope we can keep them out." Xania nods. "I will assist as best I can." Petr nods, "I was prepared for that eventuality. If we are forced to yield the main building, they will find that the tower is strongly prepared. If that is our last bastion of defense, we shall make them pay for any intrusion." Remembering Alfana's coolheaded performance at the stockade gate, Marika turns to the young woman. "Alfana, if you'd like to help us watch the barricades on the ground floor, we'd certainly be grateful. That way we could have a set of eyes at each door." Alfana looks at Taras, who solemnly nods at her. She then walks up to Marika, "Where would you have me watch? The kitchen or the hall?" Taras speaks up, "You will watch the north door to the kitchen, dear, as it is the closest to the staircase and retreat. You will leave the hand to hand fighting to those who have more skill in that area. Simply yell out if you hear or see anything unusual. There will be plenty of strong arms to assist you while you run for the tower." Marika's eyes flash sharply with annoyance, then the look passes, replaced by a slight ironic smile. Since his near-assault on Urak, the priestess had been dutifully reminding herself to give Taras the benefit of the doubt, to assume that his rashness was born of fear, not malice or bigotry. But his patronizing words to his wife have confirmed Marika's initial low opinion of the man, and she no longer has to resist thinking badly of him. It's a surprising relief to be free of that effort. "You'll do fine, Alfana," she says, smiling warmly at the young woman. "We're glad for your help." Marika pauses for breath, and suddenly flushes with embarrassment as she realizes she's been practically giving orders to people with ten times her experience in battle. "Or...those are some preliminary ideas," she says contritely. "Now who'd like to start improving on them?" Ullar speaks up briefly, "Petr, I could use two or three of your spears and perhaps you can redirect me to the place where most likely the battle will be fought in melee. I think my position should be at the gate, but if you want or need me anyplace else, feel free to make a suggestion." Ullar pauses, then starts to smile a little. "Perhaps those Goblins will be scared of my size! I bet I can fit three of them in my whole body, if you would squeeze them tight" The warrior's mind is focused on the upcoming battle; a voice in his head reminds him constantly not to fight while without armor but the adrenaline drives forth the pretty huge Gladiator. "In the Arena we had not that much of an armor as well; at least, I wouldn't call loin-cloth an armor" he says, to no one in particular. Petr speaks up from the gallery, "Take as many spears as you want. My guess would be that they will attack the ground floor at some point, though I cannot guess which door they will target. There are enough of them that they may attack every one at once." He seems most discontented with this. Rhune goes to stand by one of the windows facing the bridge, "Couldn't someone get to the bridge and destroy it? That would at least limit the number of goblins I believe. Some of us with bows could cover the person with arrows." She looks around, "If not, then those of us with bows should each take a direction and pick our shots carefully. Anyone coming with torches should be our first order of business. Peytr, do you have any oil that you could throw down? I hate to use it but burning oil does work. And does anyone know how long we have till dawn?" Petr responds, "Sadly, the only oil we have is cooking oil. We are certainly not prepared for a siege of this magnitude. It is now perhaps seven hours after noon. We have over ten hours until dawn. It is going to be a long night." Ullar speaks again, "Is there a way we can barricade the bridge? Or demolish it? And do you have anything in your house which is rather flamable? Get some sheets from the beds, empty bottles from your bar, put the flamable stuff, lamp-oil or anything else which burns easily, into the bottle, put a piece of a sheet in the neck of the bottle and get a torch nearby. As soon as they start bashing on the doors, our missilemen, and women, can fire and somebody else can throw the flamable stuff down. That would keep them at bay for a moment longer and I'm sure those wolves don't like a fire at all." Petr answers, shaking his head again, "I am afraid we don't even have any lamp-oil. The only supply we had was in the barn, which helped it to burn. In a wooden settlment, you don't like to keep flammables stored inside in case of a fire. As for the bridge, it is stone and very sturdy. Unless you have some sort of strong magics, I cannot imagine you would be able to demolish it by hand. We ride across it with many horses very frequently, so we built it to last. I never thought it would be disadvantageous to do so." "That's just too bad, we'll have to figure something else out" Ullar says, without any reproach in his voice. He continues "Next to that, we should barricade as many doors as possible. Just shove a chair under the latch or other furniture. Make it quick. If we can get some fires burning at our side of the bridge, it would sure make traveling a bit more difficult for those wolf-riders. I will dare to go outside if nobody else has the guts to come." Petr looks solemnly at Ullar, "It's not an issue of guts, young man. Going out there to light fires would be suicide. Anyone entering the yard would surely be attacked by the goblins. You all barely made it through them once. Would you risk your life, and without any armor at that, to create an impediment so easily avoided?" He continues to shake his head, "As for fortifying the doors, that is certainly a good idea. You are welcome to use any chairs or anything from the hall that would help." Marika listens carefully as Ullar lays out his plans. "Sounds great," she nods. "Fire might panic the wolves, if we're lucky. And I like the thought of taking down that bridge." She tries to remember how the bridge was constructed, but in her haste to cross it earlier, she had failed to note the architectural details. "I can petition the Goddess to grant you sanctuary, Ullar...if She's willing, the goblins will ignore you for a few minutes. That might be long enough for you to demolish the bridge. I think Urak's spirits can grant a similar boon -- he saved my life with it when the gnomes attacked." Her voice falters as she recalls Urak's painful choice between herself and Silas, and she hopes for the thousandth time that the priest somehow reached safety. "If so," she continues after a moment, "then we could have two people work on the bridge at once." Urak nods. "I do have that ability, along with curative spells." Petr looks at Marika, "The ability to not be bothered is indeed a wondrous protection from your gods, but I do not think we have the means here to destroy or disable the bridge, unless you all have some tricks up your sleeve I am not aware of. Two people or a dozen, it took us months to construct, and I cannot see it being demolished in minutes or even hours." He shrugs his shoulders, "However, if you think you can manage it, it would be a neat trick." "We have to determine if it's worth the effort to start some fires outside with the aid of those sanctuary spells. I would go outside, but I think those fires really attract attention, which would render the sanctuary a bit uneffective. Therefore I suggest we just concentrate on defending this building at our best efforts and start barricading doors with as many people as available." "You're right." Marika nods agreement with Ullar and Petr. "It sounds like there's nothing we could accomplish outside worth the danger. But once things get crazy, if anyone needs to move around without being a target -- to rescue the wounded, repair a barricade, or anything else -- ask Urak or me for sanctuary. And be prepared to act quickly. The Goddess is patient, but I'm a novice, and can grant you only a few minutes' grace." "I will take three spears and one of your battleaxe from your armory. I doubt that my two-handed sword is wieldable in combat in small areas, so I just take it as an insurance. I doubt I can throw my spears through the windows, but I could try of course." Ullar speaks on, "For those of you who are using missile fire, you have to agree on some sort of signal for firing your arrows and stones at the attackers. For it will be much more difficult for them to decide where to attack if they are attacked with missile weapons simultaneously from more sides than one. Got a horn or something Petr?" Petr nods, "I do indeed. My hunting horn hangs on the wall there." He walks over and pulls an impressive curved brass horn off it's wall mount. "Someone in the gallery will have to provide the signal so that all can hear it. From my quarters, those in the tower could not hear it. Either that or someone on the tower. What do you think?" Ullar answers, "It seems you have more of them, why not distribute a few in the building. As soon as one starts to blow a horn, the others who do hear it could follow, which makes quite some fast communication means." Petr looks quizzically at Ullar, "No, I only have the one. Our hunting parties are usually just my son and myself, so we have never needed more than one. Do you carry one with you?" He hands Ullar the horn, "Do with it as you wish. Ullar keeps on with the strategy "Try to aim for the wolves, if they are joining in with the wolf-riders. Angry wolves might turn against their riders if they are injured enough" Rhune nods in agreement, "That might work also. If nothing else it will give them pause to think," she replies. Petr nods. "Worgs have been known to turn on their filthy riders if bothered enough. That is solid strategy. You have faced such creatures before?" The warrior shakes his head. "No, I have not, but I've some experience from my time in the Arena. Although I never fought with wolves or lions for that matter, I've watched some fights. It's just the case as with most of the animals, they are afraid of fire and they don't like to be tamed." Ullar is off with the Taras lad to barricade as many doors as they can in
the time they have. Somehow Ullar has the feeling that another attack
might come sooner as expected. As soon as he hears battlecries closing in,
Ullar takes position in the north-western building.
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Benjamin Lomax |
This page was last updated on 2 May 2002 |