Things calm down, as it appears the goblins did not have an attack
coordinated with this. However, as you gather together, Petr sighs, "We
have not even managed to dent the ranks of the wolfskins, and the red
goblins still lurk in the eastern forest. They will surely attack again
before dawn. What shall we do to stop them? All of us bear injuries
already, and I fear we will not survive the night." Kuzma shushes him as
she tends to his wounds. She then produces a flask from her robes. "Drink
this, son, and do not worry about what else happens tonight." The flask
must have been magical, as Petr's wounds close quickly and unnaturally. He
now stands before you without a trace of the recent attack. Kuzma repeats
the exercise with Taras. The effects are not quite as remarkable, as Taras
wounds were severe, but he is now strong enough again to take up his post.
The old woman looks at the group, "I fear that is the very last of my
resources. I had saved those flasks for an emergency, and I fear I have no
more." Urak, however, uses the last of his magic to attempt to cure Rhune.
However, his magic seems to lack it's typical power, and her wounds are
still quite severe. However, looking at each other, noone has anything
left. Urak and Sam seem quite anguished to be in the state of continually
being attacked and fearing death, and the others are little more cheerful.
Darya's potion seems not only to have healed Petr's external wounds, but to
have dispelled all signs of weakness or pallitude from blood loss.
Marika doesn't object when he gets up to resume his post, but as Taras
tries to follow, the priestess bars the way with her staff crossed
across the door. She may be a novice at healing, but blood loss is one
thing she understands. "You, young man, need rest and fluids," she
tells him, smirking as she lowers her voice to imitate the stern master
physician from the Temple. "Rhune and Sam too. Someone else can cover the
watch sites for a while." Taras grumbles and tries to brush her
aside, but she shifts her staff into a more menacing stance and says,
"Don't make me hit you with this. It's got bat slime all over it."
Taras stares at the woman and looks at his father, who shrugs. Looking at
the staff, Taras sits down with a confused expression on his face.
"Marika, someone needs to keep watch," Rhune exclaims to the priestess as
she tries to stand on her feet. Though as she does she sways unsteadily and
the room spins till she abruptly sits down again. She reluctantly lays down
and lets Marika tend to her.
The proud youth relents, and Marika manages to get the three restless
patients to lie down in Kuzma's and Irina's chambers. She puts a hand
to each one's throat to feel the pulse. "Your hearts are racing," she
says, "though Sam's is more or less that way all the time." She gives
them each a flask of water to drink and asks Irina to fetch some dried
fruit from the storeroom as she sets to work preparing an herbal
infusion. When it's finished, she refills the flasks with the green-
tinted fluid and hands them back to the three. The liquid manages to be
both too sweet and too bitter at once. "Tastes like there's dirt in
this!" complains Taras, supressing a gag. "Only a little," answers
Marika levelly. "High in iron; it'll help rebuild your blood." She
moves over to Rhune and Sam. "Actually," she whispers to them, "only
his flask has got dirt in it."
Taras looks even more disconcerted, but drinks the fluid with a swift gulp,
swallowing with a grimace.
Rhune takes the flask and after sniffing it takes a sip. She at first
puckers and then smackes her lips as she tastes the bitter/sweet liquid.
"Thank you. One day I will repay you for all of your help, my friend,"
she says with a smile.
Sam manages to slip away when Marika's back is turned a short time
later, and after an hour she reluctantly lets the other two return to
their posts, warning them to drink all the fluids they can until they're
back at full strength.
Rhune smiles as she takes a flask of water with her and heads back to her
post on the tower. She gets set up and notches her bow, but this time she
also keeps watch every so often on the sky above her. She also takes little
sips of her water just as Marika had said.
Jacobus has been lying on the table in the main chamber on the ground
floor, rubbing at the back of his head, were he was hit and cursing his
inablilty to recognize the obvious trap. "Stupid stupid !!" he
admonishes himself. He's in a foul mood for several hours and barely speaks
to anyone, his usual happy-go-lucky attitude strangely absent.
Some hours go by without event. The sharp-eared among you hear shouting in
goblin tongue for some time in the western woods, answered by some in the
southern woods briefly. This goes on for some minutes. Rhune is happy to
see the first rays of the sun appearing at the top of the sky and thinks
for a moment that the goblins are not going to attack again. It is a vain
hope, however, as the drums that have been beating for most of the night go
completely silent. As this has happened without event several times during
the night, the group does not change it's tactics.
This time, though, the silence is broken by a chant from the eastern
forest. It is dire in tone as the goblins raise their voices in dark
unison. This continues for a full two minutes, as the goblins seem to be
raising their voices until the song is a furious yelling in unison.
Rhune watches toward the sound, wondering when the goblins will retreat
underground. Sighing wearily she prepares for another onslaught.
Jacobus gets up from his lying position on the table, once he hears the
goblins shouts "I guess we should be expecting another attack." as he draws
his longsword. An idea hits him and Jacobus goes looking for Sam and Rhune.
Asif, inspired by the warmth of the solar disk of Aten (SUN) glares back
over the battlements and with great voice answers there chalenging call
with a booming voice which undulates across the hills. It is a voice deep
and full of strength, a voice reminicent of an Inman calling the faithfull
to prayer from the tower of a mosque. It is a voice which shows no fear he
shouts to them.
"Bi - smi-llah i-r-rahman i-r-rahmeem. KHALLI BALAK INFIDELS, ED-DJUKUL
OCC - In the name of he who can be compassionate and be merciful, take care
infidels entrance is forbidden, run run like the wind or find your graves
this day.
Silence continues from across the bridge to the west. Suddenly, those
facing east see that around thirty goblins have broken for the settlement.
All wear the same red gear and clothing the group has seen several times
before. The majority of the group rush the eastern wall of the hall. They
appear to be carrying some long branches or young trees with them. Three
very large goblins separate from the pack and charge toward the northern
Rhune looks over the battlements and her head swims from the height.
Pulling back just a little, "Here they come!" she shouts as she takes her
bow and notching an arrow fires as quickly as she can at the three large
goblins that separate from the pack.
Sam fires along with her, his uncharacteristic silence having mostly
continued since the trap was sprung in the woods. Following Rhune's lead,
he fires at the large goblins charging to the north of the tower. Rhune
hits one of them, apparently in the head, but it must have been a grazing
wound, as the creature keeps running toward the north yard. Sam's shot is
even better, as it thumps firmly into the chest of another of the
creatures, but amazingly it keeps running as well.
On the ground floor, Marika wakens with a start, chagrined to realize
she has dozed off at her post in the kitchen. Ullar is awake and alert,
though, and she nods to him grimly as they survey the makeshift
barricades on the northern door one last time.
Rhune appears to hit her target once again, this time in the arm, but it
keeps running. These must be unusually strong goblins. Sam misses with both
his arrows. The goblins race around the tower and reach the north kitchen
door in little more than a heartbeat. Seeing their chances are lessening by
the moment, The two fire another volley. Rhune lands a third arrow in her
target, penetrating his right leg cleanly, but the creature still does not
fall. Sam thinks he caught his target as well, in the head this time, but
the arrow must have only creased the skull, as his target does not fall
The two goblins that have arrows sticking out of them crash hard through
the barriers, which in their condition cannot hold them back. Marika and
Ullar are forced back by the crashing barricades, and all three enter the
kitchen. They, Matteo, and Alfana can see that two of the creatures are
badly injured, but appear in enough of a rage that they are feeling no
pain. One is nearly Matteo's size, and the other two are close to Marika's.
They carry that rage right in, as Alfana dashes upstairs. The two smaller
goblins attack Ullar while the larger attacks Matteo, leaving Marika
without an opponent. However, the men are wary enough to dodge the battle
axes headed their way. Matteo manages to slash at his opponent's arm and
draw blood, added to the arrow already sticking out of it's chest. It
staggers, but continues, "Gnhass-ka! Gara!" It yells defiantly. Ullar steps
back and sweeps at his opponents with his great sword, but the creatures
dodge the lumbering attack.
Jacobus reaches the top of the tower and finds Sam and Rhune firing at the
goblins. He grins at them "Well what do you think about sneaking out of
here under the cover of darkness and using a fire to get rid of the
goblins, I haven't worked out the precise details of the plan yet but I'm
fed up being laid under seige in this tower. What do you think?"
Rhune standing by the tower window preparing to target the three goblins,
"That would be a good idea, Jacobus. But we are to do it we had best do it
soon as dawn fast approaches." she whispers to himself. "See what the
others think," she says letting fly an arrow.
Sam does not respond, attending to his archery. However, terrible luck
befalls him with his second shot, as he is leaning a bit too far over the
battlements to compensate for barely being able to see over them. His
weight adjusts forward, and Rhune looks to see him fall cleanly out of the
tower, a full two stories onto the roof of the main hall. His small form
lays there on the roof, and she sees no sign of movement. The angled roof,
however, proves even more dangerous, as she sees that any movement could
cause him to fall the rest of the way to the ground, surely killing
him. That is, if he lives now....
Ullar sweeps with his sword again and the creature's armor manages to
deflect his blow enough to turn the blade. However, it is not enough to
keep it from contacting him, smashing into his head. The creature stumbles
about, but with it's partner it returns the attack. However, the second
goblin is surprised to be struck in the head by Marika's staff. It looks
about from it's caved in skull for a moment, then falls to the ground.
However, the one that was stunned by Ullar slashes with the last of it's
strength at the large warriors neck. The wound is minor, but Ullar looks
about curiously before falling backward. He lands roughly on his back, "I
cannot feel my legs! I am crippled!" From alongside him, Marika can see
that the wound has laid the back of his neck open partially, and grimaces,
remembering the brief things she has read about such wounds in the tomes of
her goddess.
Matteo meanwhile feints with his sword and draws the large creature open,
slashing down with his stiletto, landing it deep in the creature's groin.
The goblin falls back against the broken remnants of the barricades,
bleeding heavily, "Kara, Kloss-lunk, Moru, Gnhass-ka!" It appears that he
will be about dying for several minutes.
As Rhune and Sam are firing at the larger goblins, the small army of
goblins charges right toward the eastern wall, defended only by Asif, until
Krige and Urak join him, realizing the danger posed by the small creatures.
Asif has managed to feather one of the beasts with two arrows and drop it
before they get ten feet from the woods. As they get closer, he can see
that they are carrying five ladders that appear to have been carved from
saplings or branches. Their intent appears to be laying the ladders against
the windows and climbing up them. Stellios stays at his post watching the
southern yard, and the group sees no sign of the three in the western
quarters. Krige and Urak manage to get to the eastern windows but do not
have time to fire a shot before they must try to repel the boarding
Showing his desert strength and coordination, Asif manages to hoist two
ladders that the creatures have placed too close together, sending them
falling backward. Krige pushes a third off, but Urak cannot get a grip on
his, and the goblins begin swarming up that one and another. Krige attends
to that while Urak grabs ahold of the one he missed earlier and both are
sent crashing with their goblin climbers toward the ground. One of the
climbers does not rise from where he fell. Asif meanwhile tosses off
another ladder, but once again two of the five are mounted. The odds of
three against five do not appear in their favor. However, the others in the
group are occupied with the fighting you can hear in the kitchen or firing
arrows from the tower.
All three hear a crash from above, something hitting the roof, but cannot
take their attentions away from the goblins long enough to pay it much
mind. However, it is enough to distract them from their task long enough
that they are unable to gather themselves and leave the ladders up. Now all
five are mounted, and two of them have goblins atop them at the windows.
Urak continues to attempt throwing down the ladders as Krige and Asif fight
off those who have reached the window. Krige is able to thwart those on his
ladder from entering, but Asif is not so lucky. Two of the goblins race
past him, one turning right and another turning left. Seeing that if he
leaves the ladders, the settlement will surely be doomed, Asif curses and
lets them run.
Stellios finally lends his one hand toward the ladders, seeing one of the
goblins pass him up and charge toward the western hallway, which Alfana
just moments ago ran down from downstairs. You briefly see that two of
those from the rooms have come to see what is happening and confront the
creature. However, your attention is turned away from them by the menace of
the goblins now rushing up all five ladders toward you. The other goblin
has charged through the open door to the tower and is out of sight.
Rhune changes her fire at the swarming goblins coming up the wall and is
gratified to see her arrow thunk solidly into one of the filthy creature's
eyes. At the wall, the defenders are cheered to see that the pierced
creature has managed to stumble into one of the ladders and it falls to the
ground, sending both of the goblins on it crashing to the ground, neither
of whom rises. Asif manages to repeat the feat, and is cheered even more
when neither of those climbing on his ladder rises either. Krige drops a
ladder as well and one unlucky goblin will climb no more. Urak and Stellios
have no such luck, though, and Stellios proves a poor barrier to the
goblins entrance, as two more charge past him and split up as well, running
past the defenders. One goblin manages to shove at Urak with his axe and
force him backward enough for he and his mate to come in. They do not run
off, though, staying to fight against Urak and keep the breach they made
Two more come charging in past Stellios and through Urak's open window.
Urak almost dodges the attack of the two engaging him as it barely creases
his forehead. The next pair head off after the two that ran past Stellios,
one of them turning the other direction and following his two predecessors
into the tower. Krige and Asif, though, manage to grab ahold of the mounted
ladders and toss them both off, killing three more goblins. They look down
briefly and see that only three goblins remain on the ground. They then
turn their attention to the threats ahead of them.
At the top of the stairs, Rhune sees that the first goblin has reached the
lookout. She turns and fires point blank at him, taking him in the stomach.
He falls. Jacobus steps up with his sword to defend her as she drops her
bow and draws her long sword. A second goblin reaches the top moments
later. Jacobus does not prove a particulary worthwhile defender, though, as
the goblin screeches something in it's language and smashes him in the head
with the flat of his axe. Jacobus falls. The goblin is joined by a third
and they look with menace and a glint of...something else in their eyes as
Rhune faces them with her sword. A quick thrust into the chest and only one
goblin remains for the dance. Seeing he faces a swordswoman, he turns and
runs back down the stairs for easier pickings. Rhune, knowing that the old
woman and young girl are below, pursues him.
Those in the gallery hear a clattering sound and hear goblin voices from
the western hall laughing and yelling. Then the sounds of vicious combat,
human and goblin cries and yells.
Krige and Asif look to join Urak and make quick work of his opponents.
However, they are forced to draw their weapons, giving the goblins time to
attack. One of them manages to slash across Urak's belly, and he falls
backward. Unfortunately, he was already against the railing and it gives
way from his weight, sending him crashing toward the staircase. He falls
roughly down the stairs just as Matteo is begining to climb them. Marika
sees that he is unconscious and in pretty bad shape.
Upstairs the goblins smile and attack Krige and Asif with relish. One of
them chops cleanly into Kriges' left calf, and he falls to the ground in
pain. Asif, seeing two of his companions so quickly rendered unable to
fight, summons up an inner strength and fakes with one scimitar and brings
the other one around in a vicious arc, decapitating one of his opponents
and the blade ends it's momentum in the skull of the second. Both are quite
dead. However, his work is not over, as he sees two of the goblins that ran
into the western quarters now reversing their path toward him, or the
windows, he cannot tell. He quickly makes their decision for them, slashing
them with one scimitar each. They join their partners on the ground dead.
The one goblin remaining, however, means to do some nastiness before he
departs. Rhune finds he has grabbed the plump young daughter of Petr and is
grasping nastily, tearing at her clothes with it's offhand. Rhune attempts
to sneak up on him, but her dizziness from blood loss has not entirely gone
away, and she trips on the bottom step, falling at the goblin's feet. The
goblin cries out with joy and leaps upon her, tearing at her belt roughly
with it's clawed fingers. Rhune finds herself too dizzy and weak to fight
even this small creature off, and it begins to make progress in disrobing
her, tearing gashes in her tunic and breeches. Seeing the horror about to
befall her, though, she summons up some inner strength and hoists the
creature up off of her.
Rhune trying to buck the goblin off while pushing at him with her hands. As
she realizes what he is about to do, "Get... . . . off. . . me.. .
ungghmphhmm," she growls as she takes one last move and heaves up with her
legs, hips and hands at the same time, knocking the goblin backward off of
Her clothes hang about her scandalously, but the two women hiding in the
corner do not seem to mind that. Quickly she tries to stand but apparently
not quick enough, as the little monster lunges into her ad drops her onto
the floor again. The little monster lunges at her again and knocks her to
the ground. He is amazingly strong for such a small frame. However, this
time she manages to find the strength easier and hurls him back toward the
still open door to the main settlement. There his death awaits in the form
of the young Arab, who has heard the whimperings of Irina. He cuts the
fiend to pieces with quick slashes from his scimitars.