Dakath Gets a Kiss! (Jacobus Would Be Jealous)

Xania takes some time to go outside of the cabin alone with a change of clothing and some soap. She also spends some more time studying the spellbook Marika left for her.

Rhune noticing that Xania has some soap waits until she returns. Then, "Xania, could I borrow a little of your soap? I could really use some right about now," Xania lets Rhune borrow the soap. She then proceeds to go outside and pick a portion of the cabin that has rain pouring off it. Stripping off her clothes she proceeds to take shower. Once done she puts on her wet clothes and then goes back inside to the fire. The wet tunic fits very well and shows off her small form quite well.

After she takes her shower and redresses she will return to the room and the fire. She hands Xania her soap, "Thank you. I feel much better now," she says as she goes to the fire to dry off.

"No problem," Xania replies, with a grin. "Too bad the guys don't use soap."

Rhune chuckles, "Yes it is. Perhaps we should tell them," she replies as she wrinkles her nose a bit.

Asif looks up with surprise at this comment. For every morning and night has he washed his hands and feet with soap upon preparing for his devotions. Cleanliness being one of the articles of faith to Aten.

"Hey".. Ullar interjects..."We smell nice naturewise!"

Xania raises one eyebrow. "Skunks are natural."

"So are babies".. says Ullar, with a smile to Jac.. eh. .Dakath.

Augustus lifts his left arm and sniffs gingerly, wincing. "Ugh, well if cleanliness is next to Godliness, I hath surely strayed far from the path."

"Of course there are worse...vices," grins Xania.

Rhune nearly chokes at Xania's words to Augustus. Though she has been around her for sometime, she is still not used to Xania's ways.

Augustus blushes wildly, but turns to the fire for cover, "My, is it warm in here..."

Dakath chuckles as he sees the looks on some of his companions faces. "Vices ? Now I must confess I have more than a few."

"Well, at least it's not a sin. Or at least a deadly sin. What are those again? Lust, envy, anger, pride.... greed, sloth, and, uh, avarice? Or is that the same as greed?" Forte seems lost in thought as he tries to remember the seven deadly sins.

"Wrath," murmurs Xania. "Hmmm. I wonder just how deadly they are," She smiles, catlike.

"Ugh, all I know is that I am sorely tempted to borrow some of that soap, if I may?"

"Sure," Xania replies. "Though I'll make you all buy me more at the next city. If we ever see a city again, that is."

"I will be glad to buy you more soap, Xania. In fact I may even buy myself several bars so we can all share them," Rhune adds with a chuckle

"It's the little luxuries that keep us going," nods Xania.

"Yes it is," agrees Forte. "So where's that tune, Taglio?" Forte asks, missing his mother's music.

Dakath spends his day attempting to forge some documents that look like gate passes, given to him from some minor member of the nobility but should open a few doors to him. He also creates a bill of ownership for a shipping company called the Bitter Sea Trading Company, who's owner just happens to be Dakath. He spends many hours perfecting his documents, you have never seen him so absorbed in something before. Once he is done he leans back to admire his handy work. "Hmmm, not bad. Dakath is now the owner of a non-existent company called the Bitter Sea Trading Company." He chuckles to himself.

"May I have a look at that document, err.... Dakath. I have some experience of things of this nature. My father was a spice merchant in Venezia, although he dealt in other things as well. Of course he dressed in the most impeccable Venetian fashion, not in flowers. Are you sure you would not rather be a florist, Signore."

Tag chuckles, beginning to relax amongst this group and feeling confident enough to have a little joke of his own.

Dakath smiles at him "I've been a merchant most of my life," he tells Tag as he hands him his forged documents "However, I have only just undertaken my new vocation as a Spice merchant, in fact, since yesterday I was a religious artifact merchant, wanted by the church of Jerboha because most, well all of my artifacts were not exactly real."

He chuckles to himself "Chances are the holy symbol Augustus wears is a fake, I had a strangle hold on the market."

Augustus looks down at the silver cross around his neck, and holds it up to his face. He looks at it as if remembering something long ago. "That is doubtful, Dakath...this was given to me when I was yet a boy, by a very old priest on his death bed."

Taglio is very convinced by Dakath's forgery. Indeed, the documents look very similar to documents of the same sort that Tag would carry for his father. They look most officious. "I have some experience with the 'roguish' arts myself. But you are obviously a true artist my friend." Tag nods impressed.

Dakath takes the documents back, obviously pleased with himself and rolls them up and places them in a safe place in his backpack.

Apart from that he quizzes Augustus on his offer to tattoo his head, his previous enthusiasm dampened by Xania's attempt to pierce his ear. Hoping that Augustus has some dye at least, Dakath sets about imprinting some tribal symbols on his right cheek (non-permanent).

As evening approaches, Dakath rises from his allocated space in the cabin, "This is intolerable," he says as he moves outside the cabin. He moves farther upstream, before checking the immediate area for intruders. Once certain there is no one about, he strips off and finds somewhere to bathe. He keeps his dagger with him.

When bathing, Dakath cannot help but feel he is being watched, his paranoia fed healthily by the verification of it the previous day. Attempting to look natural, he glances around occasionally, and would swear that on a couple of occasions, looking into the woods to the north, he sees a pair of eyes staring back at him. He also hears some disturbing movement in that same area, back and forth between the area he has bathed in, and the northern shore across from the ferry. The figures do not appear to be making much noise, but to Dakath's trained ear, they are making well enough. By their size, they may very well be the same group that was rustling about last night, though they are much more quiet this time.

Once done he will dress and move back to the cabin, feeling a lot better for his bathing. Once their evening meal is finished Dakath will once again get up, "I'm going to check the surrounding area for anymore surprises, would you care to accompany me Xania ? You at least smell less than the rest and are less likely to be detect upwind from an intruder."

Xania looks at him. "I smell fine, thank you very much. Soap does wonders."

"However, I will accompany you. You shouldn't be out there alone."

As Xania wanders past him, Dakath smells the air and grins, "Indeed you're right, soap does indeed do wonders."

Xania rolls her eyes.

He waits until Xania has her cloak before he escorts her outside. "We'll move upstream and then around in a wide arcing semi-circle before coming back to the cabin from downstream."

He smiles at her and again offers her his arm.

Xania takes it and exits with Dakath.

With that he collects his cloak that was drying by the fire before heading out into the early evening, ready to do the same patrol he did the previous night.

Dakath leads Xania about 500 yards upstream of the cabin. He smiles across at her "If we move into the forest from here and move silently around the cabin that should suffice for now. He moves into the forest and crouches down, he's so close to her that their shoulders are touching. "The secret is," he whispers in her ear, "to step lightly avoiding any dead twigs or leaves." He takes a deep inhaling breath. "I do suspect we won't encounter any animals, soap is all very well in the city but in the wilderness it's a sure way to be detected."

"You have a point," Xania whispers. "Maybe that's why I prefer cities."

He turned to face her and grinned, "I was taught that by someone, don't get me wrong I don't know if it's true or not but we shall see." His eyes seem to sparkle in the moonlight and she can tell Dakath is happiest in the darkness.

Xania, barely able to see in the darkness, spends most of her time trying not to be too loud.

The first place they go is where Dakath saw the figures before, but they are not there any longer. Telling Xania what he witnessed before, both peer actively into the forest, but see nothing.

Xania shakes her head, "I like this not. Is there no way we can track these figures?"

"We certainly seem to be the center of attention these days," he says to her.

Dakath peers around in the confines of the forest. The moon providing their only illumination. "It seems we are alone now." He begins to move forward before stopping suddenly, his arm on Xania's shoulder in way of warning.

"Did you hear that?" he asks her with some urgency.

Xania looks at him, startled, for she has heard nothing. She leans in close to him to hear his words.

Dakath moves closer to her still peering into the gloom, when he is as close as he can he finally turns his head to face her, he grins slightly, "The quickening of my pulse when I'm near you."

Xania is torn between smacking Dakath/Jacobus and laughing. Considering the fact that there may yet be unseen watchers, she rolls her eyes slightly, though it may be hard for Jacobus to note that in the darkness. Tilting her head slightly, she brushes a light kiss across his lips. "Is this the place for this?" she murmurs, her voice husky with either laughter, or something else.

Dakath's hand moves gently to Xania's neck to draw her towards him as he kisses her passionately. He moves away. "If I'm going to die at least let me die happy."

She can make out a slight sigh issue from Dakath as he runs a hand over his bald head "Perhaps you are right." He then attempts to turn his attention to the job at hand.

Xania smiles, "I usually am," she replies, sounding slightly out of breath.

"So I've noticed," he says grinning in the moonlight.

Continuing his prior plan, Dakath leads Xania on a route far upstream of the cabin. He is rather disturbed to see that there are some horse tracks headed toward the cabin. When Xania points out that Taglio came in on a horse, he is somewhat comforted, but that doesn't last long. When he discovers four sets of tracks, side by side, at one point, he realizes that these do not only belong to Tag. Attempting to trace them, he is quite bothered to see that the rain has washed away most of the tracks. Continuing to keep his eyes open, he begins to circle around behind the cabin, now quite sure that eyes are upon him from everywhere. Xania admirably keeps up, while making very little more noise.

The sparse woods on the northern shore give out quickly, though, and Dakath does not have any particular desire to walk in the open. Thus he stays close to the cover of the trees, looking out onto the northern plains. He is most shocked to see four horses grazing calmly some hundred yards away. One is a huge, beautiful black stallion, the most magnificent Xania has ever seen, and the others with him are quite impressive as well.

The horses bear no harness of any kind, and indeed seem such strong spirits that to saddle one would be a crime.

Dakath voices his uneasiness to Xania as they continue their sweep of the area, as they stumble upon the horses Dakath stops dead. He holds his hand motioning Xania to stay were she is. "That's a fine beast," he whispers to her

Dakath looks over at Xania "I would dearly like to own a horse like that."

She moves into the clearing and stops, wishing she had the time to try and gentle one of the magnificent beasts.

Dakath moves to stand alongside her, "I don't know much about horses but they seem to be beautiful animals."

The horses continue to graze casually, though by the full moon, you both could swear that the superb black stallion stares directly at you both for a few minutes at least twice. It then returns to it's munching, though you have the disturbing feeling that not only you are doing the observing here.

The morning dawns (or attempts to) and the storm has lessened considerably, though rain still falls in sheets. Deeming that to wait any longer might be too long, the group decides to move on with their pursuit. It will be hard going, and slow, but waiting around in the cabin surely will only get less pleasant with time.

In the morning Dakath rises early and checks the river outside. "The storm seems to have lessened, we're heading Northward today, how bout you Taglio?"

"Which way is it too Firenze? I have business there." He takes a nervous look at the priest once more. "Friends of the clergy saw fit to give me this prize before I left Bologna." He indicates the black eye." Maybe it is certain elements of the church only, but there seems to be a change. What do you know of this? If you are heading in the general direction of Dante's birth place, then I would appreciate the company."

Augustus lowers his head with a grim frown. "Sadly, my dear Taglio, I am at just as great a loss for understanding as you are. But, if you will allow me to tend to your bruised eye, I can attempt to make amends for those who have used Jebohah's name for evil." Augustus applies a salve to Taglio's blackened eye.

"Grazie, father. My, it feels better already."

Dakath seems eager to get going and spends a lot of his time near the door of the cabin., moving in only to receive some of Rhune's breakfast that he accepts gratefully.

"Waterskins?" he asks the group with his arm outstretched "I'll go fill them up."

"Sounds good. Don't fall in," grins Xania.

Dakath returns the grin, "Oh how I shall try not to."

Rhune hands him hers, "Thank you, Dakath," she replies.

Dakath looks at her. "That'll cost 2 silver my dear," he says seriously. His face breaks into a grin "Now getting you to pay me to fill your waterskin would be a challenge I would relish, however I fear time for such play must wait."

She looks at him for a moment, "And it might just cost you more than 2 silver in the bargain," she replies than begins to chuckle.

He chuckles to himself as he collects the other waterskins. His mood seems to be one of high spirits despite the depressing weather outside.

Rhune attempts to make another breakfast, but this time with no coffee as she used all that she could find in the cabin the day before. When that is done she gets ready to travel. She wrinkles her nose as she puts on her armor, "I would dearly love to have a bath. Ah well the rain will wash away some of the dirt," she says with a rueful smile.

After breakfast Taglio packs up his things and pulls out his old lute, a battered but sturdy instrument. He proceeds to clean and care for it, and gently tunes the strings. He then continues with a series of vocal exercises including falsetto tones. "One must keep the voice in trim," he says to anyone watching/listening.

"Rhune, you have reminded me of an old song from the Celtic tradition."

He then plays a tune called 'Welcome to the Morning.'

He begins with a gentle lilting tone, fingers caressing the strings with a fresh light sound, reminiscent of bird songs and a gentle brook meandering over a mountain stream. Then he adds a high falsetto voice sweet and tuneful. The verses are sung with chords and brief runs of notes between them.

"Ahhhh the morning! Ahhhh the morning! The sun she rises, the sun she rises.

My love doth take me down to the brook to bathe, in her arms I splash and play,

Ah my morning how I welcome thee, open my day and close my night, the lark does wake my love and she rises with grace.

Ahh the morning! Ahh the morning! The quiet morning brings my love to me."

A simple folk tune with a catchy rhythm. After going over it twice, he encourages others to join in.

After listening to the song Rhune joins in. Her voice is light, pure and sings to Tag's harmony.

Forte joins in too, after seeing Rhune sing a few words. He sings softly with a deep bass voice, quite an odd combination. Occasionally skipping a note that is out of his range - or perhaps he is just unsure which about octave to sing for the bass line on that particular note - he seems to be enjoying the morning song.

While singing, he glances around to see who else joins in.

Augustus claps his hands lightly along with the rhythm, he opens his mouth to sing, but the sound that comes out is more akin to that of a donkey braying...

"Ahhhh the morning! Ahhhh the morning! The sun she rises, the sun she rises.

My love doth take me down to the brook to bathe, in her arms I splash and play,

Ah my morning how I welcome thee, open my day and close my night, the lark does wake my love and she rises with grace.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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