After his breakfast, Augustus asks Asif and Marika if he may check their bandages. He makes adjustments where necessary. He also asks Gregor and Peytr if any of the horses are injured, explaining that he is also skilled in the healing of animals.
The tall dark skinned youth with hawk like eyes looks up and smile warmly at the approach of Augustus. He stands and with deliberate movements of his right hand touches his turbaned head, lips and heart.
"May the light of Aten warm you efendi. Thanks much, must I offer to one seen only as enemy in my short stay here in the land of the merchants. Those of Jeb... Jeboah ..(Asif struggles with the provocation of the foreign Gods name), may be men of greater worth than my experience of there hospitality (hospitality spoken in sarcastic tone). The past day has been an revelation to me. I think now that when your faithful spend less time on forcing your chosen truth on others, you reveal great skill as surgeons. Your work upon me is a credit to you and your chosen truth. If others did same I think Jeboah would find more place in peoples hearts"
Augustus looks at the young foreign man, "Thank you, but the honor is mine in seeing that you are healing well, and quickly I might add." This seems to brighten Augustus' spirits greatly.
"May your god continue to grant you his blessing efendi. A healer reveals the truth of his faith. Take heart in the blessing your god grants you. In this blessing may happiness be found. Come efendi we talk more, while check you this shoulder of mine. How soon you think this son of Aten will be fully strong again?"
As Augustus check Asif's wounded shoulder, he says, "I think that another day or two, with another healing...your shoulder will begin to return to its full capacity. Mind you, that it will be stiff... and you must use care to exercise it daily so that it will be fully useable." Augustus applies some more of the poultice that he prepared to Asif's shoulder, and replaces his bandage with a clean dressing.
Asif nods his head.
"Thank you efendi. I fight not well with but one scimitar."
Asif leans closer and whispers conspiringly. "Favor must I ask efendi, dress not well I with but one arm. Naked am I without blades of Aten on back. You help me put blades and scabbards back on my back. Embarrass to ask other warriors. You holy man, you not laugh at difficulties. Please come I show what mean!"
Augustus smiles at the young man, "I will gladly help you, Asif... although I sincerely doubt that your friends would laugh at your infirmities."
Asif then shows Augustus the twin shoulder scabbards and harness which he wants buckled on back.
Asif upon being helped with this task smiles with great pleasure.
A couple of minutes later Jacobus returns to the hall, briefly warming his hands by the fire. Not looking to the group he voices the question "So what now ?? If we stay here much longer I'm sure we'll attract the attentions of the Bishops' men."
"As soon as everyone is rested we should think about moving along, but where to ? I don't like the idea of staying in one place too long." He turns to the group waiting for suggestions.
Xania walks back in as the other finish breakfast, "When you are ready, shall we discuss what is to be done next? I am sorry for my earlier ... rudeness," she adds, smiling politely.
"That is alright, Xania. I understand," Rhune replies smiling back at the young woman.
Xania nods.
After some hours, you notice that Gregor's men are patrolling the hall's upper floor and the tower. They are silent until you all have finished eating, as there is not enough room for all of you to eat at once. As you finish and begin rising, they come down to eat as well. One of the twin men with the scalplocks walks up to Rhune "Hole for little man made." He then turns, not waiting for a response, and sits next to his brother and begins eating. Neither of them, nor the muscular blonde, has anything to say.
As the group begins milling about, wondering what to do, Petr, Gregor, and Taras come downstairs. Taras looks much improved, surely aided by his grandmother's magic. Petr leads the way and gathers you all together, "My friends, you have already assisted us so much, I hesitate to ask more of you...and yet, I have no one else to turn to. My friend Gregor and his men can serve as protection for the settlement, and thus you do not need to feel yourselves worried about our welfare." He seems to be ambling about a bit, "In fact, I know that some of your group have decided to return to Florence, and if you all wish to do that, of course you should with my blessings. However...." He stumbles awkwardly, "My brother is very important to me, and if there is any chance that he could be returned to us alive, it would be invaluable to me. I am prepared to offer you half the proceeds of the horse sale. Fear not for any financial trouble that would put me in. Family comes first."
Marika shakes her head. "Don't pay us more than you can afford, Petr," she tells him. "Of course we'll try to rescue Stephan, if we can find a way. But I'm sure there be a time when we'll need your help in return, so we don't want to drive you into bankruptcy now." She smiles at him, but still looks worried; yesterday's experiences have demonstrated just how hard it can be to track down someone taken away by goblins.
Petr looks grateful at Marika's words. He looks concerned, though, as he continues with a weak voice, "The problem is how to find him. We do not know where the goblins took him, or even what tribe took him. Even if we did know which tribe, we don't know where any of the tribes lair. We also do not know how many more goblins might reside in such a lair. It is even possible that the goblins sold him to slavers or some such, or....disposed of him." He says that last with distinct sadness. "You all are a resourceful bunch, and we hoped that you might have some ideas where to begin looking." He looks at the bunch of you with hope in his eyes.
"I wish we had a senior mage we could trust, to scry for him," Marika says. "Xania, you don't by chance have a teacher or colleague who can help?" She feels a tinge of fear as soon as the words are out of her mouth, hoping she hasn't touched on another painful topic for Xania. Her fond memories of her own teacher in magic are tinged now with bitterness at the sudden and inexplicable way he turned his back on her, and on the whole Temple. Although the events at the Forum have gone a long way toward explaining his actions...
Xania smiles wickedly, "Probably not," she replies, her voice tinged with amusement.
She remembers back to her childhood fondly, their neighbor had been a wizard of some small repute--nothing too intense but enough that he had a slight name around the streets. He was an interesting fellow with a couple apprentices that were rather easy for a 15-year-old Xania to impress.
Hell, she picked up their lessons better than they did; magic just seemed to come naturally for her. She had asked the wizard at one point if she could be an apprentice, but he didn't believe that *girls* could learn magic. He did have a few other things he wanted to teach her, but Xania wasn't interested in a middle-aged 50-year old with a gut.
Ah well, when she turned 18 she had gotten insufferably bored with her idyllic life and decided to hit the road. She took a spellbook and some components and left. And here she was.
Her thoughts flash once more to Fyodorll and her mouth tightens so subtly that it is nearly unnoticeable.
"Sorry," she adds.
Once the decision is made, Matteo rises, "It has been quite an adventure together, my friends, but here we must part our ways. I, my spear-brother Urak, and Krige, will be traveling to Florence to check on the Bishop. As there are new companions among you, I think we are safe to separate now. We shall rest here one more day, by Petr's good graces, so that Krige can regain the full usage of his leg, and then we shall be on our way. Good fortune to you." Obviously somewhat indecisive, both Urak and Krige say nothing.
After the discussion about what they are going to do next and it seems that they are going to stay for one more day at least, Rhune looks to Marika, Matteo, Urak and Brother Augustus, "If any of you have any more healing I would like some please. It seems that the wounds that I did get in the past few days hurt more than I thought," she explains in a strangely subdued voice.
Augustus looks to Rhune, "Of course, I am terribly sorry..." Guiding her to a comfortable place he administers the healing ordinance for her.
Brother Augustus lays healing hands upon Rhune, restoring her to her full health, then does the same thing for Asif. His religion does not appear prejudiced against nonbelievers, as the effects are quite startling. Both are now strong, in as good condition as they have been in months.
Rhune smiles at the young priest as she follows him over to a side table and chair. As he casts his spells she watches with curiosity. When he is finished, "Thank you Augustus. I appreciate it very much. Now all I have to do is find some new armor to wear," she says with a smile and sparkling purple eyes.
Petr stands, "So now it is time to say goodbye to those who have permanently departed. We have already had a ceremony for our deceased clan members, but I think it appropriate to bury your little friend as well." He looks awkwardly at Augustus, "I do not know what type of ceremony he would require, but I am sure that one of the many representatives of various religions here could do something appropriate.
"I don't know what Sam would have wanted" Ullar replies. "That little bugger was a pain in the ass sometimes, but I liked him! Sir Sam as he used to call himself when we were reunited again."
"Anyway, I'll pay him my deepest respect. But I don't have any experiences in burying. To be honest, I've never attended a burial before, so I don't have a clue how things should proceed." "Sorry" the warrior adds, with remorse in his voice.
Petr nods, "Give us some time to prepare the burial plot." He then turns on his heel and walks outside with Gregor, his men, and Taras.
Jacobus is beginning to feel rather claustrophobic in the tower and seems to continually glance towards the door. When Xania returns and he learns that she is going to be doing some learning, he rummages round in his knapsack and produces the fruits he had taken from the breakfast table earlier. He holds his hand out to her as he leans on a supporting beam in the hall. "I seem to remember you missing breakfast?"
Xania smiles at Jacobus, "I think you're becoming my guardian angel, Jacobus." She takes the fruit gratefully; in truth, as her stomach settles she is ravenous.
He turns and smiles at her before standing up straight. "I'm going for a walk I won't be long. Does anyone wish to come along ??"
Xania smiles, "Normally, yes, but I have studying to do."
He waits at the door for anyone wanting to come along, he grins "Leslie, do you always do that every morning? The training I mean."
"Every morning as far back as I remember," answers the warrior. "I can wake you to join me tomorrow, if you like," he adds with a grin, clearly anticipating the others' "enthusiasm".
Jacobus grins at him, "Thanks for the offer but I've mastered the art of training whilst sleeping. It took years of learning to become a master in it."
He nods, "I suppose there is some merit in that and they do say practice makes perfect."
He grins and draws his new long sword (The one he took from Fyodorll) from it's scabbard. He moves into a low crouching posture, seeming to wait for a few moments before thrusting his blade into the wooden door frame.
He lets go of the sword handle and stands up straight, inspecting his handiwork, nodding to himself, "I think that's enough for today." Jacobus pulls the blade out of the door frame and re-sheathes it. He rolls his shoulders as if, seemingly, to work out some kinks in his muscles and then moves out into the daylight.
Rhune goes outside to where the twins have dug Sam's grave. Looking at it for a few minutes she quite suddenly kicks a loose clod of dirt into the hole. Anyone coming up behind her will see her quickly raise her arm to her face.
She remains there until they bring Sam's body out. Looking up you can quite clearly see that she has been crying. She stands while they lower the little man into the grave, then as they begin to pile dirt over him she begins to sing. She sings it low and the words (which are in elven) are haunting as is the melody. When she is done she looks around at her friends that are gathered there, "It is an elven death song. We sing it when someone we care about dies. It is very old," she explains as she rubs her eyes again.
Marika stands with her eyes closed, tears brimming from beneath her lids as she listens to Rhune's song. The language is unfamiliar, but the sound speaks of love, grief, and eternity, and chills run down her spine at the sheer terrible beauty of the music.
When the last notes fade, the priestess stands silently, letting the sounds of wind and birdsong gradually draw everyone back into the immediate world. After a time, she opens her eyes and steps to the edge of the grave.
Marika's ceremonial vestments were left behind in Florence, so for the burial she has changed into a simple brown robe. The only mark of her order is the holy symbol around her neck, a pendant in the form of a silver shield embossed with the figure of an owl. She grasps this symbol as she begins to speak.
"Minerva, Lady of bring your people more blessings than we can count. You touch the minds of scholars, you guide the hands of craftsmen, and you fire the curiosity of children. When those who prize peace must take up arms to defend their homes and families, you sharpen their eyes and give them courage. And now and again, lest we all grow too dour and too proud, you conspire with Mercury to send us a rogue more clever than us all, one to outthink the scholars, bewilder the craftsmen, and outfox the defenders, and to remind us all that wisdom and courage are as nothing without love and laughter."
"So we thank you, Lady, for gifting us with Sam. In the brief time he shared our travels he was a brave companion and a true friend. And most of all he gave us laughter in the face of darkness. If the road ahead seems darker for his absence, then it is up to us to carry his laughter within us, and share it with those we meet along the way. We would all be poorer souls had we not known him."
She pauses, and looks sadly across the grave at the small figure ready to be lowered into his resting place. When she continues, her voice is quiet and thick with emotion. "Sam never told us, Lady, where he was from, or what drove him to risk his life at our sides. I wish I'd asked him about his home and family, but it seemed there was always serious business at hand, something more pressing than idle talk with a friend. And after all, Sam was too fast for death to catch; I was sure he would outlive us all. So Minerva, I pray that I never forget the lesson of this day. Let me never again take the gift of friendship for granted."
Marika casts her eyes around the assembled crowd, pausing to look into each person's eyes, seeming to draw strength from each of them. "For Lady," she says at last, "if all I have in all the world are my friends, then I am rich beyond compare."
She steps back from the graveside to make way for anyone else who wants to speak.
As Marika steps back, Rhune, standing near Asif, steps just a little closer to her and puts her arm around her waist. Marika notices that there are tears running silently down her cheeks. She stands quietly while the others say their goodbyes.
>From his walk, Jacobus has collected a couple of violet colored flowers. He keeps them about his person until the burial of Sam. At an appropriate time he steps forward and lays the flowers onto the grave.
"Sleep easy my friend," he says simply before stepping back from the grave.
Ullar just throws some pitch of sand on the grave, obviously quite uncomfortable with the whole situation. He looks up in the sky and mumbles something to himself, then steps back and lets the others proceed.
Xania stays back, very uncomfortable with this whole funeral business. She never even got a chance to know Sam and she wonders how many others will die that she won't really know.
Petr's family also stays at a distance, not feeling comfortable with the different religions and not knowing Sam that well.
After the eulogies, as Sam's body is lowered into the earth, Marika moves to the edge of the grave once more. "Minerva, Protector of the wise, bless this soil where we lay Sam to rest, and watch over the good people who make this place this home. Strengthen Sam's family, wherever they may be, and comfort them on the day they realize he is not coming home. Bless the memory of Sam in out hearts, and the laughter that these memories bring to our lips. And watch over the soul of our friend, that he may brighten your realm as he has ours."
The tracks of tears are visible on her cheeks, but she is smiling as she looks toward the heavens and adds, "Take good care of him, Lady. We'll miss him."
Rhune lets go as Marika steps forward. As the dirt is placed over Sam's body she begins to cry. Apparently Sam's death over a book has affected her more than anyone may realized. Feeling a need to be comforted she turns towards Asif and just looks at him through tear filled eyes.
Asif looks at Rhune with slight embarrassment as to what to do. Rare has been the time that he had seen such grief. Awkward at first he steps forward and wraps his uninjured right arm around her shoulders. His embrace is strong and comforting despite the awkwardness of it.
Rhune slips under his arm and buries her face in his shoulder. Her slight body shakes with her tears...
"It be fine, efendi. No shame lies in sharing the grief for a fallen friend." Asif then begins to hum a tune, which gradually takes the form of a song as he grows in confidence. In the tongue of the desert people, it is not that unlike a lullaby sung to sooth a crying child. The tune has an exotic soothing quality, which crosses the language barrier.
As Asif's song seeps through to Rhune she slowly comes to shuddering halt. After a few more minutes of leaning against him and listening to his song she pulls back. Her face slightly red from crying and from embarrassment and her eyes a little bleary she smiles at him, "Thank you. I feel better now. I have seen people die before but never so senselessly as Sam did. I guess it hit me harder than I thought."
Marika reaches out and puts an arm around Rhune's shoulders, grateful for the contact. Having to act as priest at a burial, to pray aloud rather than grieving in silence, was a surprisingly lonely experience. When she'd faced loss in the past, it had always been with her brothers and sisters of the Temple at her side, with beloved teachers nearby to help restore her sense of reason. Even the first time, when she was too far lost in grief to acknowledge their presence...
She leans closer to Rhune, and reaches out with her other arm to squeeze Ullar's hand. Silently this time, she offers a prayer of gratitude to Minerva that with the Temple scattered, she had found good friends to stand beside her.
Ullar, somehow realizing what this tiny gesture of personal warmth means, responds to Marika's touch by taking her hand in his, caressing it with his thumb. The big man is silent, just staring at the grave.
Xania sees this and steps back further, a flicker of emotion crossing her face. "Ah, so that is how it is," she murmurs to herself very softly, knowing she would leave Ullar alone for she liked and respected Marika and would not infringe on their relationship.
Rhune tightens her hold on Marika in a silent hug of understanding. She looks up at the young woman, her deep purple eyes filled with tears. A silent, unspoken question lies in them: Why? Why Sam? She then looks away toward the desolate grave.
Augustus stand silent at the small man's funeral. He remains to the rear of the group and does not offer any words, since he did not know this man, and does not wish to dishonor his new friends.
Concluded, further farewells take place as Krige, Urak, and Matteo bid farewell to the group. Though most of you feel returning to Florence is foolhardy, the three think that you will never escape the Bishop unless you find out what he is up to. Brief words later, the three depart, having claimed a horse from among those you brought back from Fyodorll's as their share of the reward for defending the homestead. They promise to see you again, but that seems unlikely at best.