Kalanos' Story, pt. II

The brunch served to the group is sparse. Darya humbly explains that they have been unable to hunt or import any food from the city in the last few days, and most of what they have left is winter provisions and emergency store, food that will keep you alive, but not particularly satisfied. Thus the group is quickly done eating and ready to be on their way.

"If we are leaving so soon," Augustus says, "I will need to go gather my things." He rises from his chair and begins to leave the room, but stops and looks at the group. "You know, I just had a thought, do you suppose there was any sort of a pattern to the attacks on the various settlements? If these goblins, and whatever sort of creature that Kalanos spoke of took his boat, then perhaps it would be possible to deduce where they might go next...and then perhaps we could get ahead of them, and warn anyone who might be in the path of danger."

Petr appears thoughtful about that as well, but does not speak for the moment.

"I will gather my things and prepare to leave, but I must attend to my morning prayer first...will someone please come and get me when it is time to leave?" With that, Augustus leaves the room to gather his possessions.

Rhune looks at Augustus. "That is something to think about as we get ready to leave." she replies as she tries to think of anything. However she is not familiar enough with the area to see any pattern. Turning to Petr, "Can you see any pattern to their attacks?" she asks him.

He nods slightly, "Taras and I were thinking of just that thing yesterday afternoon. It appears that the attacks began in the north, which would probably mean that Sielo, another lumber camp similar to Gregor's place, was attacked first. Descending south, assuming that they attacked a new target each evening, Illyakana must have been next, then Hokol, then here. The only assumption therein is that they must have swept through Hokol rather quickly, as the attack here was only one day after that on Ilyakana. As Hokol was just a family in the woods, though, I think that is a safe assumption. There is another farming settlement on the eastern edge of the forest north of here called Cherkass. If our assumptions are correct, Cherkass may have been the first one attacked. The goblin tribes involved in the attacks seem to be forest-dwelling."

He looks over at Stellios, the one-armed manservant, who nods his head subtly. "Our guess is that they came north through Cherkass, then worked in a horseshoe pattern through Sielo, Ilyakana, Hokol, and Sukiskayn. To our knowledge, there is only one other human settlement in the northern Dymrak, which is pretty far to the east, called Segenyev. The way we have it figured, that would either be the first target, by several days, or it would be the last. If it were the last, who knows whether or not they could gather themselves for another attack. You all must have dealt them a pretty serious blow, though the Wolfskin tribe appears to be much intact. Then again, there could be hundreds more of each tribe still out there."

At this point, Taras interjects, shaking his head, "No, from what you all have described and from what we have managed to get from Kalanos, I think the war parties are only one from each tribe. My guess is that the Red goblins and the Snake goblins do not have sufficient strength remaining to provide help, and the Wolfskins surely are not brave enough to attack such a settlement alone. No, I think they have done all the sieging they are going to do. My guess is that they are going to take their captives to whatever doom awaits them, ditching the ship at some point on the western Volaga and traveling south to their lairs. Find the lairs, and you'll find the captives!" He finishes that with a flourish, as if he has just solved the crime himself.

Augustus gathers his belongings and takes them to the stable. He fastens the saddle on her back and checks the straps and buckles as he was shown. Checking to make sure that he has not left anything behind, Augustus checks to make certain that he is alone, moving to an empty stall, he kneels in prayer to his God.

"Great Jebohah, I am grateful that you have placed me in this fine company of your children. I thank you for your protection and blessings. I ask for your protection for the girl, Marika, and I pray that she is safe and if it is your will, that she return to us quickly."

Augustus pauses for a moment, "Merciful Jebohah, I know your spirit guides my life, and I am but a simple initiate, so I do not understand why you are silent at this desperate time. I live only to serve you, but I need to know what you will ask of me, so that I may more fully serve your will...This I pray in your holy name, Amen."

As usual, Augustus fills the fulfillment of his requests for divine power, but there is no sharing, no communication. Only the feeling of distance.

When the rest of the group returns to the stables and begins to prepare for the journey, Forte prepares his horse. But after every step, he asks the more experienced horse riders if he has done it right. As the others look on, he explains simply, "Just want to make sure I'm doing it right."

Xania walks over and watches Forte groom and tack his horse. She offers a few pointers, but only when it seems as if he needs them. She is surprisingly patient as a teacher.

Jacobus listens in as the party decide upon their next course of action. At the mention of being ready he grins, "I'm already packed and ready." He shrugs, "I never know when I'm going to have to leave a place swiftly." He chuckles to himself as if to some private joke. Jacobus goes upstairs and retrieves his pack before walking out towards the stables. He spares a glance for Xania who has been careful to avoid him since their last conversation.

Xania absorbed in trying to explain the tacking and grooming of a horse, doesn't even notice him.

Once in the stables Jacobus finds his horse, at his approach it snorts and moves away from him. The merchant thief shakes his head and drops his shouldered pack. He moves over to the horse, "Listen, we've not got off on the right foot here, I've obviously done something to upset you and I can't figure out just what it is."

He lifts his arm and smells himself. "See I've not long had a bath, so it can't be the smell. There's no reason why we shouldn't get along is there? We're going to be spending quite a bit of time together and it's best for all concerned that we get along," Jacobus turns and picks up a saddle, "Now, no one showed me how to put this thing on properly."

Leslie chuckles as he hears Jacobus trying to make peace with his mount. He comes over, laying a massive arm on his shoulder, whispering conspiratorially. " Seems you and your horse got a little issue of trust to settle, my friend. You see, horses have a keen sense when it comes to people, and in order for your horse to serve you properly, you must first see to him. Here, try this." He fishes in his pocket, and comes out with half a carrot. "Go on, give it to him, but don't be edgy, relax.." He smiles as Jacobus gingerly offers the carrot to the horse, who sniffs it first, then takes a nibble. " There you go, buddy, " he smiles. "Now let me show you how to saddle him properly, so he doesn't hurt, and you don't fall off..." Leslie helps Jacobus saddle his horse, then finishes dealing with Zephyr, feeding him the other half of the carrot, and whispering softly in his ear.

Xania hears Jacobus and looks over toward him, just about the time Leslie comes in and rescues Jacobus from his horse. She sighs. It is not quite clear whether the sigh is of relief or opportunity missed.

Asif appears quietly in the stable and watches with mild amusement the efforts of Jacobus to manipulate the saddle and harness unfamiliar to him. Unable to constrain himself any more, he bursts into laughter.

"Efendi ..... (cough gasp gaffaw) .....may the (Gaffaw) Gods smile upon fools. You make a most funny sight. As unfamiliar as I am with riding harness of this land, you appear to have less idea than I do. Horses I know well, let me help you."

Rhune had not wanted to laugh at Jacobus' attitude toward his horse but when Asif bursts out laughing she can't help it and begins to chuckle as well. However, as the others are helping him she finishes up with her own horse.

Asif strides over to Jacobus and adjusts the saddle straps and untangles the mess which is the tangled bridle.

"Treat Horse well friend, you win trust it serve you like brother. Treat bad you find yourself victim of horse's spite. We make riders of you and Augustus yet."

Jacobus grins as Asif helps him with the saddle, "Glad you find it amusing my friend, I think we are just having a difference of opinion. Perhaps it objects to me not finding it a name?"

He looks at the horse, "See, you're just making me look unprofessional now."

Asif turns to Jacobus surprised,.

"Name you not give to horse? No wonder he so unhappy. You ask him name, he tell you. Take note of how he acts, he reveal his name to you. (Asif stares at the mount intently for a moment) My horse takes the name of Kharrt -As. He run like Desert Wind, so name he tell to me. I think good name for yours be Stenu. He stand there proud like prince, waiting for you. That's what you call him."

Asif strokes the mane of the horse and then hands reins of horse to Jacobus.

"Come go must we now. Aten's disc is high in the sky."

Jacobus takes the reins and grins "Stenu eh ? In your language, what would he be called if his name meant 'unmoving like the mountain' or 'Stubborn as an ass'??"

Jacobus moves closer to the horse. "See?? Just be thankful it was Asif who gave you your name and not I." He strokes the horse with a brief show of affection. He can't help but like it's stubborn nature.

Rhune had gathered her things and started for the stable. But about halfway there she stopped and took a detour to the wagon they had gotten from the elf thief. She is gone for perhaps a few minutes when she exits and continues on to the stable. Once there she gets her horse ready watching the others get their mounts ready. She would like to talk to Xania but she seems busy with her own mount and helping Forte with his, maybe later. Once done she takes her horse and leads him out of the stable to wait while the others finish. She step over to Asif.

Asif waves a greeting at her approach, his shoulder obviously much recovered from its injury.

Rhune smiles and walks over to him, "Good morning, my friend. Or rather how do you say that your language?" she asks, him her eyes twinkling like jewels.

Asif makes a low bow and touches his forehead lips and heart with his right hand and says: "Es salam alekum, Rhune. I hope sleep came well."

Ullar, noticing Rhune paying attention to the wagon asks if anyone feels up to it to divide any loot which would be in it amongst everyone (including Petr). Then he is off to Kuzmu.

"Sure we can divide it up, but why would Petr get any of it?" asks Forte. "We did all the work - his reward is getting his horses back." The warrior pauses before adding, almost as an afterthought, "Unless you had some deal with him Leslie and I don't know about...."

"No special deal, but I'm not in need of extra cash and I think they can use some spare money to rebuild their homes, don't you agree?"

"Well, I hadn't thought of that," responds Forte. They probably do need it more than we do right now."

Undecided as to how to split up the money, the group once again leaves it in the wagon and ventures out after the riverboat. Discussing the area and thinking about how you all came in, you decide that you should retrace the steps you took to get here following the path across the Syereb (Sukiskayn's water supply) and then turning north to Misha's Ferry. That should place you somewhere a bit further west than Kalanos wandered, near the ending of the Syereb into the Volaga.

OOC: Note here that these are the names that the people of the forest have given to the rivers. They do not match up to any rivers that any Italians have heard about herein (all with appropriately Italian names, of course).

The group suits up and makes their way across the bridge and onto the path that brought them here. The bodies of the goblin welcoming party still lie where your weapons dropped them. They haven't been chewed on by the forest denizens either, which is a bit unusual, though you imagine that goblin is not the most tasty meat in the world. Shrugging, you canter by them, in single file as that is pretty much all the path will allow mounted. It is well after noon, as the group got quite a late start, and you realize that you will probably have to bed down at the Ferry once again as it will be dark by then. Travel time is further hindered by the rain that finally comes upon you soon after you depart. The clouds have come and gone over the last several days, but it appears they are finally ready to shower you a bit. There is a brisk wind, which chills your wet bodies, but you persevere. Unfortunately, any tracks that might have existed have surely been obliterated by the rain, making it very difficult for you to ascertain.

While the rain is not terrible, it is enough to dampen the group's already fairly low spirits, and conversation is minimal. To add to the trouble, at some point, Jacobus notices that his spare dagger's sheath (with the spare dagger still in it) appears to have worn through, falling into the mud at some point in the ride. Assuming he can get another one easy enough, or borrow one of Rhune's half dozen, he dismisses the loss. The rain is sporadic, coming down in waves, then stopping, then repeating the cycles. There are brief flashes of sunlight, but they disappear quickly.

At his discovery Jacobus curses his ill luck "Surely, nothing goes right for me, I'd place a curse upon the Gods if I thought they were there." He shakes his head. "And what about this weather?" he says as he looks up at the sky. It seems his usual good spirit is affected by the rain.

Asif at first is most bewildered by the moisture coming from the sky. Rare has such a thing happened in his young life. Water to many in his land having the value of gold. His eyes look to the heavens, enjoying the water falling upon his face. His facial expressions quite comical. His eyes, despite the low spirits of the party, seem to dance with some hidden excitement.

As he looks around, Asif sees Rhune begin to shiver even though she is wearing the chain mail. She draws his cloak around even tighter to ward off some of the chill but it doesn't seem to help. She looks up at him and meets his eyes and smiles at him. The look she gives him is a soft one.

"Rhune what you call this?"

"It is called rain, Asif," she replies in a soft tone of voice. A tone that she has been speaking to him in for quite some time now. She nudges her horse back and pulls up beside him.

Asif looks to the sky, his mouth catching a little moisture. He then turns in the saddle to speak to Rhune once more.

She chuckles as he drinks in the rain, "It tastes good, does it not?" she asks him.

"It certainly does. This thing called rain is most strange. Water fresher than that from the earth."

"How often does this happen in Italy efendi. I could count the times this blessing of the gods has happened in my lifetime on the fingers of my two hands... Amnara the city of my birth rarely has such blessings, our water comes from the holy Nile."

"It happens quite often. Sometimes more than others," she replies to his question. Then a thought comes to her, "Just wait till it gets even colder, Asif. The rain will turn to something you have never seen...Snow. That is very pretty when it is snowing," she says in a light voice.

"Colder? Colder surely not. Today is colder than any I have experienced, but this phenomena called rain takes my mind away from that discomfort. What this you call snow? Word is totally alien to me. Rain as you call it is rare enough in my homeland. The further one lives from the holy Nile, the rarer it is. So you say that this place called Italy becomes colder than this. You must jest Efendi. You poke fun at poor Asif?" Asif flashes the most innocent look at Rhune.

She looks at him for a moment, "No, Asif I don't jest. It will get very cold this winter. Some parts of Italy may not get snow but some of the northern areas, especially in the mountains will get snow. Snow is soft, and white and fluffy and very pretty. But it can be very dangerous sometimes," she replies to him, still in the same soft tone of voice.

Augustus chuckles at Asif's reaction to the rain in spite of the situation. "There is much more where that came from, Asif...although I have never been there, I hear that in the city of Venice, the streets are submerged beneath the water so that one must use a boat to get from place to place."

Asif laughs. "Holy man surely jest. Venice must be very rich city to allow its streets to be covered in water. Water is very valuable in my homeland and to think that a city's streets are submerged with it suggest great wealth. How far this city from here. I would love to visit it, to see this miracle"

After a few minutes, Rhune quietly speaks to Asif again, "Perhaps when this is all over with I can visit your homeland. Or at least part of it," she says to him.

Asif turns to face Rhune, his features suddenly downcast with sadness.

"Efendi much joy would such a journey bring to the heart of this unworthy Faris. Nothing compares to the beauty of that land chosen by Aten for his people. But alas I wish not to let you witness my death of my unworthy self at the hands of Prince Salim or the Royal Guard. Fate has cast me from the land of the chosen of Aten, and so orphaned as I am from that love, I doubt whether I shall feel again that desert sun, take joy in the desert wind at dusk or refresh myself with water from the holy Nile. If by fate you are with me when I die in this land, I ask of you a favor. One day see that some part of me is buried at the Oasis of souls. It is a holy place of Aten, 20 miles southwest of Amnara. This shall ensure my reincarnation."

She reaches out to touch Asif lightly on the arm, "I didn't mean to make you sad, Asif. But I promise that if you die and I am with you I will talk a small piece of your body and return it to this Oasis for you," she says her deep purple eyes soft and luminous. Then smiling, "I WILL, however, see that you don't die right away." she says.

Asif smiles.

"May our fate smile upon us Efendi and that time come not soon. I feel the Gods want much from us before our time is finished here."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 27 October 2000

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