Augustus returns to where he left Rosinante, climbs into the saddle and rides to where Xania and the others are searching for Marika. "Where shall I look?" he asks...
"The river? But take someone with you. No one should wander around her alone." Xania looks worried as all hell.
Forte turns to Ullar and Jacobus - "Do you want to check the river? Or I can help search, if one of you wants to stay here with Augustus."
Jacobus draws two daggers and begins moving as swiftly and silently towards the river bank as possible. He checks periodically for the others with him, but his eyes mainly scan for signs of Marika.
When they reach the river Jacobus looks for any signs of the boat as well. "There is something not right here." he says to no one in particular, shaking his head slightly.
Jacobus cannot make out any sign of the boat, though it is clear that it was docked here at some point, crudely lassoed to a couple of tree trunks that have been carved into docking posts. It is impossible to tell when that was or when it might have departed.
Jacobus speaks with Ullar. "Well my friend this is an extremely strange occurrence, Marika has gone missing and something tells me all is not right." To accentuate his point he draws out two daggers, one in each hand.
As the group splits up and searches all around, it becomes dismayingly clear that none of them have the skill to make out any difference in the tracks that will point to where Marika might have gone. However, it is also clear that there was no struggle. The only thing that anyone finds of note is Forte, who notices that quite a few tracks, of both goblin and man, lead toward the river, and do not appear to return. This relatively unhelpful sign is all that you manage to come up with.
Augustus notes that the effects of his sedative on the riverboat captain are temporary, and the man will be very difficult to bring along. And yet, if he were left here, either he will injure himself, or some other maleficent being will cause him harm. Neither is an acceptable choice to him.
Returning to the others, "The only thing I found was this brooch I found earlier. I am not even sure if it is Marika's or not. I can't find anything else. Both she and her horse are gone," Rhune informs the others a worried tone to her voice. She looks around at the others, "I don't know what to do. We can't leave the captain here while we search for Marika and we can't take him with us. We don't even know which way to begin to look for her." Rhune is at a loss as to what to do now. She will go with whatever the party decides to do
"Considering the apparent size of the attackers party here, and from what you said about the concerted efforts at Sukiskayn, I believe that staying together would be to our benefit," Augustus says. "I know that I am stating the obvious," he continues, "but I think we have to stay together as we look for Marika, although I am at a loss for how we should deal with our sleeping friend here, I am loathe to leave him unattended should he awaken." Augustus applies a salve to the abrasions that the madman caused himself in his struggle.
"I wonder if this has anything to do with our visitors from the forest back at the settlement," he says, raising an eyebrow at those nearby.
"That might be a possibility. They did seem to sort of melt back into the forest once they entered it. I didn't think to go out and look to see if we could follow them so don't really know if they made any disturbances or tracks or not," Rhune replies in a soft voice. "I know that the one that I met seem to almost have me charmed and that is a very difficult thing to do to an elf. Not sure about Marika, given she is half elven. Might have been easier to do," she muses, concern for the young woman still very evident in her voice.
Xania and Leslie return from their patrolling.
"I didn't see any sign of her," says Xania dispiritedly. "I don't know where she could have gone. I can only assume she was taken. Whoever or whatever did this will pay." Her lush lips drew up in a small snarl and her brown eyes flashed angrily.
"I don't see any sign of her either. And, yes I agree with you, Xania. The only thing I hope is that if she did go with someone willing that they truly needed her help," Rhune replies
"She would not go without saying something to us," replies Xania. "She did not go anywhere willingly. Her restiveness carries to Noir, who begins to prance and sidestep.
Jacobus turns to Ullar, "I guess that's that then, we should go back and tell the others."
He turns and retraces his steps, still holding the two daggers in his hand. When he reaches the others he says, "The boat was moored up briefly on the river bank but has now gone, let's hope some of the crew managed to escape."
He leans back against the nearest tree trunk. "Well then what shall we do now, we've lost Marika and can't find any sign of her?"
Ullar looks around, rather clueless. The ex-gladiator, who surprised himself by his clever thoughts from time to time, is concerned. His eyes frown, and he stares at Jacobus, as if he is in deep thought, but up to now, nothing 'serious' has sprung out of his frame of mind.
He rubs his chin, as if that helps him focusing, and stands there for quite some time. Then he shrugs, and ponders the situation some more.
Jacobus notes Ullar's face, deep in thought, "There's something bothering you, my friend??"
"I'm not sure what it is, but I've got an eerie feeling about the whole situation," Ullar replies.
Jacobus pushes himself off the tree "You're not alone in your fears, two men are unaccounted for from the crew and the river boat captain's boat has disappeared, more than likely it has drifted down the river."
Jacobus begins moving around, still holding his daggers, deep in thought, "The good captain here has broken; no goblin would do that to a man, let alone a seasoned sailor. No, there's something more going on here that we're not getting."
He walks up and down continuing. "Marika has gone missing; however if she had been captured or taken against her will, you would have thought that she would of made some sound, that would have alerted us. If not her horse would have certainly gave her capture away." Jacobus glances up at the tree's above. "I don't think it likely she was taken by a large creature, the foliage above would mean that we'd have heard such a large creature take both Marika and her mount."
"I begin to suspect that Marika left of her own accord and we are unable to locate his tracks because of all the others. I think we should wait back at the battlefield for a while before moving on. We could leave signs for Marika to follow?"
"You got my vote on that one," Ullar replies, a sad tone in his voice.
Rhune shakes her head, "I don't think we should try to leave signs for Marika. She doesn't ride all that well. Waiting would be good. As for Marika leaving of her own accord, it just isn't like her to go off without telling someone."
Rhune shrugs, "I don't know, Jacobus. I just don't know. I can't see her going by boat as her horse is gone as well. As for being taken by something that was flying, that is a possibility but it would have had to be something huge to take her and her horse, especially without a fight. I don't know of many creatures that can do that. The only think I can think of is that she went willing or was under some sort of spell to go willing with whoever took her. As what to do now, there, too I am at a loss. As I said we can't really leave the captain here and in his present state we can't really take him with us. And trying to take him back to the village would take too long. I just don't know what to do," she replies, her frustration starting to show.
"Perhaps the greenskins and their prisoners were on the boat," said Leslie thoughtfully. "They could be just drifting downstream, or forcing the prisoners to row." He shrugs, his face a study in consternation. "Of course, this still doesn't tell us where Marika's gone. You people know her better than me, could she just have wondered off after somebody or something without alerting us first?"
"No she wouldn't have. Not unless she was under some type of spell. But I don't know that much about magic to even guess what kind of spell it would be," Rhune replies
Augustus looks around at the destruction of the settlement. "I wonder if the events of the recent past have just reached a culminating point for Marika, she..." His voice trails off for a moment, "She seemed so innocent...Is it possible that she would just leave?" Doubting his own words as soon as they have left his lips, Augustus says, "Could she have just decided to leave?"
"No," replies Xania shortly.
Rhune pauses lost in thought for a few minutes, then realizes that she left Asif up a tree, "I had better go get Asif so we can make a group decision here. I agree with you Xania, Marika would not just go off on her own without telling anyone," she replies in agreement, then heads back to the tree where Asif is.
"No matter how sad it is, I think we have to get moving and we need to take the captain with us," Ullar says, with determination in his voice.
"No offense to you, Augustus" he continues "but I think that there must be some healers in this area which are able to calm him down some more, let him rest and regain his senses. I'm sure that Kalapos can provide us with vital information regarding what has happened and what is happening here."
"Does any of you carry some liquor with them? I think it will cool Kalapos down if we provide him with some."
"What does the rest of you say?"
"My horse should be able to hold two. Right, Esqueleto?" Forte says, patting the warhorse's mane. "If not, I can walk....but that might slow us down too much."
Just steps outside the clearing, Rhune comes upon Asif, who is returning to the group with something in his hand.
Asif, after searching about for any hint of where the slight figure might have gone, comes up to the rest of the group who have gathered in the burned out clearing. He holds in his hand a book which Xania (and probably some others) instantly recognize as the spellbook that Sam died trying to steal from the horse-trader's wagon. It has a lazily scrawled note hanging from the inside cover. After a couple of you look at it, Rhune realizes that it is elvish script, written in a long, flowing hand. The note reads:
"Do not be alarmed. Your friend has chosen to avail herself of our offer and contemplate all that life has for her. She will not be mistreated. She wished for the human to take this book as a sign that she left with good will, though she promises to return to share in it's secrets in the future. Be pleased, as her coming oneness with the universe is something to celebrate. We shall return, to make such an offer to the rest of you, in time."
The message is unsigned.
Rhune swallows hard. She had not thought Marika would go with the elf like that. She didn't seem the type. "I guess that answers our question as to what has happened to Marika. I don't like it but it seems that we are without her now." She looks around at the others in the party. "I just hope that she is alright and that she will come back soon," Rhune says a little dejectedly. Looking around at the others, "There isn't much we can do here. The Captain needs more help than we can provide. Maybe the old woman in the village could cure him. That way we could find out what happened here and if there is any chance that others survived. I say we head back to the village," Rhune says pocketing the note from the elf. She hands the book over to Xania as she can make nothing of it.
Xania takes the book reluctantly. "Does it, Rhune? For all we know, the elves have taken her for some reason of their own. I mean there are good and evil elves right, just like humans."
"Yes, Xania there are. Some more evil than you could possibly imagine. As for these elves, I don't know what to think of them. They are unlike any I have ever known. If we could follow them, I would. Just to make sure that Marika is indeed alright and does want to be with them. But we can't. As far as I can see the only thing we can do is try to find out where the goblins went and if they took prisoners and if those prisoners are still alive. Believe me, I AM praying to all the gods of the elves that Marika is safe and in no danger," she says and indeed she is offering silent prayers to all but the drow goddess.
"Ok, then. Though as you have no idea what I can imagine, that's kind of an outrageous statement to make on your part," replies Xania.
The unspoken thought that Rhune is elven lies heavy beneath Xania's words and she looks at Rhune as if she doesn't quite trust her.
Rhune looks up at Xania's words and notices the expression on her face, "I have been accused of many things in my life, but being evil has not been one of them. I would never do anything to harm or bring harm to friends, family or companions. I do not trust these elves any more than the rest of you do, but I can see no way to track them. I can find no traces of them ever being at a particular spot. I do not know how they can move so quickly, so quietly and disappear so rapidly unless they use magic to do so. And if they do then that is the province of mages or clerics. I have no magical leanings," she replies to her, a tone in her voice saying that being view with suspicion by humans may be nothing new to her.
Xania raises one eyebrow. "As I haven't *accused* you of anything," she drawls, "you seem to be jumping to conclusions pretty easily. One could say that was a sign of a guilty conscience. I guess since we don't have any other trackers, we won't be able to know for sure."
Rhune sighs, looks as if she is about to say something then catches herself. Instead she goes to mount her horse, "I will do whatever the party wants," she murmurs. They have lost too many companions for various reasons to start bickering among themselves for real or imagined slights.
Augustus looks to Xania, "I'm sorry...I was only theorizing based on what we knew at the moment. I didn't know that she actually left with them." He shakes his head in disbelief. "Who would've thought that I would be right."
"Why do you think you are?" replies Xania, scowling at the priest.
As he listens to the group discuss going back to the village, Augustus adds, "Although it is strange that Marika did not write the note herself, the message says that she will return and since our mysterious friends seem to be well capable of tailing us without our knowledge, I suggest that we continue onward, rather than go back and rescue Marika who quite possibly is in no need, or does not wish to be rescued."
Augustus finishes, and looking around at the group, says, "Well, in my humble opinion...anyway."
"If she had written the note, I might possibly agree with you." says Xania.
Augustus holds up his hands in a yielding gesture, "I do not wish to argue with you, mistress...I do not assume that I was right, I was merely commenting on the situation...I am quite frankly astonished that she left without saying anything to anyone...perhaps it would be best if I left the matter to those who know her best...just let me know what you wish to do." With that, Augustus turns Rosinante about and moves off a short distance from the group.
Jacobus looks over at the note, "Well that's the closest thing we've got to an explanation of Marika's disappearance." He shrugs, "without any other evidence I would say that Marika is safe." He turns to regard the others, "So are we going to return to the village with the captain?"
He sheathes his daggers and moves over to his new mount, he tries to grab the reigns but the gelding shies away. Jacobus throws up his hands in frustration. "You know I've never liked horses." He tries to grab the reigns a second time and again the gelding moves away. "HEY!!"
"I'd like to try and track down these elves. I'm not sure Marika isn't being held against her will," says Xania stubbornly, reaching out and grabbing the reins of Jacobus' horse.
"I don't know," say Forte. "This just doesn't make sense. Why didn't she tell us she was leaving? And why wouldn't she just write the note herself? She can write, can't she?"
"Yes she can, she is a mage and a priest. I don't know, Forte. I do know that that elf had some hypnotic effect. He almost had me convinced to follow him instead of bringing him back to the village. And we elves are usually hard to charm like that. And you are right it doesn't make any sense. But we can't follow those elves. They just don't seem to leave any sign that they were ever here," she replies openly concerned now once again.
"Well, then heading back to the village is o.k. with me." Forte turns to Ullar, "Can you help me place the captain on my horse?" and then walks over to the captain. "Should we tie him up for the journey - in case he wakes up?" the tall warrior asks.
"The faster we get moving, maybe the faster we can find Marika," the warrior says grimly, as he bends down to pick up the captain.
Ullar helps Forte, although he seems to be distracted. The strange disappearance of Marika has gotten to the warrior more than he likes to admit and a sad feeling spreads over his body.
Not really paying attention, he helps Forte to put the captain in front of him and ties up his wrists and ankles. "Just in case he wakes up and starts to run for it," the ex-gladiator replies.
With his thoughts wandering off, Ullar returns to his own horse and urges the rest of the group to do the same. "I'd like to leave this place, if you don't mind," he says, in a sad, sad voice!
Rhune looks up toward Jacobus first and a slow smile crosses her face briefly. Then at the tone of Ullar's words the smile is gone. She had grown to like Marika very much and to have her simply walk away without saying anything is very disconcerting to her. She looks over at Asif and sighs, "Yes I would like to leave here also," she replies as she prepares to mount her horse.
Augustus looks sadly at the others in the group. "I understand that you are all upset at Marika's apparent choice to leave, but you cannot allow this to dissuade you from your original course. I will follow you no matter what you decide, but please consider everything before you make your choice."
Forte awkwardly mounts his horse, holding the captain in place. "Lead the way," he says to no one in particular.
The group, reluctantly, and over Xania's objections, begins slowly moving back toward Sukiskayn. They are a sad sight to see, contemplating the many losses and curiosities of the last weeks, mostly in silence.
Not wishing to spend the night in such a dangerous place, the group decides to travel on late into the darkening hours. As you move along, not daring to light torches for fear of what they might attract, the group moves along the river bank so that they may know their way. Looking to the moon for light, they make decent progress. Those less able with their horses are helped along by those who are proficient, and the course of the river is easy enough to follow. While riding along, the group keeps it's eyes open for the many dangers of the forest.
The riverboat captain occasionally rouses himself and screams maniacally into the sky before lapsing back into semi-consciousness, rambling wildly about demons in the sky and gremlins racing about and great forest spirits ripping flesh from his men. It is rather difficult to follow.
With the nearly full moon high in the sky, the river's offshoot to the south, and Sukiskayn intrudes upon your progress westward. Leaving the main river, you all follow it's progress south, making good time. Suddenly Rhune picks up on a pair of the huge bats that attacked you at the settlement, perched upon a tree ahead of you. They appear to be looking out for prey, and Rhune sees that they have not noticed your group yet. Unfortunately, she is unable to bring this to the group's attention before that is no longer the case. The great black creatures unfurl their wings and shoot into the forest, screeching with an inhuman wail.
As nothing can be done about this, the group merely redoubles their pace, as their tired animals begin to wear down, but knowing they are close to a place of safety. Not too many hours before dawn, the welcome sight of Petr's village comes into view ahead. Without further ado, the whole group heads in, alerting Taras, who is on sentry duty in the tower. He rouses his father, who makes you welcome. It appears that Gregor and his men have made some good progress on rebuilding the northern palisade that the goblins burned down, though the burned out remnants of the barn have only been replaced with more wooden barriers. The settlement is still quite vulnerable, but it appears to be strengthening with each passing day.
Fyodorll's sad wagon also still sits to the eastern clearing where you left it, as it appears the villagers don't know what to do with it. Presumably it still has all the stuff that you left within it, as no one ever split up the money or took anything of note out of it.
As you ride up into the village, Petr notices your resigned faces. Fearing the worst, he asks "Is Stephen.......?"