A Love Song for Asif and Rhune

During this quiet time of the journey Tag softly hums.

"Kilopetra, kilopetra, ayyou houlmen min layaaleeki elhisaani. Kilopetra, ayyou houlmen min layaaleeki elhisaani. Taafa fi billmaow-ji fadanna watadanna elshatiaaein, wahafa koulou fouadi w-shadaa koulou lisani. Wahafa koul fouadi w-shadaa koulou lisani. Hazihi fatinatou el-dounya wa hasnaaou elzamaani.

Boua'ithat, boua'ithat fi zawraken, moustalhamen min koulli fanni, marihi elmijdaafi yakhtalou bi hawraa toughanni. Boua'ithat, boua'ithat fi zawraken, moustalhamen min koulli fanni, marihi elmijdaafi yakhtalou bi hawraa toughanni. Boua'ithat, boua'ithat fi zawraken. Boua'ithat, boua'ithat fi zawraken, moustalhamen min koulli fanni, marihi elmijdaafi yakhtalou bi hawraa toughanni.

Ya habibi, haadi laylatou houbbi. Ya habibi haadi Laylatou houbbi. Ya ya ya habibi haadi laylatou houbbi, aaah ya habibi haadi laylato houbbi. Aaaah aaha ha ha ha ha haaa. Aaaaaaaahi laou sharaktani afraaha qalbi. Laylouna khamroun wa-ashwaakon toughanni hawlana. Laylouna khamroun wa-ashwaakon toughanni hawlana. Wa-shiraaa'on saabihon fi elnouri yara'a zillina. Wa-shiraaa'on saabihon fi elnouri yara'a zillina.

Aah laylouna khamroun, laylouna khamroun, laylouna khamroun, laylouna khamroun, laylouna khamroun, laylouna khamroun, laylouna khamroun, laylouna khamroun, wa-ashwaakoun toughanni hawlana, laylounaaaaa khamroun wa-ashwakoun toughanni hawlana. Wa-shiraaa'oun sabihoun fi elnouri yara'aa zillana.

Laylouna, laylouna khamroun. Laylouna khamroun wa-ashwaakoun toughanni, toughanni, toughanni, toughanni, toughanni, toughanni, toughanni, toughanni hawlana. Laylouna khamroun wa-ashwaakoun toughanni hawlanaa. Laylouna khamroun, wa-ashwaakoun toughanni hawlana, wa-shiraaa'oun sabihoun fi elnour yara'a zillana.

Kana fi ellayli soukara wa afakou kablana. Ah, laytahoum kad a'arafou elhoub fbatou mithlana. Koullama gharrada kassoun sharibou elkhamrata lahnana. Koullama gharrada kassoun sharibou elkhamrata lahnana. Koullama gharrada kassoun sharibou elkhamrata lahnana.

Ya habeeeeebi koullouma fi`el-layli rouhoun. Aah yataghanna. Aah aahaa. Ya habibi haazi laylatou houbbi. Ya habibi haazi laylatou houbbi. Ya, ya habibi haazi laylatou houbbi, aaaaah, aaha, ha, ha, ha, ha, aah ha, ha, ha, aaaah law sharaktani afraaha qalbi.

Ya dhifaafa elneeli billahi w-ya khoudhra el-rawaabi. Ya dhifaafa elneeli billahi w-ya khoudhra el-rawaabi. Hall raaytouna a'ala elnahri fatan ghadha el-ihabi. Asmara eljabhati kal khamrati fi elnouri elmouzabi. Sabihan fi zawraken min souna'i ahlami el shabaaaab ya ya ya bi.

Ya dhifaafa elneeli billahi w-ya khoudhra el-rawaabi. Ya dhifaafa elneeli billahi w-ya khoudhra el-rawaabi. Hall raaytouna a'ala elnahri fatan ghadha el-ihabi. Asmara eljabhati kal khamrati fi elnouri elmouzabi. Sabihan fi zawraken min souna'i ahlami el shabaaaab ya ya ya bi.

In yakoun marra wa-hayya wa-hayya min baa'eiden aaou qareebi fa-sifeehi w-aa'eidi wasfahou, aa'eidi wasfahou fahowa habibi.

In yakoun marra wa-hayya wa-hayya min baa'eiden aaou qareebi fa-sifeehi w-aa'eidi wasfahou, aa'eidi wasfahou fahowa habibi.

In yakoun marra wa-hayya wa-hayya min baa'eiden aaou qareebi fa-sifeehi w-aa'eidi wasfahou, aa'eidi wasfahou fahowa habibi.

In yakoun marra wa-hayya wa-hayya min baa'eiden aaou qareebi fa-sifeehi w-aa'eidi wasfahou, aa'eidi wasfahou fahowa habibi.

Ya habibi haazi laylatou houbbi. Ya habibi haazi laylatou houbbi. Ya, yaaa, ya, yaaa, ya habibi. Ya habibi, haazihi laylatou houbbi, aah laou shaaraktani afraaha qalbi ya habibi. Ya habibi haazi laylatou houbbi. Aahi, aah, aahi, aah, aahi laou sharaktani afraaha qalbi, ya habibi, ya habibi. Ya habibi haazihi laylatou houbbi yaaa habibi. Aahi laou sharaktani afraaha qalbi, afraaha qalbi, ya habibi, ya habibi. Ya habibi, haazih laylatou houbbi, aah ya habibi, haazi laylatou hobbi, aah, aah, aah ha ah ha, ha ha ha ha ha. Aah hi laou sharaktani afraaha qalbi."


Cleopatra, Cleopatra, which dreams are from your beautiful nights? Cleopatra, which dreams are from your beautiful nights? I floated in the wave and approached the shores. Every heart beat in passion and every tongue sang. Every heart beat in passion and every tongue sang. This is the world's seductress and most beautiful creature of all time.

She was sent in a boat (getting everything from my art), with happy paddles, swaying with a singing nymph. She was sent in a boat (getting everything from my art), with happy paddles, swaying with a singing nymph. She was sent in a boat. She was sent in a boat (getting everything from my art), with happy paddles, swaying with a singing nymph.

Oh my love, this is my love night. Oh my love, this is my love night. Oh Oh Oh my love this is my love night, aaah, oh my love this is my love night. O' O', O', O', Aaaaa Aahi if you share my heart's happiness. Our night is wine surrounded by singing desires. Our night is wine surrounded by singing desires. And a sail swimming in the light taking care of our shadow. Aah and a sail swimming in the light taking care of our shadow.

Aah, our night is wine, our night is wine, our night is wine, our night is wine, our night is wine, our night is wine, our night is wine, our night is wine surrounded by singing desires.

Our night, our night is wine. Our night is wine surrounded by singing, singing, singing, singing, singing, singing, singing, singing desires. Our night is wine surrounded by singing desires. Our night is wine surrounded by singing desires and a sail in the light taking care of our shadow.

They were drunk in the night and were up before us. Aah, I wish they knew love and were like us.

Every time a glass sang, they drank the wine in tunes. Every time a glass sang, they drank the wine in tunes. Every time a glass sang, they drank the wine in tunes.

Oh my love, as long as there is a soul in the night ... Aah ... Singing. Aah aahaa. Oh, my love, this my love's night! Oh, my love, this my love's night! Oh, Oh my love. This is my love's night, Aah, Aaha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Aah, Ha, Ha, Ha, Aah if you join my heart's happiness. Oh Nile's shores and the green hills, Oh Nile's shores and the green hills, I beg you, did you see on the river a beautiful youth with a tanned forehead like wine in melting light, floating in a boat made by youth's dreams.

Oh Nile's shores and the green hills, Oh Nile's shores and the green hills, I beg you, did you see on the river a beautiful youth with a tanned forehead like wine in melting light, floating in a boat made by youth' s dreams.

If he passed by and greeted, and greeted you from far away or close by, describe him and re-describe him, because he is my love. If he passed by and greeted, and greeted you from far away or close by, describe him and re-describe him, because he is my love. If he passed by and greeted, and greeted you from far away or close by, describe him and re-describe him, because he is my love. If he passed by and greeted, and greeted you from far away or close by, describe him and re-describe him, because he is my love.

Oh my love, this my love's night. Oh my love, this my love's night. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh darling, Oh darling, this is my love's night. Aah, if you shared with me my heart's happiness, Oh my darling. Oh my darling, this is my love's night. Aahi, Aah, Aahi, Aah, Aahi if you shared with me my heart's happiness, Oh my darling, Oh my darling. Oh my darling, this is my love's night. Oooh my darling. Aahi if you shared with me my heart's happiness, me my heart's happiness, Oh my darling, Oh my darling. Oh my darling, this is my love's night. Aah Oh my darling. This is my love's night. Aahi if you shared with me my heart's happiness, me my heart's happiness, Oh my darling, Oh my darling.

OOC:Classic Egyptian song, can't take the credit for this one, but the true authors are Aly Mahmoud Taha and Mohammed Abdel Wahab. Beautiful isn't it!!

When the time is right, Ullar rides next to Dakath and starts a private conversation.

"Ehm.. what about this Rhees character? Don't you find it odd he showed up here? Being the last survivor of his group?"

Dakath seems to be deep in thought as Ullar catches up with him, "Sorry, what was that?"

"Oh Rhees," Dakath grins "I thought being suspicious was my forte?"

Ullar turns his head to face Dakath, is about to comment on something, but then keeps still.

Dakath spares a glance back at the young barbarian, "If you're worried perhaps it would be a good idea for you to get to know him better, you know talk to him gain his confidence. As to him being the last survivor of his group," Dakath shrugs, "I was found in a Gnomish mine, and now I'm out here searching for a man called Stephan, I'd called that odd."

Dakath smiles at him. "There is a well known saying amongst thieves, it goes keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I'll leave it up to you to decide which one he is my friend."

"Hmm.. perhaps you know the saying: better a close neighbor than a far friend?"

"It's not that I'm not trusting Rhees, but I find it odd that someone can survive out here without any obvious scratches. To be honest, that just annoys me. It might sound harsh, but why did he survive and did Leslie have to die? Things are not fair, but I think we all know about that right now."

"And.. just to get it off my chest.," Ullar continues, now glancing at Auggie.

"I don't feel comfortable with a Jerboha priest around. I've faced the Bishop and the hatred in his eyes brought me nothing but nightmares."

"I'm sorry that I have to drop this at your door, but I really need to get this off my chest. It seems that my trust in humanity has floated away..."

Ullar sighs, deeply.

Dakath looks at Ullar in genuine surprise at his last remark and then composes himself, not really comfortable with discussing higher thoughts concerning Leslie's death and not believing in the Gods anyway he tries his best to come up with a suitable answer.

"Life is full of strange events, it could be exceptional skill or exceptional luck that Rhees survived in the forests." Seeing as that is going to be far from an adequate answer he comes up with an alternative plan. "Perhaps I can help you kill two birds with one stone Ullar? Of all the members of our party, the person best able to provide you those type of answers surrounding Leslie's death is our Jerbohan priest. When you do speak to him, try to remember he is here because of the corruption within his church, he is here trying to find a way to destroy the poison that has infected his holy institution."

"The poison they created themselves!" Ullar exclaims. Realizing that it is not Dakath to blame, his tone lowers and he continues to listen.

Dakath pats him on the shoulder and smiles. "I don't think you've lost your trust in humanity, after all you've just confided in a professional cheat and liar," he winks at him.

A faint smile appears on Ullar's lips.

"Ullar go talk to Augustus. Look into his eyes and tell me if you see the fires of hate burning in them."

"That might be the best thing to do..." Ullar replies.

"Thanks Dakath, now go tease Xania," the warrior says, trying to lighten things up a little, but being not really successful at it.

Dakath grins "Tease Xania? I think not, it would take a braver man than I to do that."

"Hmm.," replies Ullar "I thought you had it all figured out!?" says the warrior, with a quasi-casual look.

After Dakath and Ullar finish their tête-à-tête, Rhees pulls up beside Dakath, "Be careful, From the look on Ullar's face, you provided him with useful words. If you keep that up, I won't be the only one taking you for a leader. There are many tales and legends concerning rogues who found their true calling as noble leaders of men. Perhaps you aren't the scoundrel you pretend to be, Dakath," Rhees' smile is warm, but there is a look of challenge his ice-like eyes (OOC: something akin to the grade school teacher telling the troublesome student that he can do better).

Dakath turns to regard the young barbarian with a faint look of amusement on his face. "Legends aren't real my young friend, they exist to give people hope. I pretend nothing, half the priests in this land carry false symbols to Jerboha and I sold them to them. You must have me confused with someone else."

He grins at the barbarian and moves his horse forward.

There is no sign of any watcher of any sort around, and you briefly consider what to do. However, fate provides, and you see that some smallish creatures have recently been here, most likely gathering water from what you can tell. Their footprints are muddled, and indeed do not go far before being washed away completely, but they seem to be headed east. There are no traces of anything larger, man or beast. Having no other clues to go on, the party heads east.

At various points, the group sees a stray footprint or two in the mud, smallish again, and concludes that they are headed on the right path. The woods become more sparse as you travel, enabling the horses to make a somewhat better pace, though the weather impedes that somewhat. Suddenly several of you begin noticing the footprints, scattered about, becoming more and more frequent as you continue on. Alert to any ambush, you press on, feeling your goal near. As the sun begins it's descent into the western sky, Rhune's sharp eyes detect a small tunnel near a wooded slope, descending into the ground to the north and west of the party's location. From the preponderance of footprints about, you guess that this must have something to do with the small footprint makers.

Dakath stops Stenu short and dismounts quietly, he looks around for somewhere to tie up his mount, hidden from prying eyes. He looks towards the tunnel and shakes his head, remembering his capture and imprisonment within the gnome mines. "Just wait here a moment, I need to check that there is indeed one tunnel. It wouldn't do for us to be ambushed in there," he indicates the tunnel entrance. Moving round in a wide arc Dakath tries to detect any more entrances in or around the wooded slope.

There do not appear to be any more entrances anywhere in the vicinity of the original tunnel. If there is such a one, it is hidden beyond Dakath's abilities to find.

"I do not relish the thought of an unfriendly reception in such close quarters," Rhees nods towards the tunnel. "The footprints and the tunnel look rather small even for the goblins. Besides, not all residents of the forest are malicious. Perhaps we should prepare for and try to precipitate a meeting out here in the open. If these aren't goblins, they may be willing to share some information with us."

Whispering, "We won't be able to take the horses into the tunnel. We should first find a place where they will be well hidden and that they can get some food and water. Then we need to see if they have any guards or patrols that come out or in. We should set up at a place that would give us a good view of the entrance," Rhune utters to the group.

Once done Dakath returns to the party and reports his findings. He looks over to Rhune "Your Elven eyesight may help us to determine just what's immediately beyond the entrance. If we both move up to the side of the entrance and then try to gain a glimpse in?"

"I can do that. But I will have to go even slower than normal. This damnable chain makes enough noise to wake the dead. I would dearly love to have some nice quiet leather armor," Rhune replies, slipping as quietly off her horse as she can. She very cautiously and slowly heads for the side of the tunnel entrance with Dakath. She is moving even slower than she normally would to make up for the chain mail that she is wearing.

The noise is enough that even the untrained ears of the group can clearly hear her movement, and Rhune quickly sees that attempting such a stealthy maneuver in armor like that is almost impossible. Instead she just tries to be as quiet as possible. Using her elven heat-sensing vision, she peers into the tunnel, but sees not the barest glimmer of light or motion. The tunnel jukes right before continuing roughly south, but she can see down most of it with ease.

Seeing Dakath make his examination of the surroundings, Rhees loosens his spears and gets ready to dismount, "I do not wish to fight, but I wish even less to be taken by surprise," His grin has no humor in it.

Forte waits to see what the others do, but also puts his hand on the hilt of his sword. His body tenses a bit as he recalls their last unfriendly encounter, and he wonders if he'll prove better in the next combat.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 27 October 2000

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