Plans for the Morning

Leslie rises several hours before dawn to relieve whomever is currently on watch. It turns out to be Asif, who was the only volunteer to relieve the tired ladies.

Asif sits rock still staring out into the darkness. The moonlight which has fought through the dark clouds reflecting of his face as he turns to face his woken companion.

"Ah morning Leslie, the night has been most still and little has broken that tranquility. Strange how a place can change in so short a time. Especially considering the horrors that have befallen this place in recent days. At night one can often find peace, oneself alone, a tiny speck beneath the heavens. Sometimes I find darkness is a comfort to one's hurt, as darkness can act as a blanket. For as a blanket banishes the cold, so does darkness banish the pain of day."

Stifling a yawn, the young warrior takes a seat next to Asif. He sits there silently for a few minutes, sharing his friend's reverie. He then speaks softly, his usually booming voice strangely quiet. "It seems, my friend, that you have something weighing heavily on your heart. It is not easy, being a stranger in a strange land, and in forced exile as I believe I heard you say. If you feel that sharing the load will help you, I'm sure you noticed I have wide shoulders and a strong back..." He smiles in the darkness, "I will be only happy to lend a friendly ear, should you choose to talk." He then falls silent, listening to the voices of the night, enjoying the cool crisp air.

"Thank you Leslie. It is good to have someone to talk too. I do indeed have question which be most embarrassing....... Many customs most alien to me in this land. This indeed one .......most embarrassing." Asif's dark skin, even despite its shade seems to burn momentarily red with embarrassment. He coughs. "....This I have even less knowledge of..... (he coughs again, distracting himself from pursuit of conversation by stirring the fire with a stick) .... You I think of great age than I. You have eyes you probably see that Rhune attracted to me and I confess to you alone that I also share same interest. But in this I have great problem. I know not the courtship customs of this land. A mistake could see me dead, at the hands of her father. How are such things pursued here?"

Leslie tries to hide a smile, not wanting to further embarrass his friend. "Well, Asif, there is no simple answer. Rhune is both Elven and French, making her different than people in this region on both counts." He scratches his chin thoughtfully, and continues. "I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but Elves are a very long-lived race. Rhune may look young to your eyes, but my bet is that she has seen several core summers at least..." He lets that sink in before going on. "I am not familiar with Elven customs of courtship myself, but I'll tell you this - honesty is the best policy. I know it sounds corny and all, but I think you should be forthright about your feelings. You could even *ask* her what is appropriate with her people, I'm sure she'll appreciate it." He pauses for a short while, then, a bit contemplatively says, " Actually, I'm not the one to ask, you know... I haven't had any relationship to speak of when it comes to women."

When the first sign of dawn appears Leslie wakes the rest of the group, and embarks on his daily exercise routine.

While the pounding rain and howling wind are not terribly conducive to rest, some of the warriors manage to sleep through it, and everyone manages to get enough rest to continue on. However, the morning yields no relief from the storm. In fact, looking across the river, you cannot imagine that any trace of the figures from the previous night still exist. The group is forced to seriously consider staying yet another night in the relative safety of Misha's cabin.

Rhune sighs and wipes the sleep from her eyes. She still feels a little muzzy but is slowly waking up. She sits for a few minutes and then gets up to see if she can help with breakfast. Peering out the windows, "I don't think we are going anywhere for a while yet. It is still rather bad outside," she tells whoever is awake.

Jacobus rises early and moves to the door of the cabin, he opens it slightly and peers out upon the continuing storm. "It looks like it's going to be another miserable day." He turns to face the warriors, "I guess you guys are still going to go out there and train, right?" he grins.

Forte shrugs. "I guess we must..." muses the massive warrior. "Why couldn't I have taken up an easier profession - like sock darning?" Forte gets up and says, "I'll be outside exercising. If anyone wants to spar, I'll be ready in about 30 minutes."

Jacobus chuckles to himself, "Face it you live for battle, I don't think you'd get the same satisfaction out of sock darning."

"I may take a trip over to the opposite bank to see if we can find any trace of what Rhune saw last night," Jacobus proposes.

"You should not go alone." replies Xania.

Jacobus looks over at her "Why, Would you care for a walk this beautiful stormy day ?"

"Though I am not the best guardian for you, I would go with you, yes," replies Xania seriously.

One eyebrow raises slightly at her comments. "A guardian??" he chuckles to himself.

"Do you have tracking skills?" asks Forte.

Jacobus grins "I'm remarkably adept at keep track of money, especially the money of others," he grins, "although as to other tracking skills, I'm afraid not." He shrugs, "It's either that or I go and sit by the fire all day. I'm tempted to the latter since I've had very little in the way of rest, given the recent turn of events."

Xania makes a show of checking her purse. "My coins all seem to be here. I guess I have been spared your tender attentions, Jacobus."

Jacobus turns and grins at her "If I were to turn my tender attentions to you, my dear, my eyes would not be on your purse."

Xania smiles, "I'll keep that in mind."

Jacobus smiles back at her. "As shall I. As shall I."

"Believe me, I have been tempted to practice some of my more rusty skills on you all," he shrugs, "but I guess it's just in my good nature not too. I must confess that as Forte passed me by the door I was tempted to practice on him."

He turns to the warrior, "As you well know it's important to practice one's skills, honor dictates that I would return to you that which I would of stolen. I am no cut purse."

"You may practice on me at your leisure," replies Xania, "I trust you will return anything ... borrowed."

He bows to her "If I feel the need to cure a case of itchy fingers I shall hold you to your kind offer. But of course I would return anything that I had borrowed."

"So there *is* honor among thieves?" asks Forte. "This world gets stranger by the day."

"Keep it to yourselves, it's one of our best kept secrets," he winks at the warrior.

Rhune nearly chokes on her coffee as she starts to laugh. "Oh Jacobus you are a dear person," she says laughing so hard she has tears in her eyes.

Returning to his earlier comments, "If you go Jacobus, you should take someone with you. I don't think you should go alone. Though with the weather being as bad as it is I don't think anyone should go outside today," Rhune tells him.

Jacobus is getting ready to go do some exploring when he turns and looks at Rhune. He grins, "Your concern is touching Rhune, but there are some things I prefer to do without having someone else to worry about. Oh, if I catch a cold when I'm out there, I will only have myself to blame."

He wraps his cloak about his shoulders and pulls up the hood. He looks out of the doorway and glances back to the fire once before stepping out into the rain.

Forte practices with his longbow in the yard outside the cabin, being careful to retrieve all his arrows when he is done.

As the large warrior trains in the storm Jacobus leans against the door frame and watches as he practices. "Gets me tired just watching." Jacobus moved to the bank of the river and stares across for a while. "I need to get back to civilization, there are things I need to do," he says to himself. He rubs his chin thoughtfully.

He stands there silently for a moment before marching back into the cabin. He doesn't say anything to anyone as he comes back in but his face shows him to be deep in thought. You've never seen him this thoughtful before. Jacobus moves to the back of the cabin and leans back shutting his eyes to think.

After a moment a smile spreads across his lips and sits upright. "Does anyone have any paper or papyrus?"

Augustus raises an eyebrow at his question. "I have some, moment." He rifles around in his satchel for a second and produces a scroll case. Opening it, Augustus shakes out a roll of several sheets of vellum. Along with it tumbles out a small vial of ink and a quill pen. He offers the items to Jacobus. "They are yours to use as you need."

Jacobus grins as he accepts two pieces of vellum "Thank you my friend, every merchant should have at least a number of trading passes, I think two will be enough to get me past most border patrols or a city watch guard." He rolls up the Vellum and carefully places it in his backpack, "These things take time, I would be grateful if I could borrow your quill and ink at a later date, more conducive to forgery."

He turns to the two remaining ladies of the group "Do you know how to pierce ears ? Could you do one of mine now?" He has a gleam in his eye and a wicked grin on his face.

Rhune looks at him and puzzled, "No, I am afraid I don't. Mother never had a chance to show me how to do it," she replies

Xania looks at him with a bemused grin. "I shouldn't ask, but, why?"

Jacobus grins at her "Can you do it or not?" he asks. "Yes or No? Patience, and all will be revealed to you all."

"If you insist, I'm sure I can manage the task," Xania shrugs.

Entering the small cabin, bare-chested and dripping, Leslie dries off and warms himself by the fire. His muscles ripple in the flickering light of the flames as he goes through some final stretching exercises.

Rhune watches as he dries off by the fire. After a few moments she turns toward the fire to see about getting some coffee and maybe doing something more appetizing with the iron rations for breakfast. She begins to hum softly to herself in the process.

Donning his clothes, he looks around the group going through their morning activities. "Well, it doesn't look as if the rain is going to let up any time soon," he grumbles with a frown. "The way I see it, we have two choices. One is holing up in here till it stops raining, the other is to continue following the greenskins." His brow wrinkles with distaste. "Personally, I find both unattractive. If we stay here, we give them too much of a lead, while going out in that weather...."

He starts digging in his backpack for something to break his fast on. "That bat creature Asif shot down last night looked as if it was heading north... I believe that's the way to go should we decide on that course of action."

Asif looks up and replies.

"That is a good possibility efendi. A monster I doubt has that much guile to attempt a false trail while under fire. I suggest that to the north we should march to find our destiny."

"Personally I don't really want to travel in this storm. We would never hear or see anything until it is right on us. And come sundown we would all be more miserable than we already are. I vote for staying here. And yes I know it gives them more time to escape but I can't see any other way." Rhune calls over her shoulder.

"Would that our enemy would stay inside for the rain," replies Xania. "I think we have little choice ere we catch them, Rhune."

"That is probably true," Rhune agrees, "would you like some coffee while we wait for the others to waken and we make the decision as to what we are going to do?" she asks and pours them both coffee.

"Yes, please, Rhune," answers Leslie from where he was warming his hands by the fire. "It's ugly out there..." He comes over, takes the cup and thanks her with a smile. "Damn!" he mutters after a first sip, "burned my tongue!"

"Oh my," Rhune utters. "You should be more careful, Leslie," she says with concern in her voice.

"Well, caution hath never been my throng thide," mumbles the big man as he sucks on his burning tongue. "Nor hath patienth, for that matter..." he smiles.

She chuckles, "You should take a sip of cold water. That might help," she says trying not to truly laugh.

"Any coffee for me?" Ullar asks.

Rhune pours Ullar a cup, "Why yes, of course Ullar. I would never forget you," she says with a smile as she hands him the cup. She then pours another one and turns to look for Asif, "Asif, would like one also?" she asks him softly.

Asif warms his hands on the offered mug.

"Thank you Efendi. This weather I think seems to have set in. Strange this, I have never seen so much rain fall and for such a long time. One wonders where all this water goes once it has fallen. We have but one major river in my home, the waters of the holy Nile. From what I see of Italy rivers cross it everywhere. There must be some place where the water ends up."

She smiles at him, "What I understand, Asif some of the rivers and streams empty into lakes and others make their way to the sea. I don't know that much about the land to tell you where the lakes are though. A lot of it just gets soaked into the ground," she replies as she toasts some of the travel bread they have. Once they are done, "There is toast for those who wish it and more coffee." She takes a few slices and goes to sit next to Asif, rather close. "Here, my friend, some toast for you. I don't really know how to cook all that well and all we have is travel rations, but toast and coffee is something I can make," she says handing him a couple of the slices. After taking a small bite, "It would taste better if we had some butter to go on it," she says looking at him with sparkling eyes.

Jacobus looks across at Rhune and smiles "Your efforts to liven up our meal times are extremely welcome Rhune." He dips his head slightly in her direction.

Xania cannot help but admire Leslie's form and she stares quite openly at his muscular and bared physique. As he finishes speaking, it takes her a few moments to realize it then she thinks for a moment to let the words sink in. "I hate the idea of traveling in this rain, but I think you may be right, Leslie. And I do not wish to live in a boat for the rest of my life."

Noticing her stare, Leslie strikes a pose accentuating his well-proportioned upper body, and winks at her. "It's been a long time since I've felt the admiring look of such lovely lady, Xania," he says playfully, obviously feeling no self-consciousness whatsoever.

"Really, have you been on an island of all men?" queries Xania playfully.

Jacobus grins "You are every inch the noble warrior Leslie."

Xania turns and grins at Jacobus. "Indeed." She also shows no shame at staring or having been thus caught doing so.

"You know what they say, Jacobus... All's fair in love and war," laughs Leslie as he puts on his shirt.

Jacobus grins, "Do they actually say that? I must remember that rule my friend."

Rhune is trying very hard not to laugh anymore than she already has been.

As the party partake of some Coffee Jacobus takes out his dagger and begins to shave his head. He begins by removing the stubble he had grown over the last couple of days and proceeds to the short hair on his head. After about ten minutes his scalp is completely bald. He runs his hand over his head and grins to himself.

He then begins to make subtle alterations to the way he dresses, changing the position of his items, etc.

"Be back soon," he says before half running out of the cabin and off into the woods.

He returns to the boat within half an hour, a crude but stout staff decorated with small animal bones and feathers tied to the top. He also has with him quite a number of different colored flowers with him, which he proceeds to crudely tie into small bunches and then pushes them into his belt. He has no idea what they are. He lifts his hand to display a single feather-like earring created from small bones and a large feather tied together with twine. "The bones were a bit of luck, I found them on the forest floor," he says to no one in particular.

"Now can someone pierce my ear? It's such a shame I don't have any dye."

Xania consents to pierce Jacobus' ear. It's a fairly miserable experience, though. She has no needle, and must borrow one. Then when she sticks it rather unsubtly through Jacobus' lobe, blood flows quite freely. While some of the others are quite amused, Jacobus becomes a but queasy at the sight for a moment, and must sit and hold a cloth against it until it ceases.

He stands up by the fire looking a lot different than he did an hour ago. His bald head is covered by a fine sheen of rain, his change of appearance seems to enhance his features and probably shows just how handsome he really is for the first time since he had been rescued from the mines.

Jacobus ties the crudely fashioned earring through the newly created hole. It dangles down to his shoulder.

Up to now he had ignored all questions concerning his sudden strange behavior. He turns to the group and grins, "Everyone seems to be looking for Jacobus, well for now Jacobus is dead. I'd like you to meet Dakath the Spice Merchant," he bows to the group.

OOC - Sorry couldn't wait until tomorrow, everyone assumed Jacobus was my character's real name, perhaps it is, perhaps it's not :-)



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 21 May 2001

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