Ruby in the Room

Augustus quickly moves to treat the two seriously injured members of the group. He finds that Ullar is in very bad condition, with some fairly nasty internal injuries, while Dakath's legs look like they have been through a saw mill. Both are quite unconscious and look as if they will remain so for quite some time. He manages to bandage them and stop the bleeding, but anything further will take the assistance of someone more skilled.

Xania bites her lip as she gazes upon the vast injuries of Dakath and Ullar. She thinks back to Leslie's death, just hours before. Her eyes watch Augustus carefully, though she doesn't voice her concern.

Forte picks up the nearest article of clothing strewn on the floor, wiping his borrowed speak on it. He then keeps watch by the door, hoping no other underground denziens decide to dine on their damaged party.

Looking about, the rest of the group is not terribly pleased to see that this room also appears to be abandoned of any inhabitants. However, they take some satisfaction in noting that it does not appear to have been looted, as the rest of the warren seems to have been. The most dominant feature of the room is a large tapestry of a red dragon. It is very finely crafted and should be worth not a small amount if sold. There are also five tall terracotta jars in the corner of the room with stoppers in the tops. Most interestingly, a large red ruby, which is surely worth more money than many of you have even seen before, sits perched on a red cushion. The cushion sits upon a large yew chest, bound with copper bands and locked.

The rest of the room is decorated in various awful shades of red. The small man-sized furniture appears to have been painted red, and there are several red clothes thrown about, seemingly as crude sleeping quarters. Finally, there is a normal-sized bed, all painted red with a tattered red blanket lying upon it. Overall, it's a crude room, but not too far different than one might find at a dockside tavern.

In case someone decides to sleep on the bed (OOC: possibly slept in by those rat-thingies - yuck!), Rhees takes a quick look to see that it isn't lice ridden (ticks in the ticking!). Shaking his head at the cliché (OOC: Rhees - the post-modern druid ), he also checks for anything hidden in, or under the bed and bedding. Nothing comes of his searching, though he does note that there are some rather nice bugs running around in the bed, though it is unlikely anyone wanted to sleep there in any regard.

Rhune's eyes light on the ruby and the chest....looking at Augustus, "Are they alright? Maybe we can hold up here for a few hours," she says looking back to the chest her curiosity aroused. She helps Auggie get Dakath and Ullar set then goes over to the chest to check it out.

Xania's eyes flit worriedly from Dakath to Ullar. She then notices Rhune moving toward the pretentious gem and chest. "Rhune, stop!," she calls.

"Those may be trapped, and, pardon my lack of faith, should you fail you might easily kill our downed members. If you need to search these things for traps or such, could you at least wait until we drag the others out of the room?."

Rhune looks back at Xania, and a slow blush crosses her face. She stops and then returns to help with Dakath and Ullar. "You are right, Xania. There is that possibility.

"Just where can we drag them to?" asks Forte, wondering how the group will fare if more combat ensues while they drag their companions through the warren.

"Back out in the corridor if we have to. Better than subjecting them to some random mishap, don't you think?" Xania replies acidly.

"Ow Ow Ow," Dakath thinks as he lays there unconscious!!!

"There might also be a secret opening somewhere. We could search for that too, so that something else does not pop out and surprise us," Xania adds.

"Yes, we could do that," Rhune agrees, glad to be doing something at the moment.

Following Xania'a suggestion, Forte begins moving the unconscious companions out the door.

Augustus gently assists in moving his downed friends to a safer place outside of the chamber. "It's not that bad,'re going to be just fine...Dakath, it's just a flesh calm," he says, knowing that they cannot hear him. He roots around in his nearly empty satchel for more bandages and curses himself for not restocking when he had the chance. "Damn me to the grave! I will not fail you!" He performs the healing ordinance on each of the two warriors, and prays fervently to Jebohah for their lives.

Jerboha appears to be listening, as the group slowly moves the critically injured party members out without damaging them further. Augustus is able to make do with some clothing tatters to form proper bandages, though he has none of his usual salves and herbs which help the wounds heal properly. He uses his divine gifts to begin the healing process, but sees that there is quite a long way to go, as his minor spells only make a bare dent in the grievous wounds.

He gratefully accepts Augustus' assistance. As the Catolik prays for help, Forte draws his sword to watch over all the people in the corridor.

Once those not interested in participating depart, Rhune inspects the chest all over and then checks the lock out. However, as she has little to no training in this area, she has no confidence that she could find a trap, and indeed she finds no trace of one.

Shrugging, she removes the cushion with the ruby and attempts to place it on the floor. However, Xania's premonition about the object proves true, as the minute she removes it from the cushion, it explodes, sending shards of red glass flying into her face and all about her armor. Amazingly, her armor protects her from any serious damage, though her cheeks and face are rather bloodied. She realizes that she was extremely lucky that no flying object pierced her eyes or caused her terminal injury.

"Aaggh..," Rhune exclaims as she falls back from the cushion and chest. Her hands go to her face as she gently touches the cuts, she winces and her fingers come away with blood on them. She looks toward Augustus, "Ah...could you help some?" she asks quietly, a little embarrassed by her actions.

Moving backward, she reassesses her curiosity. With her current injuries, she feels nothing approaching confident that she could open the lock on the chest, and she is doubly worried that yet another trap might lie within or about it.

Asif shields his face with the explosion of glass, and then looks with great anxiety towards Rhune. He springs to his feet and is soon at her side shouting.

"Thesit Hati, Thesit Hati by Aten pray that you are alright," Asif takes her in his strong but gentle arms a look of terror then relief upon his face as he sees that she less harmed than he feared.

Rhune leans against Asif's chest, "I am alright," she replies in Arabic, trying to smile at him.

Asif eyes and hands search Rhune's face for damage. His eyes frantic. "Thank Aten, Thesit - hati you are right."

Asif lips gently brush her forehead, as his right hand removes a sliver of glass from her cheek.

Shivering as his lips touch her forehead, Rhune looks up and smiles, then winces as he removes the small piece of glass. "Thank you," she lays her head on his shoulder and sighs deeply.

Xania re-enters the room after the small explosion. "Are you ok, Rhune? Maybe you should get Augustus to look at your injuries."

Looking over at Xania, "You were right. I think I will wait till later for the chest," Rhune says attempting to smile. I think I am all right. I have already asked Augustus to look at it. I'll see what he says," she replies wincing as she does so. Augustus looks up from attending Ullar and Dakath's wounds when he hears the explosion in the next room. He leaps to his feet and runs to see what has happened. He enters the room as Asif reaches her side. As soon as Asif feels that Rhune is safe, Augustus moves in to assess the damage. "You are very fortunate, Mistress...the cuts to your scalp will bleed greatly, but they are not life-threatening...if we do go back to Sukisayn, I'm certain that Mother Kuzma will be able to help you...Ullar, however..."

As Augustus cleans Rhune's cuts with some water, he looks at the chest sitting on the far side of the room. "I have a strong feeling that the ruby was more of a warning than anything else...there is more here than meets the eye, I fear," He has some luck in stopping the bleeding about her face, but only by bandaging her up rather severely. He shrugs his shoulders, indicating he could do better if he had some more supplies.

Rhune winces as he does so, "Yes I would agree with you. But it will have to wait."

"Curiosity was never a driving force in my life, but for once...I can truly say that I want to see what is inside that chest," Augustus replies.

She tries to smile, "Yes I want to also."

Xania helps the others move Dakath and Ullar back into the room. Once Dakath and Ullar are resting comfortably, she suggests:

"Can we search these walls to see if there are secret openings of any kind? Will anyone help me?"

She stands and begins to search the walls as best she can.

Rhune stands and helps Xania look for secret doors.

Several in the group fan out to look about for secret passages of any type, but there is no indication that any such exist. No secrets of any kind are found in the relatively simple room.

Later, as the group is thinking about what to do next, it occurs to Xania that, judging from the distance you have traveled, you cannot be more than five or so miles south of Fyodorll's horse trading encampment. From there, you should be able to retrace your steps to Sukiskayn, if you once again would like to return there.

"That looks like the way to Sukiskayn out there," Xania thinks aloud. "Maybe we should go back there."

"I am beginning to think that might be a good idea Xania," Rhune nods in agreement as she sits next to Asif.

Looking around at her friends, those injured and not injured. "We could stay here if Augustus feels that Dakath and Ullar not be moved. Or we can return to Sukiskayn. It isn't that far, I don't think. We could rig up some kind of litter for them. Anyone else have any suggestions?" she asks.

"I hate to disagree," Rhees addresses Xania and Rhune and they discuss returning to Sukiskayn, "but part of the reason we're in the trouble we're in now - warrens filled with blood and exploding gems - is that we've rushed. We've been lucky today - everyone's still alive - and I have faith that brother Augustus's skill will keep brave Ullar and Dakath that way. Whoever left these warrens may still be around, and we know there are goblins about. A lot can happen over five miles. Two of our number our unconscious, two others are injured and our spell casters have used up a number of their resources. In this room, we know where any possible trouble will come from and we can mount an organized defense. Don't forget, if we leave now we have to pass by those stirges again. If we take a day, Ullar and Dakath may be conscious and our spell casters will have had a chance to replenish themselves. I suggest that we stay here. However, I am new to the group - if you insist otherwise, I will follow and do my best to aid you."

Xania turns on Rhees coldly. "I did not suggest leaving now, but once they had recovered somewhat. And that just to touch base. I have no desire to travel with two unconscious people who cannot defend themselves over any distance."

"On the other hand, this place, as you say, may be waiting for it's inhabitants to come back. The door is broken. There may be secret openings here or in the passageways. How do you propose that this place is safer?"

Rhees grins, clearly ignoring Xania's ice-maiden act, "I'm glad you agree that the welfare of our injured companions is paramount. Their injuries are severe, the 'recovered somewhat' you wish to wait for would be a matter of several days without Augustus' talents. Even with them, I do not believe they will be ready to travel before tomorrow. If Rhune and the others are in agreement, I believe we should prepare the room for an overnight stay. If you haven't done so, let us confirm that there are no other entrances. Then we can plan a defense, and pack up the spoils so we can make a quick departure tomorrow."

"Paramount? What is that? What's a mountain near Paris got to do with us?" asks Forte, starting to look confused.

Rhees looks a little confused for a moment, and then smiles, "I am sorry, Forte, I must have lapsed from the Italian dialect to a more formal Latin. Paramount means most important. No matter that Xania and I disagreed on what to do next, we were both thinking of our injured companion's well-being," Rhees' voice trails off as he prevents himself from continuing, clearly he enjoys an opportunity to be the teacher.

Asif nods toward Rhees, "Words of great wisdom you speak stranger. I for one think rest and an organized defense here is the best option. Carrying wounded past those flying creatures is not my favored path of action. The confines of this damn place restricts me enough without the added burden of carrying comrades to safety. At least with walking wounded we may have a chance."

His piece said, Rhees heads to Augustus and the injured members, "Who here is in the gravest condition? I do not have your talents with mundane healing, but I can help one of them with...less mundane means."

Augustus smiles weakly at Rhees, clearly drained. "Ullar," he says, barely able to keep his own arm raised. "They are not out of the woods yet, but praise Jebohah, I think they just might make it."

Rhees lays his hands on the warrior. Again, those who listen marvel that a single person can make that complex a sound as Rhees speaks to the air and the earth around Ullar. The effects of the spell are minimal, however, as Ullar's wounds remain rather deep and nasty.

Forte nods, agreeing with Rhees. "Staying here makes sense. Not the best accommodations in the world," he notes, looking around at the disgusting room, "but it'll do. So, who's up for watch duty? Since the spell casters need sleep, it may just be Rhune, me, and, uh, I think, Tag? Do you use spells?," he asks, turning to Taglio.

Looking over at Forte, "And Asif of course," Rhune adds.

A faint smile appears on the unconscious face of Ullar.

"Fear not Efendi, my eyes shall guard our rest this night. Alas I am not gifted with any form of Heka and require no such rest to restore my ability to summon it," Asif replies.

"Oh, yes, of course! Sorry, Asif; you were so quiet I forget you were standing there," Forte manages, not believing the cover story for his own social blunder.

"That is alright Efendi, No offense taken. One of the prophets wrote the following: If I listen I have the advantage, if I speak others have it. His words have great meaning for he who listens learns much. My silence was not meant to cause offense, just that I had little of importance to add."

Tag responds, "I'll take first watch if you like. No spells Forte I am afraid, but Mistress Xania may be able to teach me some for later. Also, we have not enough lamp oil for a full night, so it may be we will have to watch in the dark, si?"

There is no inherent light source in the room, nor throughout the entire tunnel system that you can recall, so the group is forced to make do with what they have.

"I will rest and pray later," says Augustus. "It is more important that I watch over Ullar and Dakath," With that, Augustus continues to daub Ullar's forehead with a dampened rag torn from his robes. "My main concern is fighting infection from whatever disease those filthy rat-things carry."

A short time later, Augustus asks, "We are not that far from Sukiskayn, right?...I mean, is it more than a days ride?...Is there any way that a fast rider can go there and retrieve some things from Mother Kuzma?" There is a look of hope beyond hope in the young priest's eyes.

Xania stands, "I will do so, if you like."

"I can take second watch. As for sending a lone rider back to Mother Kuzma I don't think that would be wise. There could be creatures out and about now," Rhune replies as she sits next to Asif, her head on his arm.

"Very well signora, if you think it too dangerous, I will stay here," Tag responds.

Augustus nods, his eyes heavy with sleep. "I..." A great yawn interrupts his comment, "...think you are right. My query was motivated out of concern for Ullar and Dakath, but it would probably not be the wisest thing to do."

Auggie shows Tag that he has three torches and a tinderbox.

"I have a couple of candles if we need them," Rhees adds in hurriedly.

"Thank you Brother, they will be handy. I would be willing to go for supplies and Mother Kuzma, if the group wishes. Though I have not traveled this way before!" The group decides that this is not a particularly good idea, as he would surely get lost. Having no other volunteers, the group elects to remain for the night.

Getting settled down for the night, Tag begins to speak to the others, "Fighting in close quarters is costly, Si. Are Dakath and Ullar going to be OK, Brother?" Tag looks concerned over the two fallen.

Augustus looks up at Taglio with a look of grim determination. "I will remain by their sides until they are on their feet again...even at the cost of my own life."

"It is good to have a friend such as you Augustus, you have done much to restore my faith, mio amico," Tag helps the others search for exits and the rest of the room.

"I think we should open the pots and the chest, my friends. With great care of course. They will be heavy to carry back as they are and may contain nothing of value. Also the owner of that chest took great pains to trap it and guard it from thieves, Si. We may find clues such as maps or documents telling us where they may have taken Stephan. We should examine such things, while we have light."

Tag continues, "We should formulate some tactic which will work for the future, or perhaps elect a war leader, to call the shots when heated moments occur like that." He then turns and goes to examine the room more closely. He wanders over to the ruby, chest and tapestry and studies them a moment. The ruby is nothing but shards of red glass at this point, clearly a phony. The chest is very strong, bound and locked with a massive iron lock. No one presently conscious is willing or able to open the lock, however, so he must leave it as it is. The tapestry is quite fine, an abnormality in this place. He estimates it would fetch a tidy sum were it sold, though he has no idea how much. He pokes about gently in the various cloths and the bed with the tip of his rapier, wary of traps. "I have not the skill to open the chest, but there may be more clues here si? There is plenty to carry also and now we have wounded to get to safety."

Unfortunately, there is nothing else in the room to help with the chest or anything else for that matter. The terracotta pots, however, open easily and are not trapped. They appear to contain some sort of thin, reddish liquid.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 27 October 2000

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