The Ship is Found

Some hours later, as the sun begins to descend in the western sky (seen briefly though the clouds), the group hears the sound of running water ahead of them and realizes that they have reached the Volaga. Realizing that you cannot cross it without the ferry boat, the group comes to the conclusion that they may not be able to sleep at the cabin after all.

However, as the first to leave the forest and reach the clearing on the south side of the river, Asif is surprised and pleased to see the ferry boat on the southern side as well, moored safely to the small post hitch there. Even more surprising, immediately across from that, on the opposite shore of the river, is Kalanos' ship! It appears to be docked firmly at Misha's Ferry, just as it was when many of you left it almost a week ago.

Asif returns to the others with the news. Looking out from the forest, none of you can make out anyone on either shore or on the ship's deck. The ship appears quite abandoned.

"Two ships lay there my friends, but motion do I see not. Both tied to wharf but neither seemed to be manned. Suggest, we move closer with caution."

When the Ferry and Kalanos' ship are discovered, Augustus quips, "Speaking of boats..."

Jacobus dismounts his horse and moves to the edge of the trees, "Well that's a bit of luck isn't it," he says. "Once we get across the river we should be able to pick up their trail." He looks thoughtful for a moment. "It's a pity the captain is still alive, we could've claimed that boat as our own, salvaging rights." He looks around and realizes that he had just shared his thoughts with the others. "But of course he's a decent man and I thank the god's that he pulled through," he adds quickly. He smiles weakly at the others and changes the subject, "So shall we go across and see if we can pick up the trail?"

"But the captain is in no shape to return to his boat. Should we secure the boat for him?" asks Forte. "If we just happen to use it while we keep it safe, that shouldn't be a big deal. And how do we get word to him about where his boat is?"

Ullar looks up in surprise. "It's a pity the captain is still alive? What are you thinking? Your material desires are weighing heavier than a human's life?"

Ullar just sighs deeply and shakes his head, slowly. He still troubled with his thoughts about Marika.

"I think we should just leave it were it is for now, let's not complicate the matters at hand. Anyway, last time I looked none of us know anything about steering a boat. You'll have to excuse my outburst my friend, old habits die hard." Jacobus winks at Forte.

Rhune looks over her shoulder at Jacobus, "We should be cautious though. That boat is docked rather securely there. There could be someone inside the cabin behind it. We will have to be very careful as we go across. I don't want to get in the middle and have arrows fired at us again," she replies nudging her horse just a little nearer to Asif. "Perhaps one of us should swim to the boat and see what if anything or anyone is on board?"

Xania wrinkles her brow:

"I don't like this. It's quiet. Too quiet."

"I suggest sending a couple well-armored folks up there with the rest of us providing cover. It would just be too easy were everything all right here," Xania adds, pushing back a long wet strand of hair out of her face.

Jacobus grins but continues to look ahead. "If memory serves, it may be more prudent to send Xania ahead, she has quite a knack for drawing enemy fire."

"Yes," Xania smiles slowly, "but that's not really the kind of *attention* I like." With the rain her clothing sticks even more closely to her, like a second skin--or at least what can be seen of it, under her cloak.

Jacobus chuckles at her reply and turns to look at her, he can't help but notice the effects of the rain on her clothes.

He draws his dagger and again concentrates on the situation at hand "I'll go over if you like?"

Rhune rolls her eyes at this. She wonders sometimes if Jacobus enjoys having Xania annoyed with him. Or if his black humor is just a cover for his own worries. "You can't swim remember. I can swim, but I will need to get rid of the chain mail if I go," she replies still shivering a little even though she had drawn Asif's cloak tightly around her during the rain. "Or I could stay here with the bow. Asif and I could provide covering fire."

"The range is fine with my bow Efendi. I shall cover you from harm," Asif says to Jacobus.

"I think maybe two people. In armor, would be good. And the rest of us backing them with missile fire?" Xania replies.

"I agree, Xania," Rhune murmurs still not sure how to approach the young mage.

"Hold on a moment I'll try get a better view from up there," Jacobus indicates the nearest tree suitable for climbing up. He then proceeds to try and climb the tree hoping to get a better view of the boat over the other side of the river.

"Be careful," mutters Xania with a sidelong glance at Ullar. "Some of us haven't been too lucky in trees."

Jacobus grins "That's true but some of us have had a little more experience in climbing." He also takes a glance in Ullar's direction.

And yes, finally, someone manages to retrieve a small smile from the ex-gladiator. Although his smile disappears fast.

Ignoring the efforts of Jacobus, the larger members of the party immediately volunteer for the scouting duty.

"I can go," suggests Forte. "Unless you want my long bow here for back-up."

" I'm your man, Xania," says Leslie cheerfully, clearly happy at the prospect of some change from the humdrum of the last day of riding. Zephyr seems to catch on his excitement, as he prances around, and Leslie calms him with a few words and a pat to his strong neck. "Forte, will you care to join me?" He leads Zephyr out of the woods without waiting for an answer, loosening his great sword strapped to his wide back.

Forte draws his sword and follows Leslie.

"All mine?" murmurs Xania, starting to laugh despite the weather and the circumstances. "Let Jacobus get a vantage of height first, perhaps?"

"And Forte may want to use that bow instead. Perhaps Ullar or Asif?"

"I will go, no problem. I don't use a bow, only spears for some long distance attacks. However, I'm still in need of armor," says Ullar, frowning a little.

Xania's words are lost on Leslie as he is already making his way towards the river. Zephyr is walking in a slow gait, and every once in a while Leslie stands in the stirrups, looking ahead at the ferry and the boat.

Before he has a chance to climb the tree Jacobus watches Leslie and Forte walk towards the ferryboat. He glances once at the tree he was going to climb and then back at the two warriors "There seems little point in doing so now, it would seem Leslie is eager to get across." He sighs, "Warriors, everyone wants to be a hero."

Xania shrugs and looks at Jacobus. "Er, would any of you with missile weapons ready them please?"

Xania herself gets ready to ride fast, gathering some sand out of her belt pouch, just in case.

Jacobus grins at her and spreads his hands wide "And what missile weapon would this be? I suppose that I could shout some rather biting insults should the two warriors run into trouble, problem would be that I couldn't decide who I should shout them at, our two brave would-be heroes or the enemy they face." Nevertheless, Jacobus draws his long sword and places his dagger in his left hand. He crouches slightly his eyes scanning the opposite bank for signs of movement.

Jacobus also moves alongside Xania, "You have a bad habit of attracting trouble Xania; as our only mage I feel compelled to watch your back."

"Yes, that's the problem with attraction, sometimes you attract things you don't want," she sighs.

Jacobus raises his eyebrow at her comment, but decides to leave it. He scans the opposite bank, although he's occasionally distracted by Xania beside him.

Rhune sighs and quickly unloosens her bow. She slips off her horse and grabs a quiver and then makes her way over to the edge of the forest behind Forte. She settles in and knocks an arrow ready to fire atanything attacks him.

As plans are made to investigate the derelict ship, Augustus draws out one of his bolas, "I am afraid that these are fairly useless as a missile weapon...but the power of Jebohah will aid us better than any weapon I could wield. May the light of Jebohah protect you."

Jacobus crouches next to Xania and scans the opposite bank for signs of life. He begins to feel kind of useless as the others ready their missile weapons. He frowns slightly as a thought occurs to him. He glances behind himself and looks into the woods at their backs, "Perhaps I'm being overly cautious, but I'll be back shortly," he whispers to the group on this bank.

Xania nods, not speaking but watching him until he fades from her view.

Jacobus rises to a crouch and stealthily enters the woods behind them, making sure that they aren't walking into a trap and have the enemy at their backs.

Jacobus crosses back into the woods casually and quietly as the others begin their inspection of the riverboat. Keeping alert, as he did this very morning, for any shadows the group may have acquired. Sure enough, as he looks out of the corner of his eye, he sees a great black creature silently perched upon a tree branch peering directly at the group's progress, some distance away on the southern bank as well. The creature, which bears quite a resemblance to the creatures that attacked the village a few nights ago, does not appear to have seen him, but it would be very difficult to evade the creatures oversized ears and get very close to it without such notice being given.

OOC: Anyone with Animal Lore would find the fact that a bat is peering at anything to be curious. Rather obvious hint there, but I am feeling generous.

Jacobus stands still, watching the creature perched on the tree branch. He decides to keep his distance and watch the creature from a suitable hidden position, well aware of the large sensitive ears the creature possesses.

Meanwhile, on the shore, Ullar moves forward to take Forte's place, by Xania's suggestion, as Forte's bow would surely be more useful at range than Ullar's long spear. As there is only room on the ferry for two men with their horses, they bid a brief adieu to the rest of the gang and unhitch the ferryboat. Between the two very brawny men, pulling the boat across the rope hanging loosely in the water attached to the opposite shore is child's play, and they are over in less than a minute.

Forte prepares an arrow, keeping an eye on Ullar and Leslie (and their backs). He seems very tense.

As the two men cross the river, Rhune keeps a watchful eye out. She has not noticed the large black creature or she would have targeted that first thing. Her bow is ready and she is tense with the wait. She shakes herself a little, Father told her that it is not good for a hunter to be tense while they wait. One should be at ease so that one has time to react to anything and one should be aware of what is going on around them, use all senses. While Rhune watches the far shore and boat, her ears are opened for sounds around her. She is ready for just about anything.

Gliding by the shallow drafted boat, the two men hear nothing aboard. Quickly, they hitch the barge to the wharf and move up toward the side. Ullar being the taller of the two men, he peers over the side and toward the small cabin that Kalanos slept in on Ullar's previous venture on this vessel. His first impression is that the ship has been abandoned, but then he hears something quietly rumbling from inside the cabin, whose door is open. He then hears the sickening sound of something pulpy being ripped apart and then what can only be that same thing being eaten, loudly and obviously with some relish. Ullar then notes the bloodstained deck, and notes several meaty bones scattered about. The disturbing thing is that the bones are rather clearly those of at least one human, and they appear to be very fresh, with the blood still dripping from several of them.

As soon as Ullar hears the disgusting sound, he runs over to the cabin door and smashed it closed.

"Leslie, help me barricade this door, we've got some company inside!"

Taking in the scene on the boat and the sound of some unknown beast feasting on Human flesh, something clicks in Leslie's head, and he is spurred into instant action. Completely oblivious to Ullar's intentions, he too vaults over the boat side, charging into the cabin while drawing his sword.

Ullar's eyes go over the deck to see if there are any barrels and pieces of rope to keep this door closed.

"I'd suggest we bring it over to the other side and take a closer look together with the rest of our friends!"

Now that he has something to do, Ullar's mind is back in reality, presently not troubled with his thoughts regarding Marika.

Leslie skids to a halt, nearly crashing into the door. Turning to Ullar, he blinks uncomprehendingly, bloodlust apparent in his eyes. He shakes his head, as if to clear it, and his voice is incredulous as he speaks. "You mean to let it continue it's meal in leisure, Ullar? Move away, and let me treat it to a taste of cold steel!"

"Try to regain your reason Leslie. We don't have a clue about the powers of this beast, and I can assure you that it is NOT wise to underestimate the powers of animals, I've fought some boars and lions in the Arena and I KNOW how strong they are."

"We're with the two of us now. If we can shut this door and get the boat to the other side, the rest can help us fight this, this thing..." he says.

Leslie appears about to argue the point, but finds another target for his ire. One of the great wolves, exactly like those that attacked Sukiskayn, is lying asleep on the aft deck.

It does not appear that the creatures have noticed their arrival, as the feast continues in the cabin and the beast lying on the deck does not appear to have awoken, at least, not yet.

Stymied by Ullar's adamant blocking of the door, Leslie's attention is quickly drawn to the wolf's prone figure.

Throwing caution to the wind, he charges it, bringing his sword down in a vicious overhead strike, meaning to decapitate the foul beast with one blow.

Ullar sighs deeply and tries to move any barrels (or other means for barricading the cabin door) in front of the door (if it opens to the outside).

Rhune seeing the warriors rush about on the deck of the boat readies herself. She still alert to her surroundings though.

Forte moves to the river bank, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, despite the chill in the air. His arrow is knocked and at the ready.

He watches the boat intensely, wondering what Leslie is slashing at... and why did Ullar slam that door? That can't be good, the large warrior thinks,...but it sure beats tending olive trees back home.

Next /A>


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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 27 October 2000

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