The Shopping List

"What if we share an amount of this money with the camp, as it is clear they will need it, and we will need their aid in the future as well I think. Anyone with ideas about this?"

Looking over in Yuri's general direction on the far side of the village, "That might not be such a bad idea. I think that they would be more disposed toward us then. At least some of them would be," Rhune replies.

"Any friends bought with money aren't really your friends, Rhune," Xania says softly. "Give some people the world and they just think you owe them more."

"Yes that is true, Xania. But at least they would know that we are not leeches that only come here to rest and recuperate from battle. Though I wish I had been present when that one, *nods toward Yuri*, had been rude to Ullar. I would have told him a few things," she says in a tone that implies that she not happy about the way certain of the villagers seem to have forgotten that they did keep the goblins from totally destroying them.

"Leeches don't help them fight off enemies or rescue prisoners, or at least try. I think we have earned our rest here, but that is just my opinion," Xania replies.

"That may true, I just seem to remember that some of the villagers were less than happy to see us this time. Especially since we did not have Stephan with us," Rhune replies. "Though I may have misread their expressions."

"1 villager. You're basing all of this on 1 villager. No one else has given any indication of this. And, we are still working to retrieve Petr's brother, even after we retrieve their livelihood," Xania rebuts.

"At the cost of your friend, the small one," she adds. "Do you not think that is price enough for us to pay?"

"If you won't help people they will never become your friend. It's obvious that these people need to rebuild their lives from scratch. Who are we NOT to support them?" Ullar says, in a worried tone.

Xania looks at Ullar, "Most of them wouldn't be here now if not for us," she shrugs, "Do as you like, I'm merely suggesting we get our own supplies before giving all the money away. I realize I have little say in this group, so I'll just keep my mouth shut from now on. I would like a share of it though, so at least my horse won't go lame as we travel."

"Yup...that's true. However, I would not be alive and kicking as I'm now, wasn't it for them, so perhaps I'm a bit biased?" Ullar wonders out loud.

"But if it wasn't for you," Forte gestures to the 'original' members of the group, "then *they* wouldn't be alive," he finishes. And if it wasn't for all of us, including Leslie who paid with his life, a bunch of them would be slaves. Or dead. Or worse. So why aren't they a little more biased towards *us*?"

"Well, for what it's worth, I find what you say in this group extremely helpful," Forte says to Xania as he raises his shoulder in a questioning manner, looking for the others to back him up.

Rhees nods along with Forte, as he sees the large man look around for support he quietly adds, "Yes, you...we all deserve our share of the spoils of battle. And Forte is right, your opinions keep us from being locked into our own wishes and perceptions of the path we walk," He looks at Xania as he speaks with what he hopes is a conciliatory look.

"We already gave the villagers our last haul. If we want to accomplish anything successful, we'd better put ourselves first for once. We can't just come back here every other night to rest up. That means staying on the road, which costs money for transportation - food for our mounts at the very least. Supplies. Lodging, if we ever stay in a real town. And anything else we need. Like healing? Spell components? Let's stock up, take what's left of our loot after we pay a fair price for any supplies, and go find Stephen."

"I noticed there wasn't much in the way of goods in this village - they are short of food already and I couldn't even find a razor," Rhees rubs his sparse stubble with something of a grimace. "Ullar did mention sponsoring trade - in effect we'd be paying the villagers, with our money, to find and purchase the articles we need - feed for the horses, spare weapons, armor for the warriors, healing supplies, components and even food for us. Dakath has experience dealing with merchants, perhaps he should speak to Petr. Of course, if our bald friend is still...."

Rhune looks over, "Yes, I would like to purchase some food and grain for me and my horse as well from the money we have found. That rope we found would also come in handy as well," she says.

"Maybe we should trade part of it for grain and food for our mounts and us?" Xania then suggests. "We have given them furs and skins surely in excess of what one would pay a locksmith and to a man that has disparaged our efforts to aid him and his people at great risk to ourselves. Giving some to Mother Kuzma for all her healing would be good though. Or to Irina. But let's make sure we can afford our food first. I have grown rather fond of Noir and would like to keep him sound."

"Seems like a good idea to me. Can you do the negotiations?" Ullar asks Xania.

Xania laughs. "I don't think you want me to do that. My people skills are not the greatest in the world. I would imagine I would just irritate them horribly. Not to mention I have no real idea of how much things should cost."

"I was merely viewing this from a learning-point of view. We can all improve our 'people skills' as you call them. Best to do that in a friendly surrounding," Ullar adds, with a BIG wink.

Xania shrugs, "I am not interested in improving them."

"Dakath is our man for this, I think. Or maybe Tag, he seems to have a gift with words," she continues.

"Tag? Do you feel up to it? Rhees seems quite capable as well. I don't like Forte to do it, before you know it we've lost a quarter of our gainings," Ullar says, laughing out loud and giving Forte a friendly slap on the back.

"Uh, live and learn," Forte says while shrugging his shoulders and then laughing at himself with Ullar.

"Si, senior it would be my pleasure. I was with my father when he would conduct many such negotiations. But, I suggest we keep the gold and gems out of sight, si. My father would say, Dove I flussi dell' oro liberamente, là I fiumi fanno funzionare l' anima (Translation: Where the gold flows freely, there the rivers run blood)."

"Oh, I'm sure Rhees would prefer to be in charge of it. Perhaps you should have just asked him first and saved us all a lot of bother," Xania replies, frowning.

"I think I'll go check on Dakath," she walks off.

Ullar stares at the chest, when the rest of the group is gathered. "Hmm...this is quite some wealth! And I think it's too much for us to carry. What if we keep the gems and fill our purses, reserve money for the sponsor tour with Petr so that they can buy us our needed supplies and donate the rest to Petr to use at the best of his abilities?."

"Are *we* keeping the gems, or are *you*--," here, Forte gestures at Ullar and Rhune who had eyed the olive-colored gem, "-keeping the gems? If so, I'd like to pocket a few extra gold pieces in compensation," Forte leans over to Ullar, "Are my negotiating skills improving?," he whispers, with a wink. Then, turning to Dakath, he asks, "What were those gems worth, again?"

"Hrmpf," Ullar mocks.. "...they are," he adds, with a big smile. "As far as I'm concerned 'they' are keeping the gems, but I have no doubt that in case of need they will cash them in or exchange them for us...don't you think so Rhune?"

"I think it's nothing but fair if he would give us supplies, oil for our lamps, food, blankets and grain for our horses and the mule in return. He can restock them with the money," Ullar continues.

"An excellent idea," agrees Forte. "So how much do we give them? If we all take 100 each, or more, that will leave, at best, only..." Forte pauses to count the party members. "1, 2, 3...5....9 people.... will that leave enough for supplies?"

"One 100 gold pieces.. I would think so," says Ullar, one eye closed while trying to figure out how much oil, food, blankets and grain should cost.

"But...what exactly do we need for other supplies. If they don't have them here in the camp they should buy them from the money we're providing them with," Forte responds.

"I could use some oil and cloth for maintaining my armor."

Actually, I'd much rather get another two-handed sword," says Forte sadly, "but I doubt Petr has any in stock."

"Another two-handed?" Ullar asks, while frowning a little. "Do you have one already or are you looking, jealously, at mine?" he says, on a friendly tone.

"Is yours for sale?," Forte asks, walking over to examine the sword. "Hey, Dakath, how much you think this sword is worth?!" he shouts. His face stays serious for only a moment before he starts smirking.

"This," Forte says gesturing at the sword strapped to his back, "is not what is technically called a two-handed sword. My favorite sword was a family heirloom. It broke in two when it oak tree," he finishes a little sheepishly. "Uh, it's a long story; I don't think I really have time to tell it," His eyes move quickly to the floor, and do not come back up for a while. Forte avoids eye contact with anyone, too embarrassed to relate the tale of the oh-so-dangerous oak tree which he had attempted to slay.

"However, I hope this money isn't counterfeit. Dakath, Rhune, do you have any experience with that," Ullar asks.

Dakath, having a bit of experience with counterfeiting, judges that the coins are real gold, though unstamped.

"I see that Rhune would like that olive stone. I think Dakath would like a stone as well, and who is going to carry the third? Xania? Do you like this white one?" says Ullar, with his everlasting charm to women.

Xania nods, "Can the chest be put on the mule?" As the group has already started divvying things up, she continues, "If not, lets count the coins and divide them, or divide them as best we can quickly. I would just like a share of the coins. I don't want to impose on your hospitality any further," Xania replies, perturbed.

"I'd like to get my hands on some of these gold coins, say about 100, so that I can buy me some armor when the opportunity arises. Anyone objecting to that?" Ullar speaks out.

As the group is cataloguing it's loot, Petr brings up the subject of the tapestry, "Since you all cannot carry such a thing around with you, what odds I might hang it in the hall until you can dispose of it? It is a glorious thing." He seems quite impressed.

Asif looks upon with a great deal of interest and hearing Petr he replies. "Yes a most beautiful piece of work it is too. It will surely brighten the place up."

Forte keeps his mouth shut, avoiding (at least this time) any unwise deals of which other party members may not approve.

"I don't see why not. It's not really coming in handy in our search for Stephan."

"Or is anyone really, really attached to it?," Ullar asks.

Xania comments, "Let's each take our share. Then, the ones who feel they need to buy the village's friendship, as if our blood wasn't enough, can donate their wealth to the village. And those of us who feel we've done enough, can buy food for ourselves and our mounts so we have use of them when we need them."

Ullar frowns at Xania's harsh words, at least, they appear harsh to him.

"Whatever..." is his closing comment.

Xania shrugs, "I don't really care. Take it all and give it to the damned village," she turns without taking anything from the chest. "I have a few coins left from when I left my father's house. Perhaps that will be enough to get me out of this place."

She walks off to find the head of the stables.

Forte glances at the rest of the group, then walks steadily but not quickly after Xania.

Catching up to her just before she reaches the stables, he tells her, "Xania, I hope to learn more about horsemanship from you. If you continue with us, that is."

"I honestly don't know, Forte. I feel I'm being reasonable but all I seem to do is irritate Rhune and Ullar with what I think are logical suggestions. I guess I don't have as much heart as they do, or, maybe, I think I should be rewarded fiscally for my pains. I just don't know."

"But I hate to be made a cold-hearted lout just because I want my share of some money I helped earn," Xania shrugs.

"Maybe I'll just go count the money. Then folks can take their shares or not and donate what they will."

"If they don't kill me or keep looking at me with those damned puppy dog eyes, and I can get some money for provisions for Noir, and maybe the rest of our mounts, I'll be going with you."

"I don't suppose you can teach me not to lose my temper?" Xania flashes Forte a dark look, "I get it from my father." Her mouth quirks in a smile that holds absolutely no mirth or joy.

"Uh, no, that would not be my strongest suit, either. I'm pretty relaxed, but when I blow my top, well, you might as well call me Versifies!" After pausing for a second, Forte says simply, "Let's go get our fair share of the treasure. Everything you have said seems reasonable to me. But remember," he says with a wink, "negotiating is not my strong suit either."

"I'd rather see us each carry a share than one person carry it for the group. Then, if something happens to that one person...well, it would seem we would be SOL, don't you think?" Xania adds.

"Well, as a poor person, at least currently, I would also like to hold on to my own money. And the rest of the party should like that. I mean, what if I was holding all the money and I negotiated it all away?" Forte jokes. "....and I don't know what SOL means, but I'm guessing it might mean something like 'up the creek without a paddle,' as my mother always says."

"I was being polite. I didn't want to make you blush," Xania says, smirking slightly.

Xania turns and walks back. She returns to face Ullar and Rhune, "Look, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I want to donate money that I've earned, it should be my choice, not yours. So what I'd prefer to do is count out my share of the money and take it. I think if you take a gem, then it should be counted toward the total monetary value of the treasure," Xania nods to Forte crediting him with that statement.

Asif exercising in the yard overhears this conversation. An audible click is heard as he sheaths his two sword upon his back. He walks over to his companions so deeply in debate.

"What ails thee all my friends. I sense some dispute. May I be of some help?."

Xania looks up at Asif in surprise, "No dispute. I am taking my share of the money. Counting it in front of the others so no one will think I steal more than my due. I believe Forte was also interested in having his share. I also suggested that those with gems have them taken out of their monetary share of the treasure and that those with magical items should likely pass on fresh magical items until all had some," Xania returns to her counting.

"Most certainly, Asif," Ullar replies. "We are having difficulties deciding what to do with our spoils of war. Xania proposes to divide it equally and then let those of us who have enough donate it to Petr and his clan, or sponsor some trade-route with it."

"I rather see that the money gets divided but that we still see it as 'group-fundings'."

"What are your ideas about this?" Ullar returns the question.

"As for the trade route or donating, I don't plan on doing either," Xania says, "Nor will Ullar have me donating my money without my say. As to the trade route, with a lout to run it, it would fail anyway."

Asif looks confused.

"I see no problem with that my friends. Why then all the raised voices. All morning all I have heard is the ebb and flow of of voices speaking as if into a void. Words spoken in haste with no attempt to listen to that spoken by others. This will not do, the path of fate we tread is a dangerous one, and if we fight amongst ourselves those who wish us to fail shall prevail. Fear not my good worker of Heka, appreciation is held for your gift. Each shall get an equal share, for as Aten is my judge I shall ensure it. Now COME let us find some place quiet and count that which is here.....We are after all, intelligent men and women not vultures fighting over a carcass."

Xania shakes her head angrily, "I'll count it here. Perhaps you should talk to Rhune. She and Ullar wish to give the money away to the village."

Asif stands still in the full force of Xania's anger and replies in a quiet conciliatory tone: "My poor women, what is this that eats away at your soul. If others feel charity to those more unfortunate to them, is that a crime? These villagers have suffered much, but at the same time they have offered us great hospitality. This all despite their great pain and anguish over lost ones. I am sure our friends intend not to give away all that we have bled so much to acquire. Do you not think the villagers deserve some small compensation for what they have done. We are after all Outlaws, by word of the Bishop. The villagers risk their lives by giving us sanctuary."

Xania looks at Asif carefully. "We risk our lives for them also. We strive to save their very lives, not to mention their livelihood. All of us have different agendas here, Asif. Mine is to never be dependent on a man for support again. And to keep what I earn. And to decide for myself where the money I earn goes. You may give your money as you choose, but do not attribute to me any mercies you might have. It is not a crime to give to charity. Unless you give what is not yours and force your charity on others. Can you understand that?"

"It is a problem not efendi. I force not my ways on others. As part of my religion we give 10% of what we earn to others less fortunate than ourselves. Alms to the poor and needy honors the truths spoken by the prophets. It is the way of all devout sons of Aten."

Ullar twists his head a little and stares at Asif. "Asif, my friend, thanks for your wise words. However, the discussion between Xania and me was if we should divide the money and then let the individual group members donate it to Petr and his clan or..." and the warrior clears his throat, "...divide only a certain amount of money/gems amongst ourselves, sponsor a trade-route so that we get our necessary supplies and other goodies and donate the rest to the clan to rebuild their home."

"But I think we have settled this," Ullar continues. "We have here 1000 GP and 3 gems, worth quite an amount of money. Let's just keep the gems for the party and divide the 1000 GP amongst ourselves. The ones who want Petr to buy him or her some supplies can contact him, the ones who want to keep it to themselves are free to do so and the ones who want to donate their money to the clan can do that also."

"That is good then Efendi that all is settled. Such unhappiness about such a trivial thing. This land of merchants amazes me at times. The preoccupation with coins. Do you place no value on family, friends and clan? I must say my purse is currently very light, and my share will be most welcome. But as a son of Aten, we believe in giving alms to those less fortunate. Give ten percent of my share to the village efendi. This investment in a trade route certainly is of interest to me as well. Tell me more about it," Asif speaks.

Xania smiles wryly. "Can one place value on that which one does not have or claim?" She speaks so softly, one would have to be very close to her, or have very sharp ears to hear what she said.

"Well.. if a group of people of this village would go to Arrizo to buy supplies for the camp, they can also buy us some. So, please, if you have any wishes regarding new equipment or something, say so, so that we can address it to Petr. I hope this clarifies things for you Asif," replies Ullar to Asif's question.

"Thank you efendi. Their is little I require at the moment, but I will certainly keep this in mind for when some fancy comes to my mind. Most of what is urgent I already have. Although thinking of it, I must talk with Dakath. I had made an arrangement with his brother to regain some personal possessions I left in a guest house in the city. It has been nearly a month now and I have heard little more of it. Excuse me my friend have you seen that strange fellow since breakfast. I have not."

Asif goes in search of Dakath to enquire about his missing brother.

"No, sorry, I haven't seen Dakath since yesterday. I'm wondering too what he is doing. He must be around here somewhere. Perhaps check with Xania, she probably knows where he is," says Ullar, grinning when mentioning Xania.

Next (on to Book Four)


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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 27 October 2000

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