"Well, let's put this little beauty away," Forte says, referring to the mace. "Since I can't use it either, I assume we'll sell it when we get the chance?" he asks, looking around at Rhune, Ullar, Dakath, and Xania. "Unless it's magic," he suddenly adds. "Then one of us may want to take up the mace as a weapon!" As they wait for Asif's horse to regain strength, Forte puts the mace securely in the bottom of his pack, repacking his meager possessions on top of it.
"I'll do a check later if anyone wishes, before we sleep," Xania adds.
"I'm curious.. that's for sure.," Ullar comments.
"Good idea. Thanks," says Forte. "Can that spell check more than one item? Someone mentioned their sword was supposed to be magic, but they weren't sure if it was or not."
"That would be me...again," says Ullar, a little shy now, since he is unsure whether Xania will check his sword after their argument, just a couple of minutes ago.
"It won't last very long, but if we put the items close together, it shouldn't be a problem," Xania nods, as if the argument never happened.
"Yes, and I think someone was asking me about an amulet too, if I'm not mistaken. Which wouldn't surprise me with all that's happened this day. Not every day do you get to defeat dark magicks," Xania says drowsily.
"Beats being defeated by them," responds Forte, smiling.
"Well, we wouldn't be having this conversation now most likely, if that had happened, Forte. Always look on the bright side," she grins sleepily.
"I think that was the amulet Asif took, the one which looks like a naked lady," says Taglio trying to be helpful.
"Ah, I couldn't remember who took what. I suppose we might want to check the gems we found also, though I doubt they're magical," Xania adds.
Rhees, who has been quiet for some time chimes in, "If you are able, Xania, you may also want to scan any items you have found as loot - magic is often curiously hidden. It may not be a bad idea to check any vials you had found. Also, I have been wondering, what if the influence of these mounds, and the magics within grow with the dark of night? I know we cannot travel far, but perhaps it would be wise to put a little distance between us and the tombs."
"I haven't found anything that could be magical," Xania replies.
Asif looks in Xania's direction unsure as to whether to approach the worker of Heka with the amulet, after all the angry words passed between them. Seeing Forte approaching Xania with his sword to be looked at, Asif calls to him to ask him a favor.
"Effendi may I ask thee a small favor. I have an amulet which I desire to be looked at by the worker of heka. But with all the angry words between her and I, I fear it may not be wise to speak while our tempers still boil within us. Could you ask her to check the properties of the amulet as she looks at your blade?"
Asif then removes from his robes and the small amulet he took as his share from the last treasure trove, and offers it to Forte.
"Please my friend!"
Xania, seeing Asif holding the amulet, calls to him, "Asif, was it you with the amulet then. I had forgotten. If you want it analyzed, bring it to me before we retire tonight. I'm going to cast a spell that will detect such things on anything we think might be magical."
She seems totally unaware of any angry words between them.
Asif looks to Xania his face puzzled by the transformation in the attitude of Xania. So belligerent a few moments before, now......! He shakes his head slowly and then says to Forte.
"Thank you Forte. Sorry to trouble you. It appears the storm has calmed. I shall take it to her now myself."
Asif then calls out to Xania.
"I thank you for that small service Xania. I shall bring it to you after we have eaten tonight."
"It is no problem, Asif," Xania replies.
Before Forte can respond to Asif, he sees Xania inquire about the amulet. "If you want me to take this to Xania, I will, but it seems as if there is no problem between you two - at least for the moment," he says with a small smile.
Asif smiles warmly at Forte's little joke and whispers:
"Even the greatest of storms must run out of wind efendi. Pray that this calm lasts a little longer, and the sand may finally have time to settle."
"Let's hope it is not just a mirage," Forte continues the joke, smiling.
Asif laughs loudly, the joke obviously releasing a lot of built up tension. "So true efendi, so true. This surely is a day I would much rather forget."
"Why don't we just leave now. I doubt that there is any way around the other circles and I for one don't want to meet any more shadows today," Rhune replies as she helps Asif with his horse.
"Well, I guess that might be for the best," Forte adds, sighing in fake disappointment, but secretly glad that he won't have to explore more tombs today, after all.
"We can always come back on the morrow," Xania adds. "After all, we really should put those things to rest. Can you imagine what it must be like to live permanently as unlife?" she shudders.
"I rather continue our quest for Stephen.. if it's all the same to you," responds Ullar.
"Can you live as unlife? Is that like being 'sort of pregnant'?" Forte muses.
Xania shudders again, "Not the 'p' word."
"Come now, Xania," despite his best efforts, Rhees can't help but smile, "Surely a pragmatic soul such as yourself doesn't believe in anything as abstract as a soul - that might lead to spirituality, which, after all, is the path to religion. And if there is no soul, then surely these unliving are merely magicked corpses - and to paraphrase you and the self-proclaimed grave-robbers, 'who cares what happens to a corpse!'."
"Ha Ha Ha," Tag roars with laughter. "I believe in Rhune's language they would say, Touché."
Xania looks at Rhees. "You have no clue, do you?," she begins.
"There are mages who dabble in the dark arts. They have found a way to call back to life one's spirit after death, so that one is forced to inhabit a moldering corpse and serve the mage. I have heard some priests can do this too. Surely there is some essence that enlivens our bodies. I just do not believe that it's the province of gods. Some spirits dissolve after death. Some become ghosts or other incorporeal beings. Some become enslaved to their dead corpses. I would rather be dead and gone than slave. Living or dead."
"I will leave this place if the others wish to go and are done here. I will not leave because you say so. No matter what you think, you are not our "leader". Nor have we any need of one. So you may stop with your bossy ways and go back to where you have come. You are skilled at coming in on the end of a battle, are you not? Where there is less risk."
"It is easy to tell others what to do, while experiencing none of their dangers. And easier still to disparage where one does not agree--after all, then you can make yourself look the big man, instead of the man with the small mind that seeks power over relative strangers," Xania turns from Rhees scornfully.
"Xania!" Rhees actually seems pleased at her reaction, "Why so upset - it is only words after all. But since I have no clue, perhaps you can explain to my small mind why when I make a suggestion it is an uninvited grab at leadership, and when you involve me in fighting off the undead which guard the tomb you wish to loot it is an exercise in free speech. Please use small words, barbarians like Asif and I might not understand otherwise," Rhees offers a crooked smile to Asif by way of apology.
The words wash over Asif like waves over a beach. Tired both mentally and physically he has little energy left for argument. He slowly leads his horse over to the others, feeding it an apple he has just taken from his small bag of provisions on his saddlebag.
"I'm not upset. You're not important enough for me to get upset at. And I have not involved you in the fighting of the undead. Nor have I told anyone else they must do this. Only you say things like, 'we must all...'. I simply state my opinion and any who wish to aid me may do so. Any who do not, should stay out of the way," Xania shrugs.
"Perhaps if you phrased your suggestions as suggestions, instead of as commands, I would take them as such," Xania adds.
"Do not place yourself and Asif in the same category. Asif has fought at my side. You have only sought to avoid danger," Xania smirks at Rhees.
"You have been trying to be leader since you met us. You have repeatedly said so and claimed we cannot make it without one. But we have done fine without you so far, and I'm sure we would do fine without you now. I have never claimed to be leader, just desire that my ideas not be twisted for other's uses and given at least token consideration."
"Are those words small enough?" Xania asks sweetly.
Rhees' smile is broken only by the occasional chuckle, "As all you say, Xania, very small, miniscule. Your smallness is outshone only by your single-minded determination to twist the world you see to suit your ignorance and fear. If you had looked at more than the treasure to be taken from that tomb you would have seen that I was fighting in there - for companions and not for loot or glory. If you listened to my words rather than heard some point to build your barbs around you would know that I invited alternatives to my opinions and always proposed someone else for leader, not myself. Oh Xania, it was a rare truth you spoke when you commented on your predictability to Ullar. Now I imagine you will make an icy little remark, turn your back, and pointedly speak to someone else, ignoring me...go ahead," With a smile Rhees waves her on.
Ullar stares in disbelief towards Rhees (can't imagine someone want to take it up with Xania again after the Xania-Ullar conversation).
He watches the whole scene with interest though, not revealing his emotions, at least, that is what he is trying.
Xania yawns, "Let me see. I only looked at the treasure. Hmmm. I suppose that's why I fought with a dagger and no armor to help my friends. Oh, I was only fighting for loot or glory. Hmmm. Wouldn't that imply that I run away at danger?"
"Alternatives. We do what you say or elect some leader--which we neither want or need--or you pretend to wit and try to make fun of us, unsuccessfully, I might add."
"Perhaps you should listen to your own words, hmmm? And maybe look at your own motivations. For I assure you, you have come nowhere close to mine. And, you seem to scorn wealth, yet you did not turn down a share of the loot for which you did nothing back in the caves. Oh, other than lie to Ullar about what went on there. You did do that."
"The fact is, we need money to survive. We all have our own uses for it. And I don't find it demeaning to want money, no matter what your petty little mind assigns to such motives. One thing I can say is that I've never run off from my companions when they've been in danger. Unlike you," Xania replies.
"Should I turn around now? You seem to wish to tell me what to do even now. Too bad I don't care what you do or say. Anything else, dear?" she asks, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
Tired from the fight of both the shadows and the ghouls, tired of the endless bickering back and forth, Rhune whirls on Rheese her purple eyes flashing darkly, "Shut up why don't you. Xania is right. You have done nothing but disparage us for our lack of a leader or for letting Dakath lead us. You offer suggestions and platitudes and yet when we could have used your abilities the most, to fight the undead, where were you? Out here supposedly looking after the horses. Now once again you do nothing but argue about souls and what constitutes unlife, instead of helping. And never call Asif a barbarian. He has more culture in his little finger than you do," she turns away from him suddenly embarrassed by her uncharacteristic outburst, "Asif, if we just walk him slowly he should be okay to travel a little ways shouldn't he?" she asks trying to calm her voice and herself in the process.
While he seemed energized by Xania's words, the elf's words clearly cut the Celt deeply, "I am sorry, I didn't realize that surviving the fight without a wound meant I wasn't involved - I shall endeavor to bleed more thoroughly next time. If Asif feels I have sullied his name then I will face the consequence of that insult. Otherwise, if everyone is willing, I will go and prepare camp some distance from here, the rest of you can rest, as well as Asif's horse, there are still some daylight hours remaining. With a camp waiting, you can delay departure if you wish."
"I was a little busy at the time to see you come back in after you left. If you did then I am sorry for the words. But I meant the others. You may not have proposed yourself as the leader, but you have done nothing but TELL us that we need a leader and that we shouldn't have a thief and con man, like Dakath as our leader, even though he has never taken on that position," Rhune replies looking over her shoulder at him, "And, I might add you are doing it again. You are leaving the party to perform some other task other than traveling with us. Why would we wish to delay departure? None of us, at least I don't think none of us, is any mood to attempt the other tombs this day. We could all leave and either return here tomorrow or go elsewhere."
Dakath had been quiet whilst the heated discussion had been going on, his eyes were firmly fixed on the closest of the two unexplored Mounds. At Rhune's outburst he turns around looking at her surprised. A smile plays across his lips as he turns back to his musing.
Dakath removes his pack and places it on his mount. He rubs his chin thoughtfully 'I wonder what's in that tomb' he thinks to himself. For the moment the debate amongst the others is forgotten as he feels a strange compulsion to enter the next mound.
He moves through the group looking for a torch or a lantern he can 'borrow' from one of the group members before leaving them to it, whilst he goes to get more riches.
Forte, eyes intently examining the dirt at his feet, offers to help Rhees, "I'll help set up camp," He then walks over to his horse, preparing to follow Rhees. Pausing briefly as he walks by Xania, he whispers with his best dead pan face, "Gotta make sure our fearless leader doesn't get into any more fights..." Not waiting to see if she reacts to his joke or not, Forte gets his trusty steed and approaches Rhees. "Well, which direction do you suggest for camp?"
Xania smiles wearily, "And who will do the same for me?" But she softens the words with a slight grin.
Dakath calls over his shoulder as he begins to prepare his 'little' expedition "I think I've been doing a pretty good job of it."
"What are you up to, Dakath?" Xania asks suspiciously. "Haven't you had enough for one day?" Her eyes dance though as she moves toward him.
Dakath stops in his tracks, "Erm I don't know what you're talking about? I was just stretching my legs," he turns around and grins. "There didn't seem to be anything here for me to do."
Xania raises one eyebrow and smiles slowly. Walking to his side, she adds, "Well, then, I had best accompany you, hadn't I?"
"Right, of course," he smiles at her and looks to the nearest mound. "We're getting too close to those other two unexplored mounds for my liking, we'd best stay away from them until tomorrow." He places an arm about her waist and steers her further away. "Perhaps you'd care to join me for a stroll once we have made camp?"
"That would be lovely. To tell you the truth, I've had my share of fighting shadows today. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better."
Dakath looks once more at the tomb he planned on looting alone before smiling at her and leading her to the group ready to make camp. He seemed genuinely looking forward to the prospect of some time alone with Xania. "I hate fighting things that should already be dead."
Seeing his gaze, Xania let's just a portion of her amusement show. In a very soft voice she murmurs, "Think about it, Dakath. If you had gone in the middle one alone, you'd be dead now. And, I might miss you," she lets her warm breath tickle his ear as she speaks softly.
Dakath chuckles, "Perhaps I'm being a little overzealous regarding this grave robbing role I so easily fall into?" he shuts his eyes for a moment as he feels her breath against his skin. He sighs slightly before opening his eyes "If I'd of died I would of come back to haunt you."
"I think I like you better without the rotting flesh," Xania smiles. "Let me do this magic detection stuff, then perhaps we can find a way to keep you from getting too bored."
Dakath grins at her "Ok, business first eh?"
"This time anyway," Xania replies, winking.
Later that night....
Rhune hands Xania her brooch she found when Marika disappeared and the necklace she found a long time ago when the elf first showed up... "Xania, when you do your detect magic, will you do these to items for me. I've had them for sometime and I don't know if they are magical or not," she asks the young mage.
Having gathered together all the items the party has that they consider might be magical, Xania wearily incants a spell to show the magical glow of enchanted items. Finished with it, the group is not surprised to see the newly acquired mace that Forte holds glows. Each of the various small vials the group has acquired dimly glows. All of the spell books that the group has (two for Xania and one for Taglio), along with the chain mail that Rhune wears glows as well. Dakath's dagger, passed from hand to hand to hand, glows. Ullar's sword glows, as does Rhune's, but interestingly enough, Xania is able to tell from some magical impulse that the magic on Rhune's is of an illusionary nature! Lastly, Rhune's blue tube glows as well, strongly, where the rest were all fairly weak. Sadly, none of the various gems and jewelry the group has gathered glows at all.
At discovering that her sword is not truly magical, Rhune sighs deeply...."Oh well, Mother had said to be careful of anyone selling magic items in a shop. Guess I didn't listen very well," she says with rueful smile as she sheaths the "magical long sword". She then goes to take care of her horse and to see if Asif needs anymore help with Desert Wind. "How is he, Asif?" she asks him when she draws near.
Asif looks up at Rhune's words.
"He is doing ok under the circumstances Rhune. As soon as we leave this foul place I am sure he will regain his strength quickly."
Placing her hand on his shoulder, "I am glad that he will recover soon, Asif," she replies her eyes sparkling at the news.