Don't Drink the Water!

The whole situation brings the warrior in doubt. His heart wants to follow Marika, his head warns him not to take too many obligations on his shoulder. Closing his eyes he thinks of Petr and his clan, hoping that the thought of them gives him the power to decide, for himself, what to do. After a minute or so, he reopens his eyes, but is still in doubt.

"Forte, Xania, Dakath, Asif, Amibar, Taglio and Kyo. What do you think we should do? Should we continue our search for Stephen and get back here later or should we start exploring what is making the lives of these elves miserable?" he asks, folding his arms for his body.

Kyo just stares at the man for a moment as if that was the dumbest question he had ever been asked.

"Efendi the path of fate the gods lay for us is indeed a strange one. One follows no path for no purpose. I be of mind that Stephen and the fate of these elves is inter-twined in some way. Following one may unravel the other. So my path of choice is that raft. Beyond it shall we find what we seek."

"Perhaps indeed we will find what we need to know at the center of lake. I just hope that whatever is causing the lake trouble is something we can handle," Rhune utters, feeling just a little better now.

"Gems are nice," murmurs Xania. "I would like to see if we can get any more specific information on what they're up against. No use in getting money if you're not alive to spend it."

Forte responds by saying, "First, I want to get out of the water. Then I want to go into that lake and find Marika. My goodness, how could I have NOT noticed it was her in the vision?!" He pauses, and then adds, "Who knows? Maybe the lake will give us a clue to that ruined tower where the goblins have Stephen..."

"That is right, you did say something about a woman in a boat. Perhaps it is Marika," Rhune utters excitedly. Then as he mentions the ruined tower, "Yes just maybe it will lead us to Stephan," she nods in agreement.

"Besides, given what happened to me in our last fight, I'd like as much help as we can get in the future," Forte adds.

Dakath listens silently to the tale that the spokesman tells, he stands silently next to Xania as he speaks, only moving once to re-sheath his dagger. Once the offer has been made Dakath turns to Xania.

"Well I'm free of my spirit friend and I now feel like a bath, nothing like having something roaming your mind to make you feel dirty." With that he strips and moves into the lake to bathe, ignoring the elf's plea for help, for the time being.

Xania looks at him strangely. "Well, if the rest of you are being corrupted, then I may as well try."

She strips with no sign of shyness, grabs the last of her soap, and goes to the lake and walks in. When it is deep enough, she swims around in long, lazy strokes, diving into the water and washing her hair as well as the rest of her.

Kyo's jaw moves up and down spasmodically as his one ally against the demons decided to leap into their well of vile enchantments. His jaw stops moving and remains open as he stares at Xania strip and splash about in the water.

As soon as Ullar notices that Xania is stripping herself of her clothes he turns around, a red color (re)appearing on his face. Slowly he walks away and sits down against a tree, facing the opposite direction.

Tag stares admiringly at Xania as she enters the water and notices the open mouth of Ullar. "Ah! she bewitches us again, mio amico. One minute the viper, the next a goddess, Si. Dakath is a lucky man!"

Dakath grins as she enters the water, "I'd almost forgotten how beautiful you are, I think we're due for more time alone."

"Can you swim, Dakath?" Xania asks playfully, eyes gleaming wickedly.

Dakath grins, "You know I can't," he says backing up slightly from where he was standing.

"Ah, what a shame, I guess it would not be fair for me to use my talents to your disadvantage," Xania murmurs, then disappears under the water.

A few seconds later, Dakath feels a tug on his feet as she pulls him under.

Xania makes sure not to pull him to an area where he cannot stand, however.

Dakath looks about himself for the surfacing of Xania before finding himself pulled under the water. Correctly, assuming it is her he doesn't panic merely enjoying the brief opportunity for play.

Xania and Dakath both find themselves vastly refreshed by the waters of the lake. Indeed, Dakath sees that Xania's great beauty becomes almost irresistible, and he briefly thanks the waters for concealing his physical reaction to her naked beauty. In fact, the men on the shore find themselves wanting to go in and have a closer look, almost unnaturally, as if her floating bosoms were exuding the siren's call upon them. As Dakath looks admiringly on her, he sees that the small scar upon her face, the one that brought her so much consternation, has vanished. Indeed, she has never looked so lovely, nor so sexually enticing. However, Xania notes that Dakath's eyes glaze over for a moment as if he is far away, though he quickly returns to the business at hand.

Xania feels the effects of the water and seems to stand taller, her skin almost glowing in the misty light of the lake. She glances at Dakath, then at the other men on the shore, her glance is most appraising and her eyes gleam darkly, the pupils almost covering the irises. Her lips curve up in a very seductive smile.

Then she turns back to the man nearest her.

Dakath moves over to her, "I never thought I'd bathe in the presence of perfection Xania."

She accepts his words like they are her due, and gazes at him intently, seeming pleased by looking at him.

With that his hand gently strokes the side of her face before he kisses her passionately and without shyness, his emotions ruling his actions.

Xania returns the kiss just as passionately. Privacy doesn't seem to be an issue as she lets the effects of the water dictate her actions.

Dakath, equally affected by the lake, responds with equal abandonment.

Once done bathing Dakath moves back onto the shores of the lake. "I'll journey to the center of the lake, even if it is just to repay you for saving my friend's life."

For a moment he looks at the elf, before a slow smile creeps across his mouth, "and I like the sound of being handsomely rewarded," he turns and grins at his friends, something like the old Dakath before his time at the tombs.

Tag dresses and stretches, then dances a jig on the shore. "It is a wondrous gift, si. I makes me feel like a song. Perhaps this isle is like the mystical island of Avalon, Si."

He breaks into song.

"To the island-valley of Avilion; Where falls not hail, or rain, or any snow, Nor ever wind blows loudly; but it lies Deep-meadowed, happy, fair with orchard lawns And bowery hollows crowned with summer sea, Where I will heal me of my grievous wound.

So said he, and the barge with oar and sail Moved from the brink, like some full-breasted swan That, fluting a wild carol ere her death, Ruffles her pure cold plume, and takes the flood With swarthy webs. Long stood Sir Bedivere Revolving many memories, till the hull Looked one black dot against the verge of dawn, And on the mere the wailing died away."

OOC: With apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson who won't be born for about 350 years, but from whom I stole this verse anyway (from 'The passing of Arthur').

"If this wondrous lake is being poisoned, then I think we should help. After we have rested of course. You are right Dakath, heroes we could be, and I could write a great ballad of heroic feats. Perhaps I could call it Ullar the gladiator and friends, si."

At the mention of his name Ullar starts to smile. It seems that Taglio has found his weak spot with his hero story.

"Yeah...that would be awesome. A song about me,," he adds, apologizing for the selfish thought.

Ullar addresses one of the elves. "It seems to me that you possess quite some strength in the field of magick. I think that, since most of our party agrees on helping you, this question should be asked as well."

Ullar pauses for a moment, hesitating a little before he continues.

"We have, in our possession, a blue tube. However, it is sealed by magick and we are unable to open it. I'm very curious about what is inside and, if you all agree," says Ullar, looking at the rest of the group, "...I'd like to see you try to open it."

"Rhune, can you hand it over?" Ullar asks the elven lady.

Rhune looks at Ullar with surprise, "Ah...I could but I would like to wait till I am a little more comfortable to do so," she utters to the big man.

"I'm just curious if they can help us any further on this matter," replies Ullar. "It seems to me that it can't be that much of a problem to show them the tube. Perhaps they know someone who can open it or perhaps they have the ability to open it themselves."

"When do you think you will be a little more comfortable to do so?" inquires Ullar, eyeing her intensely.

"Perhaps they can. As for when I would be more comfortable, when I am dry and warm and not quite so hungry," Rhune says with a smile.

Ullar smiles at Rhune. It is a warm and sincere smile, showing his appreciation for her being around.

"You are right, let's make some diner and a fire. I would like to warm up as well."

"Now that is something I would love to do," Rhune replies, her eyes twinkling.

Ignoring the bit about the tube, the elven spokesman is overjoyed that you have decided to help them. "You will not regret the act, and whatever destiny lies in your heart, the waters will help you achieve them." He pauses for a moment, "Rest here for the night. We shall ensure your safety and comfort, and when you rise, we will have crafted you transportation to the isle."

"Thank you. I hope that we can help you," Rhune replies as she looks up at Asif, wondering what the waters will help him achieve, as she knows some of the things of his heart.

You all look up to see that the sun has entirely departed from the sky while the hypnotic man spoke, and he vanishes into the darkness, where his companions seem to have already gone.

"It would seem that we are going to remain here for the evening," Rhune utters as she begins to sit up came. Soon she has a fire started and is warming herself by it.... "Perhaps some food will do us all some good as well," she says.

Tag prepares for the evening, studying further his book and practicing, cleaning and tuning his lute. He still feels fresh and renewed from the lake.

"Asif, you asked me about Dante, when we were in the tomb, si? I have remembered something which might be of interest to you. Dante wrote about Jerboha, but in his epic Purgatorio he mentions and honors a hero of your people, Saladin. All the more surprising since he was an enemy of Christendom?"

Asif's face opens into a wide smile.

"Ahhhhh Saladin, a general without par and the greatest and most wise of Sultans. This men is held high in the esteem of my people of the city of Amnara. Although he not of the faith of Aten, he accepted all as equals under his most wise and benevolent Sultanship. Christian, Mohamaden and those of the old faith of Ra, Aten, and so forth all were treated fairly and their beliefs respected. Indeed my father twenty years ago fought under his very banner at the battle of "Hattin." The battle which smashed the infidels of the one god "Jeborah," and sent them back across the sands like whipped dogs. Our land has been free since that very day. ATEN be praised, and his blessing be upon Saladin and all of his blood."

Asif suddenly looks embarrassed.

"Many apologies efendi, I mean no disrespect to any of your people who died there, but they where the invaders of our homes. Saladin the great protector of all did only that which was necessary.... Funny it be because of this battle that I speak your tongue. Our most gifted Senior Slave of our Household, was captured there by my father. He came from some place called Calais and was gifted with many languages. One of these being Italian. He be great friend as well as Tutor."

"No, do not apologize, mio amico, it is right that you speak of your country's great leader with pride. Indeed my people respected Saladin as a great man despite his faith. I remember the story of when he drove the crusaders finally from Jerusalem, he won the city without a single drop of blood being spilled, and let those of the faith go freely. Truly, a man of peace as well as war.

And you say your father served under him, why I was not aware that the great general was so long lived, truly a remarkable man.

I am afraid the crusades of my people were not always an honorable affair. Indeed my own city Venezia has much shame in this, but I am ashamed myself to speak of it, Si," Tag's turn to flush, embarrassed.

Dakath moves over to Xania and prepares to sleep next to her.

Xania realizes suddenly that she is exhausted. She moves her blankets over to Dakath's and uses his chest as a pillow, curling against him to sleep deeply.

He strokes her hair gently as she drifts off to sleep before falling asleep himself.

Preparing for camp, everyone in the group notes their extreme weariness. Deciding on a watch rotation quickly, all those not on first watch fall asleep with none of the usual banter or interaction. It is only upon waking that you note that the first watch never woke a second. Indeed, it appears that each of you slept right through the night. While pleased you were not bothered, you are displeased that something could put you in such danger.

Rhune wakes to find herself snuggled tightly against Asif. Smiling at him, "Good morning, love. It would seem that we have all slept through the night," she says to him, eyes sparkling.

Asif's eyes flutter open, his face calm, his body rested for the first time in days.

"Morning my love, what peace we have here. A night not tormented by evil dreams, and by those creatures of dreams who hide from Aten's light. I feel much strength this day. Pity is it that today one must travel again. Although a wandering people, we leave a cool peaceful oasis with regret. This is such a place. Soon I pray shall we find time away from our journey, even if it be for a short while. Then may we unsaddle our horses, let them eat of grass, cast down our weapons and armor for a time, and take simple pleasure in our surroundings and that which pleases our heart."

"As do I Asif, as do I. Though that may not be for a while yet," Rhune replies softly and with a deep sigh and for a moment a shadow crosses her sparkling purple eyes then it is gone.

Asif brushes the hair from Rhune's eyes, his own eyes too sparkling with unspoken desire. He then whispers.

"May that oasis be found soon my love. I tire much of the journey, and need rest."

Sighing at his touch, Rhune smiles at him.

He then kisses her passionately. To Rhune's sensitive ears alone, can Asif's beating heart be heard.

Rhune's arms go around the young man's shoulders as she leans into his kiss, returning his passion with her own. Asif's beating heart music to her ears as her slight body responds to his kiss.

As Dakath awakes he greets Xania with a warm smile before stretching. As he begins to prepare for the journey he turns to Xania, "I think the waters have healed your scar."

Xania smiles at Dakath. She remembers the day before, but does not blush. "Hmmmm. I take it back, I do like this lake." Her voice is almost a purr of satisfaction.

Dakath grins at her wickedly, "Perhaps we can visit it when we've got some spare time eh?" he winks at her before kissing her.

Xania returns the kiss, passionately, then reluctantly draws back. "One day," she lets her voice trail off in a sigh.

Dakath grins, "Although I must say recently my spare time has been severely limited," he puts an arm around her shoulder "Come on, it's time to do someone else's dirty business again."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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