Downed Sprites

Once Xania has cast her spell, Dakath gets up from his position on the floor of the raft. He brushes himself off and looks over Xania's shoulder at the unconscious fairies.

"Not very big are they? The World must seem awful large to them." He smiles at Xania, "What would we do without you?"

"Probably be a lot happier," Xania mutters, with a glance at Asif.

Dakath chuckles and places a hand on her shoulder, "Not all of us would be happy to see you go."

Xania slips out of the boat into the water, retrieving the floating bodies to ensure they don't drown. She brings them back to the raft and binds them, careful not to hurt their wings or injure them.

Rhune helps her with the faeries. "That was very good. I wonder why they are attacking? Usually they have never attacked my people before," she utters to Xania in a low whisper. "Perhaps this evil that threatens the lake also threatens them?"

"They may just be territorial. I hate to dissuade you, Rhune, but who knows if those demons on the shore told the truth. For all we know, they are the evil ones," Xania replies, staying in the water as she helps rescue the sprites before they drown.

"That may be, Xania. We will just have to find out for certain," Rhune replies as she takes a faerie and places it on the raft gently.

"Are those really faeries?" asks Ullar, never having seen a faerie before.

"Where do they come from? And what do they do, if not shooting arrows at peaceful people stepping by?" he adds, a bit sore.

Looking over at him, "From what I have heard they are normally peaceful except when they feel they are being threatened. As I mentioned to Xania the elves and faeries have usually been on peaceful relations so I do not know why they would continue to attack," Rhune replies. Turning to Asif, "Are you alright?" she ask anxiously.

"Well...they are easily threatened if you ask me," replies Ullar, not showing any understanding with his expression. "We were just floating towards the isle, doing nothing. Sounds like a real threat to me."

Ullar mocks, he hates it when he is in a situation he can't do anything in. Sometimes, the warrior is just a big child. Sometimes.

Asif removes the arrow from his leg and with gritted teeth stretches out across the water to grab one of the creatures floating in the water. Lifting one up to eye level, he gives it a little shake to wake it up. Obviously angry he demands answers.

"Now my little wind devil, wake up you little desert lice and tell me why you did that. We mean you no harm, and you send my helm deep into the lake. Aten forbid, I am no infidel either to be treated in such a way as this. I am no Mohamadian or son of Jebrodah. We are both of Aten, so why this horrible behavior?"

Getting no immediate response.

Asif glares at it with hawk like intensity, and taps it on the head with his forefinger, his voice now more friendly.

"Come now, wake up the game is up now. You are now mine poor half drowned little Djinnling. Be nice return my helmet to me and I shall set you free."

Ullar looks up at Asif in surprise. The strange-warrior keeps surprising him all the time. And now he is exchanging his helmet for the life of a 'Djinnling'?

"Ehm...Asif...what the hack is a Djinnling? It doesn't sound really appealing to me. Can you eat it? I doubt it," says Ullar, while shaking his head.

Xania shakes her head. "It is unconscious for now Asif and all your shouting can not change this. Do not damage it. It did not damage us, much. And there may be more of them. These are my prisoners, I forbid you to harm them."

She glares at the irate man. "Like it could even carry your helmet."

Slipping over to Asif after helping Xania, "Asif, please don't do that. He may not understand your words. And he is not this Djinnling you speak of but a faerie.... There is another name for them but it escapes me at the moment. As for your helm, I am sorry about that," she says with concern in her voice both for him and the little faerie he holds.

"I will not hurt this wind spirit Rhune, fear not. My anger is gone now. Just wish to point out the error of its ways. I am trained in Falconry my love, I am used to handling small creatures without harming them."

"Then please put him down," she replies with a smile.

"Asif, put down the faerie," Xania repeats. "If you do, I'll try and find your silly helmet."

Asif holding the creature carefully but tightly looks around at Xania's words.

"What you know of these? By Aten this is a Djinnling for certain. Elemental sprits are very annoying creatures in my homeland. This surely be one of the air. They be born thieves, and makers of great mischief. Men called Sha'ir who specialize in the heka of the Gene are able to capture these spirits and bind them to items of magic. In Amnara a great price can be had for such things. This little friend here, should be shown the error of his ways. I will not hurt him, but my helmet shall be returned. In return I shall relinquish the fortune I could make from his sale."

"ASIF! You will not sell them! They are not djinnlings. To sell them would be wrong. Now please put him down gently," Rhune says to him in a tone that she has never used with him before, one of annoyance, her purple eyes glittering brightly as well.

Xania responds to Asif, "I know this. You have taken MY prisoner and are holding it against my wishes. Unless you wish me to use my powers on you, you will put it down. You are not in your land now. And you know as little of these things as I do. Save that they only sought to make us sleep, not kill us. So put down the faerie."

Xania reaches for her pack, clearly ready to make good her threat to color spray the annoying Arab.

"Asif, please do as Xania says. She is right. They are her prisoners," Rhune urges her love, her voice going back to its usual calm one.

"As I said efendi, I shall not hurt this creature. Surely you believe my words? If truth be know I probably have more skill in handling them than you. They are small and not unlike baby falcons in size. I have been handling birds since I was six. So let us put aside our angry words Xania. You have my word that this Wind spirit will not come to harm. I think you know me well enough to know that my word is my bond. I wish only to converse with it, when it awakes."

"So do we all. I merely state that it is my prisoner and not yours, Asif. I find it rude in the extreme that you let me capture it, then while I am trying to save its brethren, you take it and begin to shake it and question it about your helm. If you had captured something and I had treated it so, ask yourself how you would feel," Xania says angrily in a low voice.

"I realize you think yourself better at all things than I, but I do not wish you to manhandle MY prisoner for all your acclaimed skill. Please, I ask you politely, put MY prisoner down. When you capture something, I will allow you to question it in any manner you see fit. Agreed?"

Xania is clearly not mollified by Asif's speech.

Asif bites his tongue and then replies: "I wish no more bad blood between us Efendi. If it will still your tongue and bring peace, take responsibility for the prisoner as you wish. But the return of my turban would be much appreciated."

Asif, craving peace, places the wind spirit gently down upon the deck of the raft beside its companions and limps over to the other corner of the raft and sits down.

"Thank you. If it is at all possible, I will try to retrieve it for you. I doubt these things can lift it," Xania replies.

"Many thanks. Although by what means they removed it in the first place, is a mystery to me. Something else is at work here I think. I know not what."

"Asif," Ullar addresses to the helmless man. "Can you explain me something else about these creatures? You said that they are known for stealing, but how can they lift anything with their tiny bodies. Not even a golden Florin can be carried by those little wings."

"The story I was told about faeries is that they live on so called elven-banks; some sort of plant. I don't have any expertise in that area, but perhaps you have."

"Ah but the little desert lice manage Efendi. Wealth is not their interest, but mischief itself. They pull the tails of horses, throw dust in their noses, open water bottles, untie sashes, reins and boots, tangle ropes, put thorns under saddles and mix sand into bags of salt. All manner of mischief comes at their hands. Only the Shai'r can control the little devils. It is a pity efendi that I in having one of the blighters in my hand could not teach them the error of there ways."

"Whoah..." is Ullar's first reaction. "Pesky little creatures indeed, if these are the same as the ones from your land. Rhune, Xania, does 'our' faeries do the same?"

"They have been known for some mischief but I don't think they are the same as what Asif is talking about," Rhune replies to Ullar.

"I've never seen or heard of them before," Xania replies.

"So this is your first experience with faeries as well," asks Ullar, now uncertain about Xania's motives.

"Then how do you know that binding them doesn't incapacitates them further than necessary?" he asks with a semi-intelligent look in his eyes.

"Nah...forget that question. You were right in binding them and I need to act a little more mature. Please accept my apologies," he says, on a sincere tone, looking Xania right in the eyes.

Xania starts to reply, then just shakes her head, "Whatever," she says.

After Asif returns his victim to Xania, Forte turns to the magess and asks, "Is the one I shot there? Just curious if it survived and your spell made it sleep...or it just went away."

Xania checks to see if any of the little critters is wounded.

Rhune slips over with him after making sure the little faeries are alright. Putting her arm around him, she snuggles against him, "Thank you for putting him down, Asif," she whispers to him softly.

"No harm did I mean, Rhune, for did not I rescue it from the water? All I wanted to do was speak to the wind spirit and teach it the error of its ways. It is rare that one not talented in Heka is able to handle such a creature. Call it I suppose on my behalf a childish fantasy. Funny being brought up on the great tales of the Djinn I always wanted to own such a creature of legend. Such a creature would be a great pet."

"Oh my Asif, it is a creature not to be owned. I know not what these djinnlings you speak of are, but these are not them. They are faeries. I can not remember if they are sprites or pixies as I have never seen one only heard about them," she explains to the young man.

Asif sighs and looks over to the still forms of the wind spirits. Quietly he whispers to Rhune.

"I know not why Xania is so upset. The ways of this land are mysterious to me."

Looking over at Xania, Rhune lowers her voice to a whisper so that Xania can't hear, "I think it is because she was finally able to do something on her own with just her magic. Her magic is important to her. Just let her be for a bit and she will be fine."

"Yes my love, I wish not to fall foul of her angry tongue. I much prefer peace."

After listening to Asif's reply, Ullar continues 'rattling' on about their safety.

"I don't like being a sitting duck and getting shot at. If we have to dodge another attack from those Djinnlings or Faeries, I don't like to be stung to sleep. Are there people with blankets in their backpacks? Perhaps those can be used to hide behind."

"Yes I have a blanket and a cloak. Perhaps that would work, Ullar," Rhune replies to the big man.

"Good!" calls out the large warrior. "If you can keep them ready for a possible next attack, I'll do the same," he says.

"And since we're busy now, did anybody else felt a strange sensation when entering the water. I know Xania and Forte did; the closing of his wounds was obvious, but I'm curious if anybody else 'felt' something."

Curious about the little creatures, Ullar moves over to Xania's position on the raft and starts examining the Faeries, making sure not to touch them. He peers at Xania (with cute doggy eyes) as to ask for permission to touch them.

"Never seen one before," he mutters under his breath.

"Remember, I think they're people. Would you like someone touching you when you are helpless and bound? Just because they're curious?" Xania asks. "I just want them to stop attacking us, and see if they can give us any information about Marika. The nicer we are, the more likely that is to happen."

"Well," Ullar replies, "I like to be gently stroked. Can I stroke them then?" he says, again showing his puppy eyes (deep blue in color, so that makes it somewhat harder).

"I think let's just let them wake up on their own," Xania says.

Ullar sighs, pretends he understand, but deep, deep inside he feels really disappointed.

"They look so cute," he murmurs to himself.

Then he asks Rhune, who seems to have some understanding of these cute little creatures, something: "Do you think it is safe to touch them Rhune?" Now the elven lady gets the cute little doggy eyes, looking up at her.

Rhune smiles at the big man, her own deep purple eyes glittering and swirling like twin amethysts.... "No I don't think so Ullar. They may not bother you, but Xania would," she whispers to him.

Xania rolls her eyes. "I think Ullar is into some things we aren't. Don't touch the sprites, Ullar."

Xania's tone is one that one would use with a small child.

Ullar's eyes doesn't show any kinky pretensions as Xania, with her 'arousing' thoughts might expect.

"Into something?" Ullar asks, with a sincere questioning look. "What do you mean? I just have never seen those creatures before, and I'm curious what they feel like. I'll be careful, I promise."

"Nope," Xania replies, shaking her head. "Leave 'em alone."

"Nag...nag...nag," he adds, moving over to Rhune. However, he sees Asif sitting next to her and moves over once more, this time towards Amibar and his pet.

"Yeah.. I suppose you are right. Jeez...she is really possessive about them. Really proud she established something with that color-thingy of hers. Well...I'll keep this in mind," says the warrior, still mocking as a little kid.

"Or it could just be that I feel all individuals are worthy of respect and not to be treated as toys while they are sleeping," Xania remarks, dryly.

Ullar sighs, and gives Xania a 'nagging' look, raising his right nostril a little. However, the warrior has to admit, deep inside, that the magess is right, but he is too proud to admit it, yet...

"Though I'll hold my spell next time and let you handle it," she adds.

"My oh my...we are easily annoyed, aren't we?" replies Ullar, a bit pissed that Xania was overhearing the conversation he had with Rhune. "You have good ears, I'll have to admit that," he adds, keeping it in mind that he has to pay more attention to his words next time he start 'gossiping' in the group.

"Nope, I just figured you must have a better solution than my humble magicks," Xania replies with a smirk.

Tag laughs at the antics of the others.

"Rhune can you talk to the captured creatures? Perhaps they can explain this mystery of why they attack perfect strangers." He sheaths his sword.

"When one becomes conscious I will try to do so, Taglio," Rhune replies as she slips next to Asif.

Gradually, the small creatures wake from their spell-induced state. As Xania has bound them gently but firmly, they cannot escape, though they vanish almost immediately after they awake. Briefly shocked, the fact that the binds remain in place, alerts the group to the fact that they are still present. A few moments later, one of the things reappears and begins to chat away at Xania in a high sing-song tongue. She cannot make heads or tails of it. Rhune comes closer and the language is closer to elven, but she cannot understand it either. Attempting to converse with it in elvish, she has more luck.

The sprite looks at her. "Release us and we promise not to attack you again," it says this in very clipped and speedy elvish, unlike the manner of such creatures that Rhune has heard before. It looks with some hostility toward Xania, which is quickly muted.

Forte turns to Rhune and asks, "What did they say? Are they gonna kill us?"

Looking up toward Xania as well, "I will ask her. I will translate as you talk to me. Tell me why you attacked us," Rhune asks the little sprite. She then listens to the sprite's words translating as she does.

Upon further questioning, it responds, "The woman told us you would be coming, and she said we were in danger." It shakes it's tiny head dubiously, "She had no idea. You will have no further trouble from my people. We may go now?"

"What woman? We are missing a woman from our party. Those on the shore said that she came this way. Do you know what happened to her?" Rhune asks in a flurry of questions wondering if they are talking about Marika.

Upon further questioning about the woman, it laughingly replies, "She is of your kind, so you know better than I. We only know that she told us you would be coming, and that your coming presaged destruction for all that we know."

Rhune's eyebrows go up before she translates this last part to the group. "Why would she tell you that? We mean you no harm. We have been asked by those that live by the lake to see what is causing the lake harm. And what about Asif's helmet, can you get it?" she asks them.

When asked about Asif's helmet, it replies, "That is surely at the bottom of the lake. One of my kin cannot retrieve it, as the water does not permit. In any case, we have no strength in the water, and could not lift it. You may if you wish, do so yourself." At this his expression changes, almost to curiosity, before it's former slightly hostile expression returns.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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