As the warriors begin dropping like flies, Xania struggles to overcome her reluctance to be in the dark room. She begins to climb back down the ladder, planning to try and drag the wounded ones out of the way.
Seeing the dire straits that the others are in Rhune watches helpless from the top of the ladder. Then seeing Asif fall to the ground she turns on Xania, "YOU! made me leave...I could have helped him...but you made me leave.... You can't stand to see anyone be happy can you? You can't have him so you want us apart. If you can't do that by killing me you let him die," she utters through tear filled eyes that seem to contact much hatred for the young mage...pulling out her dagger Rhune launches herself at the young mage and proceeds to attack her.... Xania knows that Rhune appears to be trying to kill her... "I won't let you separate us. You can't have have made me leave him," she utters as she attacks her. " mine.....not made me leave him," she continues to utter.
Xania looks toward Rhune as she begins her mad ravings, just in time to see the attack coming. Ducking out of the way, Rhune trips on the ladder and is sent sprawling.
Rhune comes up from her sprawl to continue her attack on the young mage, her tearing eyes wild with grief and madness, "I didn't...want...leave....
Can't........won'," she utters through clenched teeth as she makes a swipe at Xania with her dagger.
Xania prepares to color spray Rhune, "Kyo is right--you are a demon."
"Demon!....I am are.....the demon........a..a.....want me dead.....all of you want me dead.....just because I happen to be in love with.....Asif...."
"I wouldn't want Asif if you paid me," Xania snorts hoping her spell will take effect and shut the demon up.
And indeed it does, as Rhune falls stunned to the ground, her face still wracked with pain and hatred. Xania does not hear any more combat going on below. She can hear several of the men clamoring for help.
Rhune collapses to the floor as Xania's spell takes effect, her dagger clattering to the floor. Stunned, Rhune can do nothing but lie there blinking rapidly as colored spots abound before her eyes.
Xania thinks strongly about finishing the psychopathic elf off, then sighs and takes Rhune's rope from her pack and ties her up as quickly as possible. "If you cause someone's death because I didn't kill you," Xania whispers, "I will kill you later."
She then rushes back toward the ladder.
Stunned, Rhune can do nothing as Xania ties her up.
The moment Xania departs after having tied Rhune up, she feels the bonds loosening. Looking down, she sees them parting of their own volition, severed sharply. Suddenly one of the figures from the boat attack appears and whispers in Elvish, "Come with me. Our mistress demands it." Rhune feels the force that has controlled her urging her to obey. She feels no revulsion at the small creatures that attacked earlier. Indeed, she feels a sense of brotherhood with her elfkin.
Nodding agreement, Rhune quietly picks up her dagger and follows the elfkin. She looks back once then turns and leans over to whisper very softly in his ear, "Will Asif be alright?"
The pixie looks at her curiously, "Which one is that? And who cares about the humans? They will all be dead soon. Our mistress will see to that."
The pixie leads Rhune outside, where she sees faint distortions about her head, as if dozens of the creatures are flitting about invisibly. Then a boulder comes rolling along of it's own volition, apparently, and rolls right up to the archway leading into the marble building. It locks the others inside neatly.
A few moments later, Rhune hears a familiar, but long unheard voice. Walking toward her is Marika! She does not feel the contempt she has felt for the others, but feels quite comfortable with the half-elf. Marika has an evil grin on her face. "It is our duty to ensure that none of them emerges alive." Seeing Rhune's concern. "Oh, if you need to keep your barbarian plaything, I shall try to ensure he does not perish. However, he may not leave this island until he embraces the mirror. Do not be afraid. Even the humans do, after convincing. Those were human skeletons, after all!" She laughs harshly at her own joke.
"As you can see, we have created the illusion that they are trapped. They will believe it and thus they are trapped. However..." Marika walks toward the boulder and sticks her hand inside it, "The boulder is only as real as the mind says it is," she smiles. "We must wait for them to go down, and we shall follow them," she looks at Rhune intently. "The woman is your responsibility. She is the most dangerous to us, and the weakest. You missed your opportunity. You mustn't miss again."
She nods at Rhune, "Do you have anything to say before we head in?"
Rhune smiles as she sees Marika, "I am glad that you are alive, my friend. I have missed you terribly.....And yes I want to keep Asif alive, please. I know that it sounds silly and all but I do have a soft spot for him...." she replies to her.... Then getting a frown on her face, "Why is it our duty to make sure that they are dead? I mean other than the fact that they are human and want us dead?" she asks, puzzled.
Marika seems curiously detached from the reunion. "You have not yet begun to understand your position in the scheme of things. Your eyes have merely been opened to the betrayal that lies within the humans toward all elfkind, and that which lies between men and women who threaten their position by acquiring power. Is it not true that the men have often shunted you aside to pursue their own aims? And you have not been treated with equal authority? Of course you haven't."
"Yes that is true. Dakath is forever trying to impress Xania with his skills. And all but Asif never seem to pay any attention to me or what I have to say," she nods in agreement. "What will happen to them?" she gestures towards temple.
Marika sighs, "Those who are within will be killed most likely by what lies there. However, it is paramount that they not destroy the object which has enlightened our spirits to the foulness of others. It rests at the bottom of that building. When the time is right, I shall guide you into it and your role in life will be revealed to you. That time is not now, though. First we must eliminate your partners."
An evil glint comes Rhune sparkling purple eyes, "Yes that is true, we must do that. But perhaps we can save Asif and not kill him right away. There is something I want to do first," she replies with a chuckle.
Marika chuckles, curiously without emotion. It is quite a disturbing sound, "You may do as you wish with him. As long as he does not leave the island."
Marika directs Rhune to discard her armor, "Follow me." She then heads through the boulder and into the primary chamber. She walks with utter silence as you have not seen her before. Once there, she raises her hands up and both of you vanish from sight. You feel the tug of an icy cold hand dragging you toward the ladder.
Taking off her armor, Rhune follows Marika walking just as quietly as the young woman. Rhune marvels that Marika can walk that quietly as she had not known that the young woman could. Unable to resist and not truly wanting to Rhune heads for the ladder and begins to go down it.
To Rhune's memory, Marika never had such a skill. Indeed, she has changed significantly since Rhune last saw her. Looking down the ladder, Rhune sees that the party is still below. Marika puts her finger to her lips and stand patiently next to the hole.